Blaupunkt Vw 1200, VPw 1200 Pro, Vw 1500, Vb 1000, VPc 662 Pro Brochure & Specs

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Blaupunkt Postfach 777777 D-31132 Hildesheim Hotline +49-180/5000225 Telefax +49-5121/494154
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Big bass in any case.
04 | 13 Velocity Speakers 14 | 15 Velocity Amplifi ers 16 | 19 TH Speakers 20 | 27 THA-PnP Amplifi ers 28 | 31 GT Speakers 32 | 33 GTA Amplifi ers 34 | 37 EM Speakers 38 | 39 EMA Amplifi ers 40 | 41 Logo explanation 42 | 49 Everything at a g lance | Technical Specifi cations 50 | 51 Car Navigation | Ca r Radio
The bass makes
the music; you’ll really feel
it. The Blaupun kt sound systems
put rich sound into any v ehicle. All
the components are matched with one another – designe d to deliver maximum performance. The amplifi ers op erate like turbo chargers, th e subwoofers
like racing engines, and you are the
sound pilot sitting i n the cock-
pit. So, just sit bac k and
enjoy bass power at
its best.
Perfect sou nd quality has a na me: Velocity. The sub ­woofer, component and coa xial systems wit h the triangular emblem guarantee music enjoyment of the highest quality. Ma de for anyone who is unwilling to compromise and alwa ys looking for per fection. If you want a concert s tage on wheel s, the Velocity sp eaker systems will get you where yo u want to go.
Optimal fl exibility – all Velocity s ubwoofers have an impe dance of 2 x 2 ohms to offer a wid e range of connecti on confi gurations.
4000 W
Optimized to highest powe r handling capacit y and maximum
sound quality
Solid aluminum die-c ast baskets for all V Pw and VPc systems 2 x 2-ohm voice coils in all subw oofers
3-ohm impedance in al l coaxial and comp onent systems –
co axes up to 30 % more power out of the a mp
Separate steep freque ncy crossovers for a ll VPc, Vc and
Vx systems
Voice coils wired in parallel = 1 ohm
Voice coils wired in series = 4 ohms
One voice coil per amplifi er = 2 x 2 ohms
Sound that will let you take off – the Velocity speakers.
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That’s a 12 on the Richter sca le – this subwoofer not only gets any vehicl e rocking, it also m akes the deep bass sound a thing t hat all your senses will enjoy.
VPw 1200 Pro
Vw 800 Vw 1000
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Something for ever yone – the Velocity subwoofers in the Vanta ge Series are available in four dif ferent sizes from 200 mm to 380 mm in diameter. All of them have been optim ized for use in sealed or bass-refl ex enclosures.
Vw Vantage subwoofers
Vw 1200 Vw 1500
Cutting the corners off the box – the Vb 1000 subwoofer.
1600 W
2x 250
The protecti ve rods of the subwoofers an d the logo can be illuminated.
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Enclosed subwoofe rs in a new dimension – the Velocity Vb subwoofers are pr oof positive of the fact that a box doesn’t always have to h ave four corners.
Vb 1000
A legend in thei r own time – experts r ate VPc tweeters amo ng the best in the wo rld.
Heavy met al – the complex frequency crossover in the VPc syste ms is built into a solid aluminum enclosure. Nice to look at an d impossible to destroy.
VPc component system tweeter
Acoustically optimized dispersing lens
For perfect r adiation behavio r
Highly damping Tetron fabric cone
For silky smooth h igh-frequenc y reproduction
No ferrofl uid used in the air gap
For perfect microdynamics
Dual symmetrical neodymium magnet system
For ultrahigh sensitivity and minimal total harmonic distortion
Pole piece borehole
For avoiding comp ression effect s
Coupling volume fi lled with insulation
For deep resonance frequency
Rotary mount chassis
For optimal orie ntation to the listen ing location
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The reference of sound: High-end reproduction is the result of years of exp erience, be st materials and excellent workmanship. Vel ocity Pro makes all your sound dreams com e true. All of the co mponents of these speakers we re optimized to create a uniqu e listening experience.
VPc 662 Pro
130 %
100 %
4-ohm speakers
3-ohm speakers
er power in %
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No room in your car for separate tweeters and woo­fers? No pr oblem – the Velocit y coaxial syste ms offer everything fo r optimal sound qualit y that you would otherwise only ex pect of component systems.
Vx 662
A separate, pa rticularly com pact 12 dB frequency c rossover provides f or precise sepa ration between t weeters and woofers in all th e coaxial systems .
It’s all about the imp edance. All the Velocity coa xial and component syste ms have an impedan ce of 3 ohms. The advantage: You c an get up to 30 % more power out of your amplifi er compared to conventional 4-ohm systems. And don’t worr y – there won’t be any problems, even if the system is conne cted directly to the car radi o!
Superior sound, elegance and acoustics that will blow you away: The best thi ng about the compon ents systems in the Vc Seri es is not their black carbon lo ok. They also shine with a mult itude of other elabo rate details. And anyon e who thinks that top-quality soun d has to cost a lot will be ple asantly surpr ised by this series.
Vc 542
3000 W
The direct lin e – the Velocity amplifi ers are also e quipped with Blaupunkt’s unique “Direct Aux input”. Which means that you can con nect such portabl e devices as MP3 pl ayers, iPods or navig ation systems to the audio syst ems you have without an Aux i nput.
Perfect so und doesn’t come from nothing – a lo ok into the interior of t he VPA amplifi er shows you where b rilliance begins.
Would you care fo r a second helping of powe r? The “link function” let s you have it, connectin g two VPA 1500 Pro amplifi ers to create on e powerhouse . The result: up to 5000 w atts at 1 ohm!
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This giant will drive any su bwoofer to its limits. Thanks to its uncompromising 1-ohm stability, it delivers up to 1.5 kW of continuous power or 3 kW of maximum power. And if that’s not enough, yo u can also connec t two of these amps to vir tually quadruple your power.
Listening to music is goo d, feeling it is a lot better. The ideal pre-requisites are provided by amplifi ers with great power rese rves that do n’t give up even when the going gets tough . The amplifi ers in the Velocity series are able to meet even the most demanding requirements. With no compromises. Excellent sound and top-rate wo rkmanship were co mbined to create a unique work of art wi th a rich feature package.
Uncompromising design for highest sound quality VPA 1500 Pro 1-ohm stable , all other output sta ges
2-ohm stable
Cable remote control for B assBoost inclu ded with all
V PA 2140 Pro and VPA 1500 P ro
Direct Aux-In (except VPA 15 00 Pro) High-level input for VA 275 an d VA 475
The Velocity-Pro amplifi ers a re available in three diffe­rent versions: 1-channel, 2/1-channel and 4/3/2-chan­nel systems. The Velocity-Vantage amplifi ers come in two different versions: 2/1-channel and 4/3/2-channel systems.
Technical specifi cations, s ee Page 44.
VPA 1500 Pro
Power that knows no limits: the Velocity amplifiers.
First-clas s sound doesn’t have to be expen sive – the VA amplifi ers offer outstan ding performance and a un ique range of features at an affordable price. Coupled with elegant looks in titanium silver and stylish black.
VA 475
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