Thank you for purchasing Pittasoft's BlackVue. This product is a video event
data recorder ( VEDR) for vehicles.
Please read the User's Manual carefully before using the BlackVue.
Pitt as of t is p lan ni ng to s up ple me nt i ts produ ct a nd add ne w feat ures via
firmware on a constant basis. All information and specifications in this manual
are subject to change without a prior notice.
Screens and pictures of the User's Manual may be different from the actual obje ct.
Descriptions of Symbols Used in the Manual
Symbo l NameDescr iptio n
Cases where the d evice fails to wor k prope rly or its settings are
TipAdditional note s that are h elpful in working the device
Warranty and Disclaimer
We shall take no responsibility for accidental damage, injuries and other losses
caused by improper use of the product.
This product is a video event data recorder for vehicles but does not guarantee
tha t all a cc idents wil l b e reco rd ed. T hi s devi ce may fail to record a mino r
accide nt caused by too light an impact to trigger the impact sensor.
This product creates a record of video to help determine what happened before,
during and after the crash or event.
Pittasoft Co. shall not take any responsibilit y for damages (property, business
and/or indirect damages).
BlackVue_Eng_0726.indd 22012-07-26 �� 4:00:45
Safety Instructions
This manual is about what should be done to protect the user's safety and
prevent property damage.
Please make sure to read it thoroughly before using the product.
Do not disassemble, repair and /or alter the product.
This may cause a fire, an electric shock and/or malfunction. Contact the service
center if you need to have the product fixed. User may not be entitled to fre e
service if and when product malfunction is caused by user's fault.
Do not spray water on each parts of the product when cleaning it . Make
sure not to wet the product.
This may cause a fire, an electric shock and/or malfunction.
Do not spray a cleansing agent on the surface of the product.
This ma y caus e disc oloration an d/or cr acks o n the s ur f ac e and resu lt in
Do not give the product a shock, and make sure forei gn matte r does not
enter the product.
This may re sult in malfunction.
Do not operate the product while driving.
This may cause a traf fic accident because it distracts you from keeping your
eyes on the road. Use af ter stopping/parking your car in a safe place.
Do not install the product in a location where it may interrupt a safe driving
or block your view while driving.
This may cause a traffic accident.
Excessively dark tinting on the windshield may make recorded images look
blurr y or distorted.
The optimum tem peratur e for picture quality rang es from 0 to 50 °C. The
picture quality may var y according to seasons, especially in midsummer or
winter season.
Thi s p ro duct is fitted with a camera. Drastic ch an ge s i n brightne ss (on
entry/exit of tunnels), strong backlight in the daytime, and no light source at
midnight may result in defective recorded images.
If power supply to the device is interrupted by a crash or accident, it may
cause video not to be recorded.
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Safety Instructions
Cautions for GPS Usage GPS models Only
Poor GPS reception will not affect video recording.
It will only lead to a failure to record a vehicle's coordinates and spee d.
Plea se maintain the optimum temperature, which ranges 0 to 50 º C from for
proper working of GPS. GPS reception may get unstable or its connection time
may be delayed in the midsummer or wintertime.
When you use the pr od uc t for the first time or you ha ve not used it fo r a n
extended period of time (over 3 days), it may take some time for GPS to identify
the current location. (at least 1 to 5 minutes)
Instal l the p rod uc t avoid ing th e fo llowi ng instances w here G PS receptio n is
interrupted, and check the GPS reception.
yAn instance where an object in put on top of GPS
yAn instance where the windshield is ti nted with metall ic substance s
yAn instance wh ere devices producing RF radiation interru pting GPS signa ls are installed
in a car (certai n models of remote car alarms and MP3/CD players)
yAn instance where another device usi ng GPS is used
yAn instance where it is dark and overcast
yAn instan ce where GPS is used under an overpass; in a tunnel, under pass, underground
parking lot, and an a rea co ncen trated w ith large buildin gs; and near a p ower station,
barracks, and broadcast relay station
Cautions for BlackVue Installation
Instal ling or op erating the d evice whi le drivi ng may cause an acc ident. Pleas e
install or operate the device after stopping/parking your car in a safe place.
If th e ciga ret te lighter re ceptacle emits fumes or a fu nny smell, sto p usin g th e
product immediately and contact us or our dealerships.
Dust and built-up dirt on the cigarette lighter receptacle may c ause heat or a fire.
Clean it on a regular basis.
Check frequently if the product is installed properly. Due to vibration, the BlackVue
comes of f, resulting in an injur y or damage.
We do not take any re sp onsib il it y for malfu nctio n, an inj ur y or dam ag e to the
product caused by inappropriate use.
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Product Features
High-d efinition Vid eo
The BlackVue uses hig h qualit y mega-p ixel lenses, which produce cl ear and sha rp
images even at night.
Smar tphone/PC Viewer
The product comes with a PC viewer and applications for smartphones (running on
Android). You can check images easi ly and customize variou s settings.
Normal Recording
The product makes a high-definitio n video recording of all the events while driving.
Parking Mode Recording
The produc t automatic ally shif ts to the par king mode. If there is no m ovement of
a vehicle for a ce rtain period of tim e, the device au tomatic ally s hifts to the parking
mode; and if the movement of a vehic le continues, the par king mode becom es
automatically deactivated. In the parkin g mode, only if the ca mera d etects motion
or an impact occurs, recording gets star ted. (T he product is equipped with motion
detection techn ology developed by Pit tasof t, whic h specialize s in IP cameras.)
Event (G-s ensor) Recording
If the veh icle is give n an impact, the G-sensor built in the BlackVue detects the
impact a nd star ts recording the event.
Sound Recordi ng
The micro phone bu ilt in the Blac kVue reco rds surro undin g sounds wh ile recording
Check Images o n Various Devices
You can check record ed imag es on a var iety of devices that ca n play MP4 file s.
Refined and Easy-to -Use De sign
The Blac kVue with its sleek and cylin drical design makes the vehicle's interior look
even bet ter.
In addition, you c an easily adjust the camera angl e so that it can re cord th e inside
of the car.
Voice Guide
The voic e guide provides infor mation a bout th e curre nt status of the BlackVue.
GPS Driving Re cord GPS mod els only ( DR380G -HD, DR400G-H D, DR400G -HD II )
The built-in hi gh-sensitivity GPS creates a re cord of the sp eed and location of the
vehicl e at the time of recordin g. You can che ck the driving records v ia BlackVue
software. (when conn ected to th e Intern et)
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What's included
Check the product and the accompanied accessories contained in the product
Please contact your dealership if there is a problem with the components.
*Components provided and optional items may vary depending on a model.
Components provided and optional items are subject to change without a prior
BlackVueUser Manual
Video O UT Cable*Video I N Cable*Power Cable
Cable ClipsDouble-sided Tape
Micro SD Card
BlackVue_Eng_0726.indd 62012-07-26 �� 4:00:46
(inclu ding Bl ackVue s oftware)
(spare ite m for mounting the
BlackVue on the wi ndscreen)
Micro SD Card Reader*
BlackVue At a Glance
Check the main body of the BlackVue.
For more information on the use of each part, refer to the relevant page.
Record ing Mod e LED
Micro SD Card Slot
[VIDEO OUT ] terminal
(X See pag e 11)
GPS Reception LED
GPS models on ly
Holder lock button
(X See pag e 11)
[DC IN] ter minal (X See pag e 9)
Camera Lens
Microp hone
Main Body Button (Park ing
Mode Recording Butto n)
(X See pag e 12)
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BlackVue Usage
Insert the Micro SD Card into the BlackVue
Insert the Micro SD card into the
Micro SD slot in the same direction
as shown in the picture.
Pre ss th e card agai n to r em ove
it. While doing this, be careful so
that the Micro SD card won't pop
Tu r n of f the Bl ackVu e b e f o r e
inser ting the card into it.
Cautions for Using the Micro SD Card
yInser t/rem ove the Micro SD card with the B lackVue off.
(Check to see if all the LEDs on the Blac kVue are of f.)
yDo not remove the Micro SD card whil e saving data on the card or reading data from
it. This may cause d ata loss and product malfunction.
yCheck the data stored on the M icro SD card to see if the product is wor king properly.
yWe recommend you use the genuine memo ry cards prov ided by Pitta soft. We d o not
take any responsibility for problems cause d by the use of other memory cards.
yThe Micro SD card i s consu mable. Replace it with a new one af ter a longtime use.
yMake sure to store impor tant data on another storag e medium. We do not take any
responsibil ity for data los s cause d by user's fa ult.
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Install the BlackVue in the Car
Turn off the ignition and pull out the car key.
Install the device in a bright and safe place.
Insert the Micro SD Card into the BlackVue.
For i ns tr uctio ns fo r use of Mi cro SD c ar d,
please refer to page 8.
Attach the BlackVue on the vehicle's window
using double-sided tape.
We recommend you install the device on the
bac kside of the re ar view mirro r s o that the
BlackVue camera le ns is at the center of the
Install the device in an area where it does not
block the driver's view.
Clean the area, on which a double-sided tape
wil l be put, w it h a dr y cloth to remove any
foreign matter and moisture.
I f mo un t e d on th e el e c tr i c al ly he at e d
windscreen, the product may cause damage
to the heating grid when demounted later.
If th e mount of the Black Vue has come off,
see Page 11.
Connect the BlackVue's [DC IN] connector
to the cigarette lighter receptacle using the
power cable.
Wh en rec or di ng i n the park ing mo de, you
are advised to connect the Power Magic, an
uninterrupted power supply (UPS) unit, to the
If you intend to use th e BlackVue along with
othe r car a cce sso rie s usi ng the cig ar ett e
lighter rec ept acle, you are advised to use a
multi-socket outlet (cigar socket).
BlackVue_Eng_0726.indd 92012-07-26 �� 4:00:47
BlackVue Usage
Organize the power cable.
Adjust the position of the BlackVue's
camera lens.
Start the engine.
Check to see if the product is properly
Use the provided cable clips if necessary.
Insta ll the product in such a way that
th e B L AC K V U E l ogo in the b utto n
sec ti on faces slig htly lower than the
Che c k the st o r e d da t a af t e r te s t
driving, an d adjust the position of the
lens if necess ary.
If you connect the product to portable
video de v i c e s (s m a r t p h o n e , GPS
navigator, etc.), you can adjust the lens
angle checking video. (X See Page 11)
If the BlackVue's LED is turned on, it is
properly installed.
The type of LED may vary de pending
on the model.
BlackVue_Eng_0726.indd 102012-07-26 �� 4:00:47
Connecting the BlackVue to AV Product
Video OU T CableVideo IN C able*
Connect the BlackVue's [VIDEO OUT] terminal, to the AV product using
the Video OUT/IN cable (accessory).
You can chec k the Blac kVue's real -tim e vide o on the conne ct ed AV
If you use the B lac kVue's [VIDEO OUT ] port, you can redu ce the video
frame rate.
The Vide o IN* cable may not be compatible with certain GPS navigators.
Check the compatibility before use.
When con nected to the white co nnector o f the
Video IN c able*
Disconnecting from the Holder
When con nected to the yellow c onnecto r of the
Video IN c able*
Pull the BlackVue's main body holding down the [LOCK] button on the
mount as shown in the picture.
The BlackVue's main body will be easily disconnected from the mount.
Connect to the Mount : Insert the BlackVue's main body into the groove
on the mount until the ‘click’ sound.
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BlackVue Usage
Normal Recording
Start the ignition.
Doing this will turn on the BlackVue and start the normal recording. Recording
will go on as long as the BlackVue is on.
Connected to the Power Magic (UPS unit), the BlackVue will remain on.
If you set [Set Normal Recording] in the configuration to [Normal Recording
Off ], normal recording becomes deactivated. (
See Page 27)
Parking Mode Recording
This product has [Automatic Shift to
Parking Mode] as a default setting.
(X See Page 28)
If there is no movement of a vehicle for
over 10 minutes, the device automatically
shifts to the parking mode.
If t he movem en t of a vehic le co ntinu es
for about 30 seconds, the park ing
becomes automatically deactivated.
If you want to activate the parking mode
or turn it off, press the button on the
main body of the BlackVue.
In the parking mode, only if the camera detects motion (motion detection) or
an impact occurs (G-sensor), recording gets started.
For recording in the parking mode, you are advised to connect the BlackVue
to the Power Magic (UPS unit).
Motion D etection Algorithms
yThis is a technology of capturin g motion in the camera.
yThe product i s equipped w ith security solution tech nologies devel oped by Pittasoft,
which specia lizes in IP came ras.
BlackVue_Eng_0726.indd 122012-07-26 �� 4:00:47
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