Blackstar HT-BLACKFIRE User Manual [en, de, fr, es]

Owner’s Manual
Introduction From Gus G.
Hey! Thanks for buying the Blackstar HT-BLACKFIRE.
The Fire channel is my rhythm /crunch tone, which is pretty hot, and the Fury channel is my lead sound, which is even hotter! Usually for my lead tone I would use an extra overdrive pedal to give me that extra kick and sustain. What we’ve done with the Fury channel is bring that extra kick in without having to use anything else.
I will be using this pedal on the road with Ozzy and Firewind and in the studio, because the emulated output is awesome!
I’ve really enjoyed working with the Blackstar team on this project and I believe we’ve come up with a killer pedal.
I hope you enjoy using the HT-BLACKFIRE as much as I do!
See you soon and STAY METAL!
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Important safety information!
Read the following information carefully. Save all instructions for future reference.
Danger! High internal operating voltages
Do not open the equipment case. There are no user serviceable parts in this equipment. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Unauthorised modification of this equipment is expressly forbidden by Blackstar Amplification Limited.
Never push objects of any kind into ventilation slots on the equipment casing.
Do not expose this apparatus to rain, liquids or moisture of any type.
Only use the correct Blackstar approved DC adapter supplied. Unplug the DC adapter from the mains supply when not in use.
At Blackstar we are proud to introduce this limited edition artist signature pedal, developed with influential guitarist Gus G. (Ozzy Osbourne, Firewind).
Gus G. began his relationship with Blackstar when he used the Series One 200 amplifier to record the latest Ozzy album ‘Scream’. Since then Gus has become a full Blackstar endorsee and can be seen on stages throughout the world with his momentous guitar rig consisting of, 12 x Series One 200 heads and 12 x Series One 4x12 straight fronted cabinets!
Gus also used the award winning HT-DUAL pedal and approached our R&D team with the aim of producing the ultimate heavy metal valve distortion pedal. After many months of listening tests with the young guitar hero, the HT-BLACKFIRE was born.
As with all Blackstar products it has been subjected to extensive laboratory and road testing to ensure it is truly uncompromising in terms of reliability, quality and above all TONE.
If you like what you hear and want to find out more about Blackstar and Gus G. please visit our website at
The Blackstar Team
The HT-BLACKFIRE is a dual channel high voltage valve distortion pedal. The channels are named after the fan-favourite Firewind track ‘The Fire And The Fury’. The Fire channel delivers a high gain classic distortion, while the Fury channel takes you to screaming lead and beyond. The no compromise speaker emulated output lets you easily get it all down to tape or disk.
The unique switching operation will transform a single channel vintage amp into a three channel metal tone machine. Use the patent-applied-for ISF (Infinite Shape Feature) control to take your tone from the USA to the UK and anywhere in between. This infinite adjustment over the characteristics of the tone control network means, you can effectively design your own tone and finally find ‘the sound in your head’.
All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.
6. ISF (Infinite Shape Feature)
The ISF control works in conjunction with the Bass, Middle and Treble controls. It allows you to choose the exact tone signature you prefer. Fully CCW is a more American characteristic with a tight bottom end and more aggressive middle, and fully CW is a British characteristic which is more ‘woody’ and less aggressive. See illustration below.
We recommend that to start with the ISF is set to half way and the Bass, Middle and Treble are set to taste. Then try gradually adjusting the ISF CW and CCW until you find the sound you prefer.
7. Fire Level
This Level control sets the overall level or volume from the Fire channel of the pedal. It should be used in conjunction with the Fire Gain control to achieve the exact type of drive you require. Generally speaking at lower Gain settings the Volume will be increased and at higher Gain settings the Volume should be decreased.
8. Fury Level
This Level control sets the overall level or volume from the Fury channel of the pedal. It should be used in conjunction with the Fury Gain control to achieve the exact type of drive you require. Generally speaking at lower Gain settings the Volume will be increased and at higher Gain settings the Volume should be decreased.
9. Output
This output is for connection to the input of your amplifier or into other pedals or effects. For best noise performance we recommend you place the overdrive pedal first in the effects chain. Always use a good quality screened guitar lead.
1. Fire Gain
This Gain control adjusts the amount of overdrive or distortion that the Fire Channel will deliver. As the Gain control is increased clockwise (CW) the sound will become more overdriven moving through crunch tones until, at its maximum position, a full distorted crunch tone is arrived at.
2. Fury Gain
This Gain control adjusts the amount of overdrive or distortion that the Fury Channel will deliver. As the Gain control is increased (CW) the sound becomes more overdriven moving through crunch tones until, at its maximum position, a full distorted lead tone is reached.
3. Bass
The Bass control adjusts the amount of low end frequencies in your tone. This pedal has an advanced tone shaping circuit (shared by Channel 1 and Channel 2) which allows the tone to be tight and cutting, counter clockwise (CCW), to warm and thumping (CW).
4. Middle
The Middle control adjusts the amount of middle frequencies in your tone. The middle frequencies are particularly important in getting the amount of ‘body’ your tone has. With the Middle control set to its minimum position (fully CCW) the sound will be aggressive and scooped, this is a tone ideal for aggressive rhythm playing. As the Middle control is increased (CW) the amount of ‘body’ is increased, which is more suitable for sustained lead guitar tones.
5. Treble
The Treble control allows exact adjustment of the treble frequencies within the sound. At low settings (CCW) the sound will be warm and darker in character. As the Treble control is increased (CW) the sound will become brighter. At the maximum settings the sound will be aggressive and cutting.
Technical Specification
Power: 22V DC Maximum Current Draw: 1.1A Controls: Fire Gain, Fury Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, ISF, Fire Level,
Fury Level
Valve: ECC83 / 12AX7 Switches: Fire Channel On/Off Switch, Fury Channel On/Off Switch Indicators: Fire Channel On/Off, Fury Channel On/Off, Power
On/Off (Valve Backlight LED)
Jacks: Input, Output, Emulated Output Input Impedance: 1MΩ
Output Impedance: < 1KΩ Dimensions (mm): 160 x 119 x 80 Weight: 1.2kg DC Adaptor: ADA Series supplied
10. Speaker Emulated Output
This output emulates the tonal characteristics of a guitar speaker cabinet and provides a natural valve overdrive tone for connection to a recording device or mixing desk. Always use a good quality screened guitar lead.
11. Input
Plug your guitar in here. Always use a good quality screened guitar lead.
12. Valve Viewing Window
Through this grille you can see the ECC83 valve at the heart of your pedal.
WARNING: Do not attempt to remove the fixing screws or grille. No user serviceable parts inside.
13. Fire Channel On/Off LED
When the ORANGE LED is on the Fire Channel is on. When the LED is not on, the Fire Channel is off.
14. Fire Channel On/Off Footswitch
Press this switch to turn the Fire Channel on or off.
15. Fury Channel On/Off LED
When the RED LED is on the Fury Channel is on. When the LED is not on, the Fury Channel is off.
16. Fury Channel On/Off Footswitch
Press this switch to turn the Fury Channel on or off.
17. DC Inlet
For the input of the 22V DC / 1.1A adapter supplied. Always use a Blackstar approved adapter.
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Wir bei Blackstar möchten Ihnen voller Stolz die limitierte Auflage unseres neuen Artist-Signature-Bodeneffekts vorstellen, den wir gemeinsam mit dem einflussreichen Gitarristen Gus G. (Ozzy Osbourne, Firewind) entwickelt haben.
Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Gus G. und Blackstar begann bei den Aufnahmen zu Ozzys letztem Album 'Scream', bei dem Gus einen Series One 200 Verstärker benutzte. Seitdem ist Gus Endorser für die Blackstar-Produktlinie: Auf allen Bühnen dieser Welt können Sie ihn mit seinem aktuellen Gitarren­Setup bewundern, das aus zwölf Series One 200 Topteilen und zwölf Series One 200 4x12-er Lautsprecherboxen in gerader Ausführung besteht!
Gus nutzte bisher auch das preisgekrönte Effektpedal HT-DUAL: Dann trat er an unser R&D-Team mit der Bitte heran, den ultimativen Heavy-Metal­Verzerrer auf Röhrenbasis zu entwickeln. Das Ergebnis monatelanger intensiver Hörtests mit dem jungen Gitarren-Helden liegt nun in Form des HT-BLACKFIRE vor.
Wie bei allen anderen Blackstar-Produkten wurde der Effekt sowohl in unseren Labors als auch im Live-Betrieb auf Herz und Nieren getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass er in punkto Zuverlässigkeit, Qualität und vor allem KLANG absolut kompromisslose Ergebnisse liefert.
Wenn Sie mehr von Blackstar und Gus G. erfahren oder hören möchten, besuchen Sie unsere Webseite unter
Vielen Dank!
Ihr Blackstar-Team
Bei dem HT-BLACKFIRE handelt es sich um ein zweikanaliges Röhren­Distortion-Effektpedal in Hochspannungstechnik. Die Kanäle wurden nach dem bei Fans besonders beliebten Firewind-Track ‘The Fire And The Fury’ benannt. Dabei liefert der Fire-Kanal eine klassische High-Gain-Distortion, während der Fury-Kanal für schneidende Lead-Sounds und darüber hinaus zuständig ist. Dank des kompromisslosen Lautsprecher-emulierten Ausgangs können Sie das Signal direkt auf Band oder Festplatte aufnehmen.
Dank seines einzigartigen Schaltungsdesigns verwandelt dieser Effekt jeden einkanaligen Vintage-Amp in eine dreikanalige Metal-Maschine. Mit Hilfe des patentierten ISF-Reglers (Infinite Shape Feature) können Sie den Klang stufenlos zwischen den typischen USA- und UK-Sounds variieren - und erzielen unendlich viele Färbungen, die dazwischen liegen. Die grenzenlosen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, mit denen Sie den Charakter der Klangregelung beeinflussen können, bedeutet für Sie, dass Sie einen eigenen Sound entwickeln und so den 'Sound in Ihrem Kopf' wirklich umsetzen können.
Wichtige Sicherheitsinformationen!
Lesen Sie sich bitte die folgenden Informationen gründlich durch. Bewahren Sie alle Bedienungsanleitungen, um zukünftig nachschlagen zu können.
Achtung! Hohe interne Betriebsspannungen.
Öffnen Sie nicht das Gerätsgehäuse. Dieses Gerät verfügt über keine benutzerbrauchbaren Teile. Alle Wartungsarbeiten sollten qualifiziertem Kundendienstpersonal überlassen werden.
Unberechtigte Änderungen dieses Geräts werden von Blackstar Amplification Limited ausdrücklich verboten.
Gegenstände aller Art müssen nie in Ventilationsschlitzen auf dem Gerätsgehäuse geschoben werden.
Setzen Sie dieses Gerät weder Regen noch Flüssigkeiten noch sonstiger Feuchtigkeit aus.
Verwenden Sie nur den richtigen von Blackstar anerkannten Adapter. Bei Nichtgebrauch des Geräts ziehen Sie den DC Adapter aus der Stromversorgung heraus.
Alle Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte müssen getrennt vom Hausmüll über dafür staatlich vorgesehenen Stelen entsorgt werden.
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