Black Hawk FS Future User Manual

FS Future Series
Black Hawk
User's Manual
Any information contained in these operating instructions may be changed without prior notice.
OKM does not make any warranty for this document. This also applies without limitation to implied assurances of merchantability and fitness for a specific purpose. OKM does not assume any responsability for errors in this manual or for any incidental or consequential damage or loss associated with the delivery, exploitation or usage of this material.
This documentation is available "as presented" and without any kind of warranty. In no circumstances OKM takes responsibility for lost profits, usage or data losts, interruption of business activities or all kind of other indirectly damages, which developed because of errors in this documentation. This instruction manual and all other stored media, which are delivered with this package should only be used for this product. Program copies are allowed only for security and safety purposes. The resale of these programs, in original or changed form, is absolutely forbitten.
This manual may not be copied, duplicated or translated into another language, neither in part nor completely, over the copyright matters without the prior written consent of OKM.
Copyright ©2002 – 2012 OKM GmbH. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction . . .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Preface . ............................................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Important Notes ............................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1 General Notes . . ............................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.2 Possible Health Hazards
. . ............................................................................................................ 9
1.2.3 Surrounding Area . ........................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.4 Voltage . ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.5 Data Correctness . ....................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Maintenance and Services . ............................................................................................................ 10
1.4 Danger of Explosion during Excavation
......................................................................................... 10
1.5 Care and Use .................................................................................................................................. 11
1.6 Protecting Your Investment
. .......................................................................................................... 12
2 Technical Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Control Unit . .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.2 Search Coil ..................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Power Pack ..................................................................................................................................... 14
3 Scope of Delivery . .................................................................................................................................. 15
4 Assembly . ............................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Mounting the Main Unit ................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Mounting the Search Coil
. ............................................................................................................. 19
4.3 Assembling the optional 150 cm x 150 cm Search Coil ................................................................. 20
5 Control Elements . . ................................................................................................................................ 22
5.1 General Controls . ........................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.1 On / Off / Volume
. ................................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Display Brightness / LED Light .............................................................................................. 25
5.1.3 Monitor Display ...................................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Search Controls .............................................................................................................................. 25
5.2.1 Delay
. ..................................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.2 Interference . .......................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Threshold . .............................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.4 Sensitivity ............................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.5 Calibration Button
.................................................................................................................. 27
6 Field Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 28
6.1 Detection Depth
. ............................................................................................................................ 29
6.2 Ground Balancing . ......................................................................................................................... 29
6.3 Calibration of Discrimination
......................................................................................................... 30
6.4 Operation . ...................................................................................................................................... 30
6.5 Pin Pointing . ................................................................................................................................... 31
7 Optional Equipment . .............................................................................................................................. 33
Orient Detectors
8 Troubleshooting . .................................................................................................................................... 35
Orient Detectors
Illustration Index
Illustration 4.1: Telescopic Rod to mount the search coils and main unit . ............................................... 18
Illustration 4.2: Rod Shaft Lock in the locked position ............................................................................. 18
Illustration 4.3: Rod Shaft Lock in the unlocked position ......................................................................... 18
Illustration 4.4: Shows the control unit ready to mount to bracket . ........................................................ 19
Illustration 4.5: Control unit mounted to bracket ..................................................................................... 19
Illustration 4.6: Telescopic Rod end .......................................................................................................... 19
Illustration 4.7: Search Coil mounted to Telescopic Rod .......................................................................... 19
Illustration 4.8: Corner ready for assembly . ............................................................................................. 20
Illustration 4.9: Corner assembled . .......................................................................................................... 20
Illustration 4.10: create a loop in the cable to insert into straight pieces ................................................ 20
Illustration 4.11: Fully assembled coil frame ............................................................................................ 20
Illustration 4.12: Connecting the straps . .................................................................................................. 21
Illustration 4.13: The 150 cm x 150 cm coil can be carried by 1 or 2 people ........................................... 21
Illustration 5.1: Complete View . ............................................................................................................... 23
Illustration 5.2: Bottom of unit showing the mounting clip . ..................................................................... 23
Illustration 5.3: Rear of unit showing battery and coil connectors . ......................................................... 24
Illustration 5.4: Right side unit controls . .................................................................................................. 24
Illustration 5.5: Main Screen . ................................................................................................................... 25
Illustration 5.6: Left side of the control unit ............................................................................................. 25
Illustration 5.7: Delay Screen . .................................................................................................................. 26
Illustration 5.8: Interference Screen . ....................................................................................................... 26
Illustration 5.9: Threshold Screen . ........................................................................................................... 26
Illustration 5.10: Sensitivity Screen .......................................................................................................... 26
Illustration 5.11: Front of control unit . ..................................................................................................... 27
Illustration 6.1: Procedure for swinging unit from side to side . ............................................................... 30
Illustration 6.2: Example of how to properly pin point a target . .............................................................. 31
Orient Detectors
1 Introduction
1.1 Preface
Dear customer,
all of the engineers, sales, training and support staff at OKM GmbH would like to thank you for your
purchase of the Black Hawk metal detector.
The Black Hawk pulse induction detector works on the principle of a time sensitive oscillator which
produces an alternating current that passes through a coil producing an alternating magnetic field. This
alternating magnetic field creates an eddy current which can detect electrically conductible metal. It
uses the induction of a high voltage energy pulse to identify the presence of metals.
The Black Hawk is able to locate buried objects within various structures and vessels non-intrusively
without having to excavate the area. The facile and flexible handling of the Black Hawk can easily and
quickly give reproducible results.
With our team of specialists we guarantee that our products are under recurrent control. Our specialists
try to implement new developments in terms of further quality improvements for you.
By purchasing or using one of our products, we cannot guarantee that during the course of your
research that you will be successful and have a find. The recognition of hidden and buried objects
depends on a huge number of factors. As you well may know there are different soil types all over the
world with different levels of natural attenuation. Variable soil properties can and will hamper and alter
ultimate scan measurements. Areas where there is an extreme amount of ground water, varying clays,
sands and wet soils making scanning more difficult and may reduce the maximum depth capabilities of
any and all detection equipment, regardless of make or model.
For more information regarding where this equipment has been used and operated, please visit our
website. Our equipment is constantly being tested and when improvements or upgrades are available,
we will list them also on our website.
It is necessary for our company to protect our developments and all of the information learned during
the “Research and Development” phases in creating our technology. We strive to stay within the given
framework of legislation, patents and trademark registration.
Please take your time to read this User Manual and familiarize yourself with the operation, functionality
and how to utilize the Black Hawk. We also offer training for your equipment in our factory and on-site.
We strive to maintain worldwide dealer network for assistance and support. Please visit our web site for
more information.
Orient Detectors
Introduction 9
1.2 Important Notes
Prior to using the Black Hawk and its accessories, please read these operating instructions carefully.
These instructions give information on how to use the detector and potential sources where precautions
should be taken.
1.2.1 General Notes
Being an electronic device, the Black Hawk has to be treated with caution and treated with care as with
any other electronic device. Any failure to observe the safety precautions given or any use for purposes
other than the ones it is designed for may result in damage or destruction of the processing unit and/or
its accessories or connected components.
The device has a built in anti-tampering module which will destroy the unit if it is improperly opened.
There are no end user serviceable parts on the inside of the unit.
1.2.2 Possible Health Hazards
If used properly this device normally does not pose any health hazards. According to current scientific
knowledge, the high-frequency signals are not harmful to the human body on account of their low power.
1.2.3 Surrounding Area
When moving this unit from a cold place to a warmer place, watch out for condensation. Do not operate
the unit until possible condensation has evaporated. The unit is not weather or water proof moisture
within the electronics can destroy the unit.
Avoid strong magnetic fields, which may occur in places where there are large electric motors or
unshielded loudspeakers. Try to avoid using this equipment within 50 meters (150 ft) of this type of
Metallic objects on the ground such as cans, tin, nails, screws or debris can influence your scan data and
present negative results regarding your scan data. Also it is a good habit to remove any metallic objects
off of your person like cellular telephones, keys, jewelry, etc... Do not wear steel toe boots.
1.2.4 Voltage
The power supply can not be outside the indicated range of values. Use only approved chargers,
batteries and rechargeable batteries which are included within the scope of delivery.
Never use the 115/230 Volt mains supply.
Orient Detectors
1.2.5 Data Correctness
Data errors can occur if:
the power supply of the device or the batteries are too low,
the cables are too long,
the unit is operating to close to devices which sends out disturbances or
atmospheric conditions (electrical storms, lightning, etc...).
1.3 Maintenance and Services
In this section you will learn how to maintain your measuring instrument with all included accessories to
keep it in good condition a long time and to get good measuring results.
The following list indicates what you absolutely should avoid:
penetrating water
strong dirt and dust deposits
hard impacts
strong magnetic fields
high and long lasting heat effect
To clean your device please use a clean and dry soft rag or cloth. To avoid any damage you should
transport the device and accessories always in the appropriate carrying cases.
Prior to using your Black Hawk please be sure that all batteries and accumulators are fully charged. Also
do not allow the batteries to completely discharge before recharging them This way your batteries will
have a long and durable life. When the unit is not in use, recharge the batteries every 3 months so that
they retain their performance.
To charge the external batteries use only the approved chargers which are part of our scope of
1.4 Danger of Explosion during Excavation
Unfortunately, the last two world wars also made the ground in many places of the world a potentially
explosive scrap heap. A host of those lethal relics are still buried in the ground. Do not start digging and
hacking for an object wildly when you receive a signal of a piece of metal from your device. Firstly, you
might indeed cause irreparable damage to a truly rare find, and secondly, there is a chance that the
object reacts in an insulted way and strikes back.
Note the color of the ground close to the surface. A red or reddish color of the ground is an indicator of
rust traces. As regards to the finds themselves, you should definitely pay attention to their shape.
Curved or round objects should be a sign of alarm, especially if buttons, rings or little pegs can be
Orient Detectors
Introduction 11
identified or felt. The same applies to recognizable ammunition or bullets and shells. Leave that stuff
where it is, do not touch anything and, most importantly, do not take any of it home with you. The killing
machines of war made use of diabolical inventions such as rocker fuses, acid fuses and ball fuses. Those
components have been rusting away in the course of time, and the slightest movement may cause parts
of them to break and be triggered. Even seemingly harmless objects such as cartridges or large
ammunition are anything but that. Explosives may have become crystalline over time, that is, sugar-like
crystals have formed.
Moving such an object may cause those crystals to produce friction, leading to an explosion. If you come
across such relics, mark the place and do not fail to report the find to the police. Such objects always
pose a danger to the life of hikers, walkers, farmers, children and animals.
1.5 Care and Use
The Black Hawk is a sturdy instrument, but it is not designed to withstand abuse. In caring for your
Black Hawk, there are several important "DOs" and "DO NOTs" to remember.
DO NOT use it to beat bushes out-of-the-way, flatten area by swinging wildly or pry rocks loose.
DO NOT drop the machine into water or use it while it is raining or wet.
DO NOT leave it exposed at night where dew could form on it.
DO NOT store it in places that could get extremely hot.
DO NOT leave it in the trunk or boot of a car where high temperatures could build up.
DO NOT spray lubricants, or any type of cleaners, solvents, sealants or other chemicals into or
onto the electronic parts, switches or controls.
DO NOT attempt to modify or repair the detector’s electronics as this will void your detector's
DO clean your unit with a soft dry or slightly damp cloth to remove dust and residue from the
previous use.
DO use the device within the proper operating guidelines.
DO use the detector with the proper power pack as to not cause damage to the unit.
The warranty does not cover damage resulting from an accident, neglect or abuse.
Orient Detectors
1.6 Protecting Your Investment
Often detector users become disappointed when their new detector slowly becomes less and less
responsive and seems to have lost some of its original peak performance. You can help prevent this
from happening to your detector by following these basic care and protection guidelines.
Operate your detector exactly as recommended in this Operator Instruction Manual.
Use only the OKM Power Pack or other approved power supplies.
The search coil cable is hard-wired to the search coil and protected by a stress relief. Inspect the
stress relief frequently to make sure it is firmly attached and intact.
Keep cables properly wound around the extension pole and protect them during use. Floppy,
pinched, or damaged cables may short, causing unnecessary replacement of the search coil.
Sweep the search coil carefully, especially when using around rocks and building foundations.
Avoid hitting the search coil against hard, solid objects and surfaces.
Keep your search coil slightly off of the ground during the sweep, especially when using in
gravel or hard, rocky dirt.
The search coil is waterproof and can be submerged in either fresh or salt water. After the
search coil is used in salt water, rinse it and the lower stem assembly well with fresh water to
prevent corrosion of the metal parts.
The search coil is waterproof but the electronics are not, so always prevent any moisture or
water from entering the control housing and never allow the cable connectors to become
submerged in water.
If working in or near water, or if there is a possibility of rain, use a protective weather resistant
pouch or plastic bag to cover the control housing. Make sure it can “breathe” in order to ensure
against condensation buildup inside.
After each use, clean the detector with a soft cloth to remove dust, moisture, or other
When transporting the detector in a car during hot weather, store it on the floor of the passenger
compartment if possible. Using a carry bag gives additional protection. In any case, never allow
the detector to roll around unprotected in the trunk or back of a pickup truck.
Protect your detector from dust, moisture, and extreme temperatures during storage.
When shipping, use the original factory carton or similar heavy-duty container and provide
sufficient padding around all parts.
Treat your detector as you would any sensitive electronic instrument. Though it is designed to
withstand the demands of normal treasure hunting, proper care is essential.
Orient Detectors
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