BK Radio P150S, P-150, P-400, P-500, P-800 Service Manual

Section 1 - General Information
Section II - Installation and Programming
Section III - Operation
Section IV - Theory of Operation
Section V - Maintenance
Section i
General information
1.1 introduction .................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 deScription ....................................................................................................................1-1
1.3 technical characteriSticS ....................................................................................1-1
1.4 factory optionS ..........................................................................................................1-2
1.5 acceSSorieS .................................................................................................................1-2
1.6 licenSe requirementS ..............................................................................................1-2
1.7 radio controlS ............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.8 radio tier verSionS .................................................................................................... 1-5
1.9 Service information .................................................................................................. 1-5
Section ii
inStallation and proGramminG
2.1 General information ................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.1 unpackinG and inSpectinG equipment ...................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Battery inStallation ...................................................................................................2-1
2.1.3 antenna inStallation ....................................................................................................2-2
2.2 how to proGram radioS .......................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 keypad proGramminG ...................................................................................................2-2 programming p25 id unit call/receive list .........................................................2-3 programming user Selectable transmit tones .....................................................2-4 programming user Selectable network access codes .......................................2-5 programming user Selectable talkgroup ids .......................................................2-6 programming channel parameters ........................................................................2-7
Channel Label ...........................................................................................................2-8
Receive Frequency ...................................................................................................2-8
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page i
Receive Mode ...........................................................................................................2-8
Receive Code Guard.................................................................................................2-9
Receive Network Access Code .................................................................................2-9
Squelch Mode ...........................................................................................................2-9
Transmit Frequency ................................................................................................2-10
Transmit Mode ........................................................................................................2-10
Channel Bandwidth .................................................................................................2-10
Transmit Code Guard .............................................................................................2-11
Transmit Network Access Code ..............................................................................2-11
Talkgroup ID ............................................................................................................2-12
Encryption Secure Mode (Encrypted models).........................................................2-12
Encryption Key (Encrypted models) ........................................................................2-12
Encryption Key Lock (Encrypted models) ...............................................................2-13
Low Power Lock ......................................................................................................2-13 programming Zone parameters ...........................................................................2-14
Zone Label ..............................................................................................................2-14
Priority 1 Channel....................................................................................................2-15
Transmit on Priority 1 Channel ................................................................................2-15
Priority 2 Channel ...................................................................................................2-15
Automatic Number Identication (ANI) Mode ..........................................................2-15
Automatic Number Identication (ANI) ID ...............................................................2-16
Disable Zone Cloning ..............................................................................................2-16 programming Global parameters ........................................................................2-17
Global Priority 1 Channel ........................................................................................2-17
Global Priority 1 Zone .............................................................................................2-18
Tx on Global Priority 1 Channel ..............................................................................2-18
Global Priority 2 Channel ........................................................................................2-18
Global Priority 2 Zone .............................................................................................2-18
Scan Hold Time .......................................................................................................2-19
Busy Channel Mode ................................................................................................2-19
TX Time Out Timer ..................................................................................................2-19
Backlight Mode........................................................................................................2-19
Backlight Duration ...................................................................................................2-20
Password ................................................................................................................2-20 keypad programming characters ........................................................................2-20
2.2.2 radio cloninG .................................................................................................................2-21 knG to knG cloning .............................................................................................2-21 knG to legacy radio cloning ..............................................................................2-22 legacy radio to knG cloning ..............................................................................2-25
2.2.3 pc radio editinG .............................................................................................................2-27 program Setup .......................................................................................................2-27 reading and writing radio information ..............................................................2-29 programming Zone information ...........................................................................2-30
Channel Information ................................................................................................2-30
Encryption Channel Settings ...................................................................................2-38 Zone Settings .........................................................................................................2-39
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page ii Global Settings .......................................................................................................2-42
General Tab .............................................................................................................2-42
Features Tab ...........................................................................................................2-47
Unit Call List Tab .....................................................................................................2-49
Keypad Editing Lockouts Tab ..................................................................................2-50
Menus and Controls Tab .........................................................................................2-50
Pick Lists Tab ..........................................................................................................2-52
Encryption Tab ........................................................................................................2-53
Tactical OTAR Tab ...................................................................................................2-54
2.2.4 encryption key fill .....................................................................................................2-56
2.2.5 tactical otar Setup ....................................................................................................2-56 Key Source Radio Conguration ..........................................................................2-56 Target Radio Conguration ...................................................................................2-59 tactical otar quick reference ............................................................................2-61 tactical otar error codes ...................................................................................2-61
2.2.6 vote Scan Setup ............................................................................................................2-62
2.2.6 ctcSS code Guard valueS .........................................................................................2-63
2.2.7 cdcSS code Guard valueS ........................................................................................2-63
Section iii
3.1 BaSic operation ...........................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 receive ................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2 tranSmit .............................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 code Guard operation .............................................................................................. 3-2
3.2.1 analoG Squelch control ...........................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 apco project 25 Squelch control .........................................................................3-2
3.2.3 code Guard receive ......................................................................................................3-2
3.2.4 code Guard tranSmit ....................................................................................................3-3
3.3 mixed mode operation ...............................................................................................3-3
3.3.1 mixed mode talkBack ....................................................................................................3-3
3.4 encryption operation .............................................................................................. 3-4
3.4.1 required Setup ................................................................................................................3-4
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page iii
3.4.2 operation ...........................................................................................................................3-4
3.4.3 tranSmit encryption key Selection .......................................................................3-4
3.4.4 ZeroiZation ........................................................................................................................3-5
3.4.5 over-the-air-rekeyinG (otar) ....................................................................................3-5
3.4.6 keySet viewinG and SelectinG ...................................................................................3-6
3.4.7 tactical otar option (kZa0584) ..................................................................................3-7
3.5 Scan operation optionS ........................................................................................... 3-8
3.5.1 channel Scan (Scn) ........................................................................................................3-8
3.5.2 ScanninG code Guarded channelS .........................................................................3-9
3.5.3 vote ScanninG ..................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.4 nuiSance channel delete ...........................................................................................3-9
3.5.5 tranSmittinG with Scan on ........................................................................................3-9
3.5.6 talkBack Scan ...............................................................................................................3-10
3.5.7 priority Scan (pri) ........................................................................................................3-10
3.5.8 Scan liSt add/delete ...................................................................................................3-12
3.5.9 Zone Scan (ZScn) ...........................................................................................................3-12
3.5.10 Zone Scan liSt add/delete .....................................................................................3-12
3.6 emerGency SiGnallinG optionS ........................................................................... 3-13
3.6.1 placinG an emerGency call ....................................................................................3-13
3.6.2 receivinG an emerGency SiGnal .............................................................................3-14
3.7 unit-to-unit call optionS ....................................................................................... 3-14
3.7.1 individual call (u2u) ....................................................................................................3-14
3.7.2 unit-to unit callBack .................................................................................................3-15
3.7.3 call liSt proGramminG ..............................................................................................3-15
3.8 pick liSt optionS ........................................................................................................ 3-16
3.8.1 cxcSS code Guard (tcG/rcG) ....................................................................................3-16
3.8.2 nac (tnac/rnac) .............................................................................................................3-17
3.8.3 tGid (utG) ..........................................................................................................................3-17
3.9 General optionS ........................................................................................................ 3-18
3.5.1 BackliGht (liGt) .............................................................................................................3-18
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page iv
3.9.2 keypad lock ....................................................................................................................3-18
3.9.3 monitor (mon) .................................................................................................................3-19
3.9.4 repeater talkaround (ta) ........................................................................................3-20
3.9.5 Surveillance mode (Surv) .........................................................................................3-20
3.9.6 Squelch adjuSt (Sql) .................................................................................................3-21
3.9.7 tx diGital (txd) ................................................................................................................3-21
3.9.8 tx power (lpw) ...............................................................................................................3-22
3.9.9 Zone Select (Zon) ..........................................................................................................3-23
Section iv
theory of operation
4.1 introduction ................................................................................................................. 4-1
equipment deScription .............................................................................................. 4-1
4.3 theory of operation .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3.1 SyStem Board ...................................................................................................................4-1
Core Microprocessor ..............................................................................................................4-1
Voltage Regulators .................................................................................................................4-1
Baseband Signal Processor ...................................................................................................4-2
Audio Power Ampliers ..........................................................................................................4-2
4.3.2 rf Board .............................................................................................................................4-2
RF Input/Output .....................................................................................................................4-3
Synthesizer ...........................................................................................................................4-3
Transmitter .............................................................................................................................4-4
Receiver .................................................................................................................................4-6
Section v
5.1 introduction ................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 teSt equipment required ......................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 aliGnment procedureS ............................................................................................. 5-1
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page v
5.3.1 teSt Setup ..........................................................................................................................5-1
5.3.2 aliGnment order .............................................................................................................5-2
Reference Frequency ............................................................................................................5-2
Transmit Power Curve ...........................................................................................................5-2
Transmit Power Levels ...........................................................................................................5-3
FM Modulation .......................................................................................................................5-3
Receiver Alignment ................................................................................................................5-3
Squelch Adjustment ...............................................................................................................5-3
Vote Scan ...............................................................................................................................5-4
5.4 diSaSSemBly/aSSemBly .............................................................................................. 5-4
5.4.1 Battery removal .............................................................................................................5-4
5.4.2 antenna removal ............................................................................................................5-4
5.4.3 radio diSaSSemBly ..........................................................................................................5-4
Assemblies .............................................................................................................................5-4
RX/TX Board Assembly .........................................................................................................5-4
Systems Board Assembly ......................................................................................................5-5
Shields ...................................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.4 aSSemBly ............................................................................................................................5-5
5.5 overhaul ........................................................................................................................5-5
5.5.1 viSual inSpection ............................................................................................................5-5
5.5.2 cleaninG .............................................................................................................................5-6
5.5.3 repair ..................................................................................................................................5-7
5.6 equipment Setup diaGramS ...................................................................................... 5-7
Section vi
illuStrated partS liSt
6.1 introduction ................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 partS liSt deScription .............................................................................................6-1
6.3 aSSemBly drawinG SymBolS .................................................................................... 6-1
6.4 interconnect diaGram ............................................................................................. 6-2
6.5 final aSSemBly..............................................................................................................6-3
partS liSt ....................................................................................................................................6-3
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page vi
aSSemBly diaGram ...................................................................................................................6-5
6.6 front aSSemBly ........................................................................................................... 6-7
partS liSt ....................................................................................................................................6-7
aSSemBly diaGram ...................................................................................................................6-9
6.7 Back aSSemBly ............................................................................................................6-11
partS liSt ..................................................................................................................................6-11
aSSemBly diaGram .................................................................................................................6-13
6.8 SyStemS aSSemBly ..................................................................................................... 6-15
partS liSt ..................................................................................................................................6-15
aSSemBly diaGram .................................................................................................................6-17
6.9 SyStemS Board ........................................................................................................... 6-19
partS liSt ..................................................................................................................................6-19
partS layout ...........................................................................................................................6-31
SchematicS ...............................................................................................................................6-33
6.10 rx/tx aSSemBly .........................................................................................................6-43
partS liSt ..................................................................................................................................6-43
aSSemBly diaGram .................................................................................................................6-45
6.11 rx/tx BoardS..............................................................................................................6-47
6.11.1 p150 ....................................................................................................................................6-47
Parts List ............................................................................................................................6-47
Parts Layout .......................................................................................................................6-63
Schematics .........................................................................................................................6-65
6.11.2 p400 ....................................................................................................................................6-75
Parts List ............................................................................................................................6-75
Parts Layout .......................................................................................................................6-91
Schematics .........................................................................................................................6-93
6.11.3 p500 ..................................................................................................................................6-103
Parts List ..........................................................................................................................6-103
Parts Layout .....................................................................................................................6-119
Schematics .......................................................................................................................6-121
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page vii
Section vii
inteGrated circuit data
7.1 introduction ................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 BaSic loGic elementS ................................................................................................7-1
7.3 BaSic op-amp circuitS ................................................................................................ 7-2
7.4 Surface mount componentS .................................................................................. 7-7
Service Manual - KNG Portables - Index page viii
Section i

General information

1.1 introduction

This manual contains information about the physical, mechanical, and electrical characteristics of the BK Radio KNG Series APCO Project 25 digital radios. KNG Portable radios are available in VHF, UHF and 800 MHz models.

1.2 deScription

The KNG is a handheld FM transceiver designed for use in domestic and international Land Mobile services. The radio supports standard analog FM and digital C4FM modulation pursuant to TIA-102. BAAD (Project 25 Common Air Interface Description for Conventional Channels) et al. The radio can be
congured for as many as 512 channels that can be arranged into as many as 32 zones. Each channel species unique receive and transmit RF frequencies, sub-audible squelch, digital control parameters,
etc. Top panel controls include on/off/volume, channel rotary selector, a concentric two-position switch, an
orange momentary switch, and two toggle switches with dealer programmable function. The side panel contains a PTT switch, and two programmable push buttons. Connectors are provided via the side connector for external speaker, microphone, programming, and options. Some models include a front panel LCD display for status information, four programmable push buttons, and a keypad for tailoring radio operation.

1.3 technical characteriSticS

power Supply: ................................................................. One rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack
with temperature sensor or one alkaline battery pack.
operational featureS: Programmable Switches, Per Channel Analog/Digital/Mixed-Mode, RX and TX Dual Priority Scan, Frequency Display, Transmit Time-Out Timer, User Selectable Scan, Scan Delay, Busy Channel Indicate / Lockout, Tone Code Guard (CTCSS), DTMF/ANI Encode, Digital Code Guard (CDCSS), Nuisance Channel Delete, Talkback Scan and User Selectable Code Guard.
channelS with variaBle Zone SiZe: ................... 512
ZoneS: ............................................................................ Up to 32
operatinG voltaGe: ................................................. 10 VDC Nominal
phySical dimenSionS: .............................................. Weight: 9 oz. (15 oz. with battery)
Width: 2.5 in. (63.5 millimeters) Depth: 1.8 in. (45.7 mm.) Height: 5.5 in. (139.7 mm.)
channel SpacinG: ...................................................... 25/12.5 kHz
channel incrementS: .............................................. 1.25 kHz
antenna type: ............................................................. Helical wound molded rubber ex (standard)
max current drain: .................................................. Transmit High Power: 1.5 amps
Receive: 255 mA Standby: 100 mA
operatinG temperature: ...................................... -30° to +60° C
BK Radio Page 1-1
General information
Specication p-150 p-400 p-500 p-800
Frequency Range 136 - 174 MHz 380 - 470 MHz 440 - 520 MHz 763 - 870 MHz FCC ID K95KNGP150 K95KNGP400 K95KNGP500 K95KNGP800
Sensitivity: 12db SINAD -121 dBm -119 dBm -121 dBm -119 dBm P25 Sensitivity: 5% BER -121 dBm -119 dBm -121 dBm -119 dBm Adjacent Channel Rejection
Per TIA/EIA-603 2.1.6 P25 Adjacent Channel Rejection 60 dB 60 dB 60 dB 60 dB Spurious and Images 80 dB 80 dB 85 dB 75 dB Intermodulation Rejection 78 dB 75 dB 77 dB 75 dB Audio Response +1dB / -3dB +1dB / -3dB +1dB / -3dB +1dB / -3dB Audio Distortion at 500mW 2 % 2 % 2 % 2 % RX Current Draw 255 mA 255 mA 255 mA 255 mA
RF Power 6 / 5 / 1 Watts 5 / 4 / 1 Watts 5 / 4 / 1 Watts 3 / 1 Watts Frequency Stability 1.5 ppm 1.5 ppm 1.5 ppm 1.5 ppm Modulation Deviation 5 (2.5) kHz 5 (2.5) kHz 5 (2.5) kHz 5 (2.5) kHz Audio Distortion 3 % 3 % 3 % 3 % FM Hum & Noise 50 (45) dB 50 (45) dB 50 (45) dB 50 (45) dB Spurious and Harmonics 75 dB 75 dB 75 dB 75 dB Current Draw @ High Power 1500 mA 1500 mA 1500 mA 1500 mA Audio Response +1dB / -3dB +1dB / -3dB +1dB / -3dB +1dB / -3dB Modulation 16K0F3E
80 (70) dB 78 (67) dB 79 (67) dB 72 (63) dB

1.4 factory optionS

Factory installed options are referenced on the back of the radio. The following list includes options available at the time of printing.
kZa0558 Intrinsically Safe Certication kZa0577 AES and DES Encryption kZa0578 Over-the-Air Rekeying (OTAR) kZa0581 Vote Scan Operation kZa0584 Wireless Tactical OTAR

1.5 acceSSorieS

Use only BK Radio approved supplied or replacement antennas, batteries, and accessories. Use of non­BK Radio approved antennas, batteries, and accessories may exceed the FCC RF exposure guidelines. For a list of BK Radio approved accessories visit the following web site: http://www.relm.com.

1.6 licenSe requirementS

This equipment must be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) before it may be
used. Your BK Radio dealer can assist you in ling the appropriate application with the FCC and program
each radio with your authorized frequencies and signaling codes.
Page 1-2 Service Manual - KNG Portables
General information
on/off volume
channel Select
collar Switch
toggle Switches
led indicator
Ch 1
KNG -P25
171.58500 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
txd Scn
alphanumeric lines
Status indicators
menu items
alphanumeric display

1.7 radio controlS

Side Buttons
up arrow
txd Scn
Ch 1
KNG -P25
171.58500 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
Side connector
alphanumeric display
programmed menu items
Square Button
down arrow
BK Radio Page 1-3
General information
Status indicators
rxd, rxa
txd, txa Transmit Digital, Transmit Analog
rta Repeater Talk Around Enabled
p1, p2 Priority 1 Channel, Priority 2 Channel
Receiver Signal Strength Receive Digital, Receive Analog,
Hold Time Active
Encrypted, Clear Scan Channel,
Flashing 'SCN' = Scan in Progress. Unit-to-Unit operation active
Battery Level Indicator
alphanumeric label options
NOTE: Three channel information lines are programmable with PC Radio Editor Software.
channel number
channel label
frequency Operating Frequency of Currently
received unit id
received talk Group id
rx pick list Selection
tx pick list Selection
Zone label
Zone and channel
Channel Number of Currently Selected Channel or Active Scanned Channel
Alphanumeric Label of Currently Selected Channel or Active Scanned Channel
Selected Channel or Active Scanned Channel
P25 ID of the radio transmitting the message currently being received
If the received ID is programmed in your radio's Call List, the corresponding label will be displayed
P25 Talk Group ID of the radio transmitting the message currently being received
NAC, TGID or Code Guard currently selected from the programmable Pick Lists
NAC, TGID or Code Guard currently selected from the programmable Pick Lists
Label of Currently Selected Zone
Currently Selected Zone and Channel Numbers
Buttons and labels
NOTE: The Diamond, Up Arrow, Down Arrow, and Square buttons are programmable with PC Radio Editor Software. The programmed functions are activated by pressing the associated button. Active functions are indicated by a highlighted background.
= Active, Scn = Inactive.
emr Emergency Operation lck Keypad Lockout liGt Keypad and Display Backlight lpw Transmit in Low Power Mode menu Open the programmed radio menu mon Monitor
nuiS Nuisance Channel Delete
pr1 Set Priority 1 Channel pScn Priority Scan rky Request OTAR Encryption Rekey rnac User Selectable Receive NAC rcG User Selectable RX CTCSS/CDCSS
Code Guard (Analog or Mixed Mode Operation)
Scn Channel Scan Surv Surveillance Mode Sql Squelch Adjust t/a Repeater Talkaround txd Transmit Digital
(Mixed Mode Operation)
txS Transmit Secure
(Encrypted Models)
u2u Unit-to-Unit Call
(Digital Operation Only)
key User Selectable Encryption Key
(Encrypted Models)
kSet User Selectable Encryption Keyset
(Encrypted OTAR Models)
tnac User Selectable TX NAC
(Digital or Mixed Mode Operation)
tGid User Selectable Talk Group
(Digital or Mixed Mode Operation)
tcG User Selectable TX CTCSS/CDCSS
Code Guard (Analog or Mixed Mode Operation)
Zer Zeroize Encryption Keys and
Password (Encrypted Models)
Zon Channel Zone Select ZScn Zone Scan
Page 1-4 Service Manual - KNG Portables
General information
3 4 7

1.8 radio tier verSionS

Some KNG portable radio models are available in various levels of eld-user access called tiers. All tiers
may not be available in all frequency ranges or radio models.
tier i
Tier I models have no keypad or display. End-user function access and control is limited to items assigned to the top and side programmable switches and buttons.
tier ii
Tier II models include the three line display and limited keypad. End-user access is limited to functions that do not require a full keypad. Functions are determined by items programmed to the Diamond, Up/Down and Square buttons as well as items assigned to the top and side programmable switches and buttons.
tier iii
Tier III models include a full keypad. Access to all functions and controls, including
eld-programming, are are determined by PC programming.

1.9 Service information

If you need service, contact your local BK Radio dealer equipped to service your radio. If you nd it
impractical to have service performed by your local dealer, contact BK Radio at the address below:
Bk radio attention: customer Service
7100 Technology Drive
West Melbourne, FL 32904
Voice (800) 422-6281
FAX (321) 953-7986
BK Radio Page 1-5
General information
Page 1-6 Service Manual - KNG Portables
Section ii
Release Tab

inStallation and proGramminG

2.1 General information

This section contains information concerning the installation and programming of the BK Radio KNG APCO Project 25 digital radios.

2.1.1 unpackinG and inSpectinG equipment

Exercise extreme care when unpacking the equipment. Make a visual inspection of the unit for evidence of damage incurred during shipment. If a claim for damage is to be made, save the shipping container
to substantiate the claim. The claim should be promptly led with the transportation company. It would
be advisable to retain the container and packaging material after all equipment has been removed in the event that equipment storage or reshipment should become necessary.

2.1.2 Battery inStallation inStallinG the Battery

1. Turn the radio off.
2. Align the tabs on the bottom of the battery with the slots on the radio.
3. Push the top of the battery toward the radio until release tab “clicks” into place.
removinG the Battery
1. Slide the release tab toward the bottom of the radio.
2. Pull the top of the battery out. (Approximately 30o)
3. Pull up to remove the battery pack.
note: All information programmed into the radio is maintained even when the battery pack is removed. BK Radio battery packs are available in a variety of capacities and types for special applications.
Rechargeable battery packs can be charged separately or while attached to a radio. Periodically check the contacts on the battery pack for dirt that could prevent a good electrical contact
with the charging base.
BK Radio Page 2-1
installation and programming

2.1.3 antenna inStallation

NOTE: Transmitting without an antenna could result in damage to your radio.
Use RELM/BK Radio approved antennas only. Use of non-qualied or mismatched antennas could result in diminished radio operation. Published radio specications cannot be guaranteed with non-approved
antennas. Bent, broken or damaged antennas should be replaced.
inStallinG the antenna
Insert the radio’s antenna connector into the threaded connector of the
antenna and turn it clockwise until it is rmly seated.
removinG the antenna
Holding the base, turn the antenna counterclockwise until released.

2.2 how to proGram radioS

There are three different ways to program BK Radio radios:
• BY KEYPAD A radio can be programmed with its keypad providing the keypad programming functions
have been enabled via PC. That procedure is described in this section.
• BY CLONING You can transfer the programmed settings to another radio of the same frequency band
by using a cloning cable. See “Radio Cloning” section of this manual.
• BY COMPUTER With a computer, KNG programming software, and an interface cable. Contact BK
Radio for the required programming cable and software. See “PC Radio Editing” section of this manual.

2.2.1 keypad proGramminG

If enabled via PC programming, the radio’s Picklists and Individual Call List information can be edited using the keypad. In addition, programmed channel, zone and some global settings can also be
programmed. Check with your RELM/BK Radio dealer or communications ofcer for information on the
programmed functions of your radio. Programmable categories include Individual P25 ID Quick Call/Receive List, User Code Guard List,
User NAC List, User Talk Group ID List and Keypad Programming of Channel, Zone and Global radio parameters.
Page 2-2 Service Manual - KNG Portables
installation and programming
Ch 1 KNG - P25
171.5850 0 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
rxd Scn
Keypad Prog User Tones
Call List
Enter Password 000000
eSc clr ent
Call List
Call 1
Call 2
Talkaround Tx Power
Keypad Prog
Call 1
Call 1 Label
eSc clr Bck ent
Call 1 1234567
Call 1
C a l l 1 L a b e l
123 4 56 7
eSc clr ent
Call 1 Call 1 Label
123 4 56 7 proGramminG p25 id unit call/receive liSt
The KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 100 Project 25 IDs and labels. If ‘RX’d Unit ID’ is designated as a display line, the P25 ID of the radio sending the call will be shown when receiving a digital signal. If the P25 ID of the received call is programmed in the Call List, the alphanumeric label associated with the ID will be displayed. If the P25 ID is not in the Call List, the numeric P25 ID will be displayed.
To enter P25 Call List programming:
1. Press the Menu button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight Keypad Prog.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button. 4 Use the up/down buttons to highlight Call List.
5. Press ‘ENT’.
6. Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.
7. Press ‘ENT’. The labels of the programmed P25 ID’s will be displayed
8. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the P25 ID you wish to edit.
9. Press ‘ENT’.
The display shows the alphanumeric label and P25 ID of the selected ID.
editing the label
editing the id number
BK Radio Page 2-3
1. Use the down arrow button to highlight the label.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the label.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired character. (See Keypad Character Chart.) If necessary, use the BCK button to move back one character. Labels can contain up to thirteen characters.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to save the label.
1. Use the down arrow button to highlight the ID.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the ID.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired ID number. (Up to seven digits.)
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to save the ID.
installation and programming
Ch 1
KNG - P25
171.5850 0 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
rxd Scn
Talkaround Tx Power
Keypad Prog
Enter Password 000000
eSc clr ent
Call List
User Tones
User TGIDs
User Tones
1 - 100.0
2 - 141.3
TONE 01 100 .0
eSc clr ent
TONE 01 # for CDCSS
eSc clr ent
TONE 01 # for CTCSS D000-
eSc +/- clr ent proGramminG uSer SelectaBle tranSmit toneS
The KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable, CTCSS or CDCSS subaudible transmit tones. Tones are selected with the programmed buttons. If enabled, the tones can be programmed via the radio’s keypad.
to enter tone list programming:
1. Press the Menu button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight ‘Keypad Prog’.
3. Press ‘ENT’.
4. Use the up/down buttons to highlight ‘User Tones’.
5. Press ‘ENT’.
6. Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.
7. Press ‘ENT’.
8. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the User Tone you wish to edit.
9. Press ‘ENT’.
10. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed tone.
11. To enter CTCSS tones use the keypad to enter the tone in Hertz. (67.0 - 255 Hz) To enter CDCSS tones press the # key then enter the three digit code. (000 - 777)
12. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the tone.
Page 2-4 Service Manual - KNG Portables
installation and programming
Enter Password 000000
eSc clr ent
Call List User Tones
User NACs
User NACs
1 - $293
2 - $D7E
NAC 01 $000
eSc clr ent
NA C 01 $
eSc Bck clr ent
Ch 1
KNG - P25
171.5850 0 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
rxd Scn
Talkaround Tx Power
Keypad Prog
ESC ▲ ▼ ENT proGramminG uSer SelectaBle network acceSS codeS
The KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable NACs. NACS are selected with the programmed buttons. If enabled, the NACs can be programmed via the radio’s keypad.
to enter nac list programming:
1. Press the Menu button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight ‘Keypad Prog’.
3. Press ‘ENT’.
4. Use the up/down buttons to highlight ‘User NACs’.
5. Press ‘ENT’.
6. Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.
7. Press ‘ENT’.
8. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the NAC you wish to edit.
9. Press the’ ENT’ Button.
10. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed NAC.
11. NACs are programmed as three digit hexadecimal numbers. (000 - FFF) Use the keypad to select the desired digits. Use the 2 key to select A, B or C and the 3 key to select D, E or F. Press the ‘BCK’ button to move to the previous character.
13. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the NAC.
BK Radio Page 2-5
installation and programming
Ch 1
KNG - P25
171.5850 0 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
rxd Scn
Talkaround Tx Power
Keypad Prog
Enter Password 000000
eSc clr ent
Call List User Tones
User TGIDs
User TGIDs
1 - 45678
2 - 12345
TGID 01 12345
eSc clr ent
eSc clr ent proGramminG uSer SelectaBle talkGroup idS
The KNG can be pre-programmed with up to 32, user selectable TGIDs. TDIDs are selected with the programmed buttons. If enabled, the TGIDs can be programmed via the radio’s keypad.
to enter tGid list programming:
1. Press the Menu button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight Keypad Prog.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button.
4. Use the up/down buttons to highlight User TGIDs.
5. Press ‘ENT’.
6. Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.
7. Press ‘ENT’.
8. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the TGID you wish to edit.
9. Press the ‘ENT’ Button.
10. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed TGID.
11. Use the keypad to select the desired Talkgroup number. (0-65355)
13. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the Talkgroup.
Page 2-6 Service Manual - KNG Portables
installation and programming
Chan Label
Rx Freq
Rx Mode
Enter Password 000000
eSc clr ent
User TGIDs User Tones
Keypad Prog
Talkaround Tx Power
Keypad Prog
Zone Params Global Params
Select Zone Zone #
Zone Label
Select Chan Chan #
Channel Label
Ch 1
KNG - P25
171.5850 0 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
rxd Scn proGramminG channel parameterS
If enabled, channel, zone and global parameters can be programmed using the radio’s keypad. Individual parameters may be blocked from programming access. Check with your RELM/BK Radio
dealer or communications ofcer for information on the programmed functions of your radio.
Programmable Channel functions include: Channel Label, Receive Frequency, Receive Mode, Receiver Code Guard, Squelch Mode, Transmit Frequency, Transmit Mode, Bandwidth, Transmit Code Guard, Transmit NAC, Talkgroup ID, Secure Mode selection, Encryption Key Lock and Low Power Lock.
to enter the channel programming mode:
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Use the up/down arrows to highlight ‘Keypad Prog’.
3. Press ‘ENT’.
4. Use the up/down arrows to highlight ‘Keypad Prog’.
5. Press ‘ENT’.
6. Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.
7. Press ‘ENT’.
8. Use the up/down arrows to highlight ‘Channels’
9. Press ‘ENT’
8. Use the up/down arrows to select the Zone of the desired channel.
9. Press ‘ENT’.
10. Use the up/down arrows to select the desired channel.
11. Press ‘ENT’.
12. Use the up/down arrows to select the function you wish to edit.
BK Radio Page 2-7
installation and programming
Channel Label Label
eSc pr1 clr ent
Chan Label
Rx Freq Rx Mode
eSc Bck clr ent
Channel Label
RX Frequency
151.62500 MHz
eSc clr ent
Chan Label
Rx Freq
Rx Mode
eSc clr ent
RX Frequency
000.00000 MHz
RX Mode
Chan Label Rx Freq
Rx Mode
channel label
1. With ‘Chan Label’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the label.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired character. (See Keypad Character Chart.)
4. Press the ‘BCK’ button to move to the previous character. Labels can contain up to thirteen characters.
5. Press the ‘ENT’ button to save the label.
6. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
receive frequency
1. With ‘Rx Freq’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the current frequency.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired Receive Frequency.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the frequency.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
receive mode
Page 2-8 Service Manual - KNG Portables
1. With ‘Rx Mode’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Receiver Mode. (Analog, Digital or Mixed)
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the mode.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
installation and programming
Rx G ua r d 100 .0
eSc clr ent
R x Gu ar d # for CDCSS
eSc clr ent
R x Gu ar d # for CTCSS D000-
eSc +/- clr ent
Rx Guard
Rx NAC Squelch Mode
RX NAC 293
eSc clr ent
Rx Guard
Squelch Mode
eSc Bck clr ent
Squelch Mode
Rx Guard Rx NAC
Squelch Mode
receive code Guard
This programs the channels Default Code Guard value.
1. With ‘Rx Guard’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed tone.
3. To enter CTCSS tones use the keypad to enter the tone in Hertz. (67.0 - 255 Hz)
To enter CDCSS tones press the # key then enter the three digit code. (000 - 777) Use the +/- button to invert the CDCSS tone.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the tone.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu. NOTE: If the channel being programmed is currently using a Code Guard from
the Picklist, a “User Picklist Active” notication appear on the display.
receive network access code
Squelch mode
BK Radio Page 2-9
This programs the channels Default NAC value.
1. With ‘Rx NAC’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed NAC.
3. NACs are programmed as three digit hexadecimal numbers. (000 - FFF) Use the keypad to select the desired digits. Use the 2 key to select A, B or C and the 3 key to select D, E or F. Press the ‘BCK’ button to move to the previous character.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the NAC. NOTE: If the channel being programmed is currently using a NAC from the
Picklist, a “User Picklist Active” notication appear on the display.
1. With ‘Squelch Mode’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down arrows to select Normal or Selective. (Selective squelch is required for Individual Calls and use of Talkgroup IDs.)
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
installation and programming
TX Frequency
151.62500 MHz
eSc clr ent
Squelch Mode
Tx Freq
Tx Mode
eSc clr ent
TX Frequency
000.00000 MHz
TX Mode
Squelch Mode Tx Freq
Tx Mode
TX Mode
12.5 kHz
25 kHz
Tx Freq Tx Mode
transmit frequency
1. With ‘Tx Freq’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the current frequency.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired Receive Frequency.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the frequency.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
transmit mode
1. With ‘Tx Mode’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Transmit Mode. (Analog, Digital or Mixed)
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the mode.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
channel Bandwidth
Bandwidth selection applies only to Analog operation.
1. With ‘Bandwidth’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Analog Bandwidth. (12.5 kHz = narrowband, 25 kHz = wideband)
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
Page 2-10 Service Manual - KNG Portables
installation and programming
Tx G uar d 100 .0
eSc clr ent
T x G u ar d # for CDCSS
eSc clr ent
T x G u ar d # for CTCSS D000-
eSc +/- clr ent
Tx Guard
TX NAC $293
eSc clr ent
Tx Guard
eSc Bck clr ent
Channel Specic
transmit code Guard
This programs the channels Default Code Guard value.
1. With ‘Tx Guard’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed tone.
3. To enter CTCSS tones use the keypad to enter the tone in Hertz. (67.0 - 255 Hz)
To enter CDCSS tones press the # key then enter the three digit code. (000 - 777) Use the +/- button to invert the CDCSS tone.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the tone.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu. NOTE: If the channel being programmed is currently using a Code Guard from
the Picklist, a “User Picklist Active” notication appear on the display.
transmit network access code
This programs the channels Default NAC value.
1. With ‘Tx NAC’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
If the channel you are programming is assigned a specic, non-selectable
NAC the assigned value will be displayed. If the channel is programmed for User Selectable NACs ‘UNAC Enabled’
will be displayed along with the currently selected picklist number.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed NAC.
Press the ‘#’ key To toggle between “Channel Specic” and “User
Selected” options.
3. NACs are programmed as three digit hexadecimal numbers. (000 - FFF) Use the keypad to select the desired digits. Use the 2 key to select A, B or C and the 3 key to select D, E or F. Press the ‘BCK’ button to move to the previous character.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the NAC. NOTE: If the channel being programmed is currently using a NAC from the
Picklist, a “User Picklist Active” notication appear on the display.
BK Radio Page 2-11
installation and programming
TGID 123 4 5
eSc clr ent
Secure Mode
eSc Bck clr ent
Channel Specic
Secure Mode
Secure Mode
Secure Mode
Key Lock
Encryption Key 01
eSc clr ent
TGID 01 01
eSc clr ent
talkgroup id
This programs the channels Default TGID value.
1. With ‘TGID’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently programmed TGID.
If the channel you are programming is assigned a specic, non-selectable
TGID the assigned value will be displayed. If the channel is programmed for User Selectable Talk Groups ‘UTGID
Enabled’ will be displayed along with the currently selected picklist number.
Press the ‘#’ key To toggle between “Channel Specic” and “User
Selected” options.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired Talkgroup number. (0-65355)
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the Talkgroup.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu. NOTE: If the channel being programmed is currently using a TGID from the
Picklist, a “User Picklist Active” notication appear on the display.
encryption Secure mode (Encrypted models)
encryption key (Encrypted models)
Encryption keys must loaded with a compatible key ll device. The radio can hold up to 32 AES and/or
DES keys. (See Encryption Operation)
1. With ‘Secure Mode’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Encryption Selection. clear = channel always transmits unencrypted. Secure = channel always transmits encrypted. Selectable = encryption selected via programmed switch or button
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the mode.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
1. With ‘Key’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the currently selected encryption key.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired Encryption Key number. (01-32)
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the Encryption Key.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
Page 2-12 Service Manual - KNG Portables
installation and programming
Key Lock
Secure Mode Key
Key Lock
Low Pow Lock
Key Key Lock
Low Pow Lock
encryption key lock (Encrypted models) Encryption Keys can be locked to a channel or selected via a programmed button.
1. With ‘Key Lock’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. Off = Selectable Key, On = Locked Key.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
low power lock
Channels with Low Power Lock enabled ignore the Hi/Lo power switch and operate in Low Power only.
1. With ‘Low Pow Lock’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. Off = Selectable Power, On = Low Power Only.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Channel Programming menu.
BK Radio Page 2-13
installation and programming
Z o ne L a b e l
Pri 1 Chan
Tx on Pri 1
Enter Password 000000
eSc clr ent
Ch 1
KNG - P25
171.5850 0 MHz
liGt t/a menu lck
rxd Scan
User TGIDs User Tones
Keypad Prog
Talkaround Tx Power
Keypad Prog
Zone Params
Global Params
Select Zone Zone #
Zone Label
Zone Label Label
eSc clr ent
Zone Label
Pri 1 Chan Tx in Pri 1
eSc Bck clr ent
Zone Label proGramminG Zone parameterS
Programmable Zone functions include: Zone Label, Priority 1 Channel, Transmit on Priority 1 Channel,
Priority 2 Channel, Automatic-Number- Identication (ANI) settings and Allow/Disallow Cloning.
to enter the Zone programming mode:
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Use the up/down arrows to highlight ‘Keypad Prog’.
3. Press ‘ENT’.
4. Use the up/down arrows to highlight ‘Keypad Prog’.
5. Press ‘ENT’.
6. Use the keypad to enter the six digit password.
7. Press ‘ENT’.
8. Use the up/down arrows to highlight ‘Zone Params’
9. Press ‘ENT’.
8. Use the up/down arrows to select the desired Zone.
9. Press ‘ENT’.
10. Use the up/down arrows to select the function you wish to edit.
Zone label
1. With ‘Zone Label’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Press the ‘CLR’ button to clear the label.
3. Use the keypad to select the desired character. (See Keypad Character Chart.)
4. Press the ‘NXT’ button to move to the next character. Labels can contain up to thirteen characters.
5. Press the ‘ENT’ button to save the label.
6. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
Page 2-14 Service Manual - KNG Portables
installation and programming
Pri 1 Channel
Channel 1
Zone Label
Pri 1 Chan
Tx on Pri 1
Tx on Pri 1
Zone Label Pri 1 Chan
Tx on Pri 1
Pri 2 Channel
Channel 1
Tx on Pri 1
Pri 2 Chan
ANI Mode
Tx on Pri 1 Pri 2 Chan
ANI Mode
priority 1 channel
1. With ‘Pri 1 Chan’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Priority Channel. Off = No Zone Priority Channel. Main = Priority 1 Channel follows channel select knob. Channel Label = Assign as Priority 1 Channel.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
transmit on priority 1 channel
If enabled, the radio transmits on the Priority 1 Channel when PRI is turned on.
1. With ‘Tx on Pri 1’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
priority 2 channel
Automatic Number Identication (ANI) Mode
BK Radio Page 2-15
1. With ‘Pri 2 Chan’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired Priority Channel. Off = No Zone Priority Channel. Main = Priority 2 Channel follows channel select knob. Channel Label = Assign as Priority 2 Channel.
4. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
5. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
1. With ‘ANI Mode’ highlighted, press the ‘ENT’ button.
2. Use the up/down buttons to highlight the desired setting. Off = No ANI operation. DTMF Only = Transmit DTMF Tones with keypad. ANI Only = Send DTMF ANI on PTT. BOTH = Keypad Tones and manual ANI.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to set the selection.
4. Press the ‘ESC’ button to return to the Zone Programming menu.
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