BK Precision 5492B Instruction Manual

Model: 5492B, 5492BGPIB
5 ½ Bench Digital Multimeter
As described in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard IEC 664, digital multimeter measuring circuits (e.g., B&K Models 5492B) and the USB terminal are Installation Category II (CAT II). All other instruments’ signal terminals are Installation Category I and must not be connected to mains.
This equipment is a POLLUTION DEGREE 2, INDOOR USE product.
Safety Summary
The following safety precautions apply to both operating and maintenance personnel and must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Before applying power, follow the installation instructions and become familiar with the operating instructions for this instrument.
To minimize shock hazard, the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an electrical ground. This instrument is grounded through the ground conductor of the supplied, three-conductor ac power cable. The power cable must be plugged into an approved three-conductor electrical outlet. Do not alter the ground connection. Without the protective ground connection, all accessible conductive parts (including control knobs) can render an electric shock. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet IEC safety standards.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes a definite safety hazard.
Instrument covers must not be removed by operating personnel. Component replacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenance personnel. Disconnect the power cord before removing the instrument covers and replacing components. Under certain conditions, even with the power cable removed, dangerous voltages may exist. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching them.
Do not attempt any internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modifications to this instrument.
before removing
Before connecting the line cord to the AC mains, check the rear panel AC line voltage indicator. Applying a line voltage other than the indicated voltage can
fuses. For continued fire protection, replace fuses only
ocedures for
handling, storing and transporting parts and subassemblies which contain
Return the instrument to B&K Precision for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
WARNING and CAUTION statements, such as the following examples, denote a hazard
and appear throughout this manual. Follow all instructions contained in these statements. A WARNING statement calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or condition,
which, if not followed correctly, could result in injury or death to personnel. A CAUTION statement calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or condition,
which, if not followed correctly, could result in damage to or destruction of parts or the entire product.
Do not alter the ground connection. Without the protective ground connection, all accessible conductive parts (including control knobs) can render an electric shock. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet IEC safety standards.
To avoid electrical shock hazard, disconnect power cord covers. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.
destroy the AC line with those of the specified voltage and current ratings.
This product uses components which can be damaged by electro­discharge (ESD). To avoid damage, be sure to follow proper pr
ESD-sensitive components.
This product is subject to Directive 2002/96/EC of the European
Council of the European Union on waste
adopting that Directive, is marked as being put on the market after August 13, 2005, and should not be disposed of as unsorted
This symbol serves as a warning to users of the input safety ratings. Refer to the operating instructions for details.
Electrical Shock hazard.
Chassis ground symbol.
CAT I (1000V)
CAT II (300V)
IEC Measurement Category I. Inputs may be connected to mains (up to 300 VAC) under Category II overvoltage conditions.
IEC Measurement Category II.
Compliance Statements
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
Parliament and the electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) , and in jurisdictions
municipal was te. Please utilize your local WEEE collection facilities in the disposition of this product and otherwise observe all applicable requirements.
CE Declaration of Conformity
The 5492B and 5492BGPIB meets the requirements of 2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive and 2004/108/EC Electromagnet Compatibility Directive.
Low Voltage Directive
- EN61010-1: 2001 (2nd edition)
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
EMC Directive
- EN 61326-1:2006
- EN 61326-2-2: 2006
Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 General Information ..................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Feature Overview ............................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Input Power and Fuse Requirements ................................................................................. 9
1.3 Package Contents ............................................................................................................ 11
Chapter 2 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Front Panel Overview ....................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Screen Display ................................................................................................................. 14
2.3 Front Panel Menu Options ................................................................................................ 14
2.4 Front Panel Menu Overview ............................................................................................. 16
2.5 Rear Panel Summary ....................................................................................................... 17
2.6 Power up .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.6.1 Power Line Connection .................................................................................................... 18
2.6.2 Power-up Sequence ......................................................................................................... 18
2.6.3 High Energy Circuit Safety Precautions ........................................................................... 19
2.6.4 Power-on Default s ............................................................................................................ 19
2.6.5 Warm-up t ime ................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 3 Basic Measurements .................................................................................................. 22
3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Measuring Voltage ............................................................................................................ 22
3.2.1 Connections ...................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Crest factor ....................................................................................................................... 24
3.3 Measuring Current ............................................................................................................ 24
3.3.1 Connections ...................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.2 Front Panel Fuse Replac ement ........................................................................................ 25
3.4 Measuring Resistance ...................................................................................................... 26
3.4.1 Connections ...................................................................................................................... 26
3.4.2 Shielding ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.5 Measuring Frequency and Period ..................................................................................... 28
3.5.1 Trigger Level and Measurement Errors ............................................................................ 28
3.5.2 Gate Time ......................................................................................................................... 28
3.5.3 Connections ...................................................................................................................... 28
3.6 Measuring Continuity ........................................................................................................ 29
3.6.1 Connections ...................................................................................................................... 29
3.6.2 Threshold resistanc e level ................................................................................................ 30
3.7 Testing Diode ................................................................................................................... 30
3.7.1 Connections ...................................................................................................................... 30
3.7.2 Current Range .................................................................................................................. 31
3.8 Math Functions ................................................................................................................. 32
3.8.1 mX+b................................................................................................................................. 32
3.8.2 Percent .............................................................................................................................. 33
3.8.3 dB Calculation ................................................................................................................... 34
3.8.4 dBm Calculation ................................................................................................................ 35
Chapter 4 Measurement Options .............................................................................................. 37
4.1 Measurement configuration .............................................................................................. 37
4.1.1 Range ............................................................................................................................... 37
4.1.2 Filter .................................................................................................................................. 38
4.1.3 Relative ............................................................................................................................. 39
4.1.4 Rate .................................................................................................................................. 40
4.2 Trigger Operations ............................................................................................................ 41
4.2.1 Trigger Model .................................................................................................................... 41
4.2.2 EXT T rig & VM Comp ....................................................................................................... 44
4.3 Buffer Operations ............................................................................................................. 44
4.3.1 Store Reading ................................................................................................................... 45
4.3.2 Recall Readings ................................................................................................................ 46
4.3.3 Buffer Statistics ................................................................................................................. 47
4.4 Limit Operations ............................................................................................................... 47
4.4.1 Enabling limits ................................................................................................................... 48
4.4.2 Setting Limit Values .......................................................................................................... 48
4.4.3 Configure Limit Beep ........................................................................................................ 49
4.5 System Operations ........................................................................................................... 49
4.5.1 Beeper Control .................................................................................................................. 50
4.5.2 Save Settings .................................................................................................................... 50
4.5.3 Restore Settings ............................................................................................................... 51
4.5.4 Display Control ................................................................................................................. 51
4.5.5 Key Sound ........................................................................................................................ 52
4.5.6 Self-test ............................................................................................................................. 52
4.5.7 Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 5 Remote Operation....................................................................................................... 54
5.1 Selecting an Interface ....................................................................................................... 54
5.1.1 USB (Virtual COM) Interface ............................................................................................ 54
5.1.2 RS-232 Serial Interface .................................................................................................... 55
5.1.3 GPIB Interface (model 5492BGPIB only) ......................................................................... 55
5.2 USB & RS-232 Interface Operation .................................................................................. 56
5.2.1 RS-232 Connection .......................................................................................................... 56
5.2.2 Sending and receiving dat a .............................................................................................. 57
5.2.3 Selecting Baud Rate ......................................................................................................... 57
5.2.4 Selecting Parity Mo de ....................................................................................................... 57
5.2.5 Selecting Terminal Character ........................................................................................... 58
5.2.6 Selecting Echoing ............................................................................................................. 58
5.2.7 Software Protocol ............................................................................................................. 59
5.3 GPIB Interface operation (model 5492BGPIB only) .......................................................... 60
5.3.1 GPIB Connection .............................................................................................................. 60
5.3.2 GPIB Interface Capability ................................................................................................. 61
5.3.3 GPIB Addressing .............................................................................................................. 61
5.4 Data Format ..................................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 6 SCPI Command Reference ....................................................................................... 62
6.1 Command Structure ......................................................................................................... 62
6.2 Command Syntax ............................................................................................................. 63
6.2.1 Commands and co m mand parameters ............................................................................ 63
6.2.2 Short-form Rules ............................................................................................................... 64
6.2.3 Basic Rules of Com mand Structure ................................................................................. 65
6.2.4 Multiple Command Rules ................................................................................................. 65
6.2.5 Command Path Rules ...................................................................................................... 65
6.3 Command Reference ....................................................................................................... 66
6.3.1 Measurement Commands ................................................................................................ 66
6.3.2 DISPlay subsystem ........................................................................................................... 70
6.3.3 CALCulate Subsyst em ..................................................................................................... 70
6.3.4 SENSe subsystem command ........................................................................................... 79
6.3.5 SYSTem Subsystem ......................................................................................................... 92
6.3.6 UNIT Subsystem ............................................................................................................... 94
6.3.7 TRIGger Subsystem ......................................................................................................... 97
6.3.8 Common Comm ands ........................................................................................................ 99
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting Guide .......................................................................................... 100
7.1 Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................... 100
7.2 Error Messages .............................................................................................................. 101
Chapter 8 Specifications ............................................................................................................. 102
8.1 Technical Specifications ................................................................................................. 102
SERVICE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 110
LIMITED THREE-YEAR WARRANTY ..................................................................................... 110
General information
Chapter 1 General Information
This chapter is outlined as follows:

1.1 Feature Overview

1.2 Input Power and Fuse Requirements

1.3 Package Contents
1.1 Feature Overview
5492B is a 5½ digital multimeter with high accuracy, stability and speed. It has a 0.01% DC voltage basic accuracy, 0.03% basic resistance accuracy and broad ranges that can measure:
DC volt age up to 1000 V  AC (RMS) voltage up to 750 V, or about 1000 V Peak  DC current up to 12 A  AC (RMS) current up to 12 A  Two and four-wire resistance up to 120 Frequency from 5 Hz to 1 MHz
1.2 Input Power and Fuse Requirements
The 5492B digital multimeter can operate on 110 V or 220 V with +/- 10% tolerance at 60 Hz or 50 Hz with +/- 5% tolerance respectively. Before powering the instrument, please check for correct power input setup that corres pon ds to t he li ne volt age t o be used f or op eratio n. Note the l abe l in the r ear labe l, as shown below:
~110 V / 60 Hz T1AL, 250 V ~220 V / 50 Hz T500mAL, 250 V
There are two items to check for:
1. Check that the correct fuse is placed insi de the fuse box. Referring to the above table, use a 1 A fuse for 110 V/ 60 Hz operation, an d 500 mA fuse for 220 V/50 Hz operation.
2. Check the fuse holder position. There is a voltage indicator window on the front face o f the fuse box that indicates the selected line voltage. To c hange or select the appropriate line voltage, remove the fuse box and pul l out and rotate the fuse holder, as illustrated below:
Fuse Box
remove fuse box.
Voltage Indicator Window
General information
Press both sides indicated by the arrows and pull to
Fuse Holder
Fuse Box
There is a second fuse with a fuse holder located in the front panel of the multimeter. This is an over current protection fuse for the low current measurement input. It is rated for a T2AL, 250 V fuse. To remove and replace this fuse, see the illustration below:
To remove, use a flat head screw driver or a coin to insert into the slid and turn counter-clockwise to open. Similarly to put back the fuse box, push the box down and turn clockwise.
There is a third fuse locat ed ins ide the instrument which prot ects the 12 A input terminal if current exceeds the maximum rat i ng. It is a 6 x 32 mm 250V, 20 A fast acting high energy ceramic fuse.
General information

1.3 Package Contents

Please inspect the instrument mechanically and electrically upon receiving it. Unpack all items from the shipping carton, and check for any obvious signs of physical damage that may have occurred during transportation. Report any damage to the shipping agent immediately. Save the original packing carton for possible future reshipment. Every meter is shipped with the following contents:
5492B/5492BGPIB 5½ digit multimeter TL35B Test Leads (one set) AC Power cord Spare fuses User Manual USB Cable Certificate of Calibration and Test Report
Verify that all items above are included in the shipping container. If anything is missing, please contact B&K Precision.
Chapter 2 Overview
This chapter is outlined as follows:

2.1 Front Panel Overview

2.2 Screen Display
2.3 Front Panel Menu Options
2.4 Front Panel Menu Overview
2.5 Rear Panel Summary
2.6 Power up
2.1 Front Panel Overview
The front panel of the B&K 5492B is shown in Figure 2-1. This figure includes some important abbreviated information that s hould be reviewed befor e oper ating the instrument.
Figure 1 - Front Panel View
1. Measur ement function keys Select measurement function: DC voltage and current, AC voltage and current, 2-wire and 4-wire
resistance, frequency, period, continuity and diode test.
2. Math function keys Select math function: mX+b, %, dB, dBm and Rel.
3. Menu oper ation key s
Open/Close menu
Recall the menu performed last
Move through selections within menu level, sub-menu level or parameter level
Move through se lections within menu level, sub-menu level or parameter level.
Move up a lev el. Move down a level. (ENTER) Save the changes made o n “parameter” level, and return to the “sub-menu” level.
(ESC) Cancel the changes made on “parameter” level, and return to the “sub-menu”
4. Range and measure me nt speed keys
Select a higher range and disab le auto ranging. Select a lower range and disable auto ranging.
T oggle between auto ranging and manual ranging.
Set measurement speed to Fast .
Set measurement speed to M edi um.
Set measurement speed to Slow.
5. T ri g/Ho ld Key
Trigger a measurement from the front panel.
Hold a stable reading on the display when selected numbers of samples are
6. Shift/Local keys
Used to access shifted keys (labels are in blue). (LOCAL) Exit remote operation and set back to local oper ation.
within the selected toleran c e.

2.2 Screen Display

Figure 2-2 Display A nnunciator s
* (asterisk) Instrument is ready to st ore readi ngs ( w hen in system menu) /
Reading is being stored (w hen in measure ment mode)
(Diode) Instrument is in diode testing function
(Speaker) Beeper on for continuity testing function 4W Multimeter is in 4-wire resistance measurement mode. ADRS Multimeter is addressed to listen or talk over the GPIB interface AUTO Auto ranging enabled ERR Hardware or remote control error detected FAST Fast reading rate FILT Digital filter enabled HOLD Reading HOLD is enabled MATH A math operation is enabled (mX+b, %, dB, dBm). MED Medium reading rate MEM Turns on when reading memor y is enabled REL Relative reading displayed RMT Multimeter is in remote mode SHIFT Accessing shifted keys SLOW Slow reading rate
TRIG Multimeter is wait ing for a trigger (manual, bus, or external trigger).

2.3 Front Panel Menu Options

A : MEA Surement MENU
1. CONTINUITY Select the continuity beeper threshold: 1 Ω to 1000 Ω
2. FILTER Enable or disable FILTER function.
3. FILT TYPE Select the type of filter. Select MOVNG AV (Moving Average) or REPEAT (Repeating Average).
4. FILT COUNT Set the number of readi ngs to be filtered or averaged.
1. SET M Set the scale factor M for MX+B fun ct ion.
2. SET B Set the offset factor B for MX+B function.
3. PERCENT Set the reference value for PERCENT function.
4. dB REF Set the dB reference voltage value.
5. dBm REF Set the dBm reference impedance value.
6. LIMIT TEST Enable or disable the limit testing.
7. HIGH LIMIT Set the high limit for limit test ing.
8. LOW LIMIT Set the low limit for limit testing.
9. LIMIT BEEP Set the beep mode for limit testing. Select from: NEVER, HI, IN, LO, OUT.
1. TRIG MODE Select the trigger source. Select IMM (Immediate), MAN (Manual), BUS, or EXT (External) trigger source.
2. TRIG DELAY Select AUTO or MANUal trigger delay mode. Selecting manual will allow you to specify a time interval which is ins er t ed before a measure ment.
1. RDGS STORE Enable or disable reading me m or y.
2. RDGS COUNT Set the number of readings to be saved (2 to 512).
3. SAVED RDGS Recall readings stored in memory.
4. BEEP Enable or disable the beeper fu nction
5. SAVE CNFG Save the present configuration as one of the 10 user’s settings.
6. LOAD CNFG Restore factory or one of the 10 user’s settings
7. DISPLAY Enable or disable the front panel display.
8. KEY SOUN D Enable or disable the key sound w hen you press a key.
9. TEST Perform a complete sel f-test.
E : Input / Outp ut MENU
1. GPIB ADDR Set the GPIB bus address. (0 to 31)
2. INTERFACE Select between GPIB and USB/RS232 as the remote control inter face.
3. BAUD RATE Select the baud rate for USB/RS232C operation. Select from: 115.2K, 57.6K, 38.4K, 19.2K, 9600,4800, 2400.
4. PARITY Select the parity mode for USB/RS232C operation. Select from: NONE, EVEN, ODD.
5. TX TERM Select the terminal char acter for USB/RS232C communication. Selection from: LF, CR, LFCR
6. RETURN Enable or disable echoing command strings.
F : CALibrati on MEN U (This function is not available)
level is too small for the
selected command. The minimum value allowed is displayed for you to
level is too large for the

2.4 Front Panel Men u Overvie w

The menu is organized in a top-down tree struc ture with three levels ( m enus, submenus and parameter s) as shown in Figure 2-3. You can use down ( ) or up ( ) keys to browse through the menu tree from one level to another. Each of the three levels has several choices which you can view by using left ( ) or right ( ) keys.
 T o t ur n on t he menu, press (Menu).
Figure 2-3 Menu Tree
 T o t ur n off the menu, press (Menu), or press any of the function or math keys
on the top row of front panel keys (i.e. DC V, Freq, etc.).
To confirm a change on the “parameter” level, press (ENTER). T o cancel a change on the “parameter” level, press (ESC).
T o r ecall the last menu com m and t hat w as executed, press (Recall)
The messages display ed during menu operation are listed in the following Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Messages Displayed During Menu Operation
The change made on the “parameter” level is saved. This message will be displayed after you press (ENTER) to save the changes. The value you specified on the “parameter”
edit. The value you specified on the “parameter” selected command. The maximum value allowed is displayed for you to edit. System configuration file is being saved. System configuration fil e i s being restored. System configuration file is successfully saved. System configuration file is successfully restored.
Note: If you press on the “menu” level, nothing will happen because it is at the top menu level of already. Likewise, if you press on the “parameter” level, nothing will happen because it is at the l ow est menu level.
2.5 Rear Panel Summary
The rear panel of BK 5492B is shown in Figure 2-4. This section includes important information that should be reviewed before oper ating the instrument.
Figure 2-4 Rear Panel
1. Power line fuse holder The multimeters can be configured for line v oltage of 110/220 V ± 10 % AC at line frequency of 50/60 Hz ± 5%. Power line fuse is used for instru ment pr ot ection. (220 V/500 mA or 110 V/1 A)
Note: Please use the same-type of fuse as it is in the fuse holder. To verify and replace the
fuse, remove the power cable and pull out the fuse holder. See section 1.2 for details.
2. (optional) GPIB (IEEE-488) interface (model 5492BGPIB)
3. Chassis ground screw terminal
4. RS-232 (Serial) interface
5. USB interface
6. External Tr igger BN C inpu t terminal
7. VM Comp (Voltmeter complete) BNC output terminal
8. Serial number label
+ 37 hidden pages