B&K Precision 2542B-GEN Datasheet

Data Sheet
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
Models 2540B, 2542B, 2540B-GEN, 2542B-GEN
The 2540B, 2542B, 2540B-GEN, and 2542B-GEN dual channel 60 MHz and 100 MHz digital storage oscilloscopes deliver performance and value, all in one portable solution. Maximize productivity using extensive features such as digital filtering, waveform recorder, pass/fail limit testing, and automatic measurements. These oscilloscopes offer powerful tools in a small affordable package with deep waveform memory up to 2.4 Mpts plus LAN and USB PC interface. The 2540B-GEN and 2542B-GEN models add a built-in function/arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).
Easily capture, save, and analyze measurement results with Comsoft PC software. All scope parameters can be controlled via a PC without the need for programming or communicate with the DSO via the built-in LAN interface using a web browser.
Additionally, these oscilloscopes can be integrated with AWGs using B&K Precision's waveform editing software, WaveXpress. WaveXpress allows users to easily modify waveforms downloaded from the scope and can also be used for analysis of deep memory acquisitions.
Educators will appreciate the ability to disable the Auto Set button that would automatically setup the scope to display a signal, circumventing the need to know how to set up scope parameters. This is key for teaching waveform measurement fundamentals as if it was an analog oscilloscope.
These oscilloscopes are ideal for applications in design and debugging, service and repair, and education.
Features and Benefits
60 MHz (2540B/2540B-GEN) and 100 MHz
(2542B/2542B-GEN) bandwidth
1 GSa/s sample rate
Deep waveform memory up to 2.4 Mpts
28 automatic measurements
Four different math functions – Add, Subtract,
Multiply, and FFT
Pulse width, video, slope and alternate
Advanced tools include digital filter with
adjustable limits, pass/fail testing, and wave
form recorder mode
Four shortcut keys for quick access of
frequently used functions (models 2540B and
2542B only)
Built-in Function/Arbitrary Waveform
Generator (models 2540B-GEN and
2542B-GEN only)
11 different language user interfaces
Built-in context sensitive help system
For educators - ability to disable the Auto Set
LAN and USB connectivity for remote PC
control through Comsoft PC software
custom software using SCPI commands
USB host port for convenient storing and
recalling of waveform data, setups, and
screenshots on a USB flash drive
LAN interface for capturing screenshots via a
web browser plus full front panel emulation
Mode ls 25 4 0B 2542B 2540B- G E N 2542B- G E N
Bandwidth 60 MHz 100 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHz
Built-In AWG No No Yes, 20 MHz Yes, 40 MHz
For more information, visit www.bkprecision.com/WaveXpress
Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2014
ww w .bk prec isio n.com
-Based on sample rate and accessible via remote interface
-Available for download at the B&K Precision website
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
Models 2540B. 2542B, 2540B-GEN, 2542B-GEN
Front panel
Menu On/ Of f b u t t o n Configure the menu parameters and hide the menu with the push of a button to view your signal in full screen.
Disp l a y
5.7” color display.
USB h ost p or t Connect your USB flash drive to conveniently update firmware and store/recall waveform data, setups, and screenshots.
Wa v e f o r m an a l y s is w i t h math an d FF T Analyze your signals with add, subtract, and multiply functions. View the signal’s frequency spectrum and perform harmonic distortion analysis.
Pr i n t b u t t on Simply press the Print button to save a screenshot in bitmap format to a USB flash drive.
Au t o Se t but ton Vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls are automatically adjusted for fast signal display.
Sh o r t c u t bu t t o n s (m odel s 2 5 4 0 B a nd 25 42B o nly) Use these buttons to quickly access your most frequently used functions or menus. The Custom button allows you to assign your own shortcut.
Ad van ced trigg e ri n g Isolate the signal with advanced triggering including pulse width and selectable video trigger.
Bu i l t - i n ar b it ra ry w a v e f o r m
ge ner a t o r (mode l s 25 4 0 B - G E N
and 2542B-GEN only)
Optimize your workspace and
increase productivity with the unique
combination of a DSO and a
built-in AWG.
Rear panel
Se c u ri ty l o o p Use the built-in security loop to secure your instrument to your location.
AC Input Socket Input socket for the AC power cord.
Commu n i c a t i o n LAN, RS232, and USB ports enable remote PC control.
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