B&K Reference 10, Reference 20 User Manual

B&K Components, Ltd.
Reference 10 Reference 20
stem Controller
Owner’s Manual
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Acknowledgments Safety Precautions Features The Basics Front panel Rear Panel Making the connection
Advanced Features
Troubleshooting A/V System Controller Specifications The Menu System Rear Panel Enlarged View
2 3 4 5 8
9 10
11Audio / Video connections .....................................................................
12Digital Connections ...........................................................................
13SURROUND output CONNECTIONS ...........................................................
14Antenna Connections .........................................................................
14Control outputs / IR Inputs .....................................................................
15Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................................
17The Menu System ............................................................................
18User Preference Setup ........................................................................
18Display Options ...........................................................................
21Edit Preset Options ........................................................................
22Edit Source Name .........................................................................
22Surround Mode Operation ..................................................................
24Setup/Configure ..............................................................................
24Speaker Size and Delay ....................................................................
28Speaker Calibration ........................................................................
29Source Levels .............................................................................
29AM Tuner Settings .........................................................................
30FM Tuner Settings .........................................................................
31Power On/Off ................................................................................
31Sleep .......................................................................................
32Choosing a source ...........................................................................
32Tuner Operation ..............................................................................
33Adjusting the Volume .........................................................................
33Temporary Level Adjustments ..................................................................
34Surround Modes .............................................................................
36Overrides ...................................................................................
36Presets .....................................................................................
38Getting A/V System Controller Status ...........................................................
38Zone 2 Operation .............................................................................
39Advanced Security Options ....................................................................
40Zone Configuration ...........................................................................
43Power On Titles ..............................................................................
44Control Out Setup ............................................................................
45Factory Reset ................................................................................
46 47 48 49
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Manufactured under license f rom Dolby Laboratories. trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential Unpublished Works. © 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
is a registered trademark of Digital Theater Systems, LLC. Additionally licensed under the following US
DTS Patent 5,451,942 & National Patent applications derived from PCT/US95/00959. Additional U.S. and Foreign Patents pending. “DTS”, “digital sound” , and “coherent acoustic s” logos are tradem arks of DTS Technology LLC. All rights reserved.
, , “Powered by Motorola”™, Motorola name and logo are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc.
Dolby”, ”Pro Logic”, “AC-3", and the double-D symbol are
Reference 20
Reference 10
Accessories included:
Phone (716)656-0026, Fax (716)656-1291, http://www.bkcomp.com, E-mail: info@bkcomp.com
may be used to process Dolby Pro Logic and Dolby Digital may be used to process Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Digital, and DTS.
B&K Components, Ltd., 2100 Old Union Road, Buffalo New York 14227-2725
Owners manual, Remote control Manual, Power cord, Remote control, 4-AAA batteries
© Copyright 1998 All Rights Reserved.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
WARNING: to prevent f ire or shock hazard, do not expose this unit to rain or moisture. Care should be taken to prevent objects or liquid from entering the enclosure. Never handle the power cord with wet hands.
The lightning flash with arrowhead, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user of the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user of the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the unit.
Caution: To prevent the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover. No user-serviceable
servicing to qualified service personnel.
If an outdoor antenna is connected to the antenna input, be sure it is grounded to provide som e protection agains t voltage surges and built up static charges. Keep the outdoor antenna away from power lines.
Unplug the A/V System Controller from the AC outlet when plugging in or unplugging cables, when left unused for an extended period of time, moving the A/V System Controller, or when you suspect lightning in your area.
Prevent damage to the power cord. Do not bend, pull, place objects on, alter, etc. Replace the power cord if it becomes damaged. Always grasp the plug on the power cord when plugging in or unplugging the A/V System Controller from the AC outlet.
Your system may produce sound levels capable of causing perm anent hearing los s. Do not operate f or extended periods of time at high volume levels.
Make sure the A/V System Controller is placed on a level surface. Protect the A/V System Controller from impact. (Do not drop it!!!) The A/V System Controller is equipped with raised feet to provide ventilation, reduce acoustic feedback,and
provide protection against scratc hing the surface the unit is resting on. W e advise against removing or altering feet.
Do not stack anything on top of the A/V System Controller (amplifier, source, etc.) Leave a minimum of 3” clearance from the top of the A/V System Controller to the next shelf (or component).
The A/V System Controller should be located away from heat sources such as heaters or amplifiers. Do not perform any internal modifications to the A/V System Controller. Always connect the A/V System Controller’s power cord to an unswitched AC outlet for normal operation. If young children are present, adult supervision should be provided until the children are capable of following all
rules for safe operation. Do not plug the A/V System Controller’s power cord into an outlet with an unreasonable number of other devices.
Be careful if using ex tension cords and ensure the total power used by all devices does not exceed the power rating (watts/amperes) of the extension c ord. Excessive loads may cause the insulation on the cord to heat and possibly melt.
Mistaking System Controller or other components.
Damage can occur to your speakers if the power rating of each individual driver is exceeded by the power amplifiers connected to the A/V System Controller. Ensure that all the drivers in your system are capable of handling not only the average power being delivered by the power amplifier, but also the peak power that is lik ely to be generated during strong passages. manufacturer or the dealer where you purchased them.
The A/V System Controller should be serviced by qualified personnel when:
The A/V System Controller is not functioning propoerly. The A/V System Controller was exposed to rain or other type of moisture. The A/V System Controller was dropped, or the chassis is damaged.
” within the product’s enclosure that may constitute a risk of electric shock to you.
parts inside. Refer
connectors for audio/video inputs or outputs m ay damage your A/V
If you are unsure of your speaker's power rating, contact the speaker
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Your new A/V System Controller is a versatile audio/video control center. The A/V System Controller is designed to sound sensational and be an attractive, easy-to-use addition to your audio/video system. Although you already have a good idea of your A/V System Controller’s features, we would like to tak e a moment to point out certain highlights.
Remote Control Front Panel Operation
Two-zone operation
for second listening/viewing area.
Plug and Play operation
A/V presets
Customized input and A/V preset names Internal Digitally Synthesized AM/FM Stereo tuner Analog inputs/outputs
S-video plus one set of 5.1 channel surround outputs
Digital inputs/outputs
Control Outputs
B & K amplifier.
IR inputs/outputs
infrared repeater control system.
- easy control of your B&K equipment.
- Nearly all functions can be controlled directly from the A/V System Controller.
- complete digital/analog preamp/proces sor f or zone 1 plus fully independent analog preamp
- automatically selects the optimum input and surround sound format.
- 20 preset memories allow instant recall of user settings.
- assign names to presets, inputs, or the turn on message.
- seven A/V inputs and five A/V outputs
- seven coaxial inputs and one coaxial output plus five optical inputs and one optical
- four 12 VDC @ 50 mA outputs f or controlling ex ternal system s suc h as a proj ection sc reen or
- two IR inputs and up to four IR outputs let you integrate the A/V System Controller with an
- stores 20 AM and 20 FM channels.
with stereo audio, composite video and
Gold Plated Connectors ­State-of-the-art Design -
20 bit 48kHz A/D and 20 bit 32/44.1/48kHz D/As.
Dual Motorola DSP56K009 24 bit digital signal processors.
Upgradable - modular design allows for future A/D, D/A, digital receiver, DSP and bass management
better sound with minimum signal loss and degradation.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
The following is intended to familiarize users with common terms and applications of Home Theater equipment.
Sources -
limited video from its on-screen menu system. Typically you will want to connect a number of additional sources (VCR, DVD player, etc.) to your A/V System Controller. Your A/V System Controller is designed to accom odate a wide range of audio and video signals.
The following table lists the most popular home theater media and how the audio information is stored.
your A/V System Controller can directly provide audio from its built-in AM/FM tuner. It can also provide
DTSDolby DigitalPCMAnalogSource Media
XAudio Cassette XVideo Cassette
XXXXLaserdisc (LD) XXXCompact Disc (CD) XXXDigital Versatile Disc (DVD)
XXXSatellite Broadcast
XXXDigital Audio Tape (DAT) X (compressed)Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) X (compressed)Minidisc (MD)
Analog vs. Digital Audio -
how they are delivered to your A/V System Controller fr om the sourc e. Analog signals ex actly represent the sound you will hear through a continuously varying voltage. Audio and video cassettes are analog recordings and are normally delivered to your A/V System Controller over a pair of coaxial audio cables.
Digital signals closely approximate the original audio signals with a set of numbers referred to as a bitstream . CDs and DVDs are sources of digital audio and are normally connected to your A/V System Controller through a coaxial or optical digital cable. There are several different bitstream formats available. The simplest format is called Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). In PCM, the bits tream directly represents the original 2-channel audio. In Dolby Digital and DTS (see “Surround Formats” below) bitstreams are modified using a process called compression to squeeze m ore infor m ation into lim ited space. DT S squeezes 5.1 channels into the spac e norm ally required for two uncompressed channels, while Dolby Digital squeezes 5.1 channels into about ¼ the space required for two channels. Your A/V System Controller automatically detects the bitstream curr ently being provided from the sour ce and performs the requir ed dec ompression and surround proc es sing. If no digital signal is present your A/V System Controller will automatically switch to analog processing.
All sounds that you hear from your speakers are analog. Digital s ignals are automatically converted to analog by your A/V System Controller before being output to your speakers.
This refers to the m ethod used to place audio inform ation on the source m aterial and
If analog signals exactly represent the audio, while digital signals only approximate it, why would I want to use digital?
All analog sources add some amount of noise and distortion to the audio signal. Additional noise can be picked up through the cables from the source to your A/V System Controller. It is impossible for the A/V System Controller to tell the difference between the desired signal and the added noise and distortion, so it reproduces both of them. T he result is increased back ground noise and decreased dynamic r ange and fidelity. Digital signals are virtually immune to noise and distortion. The A/V System Controller can, therefore, reproduce the signal with the gr eatest possible fidelity. W e recommend you use digital signals wherever possible. Also Dolby Digital and DTS (see “Surround Formats” below) work only signals.
with digital
Surround Formats
Monaural (Mono)
Modern recordings are seldom m ade in this for m at, but mos t older m ovies and m usic ar e available only in this format. You may get mono from any source - digital or analog. Sound will nor mally come only from your center channel speaker, but your A/V System Controller can produce mono in two or four channels
- Your source material will be in one of five possible formats described below.
- This is the oldest format available. It contains a single, full range audio channel.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
(see “Surround Mode”). Since all m odern sources are ster eo, the mono information is us ually replicated on both the left and right channels.
Stereo - Stereo contains two discrete, full range audio channels. This is the most common format for
music and is also used on many movies. You may get stereo from any source - digital or analog. Sound will normally come only from your front left and right speakers, but your A/V System Controller can additionally produce stereo in four or five channels (see “Surround Mode”).
Dolby Pro Logic - Dolby Pro Logic is a refinement of Dolby Surround which was the earliest form of true
surround processing. Like Stereo, Dolby Surround contains two discrete, full range audio channels. In addition, a monaural, limited range rear channel is encoded on the two stereo channels in a process called matrixing. T he rear channel information is encoded in positive polarity on the left channel and in negative polarity on the right channel. The Dolby Processor can detect this encoding (lef t m inus right) and send that information to the rear channels. Dolby Pro Logic adds additional processing to produc e a full range center channel by extracting the m ono inform ation from the left and right channel. T his is the m ost common f orm at for all but the mos t recent m ovies. Mus ic sourc es are oc casionally encoded in Pro Logic. However, many people prefer to use Pro Logic processing on all of their stereo sources. The center channel extraction process often yields improved stereo imaging, especially when you are sitting away from the “sweet spot” at center of the listening area. The rear channel processing of ten lends a pleasing ambiance even to mater ial that is not Pro Logic encoded. Dolby Pro Logic is fully compatible with ster eo and you may get it from any source - digital or analog. Sound will normally com e from all f ive speak ers in your system, but your A/V System Controller can reduce the number of channels to two or four (see “Surround Modes”).
Dolby Digital (also referred to as AC-3) - Dolby Digital contains up to five discrete, full range audio
channels plus an additional Low Frequency Effects (LFE) channel. The LFE channel contains only low frequency information for enhanced sound eff ects in movies. This combination of f ive discrete channels plus a LFE channel is often r eferred to as 5.1 channels. Dolby Digital is a digital f ormat only. It must be delivered to your A/V System Controller over a coaxial or optical digital cable. As of the writing of this manual, Dolby Digital is comm ercially available only on DVD (Also see possible to create your own Dolby Digital CDs and DATs if you have the recording equipment. You can’t directly record Dolby Digital onto minidisc or digital compact c assette since these devices add their own compression which is incompatible with the Dolby Digital compression. Sound will norm ally come from all five speakers in your system, but your A/V System Controller can reduce the number of channels to two or four (see “Surr ound Mode”). Not all Dolby Digital recordings will inc lude all five c hannels, and, in fact, it is common on DVDs to have two channel Dolby Digital with or without Pro Logic processing.
Dolby Digital RF (also referred to as AC3-RF) - Dolby Digital RF is identical to normal Dolby Digital
except that it uses a special RF encoding scheme to put the bitstream on Laserdiscs without replacing the normal stereo (or Pro Logic) PCM bitstream that is normally available from laserdisc. In order to use Dolby Digital RF laserdiscs you must have a B&K DT-1 RF demodulator or similar product from another manufacturer. For best results with your A/V System Controller’s Plug and Play capability we strongly recommend the DT-1.
DTS (Digital Theater Systems) - DTS is the latest surround sound technology. DTS is similar to Dolby
Digital in that it provides 5.1 discrete audio channels. However, it us es more digital data to encode the information and may provide greater fidelity than Dolby Digital. DTS is a digital format only. It must be delivered to your A/V System Controller over a coaxial or optical digital cable. As of the writing of this manual, DTS is commercially available only on laserdisc and CD with DVD coming soon. No RF demodulator is required for DTS laserdiscs since the DTS bitstream replaces the normal PCM bitstream. Like Dolby Digital, you can create your own DTS DATs or CDs but not minidisc or digital compact cassette. As with Dolby Digital, sound will normally come from all f ive speakers in your system, but your A/V System Controller can reduce the number of channels to two or four (see “Surround Mode”).
Doby Digital RF
below). It is also
NOTE: The Reference 10 processes Dolby Pro Logic and Dolby Digital, it DOES NOT process DTS. The Reference 10 can be upgraded to process DTS. Contact B&K or your B&K dealer for information on upgrades. The Reference 20 processes Dolby Pro Logic, Dolby Digital, and DTS.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Bass Management - Dolby Digital and DTS formats contain up to 5 full range channels plus LFE. Only a system
with five full-range (large) speak ers plus a subwoofer can directly reproduce these f ormats. However, almost all commercially available center channel speakers are small and incapable of reproducing the lowest bass frequencies without distortion or even dam age to the speak er. Many people also use sm all speak ers in the rear of their system, while others use sm all s peakers all around. Use of a s ubwoofer is almost mandatory when using five small speakers , but people with at least two large speakers may or may not choose to use a subwoofer . Some people may not use a center channel or rear speak ers at all. In order to handle any possible com bination of large, small, or missing speakers, a home theater system must contain good bass management, a concept often missing from two-piece systems where the Dolby Digital or DTS decoder is separate from the preamp. Your A/V System Controller contains a com plete bass m anagement s ystem. You can use as few as two lar ge front left and right speakers or two small left and right speak ers plus a subwoofer or as many as five full range speak ers plus a subwoofer or any combination in between without miss ing any information. Wher ever s mall speakers are used the bass management system prevents low bass information from going to that speaker (“high pass”). This bass information is rerouted to a speak er that can handle it, usually a subwoofer, but it can also send center, rear, or LFE bass to large front speak ers if no subwoofer is available. W hen center or rear speak ers are not used at all, the missing channel is sent (“downmixed”) to the front speakers.
Preamp - A preamp typically includes the capability to select from a num ber of sources , adjust volume levels and
route the data to an amplifier. Your A/V System Controller includes a high quality preamp.
Processor - A processor typically includes the capability to decode one or more surround form ats, and convert
between digital and analog as required. Your A/V System Controller is capable of decoding the surround f ormats described above.
Zone - A zone is usually a room with speakers installed in it. Your A/V System Controller includes a full
preamp/processor for zone 1 plus an additional analog stereo pream plifier for zone 2. This allows, for example, watching a Dolby Digital movie in zone one while simultaneously using the built-in AM/FM tuner in another room.
Amplifier - An amplifier takes the output of a preamp/processor and increases its level to that necessary to drive a
speaker. Your A/V System Controller includes direct preamp/processor surround outputs for connecting to external amplifiers and/or powered speakers . You must also provide external amplif ication for the s econd zone if you should use that capability.
Speakers - A surround sound system typically uses 5 speak ers located left front, center front, right front, right
rear, and left rear plus a subwoof er located anywhere in the room. Best results are achieved using five identical full range speakers plus subwoofer. This is not always prac tical. Excellent results can be ac hieved using smaller and/or fewer speakers, as long as you go through the set up procedures described later in the manual.
Composite vs. S-video - Composite video is the oldest standard for color video. It combines the luminance
(brightness or black-and-white) and chr ominance (color) inf ormation onto a single conductor. T hese signals must be separated again for display resulting in som e degr adation of the video quality. S-video is a newer s tandard that uses separate conductors f or the luminance ( Y) and chrominance (C) inf ormation res ulting in better video quality. Your A/V System Controller is capable of switching both composite and S-video signals, but it cannot convert between video types.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
1. Headphone Jack
- Stereo headphones having a standard ¼ inch binaural plug can be connected to the headphone output. The A/V System Controller must be on and in HEADPHONE Mode for proper headphone operation.
2. Front panel buttons
3. Main power sw itch
- Removes all power to the A/V System Controller. Normal operation of the A/V System
Puts the A/V System Controller in standby mode. Steps through audio / video presets for instant recall of setups.
Pressing ENTER recalls the preset. Confirm selection or display current status of the receiver.
Enter / exit menu system
Step through menus, sources, or surround modes.
Steps through the audio / video sources.
Steps through the surround modes. Selects MASTER, CENTER, REAR, and SUBWOOFER level
Also allows ZONE 2 operation.
Controller requires the power switch to rem ain on. Use the Sleep button for daily on and off of the A/V System Controller. It places the unit in standby mode that allows turning back on with the remote control. Turn the A/V System Controller off with the main power switch when not using it for an extended period of time.
4. Volume control
- For controlling system volume. Turning the shuttle-type volume control clock wise increases the volume level, countercloc kwise decreases the volume level. The volume knob is also us ed to change other A/V System Controller settings. See THE MENU SYSTEM and OPERATION
5. Level indicators
- Display which volume level is being changed - MASTER, CENTER, REAR, or
SUBWOOFER. The bottom indicator is for the activation of ZONE 2. It is lit when changes are made to zone 2.
6. Display
- The A/V System Controller display is a 16 character alphanumeric fluorescent display. Displays
current status of A/V System Controller and any changes being performed.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
The A/V System Controller’s back panel is organized into groups of inputs and outputs for audio and video as shown below. See back of this manual for an enlarged view.
1. AC fuse holder
2. AC input receptacle
3. RS-232 input (optional)-
4. Zone audio outputs
the surround left and right front outputs.
5. Serial number -
6. Antenna inputs -
7. Line inputs
Red RCA jacks White RCA jacks Yellow RCA jacks 4 pin din jacks
8. Line level outputs
9. Zone video outputs -
10. IR in
the A/V System Controller. This m ethod of control is useful when the front IR r eceptor is block ed (f or exam ple, by a cabinet door) or to control the A/V System Controller from another room. This input is typically used in place of an emitter attached to the front panel.
11. Control outs
12. Digital outputs
input of the A/V System Controller out to digital recorders, personal computers, etc.
13. Surround outputs
14. Digital inputs
The incoming signal may be PCM, Dolby Digital (AC-3) or DTS (Reference 20 only).
- Accepts input from external IR rec eptors. Connect an IR repeater (“ home run”) to IR IN f or controlling
- Holds the AC Line fuse. Replace only with 0.5 Amp / 250 Volt Fast Blow fuse.
- For attaching the supplied AC power cord to the A/V System Controller. For future interface applications.
- Variable level output to your external amplifiers. Note: the zone 1 outputs are identical to
B&K Components, Ltd. serial number of your unit.
Connections for the AM and FM antennas.
- connections from your audio/video sources.
- right analog audio
- left analog audio
- composite video
- S-video
- Fixed level outputs to an audio or video recorder. Variable level outputs to your video monitors.
- Outputs that allow you to remotely control external devices. (See “Making The Connection“).
- One optical and one 3.5 mm coax ial that carry digital information from the selected digital
- Variable level outputs for driving external power amplifiers or powered speakers.
- Inputs used to connect a digital audio s ignal from your source to the A/V System Controller.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
It’s tempting to just plug in your new A/V System Controller and have great sound pour out. Before you do that, take a few minutes to plan out how you want the A/V System Controller to fit into your audio/video system. Ask yourself the following questions:
What source components do I want to connect to my A/V System Controller? (CD, VCR, etc.)
What equipment will be receiving the audio and video? (TV monitor, Speakers, etc.)
The answers to your questions determine how many cables you need to connect to the back of the A/V System Controller. Good preplanning equals great sound. Keep these recommendations in mind:
List all components in your system and indicate whic h j ac ks of the A/V System Controller eac h c omponent will be connected to. Your A/V System Controller has seven sets of inputs. It is convenient to connect a DVD player to the input labeled DVD or a VCR to the input labeled V1 or TAPE, etc. However, your equipment may differ from the labeling on the back of your A/V System Controller. In most cases you can connect any type of source to any input (see FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS). For example, if you don’t have a satellite receiver you can connect a DAT player or a second cassette deck to SAT . You can also reprogram the source name that will appear on your A/V System Controller’s front panel and on-screen display (see SETUP ­SOURCE NAMES)
Also note the length of the cable for each component’s connec tion and describe how it should be routed or draw your routing scheme below your list. You may want to label each cable with a name or number at both ends. Use high quality connections to maintain high quality audio and video.
Think about the type and length of cable you need and obstacles in the cable’s path (doorways, furniture, walkways, e tc.). To decide which ones are right f or you talk to your dealer about the various cable products that are available.
For safety, keep all cables out of high traffic areas (hallways or doorways) and away from equipment that radiates power, including amplifiers, power cords, heaters, etc.
If you might expand your audio/video system later, keep these ideas in mind as you plan current cable runs.
To provide the best tuner r eception, m ak e sure the antenna is at least sever al feet away from the A/V System Controller and any other equipment that may produce high frequency interference such as Personal computers, CD players, halogen lamps, etc.
Take a look at the back panel of the A/V System Controller. You will notice that the RCA-type audio input and output connectors are identified by colors, red f or right channel and white for the left channel audio. Composite video input and output connectors are identified by yellow. Coaxial digital inputs are identified by orange. The surround outputs are identified by black.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Connecting your analog sources to your A/V System Controller Audio / Video source -
instructions for connec ting to other audio / video sources such as a television, satellite receiver, c able box, etc. (Omit the video connections f or an audio-only component such as a CD player)
Attach one end of the audio interconnec t cable to the left audio output on the DVD/VLD player, then attach the other end to the left (white) DVD/VLD audio input on the A/V System Controller. Repeat for the right (red) audio connec tion. Attach one end of the composite video interconnect c able to the video out on the DVD/VLD player, then attach the other end to the yellow video input on the A/V System Controller labeled DVD/VLD. Repeat for the S-video connections if you are using S-video.
connecting a DVD/VLD player to the A/V System Controller’s analog inputs. Use the same
S-Video input from DVD output
Composite video input from DVD output
Right audio input from DVD output
Left audio input from DVD output
S-Video output
to monitor input Composite video output
to monitor input
Video Monitor -
interconnect cable to the video input on the monitor, then attach the other end to the yellow video output on the A/V System
Attach one end of the composite video
Controller’s ZONE OUTPUTS. Repeat for the S-video connections if you are using S-video. Use Z1 for zone 1 and Z2 for zone 2.
VCR or audio recorder -
connect a VCR to V1 . Use the same instructions f or connecting to the V2 and TAPE
analog inputs. If connecting a cassette deck or other audio-only recorder then omit the video connections.
S-Video output to VCR input
Composite video output to VCR input
Right audio output to VCR input
Left audio output to VCR input
S-Video input from VCR output
Composite video input from VCR output
Right audio input from VCR output
Left audio input from VCR output
Attach one end of the audio interconnect cable to the left audio output on the VCR, then attach the other end to the left (white) V1 audio input on the A/V System Controller. Repeat for the right (red) audio connection. Attach one end of the composite video inter connect cable to the composite video output on the VCR, then attach the other end to the yellow video input on the A/V System Controller labeled V1. Repeat for the S-video connections if you are using S-video.
Attach one end of the audio interconnec t cable to the left audio input on the VCR, then attach the other end to the left (white) V1 audio output on the A/V System Controller. Repeat for the right (red) audio connection. Attach one end of the composite video interc onnect cable to the c om posite video input on the VCR, then attac h the other end to the yellow video output on the A/V System Controller labeled V1. Repeat for the S-video connec tions if you are using S-video.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Connect digital inputs (DVD, VLD, etc.) to the A/V System Controller. You will need either c oaxial or optic al digital inputs to play Dolby Digital (AC-3) or DTS surround sound proc essing. Digital connections are also rec om m ended for PCM sources. If your source has both optical and coaxial outputs connect only one.
Coaxial digital inputs
- standard RCA type connectors. Attach one end of your digital coaxial cable to your source coaxial digital out and the other end to the appropriate A/V System Controller coaxial digital (orange) input.
TV-V3 V2 V1
Coax digital input from DVD output
3.5mm COAX
3.5 mm digital input
from PC or portable
Optical digital inputs -
First, remove the cap on
3.5 mm coaxial digital input - You may connect the V3 coax ial input using a
3.5 mm m ono jack instead of the RCA type jack. T his input works the same as the other digital inputs but us es a 3.5 m m m ono jac k ins tead of an RCA. The plug must be wired as tip (+) and the long barrel section (-).
the optical digital input. Save the cap. Attach one end of your digital optical cable to your source and the other end to the appropriate digital input on the back of the A/V System Controller.
TV-V3 V2 V1
Coax digital input
from VLD output
AC-3 RF input
from VLD output
Optical digital output from source
Connecting A Laserdisc Player -
Dolby Digital (AC-3) laserdiscs use a special technique called AC-3 RF to encode the Dolby Digital bitstream. If the laserdisc player is capable of playing back Dolby Digital discs it will have a separate output for this bitstream in addition to the normal coaxial and/or optical outputs. Do not connect the AC3-RF output directly to your A/V System Controller. The AC-3 RF bitstream must first be converted to a normal (non-RF) Dolby Digital type signal. It is recommended that a B&K DT-1 be used to convert and select between the Laser’s AC-3 RF and PCM/DTS signals. The output from a DT-1 will automatically select between the connected PCM/DTS bitstreams and the converted AC-3 RF Dolby Digital signal. Other AC-3 RF to Dolby Digital decoders may not make this switch automatically.
Connect the laserdisc’s AC3-RF output to the DT-1’s AC-3 RF input. Connect either the laserdisc player’s PCM coaxial or optical digital output (not both) to the DT-1’s c oaxial or optical input. Connect the DT -1’s c oaxial output to the desired coaxial digital input on your A/V System Controller.
Digital Outputs -
Connect to a digital recorder (CD-R, minidisc, DAT, per sonal computer, etc.) This signal is the same as the incoming digital signal from the selected source. If your digital recorder has both optical and coaxial inputs you need only connect one.
Optical digital output to digital recorder
3.5mm COAX
The A/V System Controller conver ts optical to coaxial and coaxial to optical. You can connect one digital recorder to the optical output and another recorder to
3.5 mm digital output to digital recorder
the coaxial. The coaxial connector is a 3.5 m m type for direct connection to a personal computer. You will need an adapter to connect the 3.5mm type to a standard RCA type coaxial input
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
Connect the A/V System Controller’s surround outputs to your external amplifier(s) or powered speakers.
Here is a typical A/V System Controller output setup
Power Amplifier
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 
Rear Left Rear Right Center Front Right Front Left
Subwoofer Output -
the surround outputs
Connect an RCA cable from one of the A/V S
. You may connect a second subwoofer to the other SUB output if desired. If your subwoofer does not contain its own amplifier A/V S
speaker output to
stem Controller’s SUB output to the audio input of the external am plifier. Connect the external amplif ier’s
our subwoofer.
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 
stem Controller’s two SUB outputs (part of
ou will need to purchase an external B&K or other power amplifier. Connect the
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
The FM jack is a standard screw on F-type connector. The AM is a push type. Strip ¼ inch of insulation off your AM antenna wires and insert one wire end into each hole while holding the tabs down. Release the tabs to lock in the AM antenna wires.
FM antenna
AM antenna
FM Antenna Input from Indoor/Outdoor Antenna, Cable Box, etc.
AM Antenna Input from Loop Antenna
Control Outputs -
controlling other equipment such as an external B&K Components, Ltd. amplifier, projection screen, etc.
These connections are used for
Connect your control cable to the A/V System
3.5 mm control output to amplifier, etc.
3.5 mm IR in from remote repeater
Controller using a mono 3.5 mm jack shown at left. The plug must be wired as tip ( +) and the long barrel section (-).
The Control outputs are programm able for each sour ce in your system (see “Advanced Setup”). However, the A/V System Controller provides the following factory preprogrammed setup that should serve for most standard system applications.
Control 1
- HEADPHONE - On (+12 VDC) when zone 1 is on and not in Headphone mode, of f when zone 1 is off
or in Headphone Mode. This mode m ay be used for controlling exter nal am plifier s or powered subwoof ers in zone
Control 2
- ZONE 2. On (+12 VDC) when zone 2 is on, off ( 0 VDC) when zone 2 is off. This mode is us ed for
controlling external amplifiers, projection screens, etc. in zone 2.
Control 3
- Z1 + Z2. On (+12 VDC) when zone 1, zone 2, or both zones are turned on. Off (0 VDC) when both
zones are off.
Control 4
-REMOTE. It will repeat a received 38 kH z modulated IR s ignal. The A/V System Controller will transmit
received IR signals even in sleep mode. Note - The control outputs can output a maxim um of 50 m A. Check to see that the source you are connecting to
the control out requires 50 mA or less current.
WARNING - Not all manufacturers adhere to the +12 VDC control specification. Check to see if your sources control inputs are +12 VDC compatible. Do not connect your A/V System Controller’s control outputs to a source with control or remote inputs rated at +5 VDC or other voltage rating. Damage to your source may result.
IR Inputs -
Your A/V System Controller can be controlled by a directly connected IR repeater system in combination with or in place of the supplied remote control. Connect your IR input cable to the A/V System Controller using a mono 3.5 mm jack shown above. The plug m ust be wired as tip (+) and the long barrel section (-). The inputs are standard 38kHz modulated IR type with a voltage range of +5 to +12 VDC.
p/n 12698 Rev. 9808B
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