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Provides Socket-478.
Support the Intel® Pentium® 4 Northwood C PU up t o 3. 06GHz.
Supports the Intel® Pent ium® 4 478 Prescott CPU (for ver s i on 5.A/5 .B and
version 7. 5 & above).
- 533FSB with 10 24 KB L2 Cache
- Celer on D (533 F SB with 256KB L2 Cache)
Running at 400/ 533MHz F ront Side Bus .
Supports Hy per-Threading Technology.
Version 7.8 and abov e do not support Willamette CPU.
St andard Intel CPU fan is s uggested.
North Bridge: P4M266A
South Bridge: VT8235
Main Memo ry
Supports up to 2 DDR devices.
Supports 200/266MHz DDR devices.
The largest memory capacity is 2GB.
Super I/O
Chipset : ITE IT8705.
Three 32-bit PC I bus master slots (f or v ersion 3.x, 4.x, 5. x, 5.A, 5.B and 7.x ).
Two 32-bit PCI bus m aster s lots (only f or v ersion 1. x and 6. x ).
One C NR slot (f or version 3. x, 4. x, 5.x, 5.A, 5.B and 7.x only).
O ne AM R sl ot (for v ers i on 1.x an d 6. x) .
One AGP s lot .
On Board IDE
Supp orts four IDE disk dri ves.
Supports PIO Mode 4, Master Mode and Ult ra D MA 33/66/100/ 133 Bus
1. Pull the lever sideways away from the socket then raise the lever up to a
90 -degree angl e.
2. Locate Pin A in the socket and look f or the white dot or c ut edge in the CPU.
Matc h Pin A with the white dot/c ut edge t hen insert t he CPU.
3 . Pres s t he l ev er down . Then Put t he f an o n t he C PU an d b uck le it an d p ut t he
fan’s power port i nto th e JCF A N1, then to co mpl ete th e instal l ation.
CPU/ System Fan Headers: JCFAN 1/ (JSFAN1 => optional)
12 V
DD R DI M M Mo dul es: D D R1- 2
DRAM Access Time: 2.5V Unbuffered/ Registered DDR 200 MHz (PC1600)/
DDR 266 MH z (PC2100) Ty pe required.
DRAM Ty pe: 64MB/ 128MB/ 256MB/ 512MB/ 1GB D IMM Module.(184 pin)
1. The D DR DIMM socket has a “ Plast ic Saf ety
Tab”, and the DDR DIMM m emory module has an
Asymmetrical notch”, so the DDR DIMM memory
module can only fit into t he s lot in one direction.
2. Push the tabs out. Insert the DDR DIMM
memory modules into the soc ket at a 90-degree
angle, an d then pu sh down v ert ic ally so t hat it will
fit int o t he place.
3. The Mounting H oles and plastic t abs should fit
over the edge and hold the DDR DIMM m emory
modules in plac e.
Jumpers, Headers, Connectors & Slots
Hard Disk Connecto rs: IDE1/ IDE2
The motherboard has a 32-bit Enhanced PCI IDE Controller that provides PIO
Mode 0~4, Bus Master, and Ultra DMA 33/ 66/ 100/ 133 functionality. It has two
HDD connect ors ID E1 (primary) and IDE2 (secondary).
The IDE connectors can connect a master and a slave driv e, so you can connect
up t o four hard disk drives . The first hard drive should always be c onnect ed t o
Floppy Disk Connector: FDD1
The motherboard prov ides a standard f loppy disk connector t hat s upports 360K,
720K, 1.2M, 1.44M and 2.88M floppy disk types. This connector supports the
provided floppy driv e ribbon cables .
Audio Modem Riser S lot: AMR1 (only for version 1.x and 6.x)
(O nly support slave card)
The AMR specification is an open I ndustry Standard Architec t ure and that defines
a hardware sc alable riser card interf ace, which support s audio and modem only.
Peripheral Co mponent Interconnect Slo ts: PCI1-3 (only for
version 3.x, 4.x, 5x, 5.A, 5.B, 7.x)
This m otherboard is equipped wit h 3 standard PCI slots. PC I st ands for Peripheral
Component Int erconnec t, and it is a bus standard for expansion cards. This PCI
slot is designat ed as 32 bit s.
Peripheral Co mponent Interconnect Slo ts: PCI1-2 (only for
version 1.x and 6.x)
This m otherboard is equipped wit h 2 standard PCI slots. PCI st ands for Peripheral
Component Int erconnec t, and it is a bus standard for expansion cards. This PCI
Your monitor will attach directly to that video card. This motherboard supports
video cards for PC I s lot s, but it is also equipped with an Accelerated Graphic s Port
(AGP). An AGP card will take adv antage of AGP technology f or improved v ideo
efficiency and perform ance, espec ially wit h 3D graphic s.
Commun ication Netwo r k Riser Slot: CNR1 (op tiona l)
The CNR specification is an open Industry Standard Architecture, and it defines a
hardware sc alable riser card interf ac e, which s upports audio and modem only.
Front USB Header: JUSB2/ (JUSB3=>only for ve rsion 5.A & 5.B,
SPK ==> S
HLED ==> Hard Driv er LED
RST ==> Reset Button
IR ==> Infr ared Con n.
SLP ==> Sleep Bu tton
PWR_LE D ==> Po wer LED
ON/ OFF ==> Power-on Button
Clear CMOS Jumper: JCMOS
Pin 1-2 on
A ssign me nt
Pin 2-3 on
(default )
Cle ar CMOS
Dat a
※Clear CMOS Procedures:
1. Remove AC power line.
2. Set JCMOS1 (2-3) closed.
3 . Wait fo r five seco nds .
4. Set JCMOS1 (1-2) closed.
5. Power on AC.
6 . Reset your desired password or clear the CMOS data.
No power to the system at all Power light
don’t illumina te , fan ins ide power supply
does not turn on. I ndicator light on
key board does not turn on
Sys t em inoperat iv e. Keyboard light s are
on, power indicator lights are lit, hard
drive is spinning.
* Make sure power c able is sec urely
plugged in
* R eplace c able
* Con tact techni c al suppor t
* Using even pressure on both ends of
the DIMM, press down firmly until the
module snaps into place.
Sys t em does not boot f rom hard dis k
drive, c an be booted f rom opt ical drive.
S y st em o nly bo ot s f r om opt i c a l driv e.
Hard disk can be read a nd applications
can be used but boot ing from hard disk i
Screen message says “Invalid
Conf igurat ion” or “CMOS F ailure. ”
Ca nnot b oot syst em af ter installing
sec o nd hard driv e.
* Che ck cable run ning from dis k to disk
cont roller board. Make sure both ends
are securely plugged in; chec k the
drive ty pe in t he st andard CMOS
* Backing up the hard drive is extremely
important. All hard disks are capable o
breaking down at any time.
* Back up data and applicat ions f iles.
Ref ormat the hard driv e. R e-install
applications and data using backup
* R eview sy stem ’s equipment . Make
sure correct inf ormat ion is in setup.
* Set m aster/slave jumpers correctly.
* R u n SET U P program a nd s e lec t c orrec
Proporciona Socket-478.
Soporta proces ador I ntel Pentium 4 de hast a 3. 06GHz.
Soporta I ntel Pent ium 4 478 Prescott C PU. (s olamente para versión 5. A/ 5. B
en adelante; 7. 5 en adelante)
Corre a 400/ 533MHz F ront Side Bus .
Soporta Tecnología Hyper-Threading.
La versión 7. 8 no admite el procesador Willamette.Se rec om ienda el ventilador de proc es ador Intel est ándar.
North Bridge: P4M266A
South Bridge: VT8235
Mem or ia Prin c ipal
So p ort a h asta 2 dis p osit iv o s DDR.
Soporta dis positivos DD R de 200/ 266MHz.
Capacidad máxim a de memoria 2GB.
Super I/O
Chipset : ITE IT8705.
Dos ranuras de 32-bit PCI bus master. (solam ente para v ersión 1.x y 6.x)
Tres ranuras de 32-bit PCI bus master. (solamente para versión 3. x, 4.x, 5.x,
5.A, 5.B y 7.x)
Una ranura CNR. (solament e para versión 3.x , 4.x, 5.x , 5.A, 5.B y 7.x )
Una ranura AMR. (solam ent e para versión 1. x y 6.x )
Una ranura AGP.
I DE Onbo a rd
Soporta c uarto dis c os ID E.
Soporta Modos PIO 4, Modo Master y Modo U lt ra DMA 33/66/100/133 Bus
LAN (solamen te sop orta para versi ón de placa madr e 3. 3)
RealTek RTL8201BL.
Full/Half Duplex.
VIA VT6103/6103L (Sólo la v ers ión 7. 8 y posteriores admiten el c onjunto de
chips VT6103L).
Dual Speed: 10/ 100Mbps.
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