The purpose of this manual is to describe the settings in the AMI BIOS Setup
program on this motherboard. The Setup program allows users to modify the basic
system configuration and save these settings to CMOS RAM. The power of CMOS
RAM is supplied by a battery so that it retains the Setup information when the power
is turned off.
Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) determines what a computer can do without
accessing programs from a disk. This system controls m ost of the input and output
devices such as keyboard, mouse, serial ports and disk drives. BIOS activates at the
first stag e o f the booting process, loading and executing the operating sys tem. S ome
additional features, such as virus and password protection or chipset fine-tuning
options are also included in BIOS.
T he rest of this manual will to guide you through the options and settings in BIOS
Plug and Play Support
T his AMI BIOS supports the Plug and Play Version 1.0A specific ation.
EPA Green PC Support
T his AMI BIOS supports Version 1. 03 of the EPA Green PC specification.
ACPI Support
AMI ACPI BIOS support Version 1.0/2.0 of Advanced Configuration and Power
interface specifi cation (ACPI). It provides ASL code for power m anag ement and
device con figuration capabilities as defined in the ACPI specification, developed by
Microso ft, Intel and Toshiba.
H55A+ BIOS Manual
PCI Bus Support
T his AMI BIOS also supports Version 2.3 of the Intel PCI (Peripheral Component
Int erconn ect ) local b u s sp eci ficati on .
DRAM Support
DDR3 SD R AM (Do uble Dat a Rate III Sy nch ron ous D R A M) is suppo rted .
Su ppor t e d CP Us
T his AMI BIOS supports the Intel CPU.
Using Setup
When starting up the computer, press
<Del> during the Power-On Self-Test
(POST) to enter the BIOS setup utility.
In the BIOS setup utility, you will see
General Help description at the top right
corner, and this is providing a brief
description of the selected item.
Navigation Keys for that particular menu
are at the bottom right corner, and you can
us e these keys to s ele ct it em and ch ange
the settings.
z T he default BIOS settings apply for most conditions to ensure optimum per formance
of the motherboard. If the system becomes unstable after changing any settings,
please load the default settings to ensure system’s compatibility and stability. Use
Load S etup Default under the Exit Menu.
z For better system performance, the BIOS firmware is being continuously updated.
T he BIOS information described in t his manual is for your reference only. T he actual
BIOS information and setti ngs on board may be sli ghtly different from thi s manual.
z T he content of this manual is subject to be changed without notice. W e will not be
responsible for any mistakes found in this user’s manual and any system damage that
may be caused by wrong-settings.
General Help
Navigation Keys
H55A+ BIOS Manual
1 Main Men u
Once you enter AMI BIOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu will appear on the screen
providi ng an overview of the basic system information.
System Overview
Version :01.01.01
Build Date:01/01/10
System Memory
Size :
System Time 00
System Date [Fri 01/01/2010]
> IDE/SATA Configuration
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Shows system information includi ng BIOS version, built date, etc.
[ :00:00]
Use [ENTER], [TAB]
or [SHIFT-TAB] to
select a field.
Use [+] or [-] to
configure system Time.
Select Screen
Select Item
Change Field
Select Field
General Help
Save and Exit
System Memory
Shows system memory size, VGA shard m emory wil l be excluded..
System Ti me
Set the system internal clock.
System Date
Set the system date. Note that the ‘Day’ automatically changes when you set the
H55A+ BIOS Manual
IDE/SATA Configuration
Th e BIOS w i ll au t o m ati cal l y detect t h e presen c e o f SA TA/ID E devi ces. Th ere i s a
su b-menu fo r each SAT A/IDE devi ce. S elect a d evice and press <Enter> t o enter
the sub-menu of detailed options.
IDE/SATA Configuration
Configure SATA as [IDE]
SATA#1 Configuration [Compatible]
SATA#2 Configuration [Enhanced]
> AHCI Configuration
> SATA 1 Device
> SATA 2 Device
> SATA 3 Device
> SATA 4 Device
> SATA 5 Device
> SATA 6 Device
Hard Disk Write Protect [Disabled]
IDE/SATA Detect Time Out(Sec)[35]
ATA(PI)80Pin Cable Detection [Host & Device]
Select Screen
Select Item
Go to Sub Screen
General Help
Save and Exit
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Confi gure SATA a s
T his it em allows you to choose the SAT A operation mode.
Opt i ons : IDE (De fault ) / AHCI / Di s abled
SATA#1 Configuration
T his it em allows you to control the onboard SAT A controller.
Options: Compatible (Default) / Enhanced
SATA#2 Configuration
T his it em allows you to control the onboard SATA controller.
Options: Enhanced (Default) / Disabled
H55A+ BIOS Manual
AHCI Configuration
AHCI Settings
AHCI BIOS Support [Enabled]
> AHCI Port0
> AHCI Port1
> AHCI Port2
> AHCI Port3
> AHCI Port4
> AHCI Port5
Enables for supporting
Select Screen
Select Item
Change Option
General Help
Save and Exit
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
AHC I BIOS Support
T his B IOS feat ure controls the AHCI function of the SAT A controller.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
AH CI Port0/Port1/Port2/ Port 3/Port4/Port5
AHCI Port0
Device :
AHCI Port0 [Aut o]
S.M.A.R.T. [Ena bled]
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.
Select the type
of device connected
to the system.
Select Screen
Select Item
Change Option
General Help
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H55A+ BIOS Manual
D evice
This area shows the detected connected device.
SATA Port0/1/2/3/4/5
This item allows you to select the connected device type.
Options: Auto (Default) / Not Installed
This item allows you to control the device S.M.A.R.T function.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
The BIOS detects the information and values of respective devices, and these
information and values are shown below to the name of the sub-menu.
Select the type of the IDE/SATA drive.
Options: Auto (Default) / CDROM / ARMD / Not Installed
LBA/Large Mode
Enable or disable the LB A mode.
Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled
Block (Multi-S ector Transfer)
En able o r d i s abl e m u l t i-s ect o r t ransfer.
Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled
H55A+ BIOS Manual
PIO Mode
Select the PIO mode.
Options: Auto (Default) / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
DMA Mode
Select the DMA mode.
Opti ons: Auto (Default) / S WDM A0 ~ 2 / MW DMA0 ~ 2 / UDMA0 ~ 5
Set the Smart Monitoring, Analysi s, and Reporting Technology.
Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled / Enabled
32Bit Data Transfer
Enable or disable 32-bit data transfer.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Har d Disk Write P r otect
Disable or enable device write protection. This will be effective only if the device
is accessed through B IOS .
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
IDE Detect Time Out (Sec)
Select the time out value for detecting IDE/S ATA devices.
Options: 35 (Default) / 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
ATA(PI) 8 0Pin Ca ble Detection
Select the mechanism for det ecting 80Pin ATA(PI) Cable..
Options: Host & Device (Default) / Host / Device
H55A+ BIOS Manual
2 Advanced Menu
T he Advanced Menu allows you to configu re the settings of CP U, Super I/O, Power
Management, and other system devices.
z Beware of that setting inappropriate values in items of this menu may cause
system to m alfunction.
WARNING: Setting wrong values in below sections
may cause system to malfunction.
> CPU Configuration
> SuperIO Configuration
> Hardware Health Configuration
> Smart Fan Configuration
> ACPI Configuration
> Onbo ard PCI/P CI-E Devic es Configu ration
> Intel VT-d Configuration
> MPS Configuration
> PCI Express Configuration
> Smbios Configuration
> USB Configuration
Configure CPU.Advanced Settings
Se lect Scree n
Se lect Item
Go to Sub Screen
General Help
Save and Exit
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
CPU Configurati on
T his item shows the CPU information that the BIOS automatically detects.
Configure advanced CPU settings
Module Version:01.04
Manufacturer:Intel CPU
Frequency :
BCLK Speed :
Cache L1 :
Cache L2 :
Cache L3 :
Ratio Status:
Ratio Actual Value:
CIE Support [Enabled]
Hardware Prefetcher [Enabled]
Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch [Enabled]
Max CPUID Value Limit [Disabled]
Intel(R) Virtualization Tech [Enabled]
CPU TM function [Enabled]
Execute-Disable Bit Capability[Enabled]
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatre nds, Inc.
This should be enabled
in order to enable or
disable the “Enhanced
Halt State”.
Select Screen
Select Item
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H55A+ BIOS Manual
C1E Support
C1E is “Enhanced Halt State” function, this function helps to save power and
decrease heat by lowering C P U frequen cy whil e the processor is not working.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Hardware Prefetcher
Th e proces s o r has a h ardw are pre fet ch er th at au t omati cal l y anal y zes it s req uirem en t s
and pre fet ch es dat a and in s t ru ct ion s fro m t he memo ry i nt o t he L ev el 2 cach e that ar e
likely to be required in the near future. This reduces the latency associated with
m emory read s.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch
The processor has a hardw are adjacent cache line prefetch mechanism that
aut o mat i cal l y fetch es an ext ra 6 4-by t e cach e l i n e whenev er th e p ro cess o r requests for
a 64-byte cache line. This reduces cache latency by making the next cache line
immediately available if the processor requires it as well.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
M ax CPUI D Valu e Lim i t
When the computer is booted up, the operating system executes the CPUID
instruction to identify the processor and its capabilities. Befo re it can do so, it must
first query the processor to find out the highest input value CPUID recognizes. This
determines the kind of basic information CP UID can provide the operating system.
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
Intel(R) Virtualiza tion Tech
Virtualization Technology can virtually separate your system resource into several
parts, thus enhance the performance when running virtual machines or multi
interface system s.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
CPU TM Function
The CPU TM Function is to throttle the clock speed of higher spe ed Prescott's to
hel p keep t h em coo l .
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
H55A+ BIOS Manual
Execute-Disable Bit Capability
T his it em allows you to confi gure th e Execute Disabled Bit function, which protects
your syst em from buffer ove r fl ow attacks.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Intel (R) HT Technology
Hyper T hreading Technol ogy can improve perfo rmance by s plitting instructions into
m ult ipl e s t reams .
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Acti ve Pro cesso r Cores
T his it em allows you to set the num ber of cores to enable in each p ro ces so r packag e.
Options: All (Default) / 1 / 2
Legacy OSes and AP s may need A20M enabled.
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
S upe rI O Co nf i g urat io n
Configure ITE8721 Super IO Chipset
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]
Parallel Port Mode [378]
Parallel Port Mode [Normal]
Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]
Onboard CIR Port [Disabled]
Keyboard PowerOn [Disabled]
Mouse PowerOn [Disabled]
Restore on AC Power Loss by IO[Power Off]
Allows BIOS to Select
Serial Port1 Base
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vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Serial Port1 Address
Select an address and corresponding interrupt for the first and second seri al ports.
Options: 3F8/IRQ4 (Default) / 2F 8/IRQ3 / 3E8/IRQ4 / 2E8/IRQ3 / Auto / Disabled
H55A+ BIOS Manual
Parallel Port Address
Th i s it em al l ows y ou t o det erm ine acces s onboard parallel port controller with which
I/O Address.
Options: 378 (Default) / 278 / 3B C / Disabled
Parallel Port M ode
T his it em allows you to determine how the parallel port should function.
Options: Normal (Default) Using Parallel port as S tandard Printer Port.
EPP Using Parallel Port as Enhanced P arallel Port.
ECP Using Parallel port as Extended Capabilities Port.
ECP+ EPP Using Parallel port as ECP & EPP mode.
ECP Mode DMA Channel
T his it em allows you to select parallel port ECP DMA.
Opti ons: DMA3 (Default) / DMA0 / DMA1
Paralle l Port IRQ
T his it em allows you to select the IRQ for the onboard parallel port.
Options: IRQ7 (Default) / IRQ5 / Disabled
OnBoard CIR Por t
T his it em allows you to select consum er IR port.
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
T his it em allows you to select consum er IR port IR Q.
Options: IRQ10 (Default) /IRQ3 / IRQ4 / IRQ11
Keyboard Powe rO n
T his it em allows you to control the keyboard power on function.
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Specific Key / Stroke Key / Any Key
Specific Key Enter
T his it em will show only when Keyboard P owerOn is set “Specific Key.”
H55A+ BIOS Manual
Stroke Keys Selected
T his it em will show only when Keyboard P owerOn is set “Stroke Key.”
Options: Ctrl+F1 (Default) / Wake Key / P ower Key / Ctrl+F2 / Ctrl+F3 /
C t rl +F 4 / Ct rl + F5 / Ctrl +F 6
Mouse PowerOn
T his it em allows you to control the mouse power on function.
Options: Disabled (De fault) / Enabled
Restor e on AC Power Loss
T his setting specifies how your s ystem should behave afte r a power fail or interrupts
occurs. By choosing Disabled will leave the computer in the power off state.
Choosing Enabled will restore the system to the status before power failure or
interrupt occurs.
Options: Power Off (Default) / Power ON / Last S tate
Hardware Health C onfiguration
T his it em shows t he system temperature, fan speed, and voltage information.
Hardware Health Configuration
H/W Health Function [Enabled]
Shutdown Temperature [Disabled]
CPU Temperature
System Temperature
System1 FAN
System2 FAN
CPU Vcore
Integrated GPU Voltage
CPU VTT Voltage
DRAM Voltage
vxx.xx (C)Copyright 1985-200x, American Megatrends, Inc.
Enables Hardware
Health Monitoring
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H/W Health Function
If with a monitoring system, the syst em will show PC health status during POST stage.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
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