Biosearch Technologies KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix User manual

KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix
1. Productdescriptionandspecication 3
2. Kit contents and storage 3
3. Before you start 3
4. Prepare the KASP genotyping mix 4
6. KASP cycling conditions 5
7. Reading KASP reactions 6 Appendix A: Performing the KASP thermal cycle on the IntelliQube instrument 7
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix
1. Productdescriptionandspecication
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix by LGC, Biosearch Technologies™ has been optimised for high-throughput
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and insertion/deletion (indel) genotyping in Array Tape™. This 2X
mix has been designed specically for use with Array Tape on the Nexar™ in-line liquid handling and assay
processing system (Nexar system) and the IntelliQube™ instrument.
In high-throughput experiments, users typically perform thermal cycling of Array Tape using a
Hydrocycler2™ or a Soellex™. It is possible to perform thermal cycling of Array Tape on the IntelliQube

instrument; please see Appendix A for details.

KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix is available in three pack sizes, as detailed in Table 1.
Product code Pack size Pack size
KBS-1050-201 2.5 mL KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
KBS-1050-202 25 mL KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
KBS-1050-204 250 mL KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
Table 1. Product codes and pack sizes for KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix.

2. Kit contents and storage

i. KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix – supplied at 2X concentration. Contains FAM™ and HEX™ specic
FRET cassettes, KASP Taq , dNTPs, salts, and buffer. ii. MgCl2 – 50 mM, for optimisation of assays in particularly A/T-rich DNA regions. iii. DMSO – for optimisation of assays in particularly G/C-rich DNA regions.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix can be safely stored for 1 week at 4 °C, one year at -20 °C, or indenitely at
-80 °C. KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix should be aliquoted for storage, and use of light-protective tubes is recommended. Frequent freezing and thawing of KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix is not recommended.
(250 mL) (10 × 25 mL)
KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX

3. Before you start

KASP Assay Mix should be ordered from Biosearch Technologies. Each KASP Assay Mix is specic
to the SNP or indel that is to be targeted, and consists of two competitive allele-specic primers and
one common reverse primer. Two options are available for ordering KASP Assay Mix:
KASP-by-Design (KBD) – primers based on in silico design, no wet lab validation. KASP-on-Demand (KOD) – optimised and functionally validated in our genotyping laboratory.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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