KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix
1. Productdescriptionandspecication 3
2. Kit contents and storage 3
3. Before you start 3
4. Prepare the KASP genotyping mix 4
5. Dispensing 5
6. KASP cycling conditions 5
7. Reading KASP reactions 6
Appendix A: Performing the KASP thermal cycle on the IntelliQube instrument 7
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix
1. Productdescriptionandspecication
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix by LGC, Biosearch Technologies™ has been optimised for high-throughput
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and insertion/deletion (indel) genotyping in Array Tape™. This 2X
mix has been designed specically for use with Array Tape on the Nexar™ in-line liquid handling and assay
processing system (Nexar system) and the IntelliQube™ instrument.
In high-throughput experiments, users typically perform thermal cycling of Array Tape using a
Hydrocycler2™ or a Soellex™. It is possible to perform thermal cycling of Array Tape on the IntelliQube
instrument; please see Appendix A for details.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix is available in three pack sizes, as detailed in Table 1.
Product code Pack size Pack size
KBS-1050-201 2.5 mL KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
KBS-1050-202 25 mL KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
KBS-1050-204 250 mL KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
Table 1. Product codes and pack sizes for KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix.
2. Kit contents and storage
i. KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix – supplied at 2X concentration. Contains FAM™ and HEX™ specic
FRET cassettes, KASP Taq , dNTPs, salts, and buffer.
ii. MgCl2 – 50 mM, for optimisation of assays in particularly A/T-rich DNA regions.
iii. DMSO – for optimisation of assays in particularly G/C-rich DNA regions.
KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix can be safely stored for 1 week at 4 °C, one year at -20 °C, or indenitely at
-80 °C. KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix should be aliquoted for storage, and use of light-protective tubes is
recommended. Frequent freezing and thawing of KASP-TF V5.0 Master Mix is not recommended.
(250 mL)
(10 × 25 mL)
KASP-TF V5.0 2X Master Mix, Standard ROX
3. Before you start
• KASP Assay Mix should be ordered from Biosearch Technologies. Each KASP Assay Mix is specic
to the SNP or indel that is to be targeted, and consists of two competitive allele-specic primers and
one common reverse primer. Two options are available for ordering KASP Assay Mix:
– KASP-by-Design (KBD) – primers based on in silico design, no wet lab validation.
– KASP-on-Demand (KOD) – optimised and functionally validated in our genotyping laboratory.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.