SYBR® Green Kit prepares genomic DNA (gDNA)–free RNA directly
from cell culture in approximately 20 min for use in reverse transcription quantitative
PCR (RT-qPCR) applications. This kit is compatible with an input of 100,000–10 cells
from suspension, adherent cells, or primary cells from cell cultures. With the
SYBR® Green Kit, gene expression analysis can be completed in
approximately 2 hours from cell culture to quantification cycle (Cq). This kit includes
reagents for the RT-qPCR reactions and a SYBR
Green–based qPCR control assay
to optimize input cell number and input lysate amount.
Kit Contents (100 x 50 µl reactions)
Cell Lysis Reagents Description
SingleShot Cell Lysis Buf fer 5 ml (1 x 5 ml vial)
Proteinase K Solution 100 µl (1 x 1 ml vial)
DNase Solution 100 µl (1 x 1 ml vial)
Store all compone nts at –20°C for up to 1 year.
SingleShot RNA Control 200 reactions
SingleShot RNA Control Template Lyophilized
Store the control template, once resuspended, at – 80°C. Store the qPCR assay at –20°C for up to 1 year.
RT-qPCR Reagents
5x iScript Advanced Reaction Mix 1 vial
iScript Advanced Reverse Transcriptase 1 vial
Nuclease-Free Water 1.5 ml
Store the RT-qPCR products at –20°C for up to 1 year. The SsoAdvanced Supermix can be stored at 4°C
for up to 3 months.
SYBR® Green qPCR Control Assay 200 µl
Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR 100 reactions
Universal SYBR® Green Supermix 5 x 1 ml vial (500 reactions)
Reagents Required but Not Provided
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for washing the cells
TE buffer (nuclease-free) pH 7.5 for resuspending the SingleShot RNA
control template
SingleShot™ SYBR® Green Kit
Processing of Adherent Cells in a 96-well Culture Plate
For processing adherent cells in non–96-well cell culture plates, refer to Table 1
in Appendix A
For processing trypsinized adherent cells, neutralize the trypsin with culture
medium. Follow instructions in Processing Nonadherent Cells in a 96-Well
PCR Plate section
1. Seed the cell culture in advance in a 96-well culture plate so that the cell numbers
at harvest are in the range of 100,000–10 cells/well.
For adherent cells, it is important to use cells that are fully adhered to the plate
to avoid cell loss during washing
Using too many cells may result in incomplete cell lysis and can inhibit RT-qPCR.
For optimal results, we recommend using the SingleShot RNA control included
in this kit to determine the appropriate input cell number
2. Prepare fresh on ice the appropriate volume of SingleShot cell lysis master mix
(see Table 1). Mix thoroughly and centrifuge. Use within 2 hr.
Table 1. Preparation of Sing leShot cell lysis master mix for adherent cells.
SingleShot Cell Lysis Buf fer
Proteinase K Solution196
DNase Solution1 96
Volume per
Well, µ l
Volume for 96-Well
Plate, µl
3. Remove cell culture medium completely by aspiration.
4. Wash cells with 125 μl of room temperature PBS. Aspirate to remove
PBS completely.
5. Add 50 μl of SingleShot cell lysis master mix to each well.
6. Incubate without agitation for 10 min at room temperature.
Do not mix the cells with the solution by pipetting. For step 6, do not exceed
20 min at room temperature
7. Transfer the cell lysate to a PCR plate or centrifuge tube. Incubate at 37°C for
5 min, followed by 5 min at 75°C.
Use a thermal cycler for best thermal uniformity
8. The cell lysate can be stored for up to 4 hr on ice, for up to 2 months at –20°C,
or for up to 12 months at –80°C.
9. Go to the Preparation of Reverse Transcription Reactions section.
1. For optimal results, reactions should be assembled on ice. Prepare the reverse
transcription reaction according to the directions in Table 3. Mix thoroughly by
pipetting up and down several times.
Table 3. Preparation of reverse transcription reaction.
Component Volume per 20 μl Reaction, µl
5x iScript Advanced Reaction Mix4
iScript Advanced Reverse Transcriptase1
Cell Lysate4–9
Nuclease-Free WaterVariable
Total reaction mix volume20
2. Incubate the complete reaction mix in a thermal cycler using the following protocol:
reverse transcription for 30 min at 42°C followed by RT inactivation for 5 min
at 85°C.
3. Proceed to the Preparation of qPCR Reactions section, or store the cDNA
at –20°C.
Recommendations for the use of no-RT control
Interference of gene expression analysis by gDNA carryover in cell lysate
samples can be tested by setting up a no-RT control reaction
The reverse transcriptase volume in a no-RT control reaction should be replaced
with water
The same amount of cell lysate used in the RT reaction should be used in the
no-RT reaction to ensure similar carryover of cDNA synthesis components in a
qPCR reaction
SsoAdvanced™ Universal SYBR® Green Supermix is compatible with all Bio-Rad and
other commercially available real-time PCR systems.
Reaction Mix Preparation and Thermal Cycling Protocol
1. Thaw SsoAdvanced™ Universal SYBR® Green Supermix and other frozen reaction
components to room temperature. Mix thoroughly, centrifuge briefly to collect
solutions at the bottom of tubes, then store on ice protected from light.
2. Prepare (on ice or at room temperature) enough qPCR reaction mix for all qPCR
reactions by adding all required components, except the template, according to the
recommendations in Table 4.
Table 4. qPCR reaction setup.*
SsoAdvanced™ Universal SYBR®
Green Supermix (2x)
Forward and Reverse PrimersVariableVariable250 –500 nM each primer
cDNA (add at step 4)
Nuclease-Free WaterVariableVariable—
Total reaction mix volume10 20 —
* Scale all components proportionally according to sample number and reaction volumes.
Volume per 10 µl
Reaction, µl
5 101x
Volume per 20 µl
Reactions, µl
3. Mix the qPCR reaction mix thoroughly to ensure homogeneity and dispense equal
aliquots into each PCR tube or into the wells of a PCR plate. Use good pipetting
technique to ensure assay precision and accuracy.
4. Add cDNA (prepared in the Preparation of Reverse Transcription Reactions section)
to the PCR tubes or wells containing qPCR reaction mix (prepared according to
Table 4), seal tubes or wells with flat caps or optically transparent film, and vortex
30 sec or more to ensure thorough mixing of the reaction components. Spin the
tubes or plate to remove any air bubbles and to collect the reaction mixture in the
vessel bottom.