The GP200, BIONIME’s Diabetes Assistant Software, is intended for use by Healthcare Professionals, and patients with
Diabetes. Once the GP200 is installed on your computer, a database is created that can be used to store multiple user
profiles, and can manage your Blood Glucose Readings. Each person who uses the Software will have his or her own ID, and
must log in at each use. The GP200 enables users to view and organize their Blood Glucose Readings, which are uploaded
from your Bionime Meter. Users can backup their profiles, and print their blood glucose data directly from their computer.
This Software helps you understand your Diabetes and can help you manage your Blood Glucose Readings efficiently.
The GP200 is not intended to provide treatment decisions, and is not to be used as a substitute for a Healthcare
Professional’s judgment. All medical diagnoses and treatment plans are to be performed by a licensed Healthcare
1. BIONIME’s GM550 and GM700 Meters are compatible with the Diabetes Assistant GP200 Software.
2. The GP550 Rightest™ PC Link Adaptor is needed to connect your Meter to your computer.
Before you install the GP200 Software, please make sure the following requirements are met:
1. A Microsoft Windows computer with the following components are needed:
- CPU: 550 MHz Intel Pentium 3 or above
- DRAM: 512 MB or more
- HD: 600 MB
- OS: Windows XP (SP3 or above), Windows Vista, or Windows 7
- Internet Explorer 7.0 or above
- USB 2.0 or above
- LCD with resolution of 1024*768 or above, and 65536 colors or more
- Printer (if you want to print any Reports)
- CD-ROM drive
- Mouse and keyboard
2. The GP200 Installation CD
3. The Rightest™ PC link adapter GP550 and GP550 Installation CD (PL2303).
Link to Computer
Before using the Diabetes Assistant Software, make sure that the CD is included in the product box.
Please install the GP200 Installation CD following these Installation Steps:
Installation Steps:
1. Turn on your computer, and insert the GP200 Installation CD into your computer.
2. Locate the file, and double click on “BIONIME GP200”. Follow the instructions in consecutive order, and complete the
After installing the GP200, you must install the Rightest™ PC link adapter GP550 Installation CD.
If you DO NOT install the GP550 CD, your Blood Glucose Readings WILL NOT transfer to your computer.
BIONIME Diabetes Assistant Software GP200 supports BIONIME BGMS GM700. The following instructions will help
you connect your device to your personal computer thrugh bluetooth PC link conducter GP700 .
Connection Steps
1. Plug mini USB connector of GP700 into mini USB port of you devise, GP700
2. ”PcL” will appear on the screen, and you will see the green light is on from the indicator lamp of POWER.
3. Click on Bluetooth logo “ ” and search the devises which are with Bluetooth function.
4. Click on “GP700” and connect Bluetooth serial port of computer. You are required to key in passwords “0000” when first
5. After connection is established successfully,
you can transfer blood glucose readings to GP200.
The linkage of the GM700 and your computer is now completed.
Recharge Battery
The Indicatoin of LED Lamp
When the battery almost run out electricity, the indicator lamp of POWER will turn to red. Please plug in USB charge cable to
charge GP700. The indicator lamp is red during charging, once the indicator lamp become to green, the GP700 is full
1. Please Verify whether your computer have Bluetooth function, if there is no this function, please buy an Bluetooth dongle
and set up completely.
2. Before you can connect GP700 and Bluetooth serial port of computer, please verify that GP700 is on and “PcL” appears on
the screen. If “PcL” is not shown, please check the mini USB connection between the device and GP700. (Refer to
Connection Setup on page 5)
3. GP700 will shut down automatically after 2 minutes idle, and the "PcL" will disappear from screen of your device. If you
want to transfer data, please plug GP700 and connect to Bluetooth serial port of computer again.
What you see…
Green color
Red color
Blue Color
Blue and Flashing
What does it mean?
When GP700 is pluged into your device, the power supply is sufficient for transferring
When GP700 is full charged, the color will change to Green from Red.
When GP700 is pluged into your device, the power supply is insufficient, but still able
to transfer data.
When GP700 is during charging.
When GP700 is pluged into your device, the power supply can't start your devise.
When GP700 is pluged into your device, and after 2 minutes idle, the power is shut
down automatically.
When GP700 is pluged into your device, but waiting to connect to Bluetooth serial port
of computer.
When GP700 is disconnected with Bluetooth serial port of computer.
When GP700 connect successfully to Bluetooth serial port of computer.
When GP700 connect successfully to Bluetooth serial port of computer, and under data
Un-install Program
Language Setting
To un-install the GP200 Software, please complete the following steps.
To Un-install:
1. Go to the Add/Remove Program under your Computer’s Settings.
2. Select BIONIME GP200.
3. Click on “Remove” or “un-install”, and then confirm. The program is now un-installed.
After installation, the first time you launch the GP200 Diabetes Assistant Software you will be asked to select
a Language. Please choose your desired language setting, and then click on the ‘OK’ button to finish the setup.
Creating User Profiles
The GP200 Software can be used by multiple users. Before using the program, each user must create their own individual
profile. In order to operate the program, each user must log in an individual ID. Please create your own profile by following
the steps listed below.
1. Click on to create your user profile. Follow the instructions carefully, and be sure to input your personal
information, meal time schedule, and Blood Glucose information.
2. Basic Setup:
Enter in your last name, first name, date of birth, sex, height, and weight. The Software will calculate your BMI value based
on your Height and Weight.
3. Meal Time Schedule:
The Software has 3 different meal time slots available for you to set. Make sure to set the 3 Meal Times based on your
normal daily eating schedule. This allows the data analysis to track the blood glucose variation between each of your
After Bfast.: AFTER LUNCH After L.: After Lunch After Din.: AFTER DINNER
4. Blood Glucose Limits and Ranges Setting:
Specified limits and ranges will be displayed in the Analysis Reports. They will be based on appointed Blood Glucose
values including hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia limits, and normal Blood Glucose ranges. You should consult with a
Healthcare Professional or your Physician to discuss what your personal limits and ranges should be. Your Blood Glucose
Readings will be color coded in tables and trend charts. This will allow you to read the Blood Glucose Reports easily, and
will also help you to accurately control your Blood Glucose levels based on your personal trends.
5. Click on to finish and exit the Profile set up.
6. You can now login with your individual ID and start using your GP200 Software.
Creating User Profiles
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