2 Libra S6, English Issue 01 – 12/2004
Your spectrophotometer is a simple-to-use, microprocessor controlled instrument. It is a
diode array product (1024 pixels), has no moving parts and scans very quickly.
After switch on, calibrati on and press in g F2 to proceed the home page is shown offer ing the
choice of
• Repeat last op er ation
• Make a measurement
• Set up instrume nt
“Repeat last operation” returns the user to the last screen displayed when the instrument was
switched off, and provides a short cut to the last test that was performed.
Within “Make a measurement” your spectrophotometer has facilities for:
• measurement of absorba n ce, % transmission, r atio and conce n tr at ion values
• cell culture optical density measurements at 60 0nm
• entry of a multi point stan dard curve in memory
• output of wavelength scan to display
• output of kinetics assay to display
• application of a factor to an absorbance change over a specified time interval for an
enzymatic determination (reaction rate)
• storage of up to 99 user defined methods
Within “Set up instrument” your spectrophotometer can be set up to
• select the display language option (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian)
• link via a serial lead to either a serial printer for hardcopy ou tput or to a PC for
download of results to spreadsheet
• link via a converte r lead to chart record e r
• set the da te for print outs
The instrument is supplied with Grafico PC utility - on the accompanying CD - and a serial
lead. These provide the user with th e means to cap t ure, print an d s tore data from the
instrument to a PC. Specifically it
• produces a printable graphical plot of the scan, in Abs
• logs date, time and serial number with any output from the instrument
• produces a results log in order to store, tabulate and subsequently print output from
the instrument
• enables expor t of the outpu t from the instrument to Excel as a text file
A tutorial on UV/V isib l e spe ctrophotometry is included as part of the Grafico software.