biochrom Libra S4 User Manual

User Manual
Declaration of Conformity
This is to certify that the Libra S4 Visible Spectrophotometer Part number 80-5000-00 Serial number 88000 onwards
manufactured by Biochrom Ltd. conform to the requirements of the following Directives-: 73/23/EEC & 89/336/EEC
Standards to which conformity is declared
EN 61 010-1: 2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use.
EN 61326: 1998 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC
Signed: Dated: 26
Oct 2004
David Parr Managi ng Direc tor Biochrom Ltd
Postal address Telephone Telefax Biochrom Ltd +44 1223 423723 +44 1223 420164
22 Cambridge Science Park Milton Road e mail: enquiries@bio chr website: Cambridge CB4 0FJ England
Registered in England No: 3526954 Registered Office: 22 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0FJ, England
Biochrom Ltd
Certificate No. 890333
Unpacking, Positioning and Installation 1 Essential Safety Notes 1
Introduction 2 Sample handling tips 2 Using the Instrument 3 Absorbance and % Transmission 4 Concentration 4 Rate 6 Factor 7
(time and date) 8 Use with serial printer 8 Use with chart recorder 8
Installation 9 Introduction 9 Menu Descriptions 10 Practical Aspects 11
After Sales Support 13 Cleaning and gen eral care of th e instru men t 13 Changing cell holder or removal for cleaning 13 Lamp Replacement 14 Changing the brightness of the display 14
Calculation of λ max, extinction coefficient and measurement of natural bandwidth 16 Construction of concentration plots 16 Measurement of stray light 17
___________________________________________________________________ Issue 02 - 03/2005 Libra S4, English 1
Unpacking, Positioning and Installation
Inspect the instru ment for any signs of damage caused in tran si t. If any damage is
discovered, inform your supp lier immediately. Check the position of the metal lamp bracket insid e the lamp access area.
Ensure your proposed installation site conforms to the environmental conditions for safe
Indoor use only Temperature 5°C to 35 °C. No te that if you use the instr ument in a room sub j ect t o extremes of temperature change du r ing the day, it may be necessary to recalibrate (b y switching off and then on again) once thermal equilibrium has been established (2-3 hours). Maximum relative humidity of 80 % up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 50 % at 40°C
The instrument must be placed on a hard, flat bench or table that can take its weight (<2
kg) such that air is allowed to circulate freely around the inst rument.
This equipment must be connected to the power supply with the power cord supplied. It
can be used on 90 - 240V supplies.
Switch on the instrument via the display after it has been plugged in. The instrument
performs a series of self-diagnostic checks for lamp performanc e, wavelength calibration and diode array pixels; press F2 to proceed.
If the instrument has just been unpacked or has been stored in a cold environment, it should be allowed to come to thermal equilibrium for 2-3 hours in the laboratory before switching on to prevent calibratio n failure as a re sult of internal co nd ensation.
The cell holder supplied with the instrument accepts standard 10mm pathlength glass or
plastic cells (adap t er s are avai lable to convert it to accept 10, 12 and 16mm diameter test tubes). It can be removed for cleaning if spillages occur by undoing the screws that hold it or it can be flushed through with water in situ.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified or in environmental conditions not appropriate for safe operation, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired and instrument w a rranty withdrawn.
Essential Safety Notes
There are a number of warning labels and symbols on your instrument. These are there to inform you where potential danger exists or particular caution is required. Before commencing installation, please take time to familiarise yourself with these symbols and their meaning.
Caution (refer to accompanying documents). Background colour yellow, symbol and outline black.
___________________________________________________________________ Issue 02 - 03/2005 Libra S4 , English 2
Your spectrophotometer is a simple-to-use instrument that provides rapid measurement of light absorbance and light transmission in the visible region (330 – 800 nm).
Your spectrophotometer has facilities for measurement of:
absorbance and % transmission
concentration, either
absorbance multiplied by a factor or
from a single point calibration using a known standard
rate (absorbance against time) at one or two wavelengths simultaneously
rate results at one wavelength can be output to chart recorder
The instrument is supplied with Grafico PC utility - on the accompanying CD - and a serial lead. These provide the user with the means to capture, print and store data from the instrument to a PC. Specifically it
produces a printable graphical plot of the scan, in Abs
logs date, time and serial number with any output from the instrument
produces a results log in order to store, tabulate and subsequently print
output from the instrument
enables export of the output from the instrument to Excel as a text file
A tutorial on UV/Visible spectrophotometry is included as part of the Grafico software.
Experiments are included in this manual for the user or for students to investigate some of the principles of UV/Visible spectrophotometry.
Sample handling tips
Note that the light beam shines from LEFT to RIGHT through the cell chamber;
ensure the cell is inserted in the correct alignme nt.
The optical height is 15mm, and the minimum volume that can be used is approx. 700µl in a semi-micro cell.
Align the indicator line on test tubes with the arrow on the cell compartment area to ensure reproducible positioning of the tube. Note that test tubes do not last forever, and that the surface gets scratches and blemishes through repetitive use; if this is the case they should be replaced.
___________________________________________________________________ Issue 02 - 03/2005 Libra S4, English 3
Using the Instrument
The liquid crystal display is very easy to navigate around using the function / select and arrow keys on the hard wearing, spill proof membrane keypad.
To switch the ins tr u men t o n, press once To switch the instrument off, hold the key down for 2 seconds
To set up or confirm an entry
0A/100%T To set reference to 0.000AU or 100%T on a reference solution at the
selected wavelength To make a measurement or stop a rate experiment
To highlight the 6 measurement indicat ors in turn ( see below)
Depends on mode, see below
Highlight your selection using 34, then:
To enter wavelength; to select, press 56 then
To measure Abs or %T; to select , p r es s 56 (“Abs” or “%T” displayed at side)
Conc To measure concentration either using a factor or relat ive to a known
standard; to select, press (“Conc.” displayed at side) Rate To measure absorb an ce as a fun c tion of time; to select, p r es s Factor To enter a factor for use in concentration; to select, press
To display time and change time / date if required ; to select , p r ess The following symbols appear and signify the following:
r r r r
Setting reference / measuring blan k “0.123” flashing
Displaying previo usly measured value when measuring sample
Error Messages
Error messages may appear on the display and mean the following:
FAIL flashing Can carry on using; refer to error messages section FAIL constant Cannot use; refer to error messages section and contact your supplier
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