biochrom Libra S21, Libra S22 User Manual

Libra S21 and S22
User Manual
Declaration of Conformity
This is to certify that the Libra S21 Visible and Libra 22 UV/Visible
Spectrophotometers Part number 80-2115-25 and 80-2115-20 Serial number 81000 onwards
manufactured by Biochrom Ltd. conforms to the requirements of the following Directives-: 73/23/EEC & 89/336/EEC
Standards to which conformity is declared
EN 61 010-1: 2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use.
EN 61326: 1998 Electrical equipment for measu rement, control and laboratory use – EMC
Signed: Dated: 23
October 2002
David Parr Managi ng Direct or Biochrom Ltd
Postal address Telephone Telefax Biochrom Ltd +44 1223 423723 +44 1223 420164
22 Cambridge Science Park Milton Road e mail: enquiries@bio chr website: Cambridge CB4 0FJ England
Registered in England No: 3526954 Registered Office: 22 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0FJ, England
Biochrom Ltd
Certificat e No. 890333
___________________________________________________________________ Issue 02 - 04/2004 Libra S21/S22, English 1
Essential Safety Notes 3
Introduction 4 Keypad and display 5 Basic Modes (1) 6
Absorbance (1.1) 6 % Transmission (1.2) 6 Factor Concentration (1.3) 6 Ratio (1.4) 7
Applications (2) 8
Wavescan (2.1) 8 Simple Kinetics (2.2) 9 Reaction Rate (2.3) 10 Standard Curve (2.4) 11 Multiwave and Equation Entry (2.5) 12
Methods A (4), B (5) and C (6) 13 System Utilities 14 Output to Printer 16
Seiko DPU-414 (1) 16 Epson FX-80+ / Epson 9 pin (2) 16 Text printer (no graphics) (3) 16 HP PCL 3 (4) 16 Epson 24 pin (ESC P) (5) 16
Download to Spreadsheet 17 Messages 17
Multiple Cell Holder Accessories 18 Single Cell Holder Accessories 19 Other Accessories, consumables etc 20 Acquire Applications Software 21
After Sales Support 22 Fuse Replacement 22 Cleaning and General Care 23
Text entry 24 Good Labor a to r y Pr ac ti ce 25 Least squares regression analysis and linearity 26
___________________________________________________________________ 2 Libra S21/S22, English Issue 02 - 04/2004
Unpacking, Positioning and Installation
Inspect the instrument for any signs of damage caused in transit. If any damage
is discovered, inform your supplier immediately.
Ensure your proposed installation site conforms to the environmental conditions
for safe operation:
Indoor use only Temperature 10°C to 40°C Maximum relative humidity of 80 % up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 50 % at 40°C
The instrument must be pl aced on a hard flat surface, fo r example a laboratory
bench or table, which can take its weight (13 kg) such that air is allowed to circulate freely around the instrument.
Ensure that the cooling fan inlets and outlets are not obstructed; position at least
2 inches from the wall.
This equipment must be connected to the power supply with the power cord
supplied and must be earthed (grounded)
. It can be used on 90 - 240V supplies.
Switch on the instrument and check that the display works (see Operation).
To enter laboratory name, operator name, instrument asset number details, and
current date/time, refer to System Utilities.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified or in environmental conditions not appropriate for safe operation, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired and instrument warranty withdrawn.
___________________________________________________________________ Issue 02 - 04/2004 Libra S21/S22, English 3
Essential Safety Notes
There are a number of warning labels and s ymbols on your instrument. These are there to inform you where potential danger exists or particular caution is required. Before commencing installation, please take time to familiarise yourself with these symbols and their meaning.
Caution (refer to accompanying documents). Background colour is yellow, symbol and outline are black.
UV RADIATION UV RADIATION IS HARMFUL TO YOUR EYES HOT If power is restored with this cover removed,
eye protection must be worn
Care should be taken when handling all heated accessories.
Ensure that the cell compartment lid is closed when operating cell changers and
the sipper.
It is essential that the baseplate plug supplied with single cell accessories is
fitted to optimise air flow and to prevent light ingress.
___________________________________________________________________ 4 Libra S21/S22, English Issue 02 - 04/2004
OPERATION Introduction
Your spectrophotometer is a stand alone, simple-to-use instrument with a high­resolution liquid cr ystal displa y (LCD), and a compr ehensive ra nge of spectrophotometry measurements can be undertaken.
It works on the basis of light from the xenon lamp being directed by a fixed mirror through the monochromator inlet slit. This passes through one of several (dependent on wavelength selected) filters mounted on filter quadrant: the filtered light is then directed onto the holographic grating which produces light of the selected wavelength. The light then leaves the monochromator via the exit slit, and mirrors focus and direct the light into the sample compartment. This passes through your cell, containing the sample of interest, and then a defocusing lens to a solid state detector unit. The resulting signal is then filtered and displayed.
Your spectrophotometer has the following capabilities:
Basic Modes for
- Absorbance
- % Transmission
- Factor Concentrat ion
- Absorbance Ratio
Application Mod e s for
- Wavescan (Wavelength Scanning )
- Simple Kinetics
- Reaction Rate
- Standard Curve
- Multiple Wavelength (Multi Wavelength Equation Entry)
18 user defined me thods, in 3 groups of 6
- Methods A, B, C
Print results from the instrument display in graphical format
Download of results directly to Excel for manipulation and archiving, via a
serial interface lead to a PC
Self test diagnostics for GLP purposes
A range of accessories further enhances the capability of the instrument. The home page provides access to user modes, system utilities and accessory identification and set-up.
___________________________________________________________________ Issue 02 - 04/2004 Libra S21/S22, English 5
Keypad and display
Press the soft key on the keypad directly below the corresponding option on the display (F1, F2 and F3) to select that option. For example, on the home page (above):
press F1 to take you to System Utilities
press F2 to identify the type of cell changer / holder that has been fitted
press F3 to toggle the display back-light on/off (display contrast can be
changed within System (F1)
to print result if auto-print is off, or to r e -print result if auto-print is on
to back space in order to correct text and characters in appropriate boxes
to start making measurements and print results (green run key)
to stop making measurements or entering parameters and return to the home
page; use as an “escape mechanism” (red stop key)
Press the corresponding number on the keypad to enter the user mode choices; for example 1 followed by 1 is Absorbance mode, whereas 2 followed by 4 is Standard Curve Mode.
___________________________________________________________________ 6 Libra S21/S22, English Issue 02 - 04/2004
Basic Modes (1)
Absorbance (1.1 )
Absorbance mode measures the amount of light that has passed through a sample relative to a blank (this can be air). The procedure is as follows:
Enter approp ria te wavelength and press OK (F3)
Insert reference and press green run key. The cell changer, if fitted,
automatically moves to position 2 and displays the result for the reference measurement (0.000)
Xenon lamp based instruments are “press to read”, whereas deuterium /
tungsten lamp instruments measure continuously. Thus to monitor sample stabilisation, the simple kinetics mode must be used
This reference value is used for subsequent samples until changed
Insert samples as required and press (repeat as necessary)
To go back and change the wavelength press Method (F1)
% Transmission (1.2)
Transmission mode measures the amount of light that has passed through a sample relative to a blank (this can be air), but displays the result as a percentage. The procedure is as follows:
Enter approp ria te wavelength and press OK (F3)
Insert reference and press green run key
This reference value is used for subsequent samples until changed
Insert samples as required and press (repeat as necessary)
To go back and change the wavelength press Method (F1)
Factor Concentration (1.3)
Concentration mode is used when a conversion factor is known, and converts the absorbance measurement for a sample at a specific wavelength into a concentration, by a simple multiplication of absorbance x factor. The procedure is as follows:
Enter approp ria te wavelength and press OK (F3)
Enter known factor (range 0.01-9999) and press OK (F3)
To enter a negative factor press – (F1); the reference should have a higher
absorbance than the samples
Insert reference and press green run key
This reference value is used for subsequent samples until changed
Insert samples as required and press (repeat as necessary)
To go back and change the wavelength or factor press Method (F1)
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