Climatic chamber for constant conditions with program control
APT.line™ KBF P (E5.2)
Climatic chamber for constant conditions with program control
with ICH compliant illumination and adjustable light cassettes
Address Post office box 102
D-78502 Tuttlingen
Tel. +49 7462 2005 0
Fax +49 7462 2005 100
Service Hotline +49 7462 2005 555
Service Fax +49 7462 2005 93 555
Service E-Mail
Service Hotline USA +1 866 885 9794 or +1 631 224 4340
Service Hotline Spain +34 9492 677 23
Service Hotline Asia Pacific +852 39070500 or +852 39070503
Service Hotline Russia and CIS +7 495 98815 17
Issue 02/2012 Art. N0. 7001-0207
Anbieter / Supplier / Fournisseur:
Anschrift / Address / Adresse:
Im Mittleren Ösch 5, D-78532 Tuttlingen
Produkt / Product / Produit:
Klimaschränke für Konstantklima mit Programmregelung
Typenbezeichnung / Type / Type:
KBF 115, KBF 240, KBF P 240, KBF 720, KBF P 720
tlinie 2004/108/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates
vom 15. Dezember 2004 zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der
Mitgliedstaaten über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und zur
EC – declaration of conformity
Climatic chambers for constant conditions with program control
Enceintes climatiques pour des conditions constantes à régulation
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden EG-Richtlinien:
The products described above are in conformity with the following EC guidelines:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux directives CE suivantes:
Low voltage directive
Directive basse tension
EMC Directive
Directive CEM
Richtlinie 2006/95/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates
vom 12. Dezember 2006 zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der
Mitgliedstaaten betreffend elektrische Betriebsmittel zur Verwendung
innerhalb bestimmter Spannungsgrenzen
Council Directive 2006/95/EC of 12 December 2006 on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
Directive 2006/95/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 12 décembre 2006 concernant le rapprochement des législations des États
membres relatives au matériel électrique destiné à être employé dans
certaines limites de tension
Aufhebung der Richtlinie 89/336/EWG.
Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
15 December 2004 on the approximation of the laws of the Member
States relating to electromagnetic compatibility and repealing Directive
Directive 2004/108/CE du Parlement Européen et du Conseil du 15
décembre 2004 relative au rapprochement des législations des États
membres concernant la compatibilité électromagnétique et abrogeant le
directive 98/336/CEE.
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte tragen entsprechend die Kennzeichnung CE.
The products described above, corresponding to this, bear the CE-mark.
Les produits décrits ci-dessus, en correspondance, portent l’indication CE.
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Sicherheit / safety / sécurité:
Die oben beschriebenen Produkte sind konform mit folgenden harmonisierten Normen:
The products described above are in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
Les produits décrits ci-dessus sont conformes aux normes harmonisées suivantes:
EN 61010-1:2010 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und
Laborgeräte – Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen (DIN EN 61010-1:2002
+ Berichtigung 1:2002 + Berichtigung 2:2004)
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control,
and laboratory use – Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61010-1:2010,
BS EN 61010-1:2010)
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de régulation et de laboratoire – Partie 1: Prescriptions générales (CEI 610101:2010, NF EN 61010:2011)
EN 61010-2-010:2003 Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Meß-, Steuer-, Regel- und
Laborgeräte – Teil 2-010: Besondere Anforderungen an Laborgeräte für
das Erhitzen von Stoffen (DIN EN 61010-2-010:2004)
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control,
and laboratory use – Part 2-010: Particular requirements for laboratory
equipment for the heating of materials (IEC 61010-2-10:2005, BS EN
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de régulation et de laboratoire – Partie 2-010 : Prescriptions particulières pour
appareils de laboratoire utilisés pour l’échauffement des matières (CEI
61010-2-10:2003, NF EN 61010-2-10:2005)
EN 61326-1:2006
+ Corr. 1:2008 + Corr. 2:2010
Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - EMVAnforderungen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen (DIN EN 613261:2006 + Berichtigung 1:2008 + Berichtigung 2:2011)
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61326-1:2005 +
Corr. 1:2008 + Corr. 2:2010, BS EN 61326-1:2006+ A1:2008)
Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire - Exigences relatives à la CEM - Partie 1: Exigences générales (CEI 613261:2005 + AC1:2008, NF EN 61326-1:2006 mod.)
EN 61326-2-2:2006 Elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte – EMV-
Anforderungen. Teil 2-2: Besondere Anforderungen - Prüfanordnung,
Betriebsbedingungen und Leistungsmerkmale für ortsveränderliche
Prüf-, Mess- und Überwachungsgeräte in NiederspannungsStromversorgungsnetzen. (DIN EN 61326-2-2:2006)
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use –
EMC requirements. Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for portable test,
measuring and monitoring equipment used in low-voltage distribution
systems. (IEC 61326-2-2:2005, BS EN 61326-2-2:2006)
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Matériel électrique de mesure, de commande et de laboratoire – Exigences relatives à la CEM. Partie 2-2: Exigences particulières - Configurations d’essai, conditions de fonctionnement et critères d’aptitude à la
fonction des matériels portatifs d’essai, de mesure et de surveillance
utilisés dans des systèmes de distribution basse tension. (CEI 61326-22:2005 + AC1:2007, NF EN 61326-2-2:2006)
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P. M. Binder
Directeur général
Dr. H. von Both
Chef de service R&D
D-78532 Tuttlingen, 25.07.2011
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Managing Director
Leiter F & E
Director R & D
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Product registration
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EC – declaration of conformity ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 Word message panel structure ............................................................................................... 11
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the unit ............................................................................. 11
1.4 Type plate .......................................................................................................................................... 13
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the climatic chamber ................................... 14
1.6 Intended use ...................................................................................................................................... 16
1.7 Resistance of the humidity sensor against harmful substances ....................................................... 16
2. UNIT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 17
2.1 Unit overview ..................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Lateral control panel, right side KBF / KBF P .................................................................................... 19
2.3 Lateral control panel, left side (KBF P, option KBF) .......................................................................... 20
2.4 Instrument panel for KBF / KBF P ..................................................................................................... 21
5.3 Performance after power failures ...................................................................................................... 34
5.4 Turning on the unit ............................................................................................................................ 34
8.1 Entering the set point values ............................................................................................................. 42
8.2 Entering the set point values for KBF P when operating without illumination ................................... 44
8.3 Performance after power failure in Manual Mode ............................................................................. 44
9. PROGRAM OPERATION ..................................................................................... 44
9.1 Menu-based program entry ............................................................................................................... 45
9.2 Entry of temperature values and fan speed ...................................................................................... 45
9.3 Entry of humidity values .................................................................................................................... 48
9.4 Selecting between “set-point ramp” and “set-point step” .................................................................. 49
9.5 Program entry as “set-point ramp” or as “set-point step” .................................................................. 50
9.6 Information on programming different temperature or humidity transitions ...................................... 52
9.7 Repetition of a section or several sections within a program ............................................................ 53
9.8 Performance after power failure in Program Mode ........................................................................... 53
9.9 Starting a previously entered program .............................................................................................. 54
9.10 Deleting a program ............................................................................................................................ 54
9.11 Template for temperature profile ....................................................................................................... 55
9.12 Template for humidity profile ............................................................................................................. 56
9.13 Program table template for temperature and fan speed rate ............................................................ 57
9.14 Program table template for humidity ................................................................................................. 58
10. TEMPERATURE SAFETY DEVICES ................................................................... 59
10.1 Over temperature protective device (class 1) ................................................................................... 59
10.2 Safety controller (temperature safety device class 3.1) .................................................................... 59
19.1 Factory calibration and adjustment ................................................................................................... 90
19.2 Over current protection...................................................................................................................... 90
19.3 Definition of usable volume ............................................................................................................... 90
19.4 Technical Data .................................................................................................................................. 91
19.4.1 KBF technical data .................................................................................................................. 91
19.4.2 KBF P technical data............................................................................................................... 93
19.5 Equipment and options ...................................................................................................................... 95
19.6 Spare parts and accessories ............................................................................................................. 96
For the correct operation of the climatic chamber KBF / KBF P, it is important that you read this operating
manual completely and carefully and observe all instructions as indicated. Failure to read, understand and
follow the instructions may result in personal injury. It can also lead to damage to the unit and/or poor
equipment performance.
1. Safety
This operating manual is part of the components of delivery. Always keep it handy for reference. The device should only be operated by laboratory personnel especially trained for this purpose and familiar with
all precautionary measures required for working in a laboratory. To avoid injuries and damage observe the
safety instructions of the operating manual.
Failure to observe the safety instructions.
Serious injuries and unit damage.
Observe the safety instructions in this operating manual.
Carefully read the complete operating instructions of the climatic chamber KBF / KBF P.
1.1 Legal considerations
This operating manual is for informational purposes only. It contains information for installing, start-up,
operation and maintenance of the product. Note: the contents and the product described are subject to
change without notice.
Understanding and observing the instructions in this operating manual are prerequisites for hazard-free
use and safety during operation and maintenance. In no event shall BINDER be held liable for any damages, direct or incidental arising out of or related to the use of this manual.
This operating manual cannot cover all conceivable applications. If you would like additional information,
or if special problems arise that are not sufficiently addressed in this manual, please ask your dealer or
contact us directly by phone at the number located on page one of this manual
Furthermore, we emphasize that the contents of this operating manual are not part of an earlier or existing
agreement, description, or legal relationship, nor do they modify such a relationship. All obligations on the
part of BINDER derive from the respective purchase contract, which also contains the entire and exclusively valid statement of warranty administration. The statements in this manual neither augment nor restrict the contractual warranty provisions.
1.2 Structure of the safety instructions
In this operating manual, the following safety definitions and symbols indicate dangerous situations following the harmonization of ISO 3864-2 and ANSI Z535.6.
1.2.1 Signal word panel
Depending on the probability of serious consequences, potential dangers are identified with a signal word,
the corresponding safety color, and if appropriate, the safety alert symbol.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious
(irreversible) injury.
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Warning signs
Electrical hazard
Hot surface
Scalding hazard
Danger of frost
Mandatory action signs
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
(irreversible) injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in moderate or minor (reversible) injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the product
and/or its functions or of a property in its proximity.
1.2.2 Safety alert symbol
Use of the safety alert symbol indicates a risk of injury.
Observe all measures that are marked with the safety alert symbol in order to avoid death or
1.2.3 Pictograms
Lifting hazard
Pollution Hazard
Harmful substances
Explosive atmosphere
High humidity
Stability hazard
UV light hazard
Mandatory regulation
Lift with mechanical
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Read operating
Environment protection
Disconnect the power
Lift with several persons
Prohibition signs
Pictograms (warning signs)
Service label
Do NOT touch
Do NOT spray with
Information to be observed in order to ensure optimum function of the product.
Do NOT climb
1.2.4 Word message panel structure
Type / cause of hazard.
Possible consequences.
∅ Instruction how to avoid the hazard: prohibition
Instruction how to avoid the hazard: mandatory action.
Observe all other notes and information not necessarily emphasized in the same way, in order to avoid
disruptions that could result in direct or indirect injury or property damage.
1.3 Localization / position of safety labels on the unit
The following labels are located on the unit:
Hot surface
Risk of injury (UL units only)
UV light hazard (KBF P only)
Burning and scalding hazard
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Figure 1: Position of labels on the unit front KBF / KBF P
Figure 2: Position of labels on the unit front KBF-UL / KBF P-UL
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Indications on the type plate
Manufacturer: BINDER GmbH
KBF 240
Model KBF 240
Serial No.
Serial No. 00-00000
Nominal temperature
70 °C / 158 °F
Nominal temperature
Enclosure protection
IP 20
IP type of protection 20 acc. to EN 60529
Temp. safety device
DIN 12880
Temperature safety device acc. to standard DIN 12880
Temperature safety device, class 3.1
Art. No.
Art. No. 9020-0150
Project No.
(Special application acc. to project no.)
2,10 kW
Nominal power 2.10 kW
200-240 V 1 N ~
Nominal voltage 200-240 V (+/-10%), single-phase unit
9,5 A
Nominal current 9.5 Amp
50/60 Hz
Power frequency 50/60 Hz
Max. operating pressure 15 bar
Max operating pressure 15 bar / 218 PSI in the refrigerating
R 134a – 0,17 kg
Refrigerant type R 134 A, filling weight 0.17 kg / 0.37 lbs
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol
Nominal temperature
70 °C
2,10 kW
Max. operating pressure 15 bar
158 °F
200-240 V 1 N ~
R 134a – 0,17 kg
Temp. safety device
IP 20
DIN 12880
50/60 Hz
covered by the Kyoto Protocol
Art. No.
US PATS 4585923 / 5222612 / 5309981
D 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Figure 3: Position of labels on the unit rear
Keep safety labels complete and legible.
Replace safety labels that are no longer legible. Contact BINDER Service for these replacements.
1.4 Type plate
Position of type plate: left unit side (seen from front), at the bottom right-hand.
Enclosure protection
Project No.
9,5 A
5405194 / 5601143 / 5773287 / 6079403
Tel. + 49 (0) 7462/ 2005-0
Internet: www.binder-
Figure 4: Type plate (example of KBF 240 regular unit)
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
KBF 240 Serial No. 00-00000
Made in Germany
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Symbol on the type plate
CE conformity marking
Electrical and electronic equipment manufactured / placed
on the market in the EC after 13 August 2005 and be disposed of in separate collection according to the directive
2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment
The equipment is certified in the GOST R certification system of GOSTSTANDARD Russia.
(UL units only)
The equipment is certified by Underwriters Laboratories
according to standards CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1,
Edition, 2004-07 (Electrical Equipment for Measurement,
Control, and Laboratory Use; Part 1: General Requirements); UL 61010-1, 2
Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use;
Part 1: General Requirements); IEC 61010-1:2001, 2
Edition, 2005-07-22 (Electrical
Edition and IEC 61010-2-10 (Particular Requirements for Laboratory Equipment for the heating of materials).
1.5 General safety instructions on installing and operating the climatic chamber
With regard to operating the climatic chamber KBF / KBF P and to the installation location, please observe
the guideline BGI/GUV-I 850-0 on safe working in laboratories (formerly BGR/GUV-R 120 or ZH 1/119
laboratory guidelines issued by the employers’ liability insurance association) (for Germany.
BINDER GmbH is only responsible for the safety features of the unit provided skilled electricians or qualified personnel authorized by BINDER perform all maintenance and repair, and if components relating to
chamber safety are replaced in the event of failure with original spare parts.
To operate the unit, use only original BINDER accessories or accessories from third-party suppliers authorized by BINDER. The user is responsible for any risk caused by using unauthorized accessories.
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the unit.
∅ Do NOT install the unit in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
Do not operate the climatic chamber KBF / KBF P in hazardous locations.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the unit in potentially explosive areas.
∅ KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the unit.
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The climatic chamber KBF / KBF P does not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance into the climatic chamber which is combustible or
explosive at working temperature.
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
Any solvent contained in the charging material must not be explosive or inflammable. I.e., irrespective of
the solvent concentration in the steam room, NO explosive mixture with air must form. The temperature
inside the chamber must lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the charging material.
Familiarize yourself with the physical and chemical properties of the charging material, as well as the contained moisture constituent and its behavior with the addition of heat energy and humidity.
Familiarize yourself with any potential health risks caused by the charging material, the contained moisture
constituent or by reaction products that may arise during the temperature process. Take adequate
measures to exclude such risks prior to putting the climatic chamber into operation.
Electrical hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ The unit must NOT become wet during operation or maintenance.
The climatic chambers were produced in accordance with VDE regulations and were routinely tested in
accordance to VDE 0411-1 (IEC 61010-1).
The glass doors, the inner chamber, and the light cassettes will become hot during
Danger of burning.
∅ Do NOT touch the glass doors, the inner surfaces, the light cassettes or the charging
material during operation.
Stability hazard.
Danger of injury.
Damage to the unit and the charging material.
Housing cover breakaway.
∅ Do NOT climb on the lower housing cover.
∅ Do NOT load the lower housing cover with heavy objects while the unit door is open.
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Maximum work place
threshold limit value
Tolerated concentration
with permanent load
0.7 2 Acetic acid
Ethyl acetate
Ethylene glycol
Methyl ethyl ketone
1.6 Intended use
Climatic chambers series KBF / KBF P are suitable for exact conditioning of harmless materials. A mixture
of any component of the charging material with air must NOT be explosive. The operating temperature
must lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the charging material.
Following the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work
(chap. 16) are part of the intended use.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT introduce any substance combustible or explosive at working temperature into
the climatic chamber.
∅ NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
The charging material shall not contain any corrosive ingredients that may damage the machine components made of stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. Such ingredients include in
particular acids and halides. Any corrosive damage caused by such ingredients is excluded
from liability by BINDER GmbH.
1.7 Resistance of the humidity sensor against harmful substances
The following list of harmful substances refers only to the humidity sensor and does not include any other
materials incorporated in the unit or prohibited substances in relation to explosion protection.
Some gases - especially clean gases - do not have any influence on the humidity sensor. Others do have
a very small influence, whereas others may influence the sensor to a larger extent.
• The following gases do not influence the sensor and the humidity measurement: Argon (Ar), carbon
dioxide (CO
• The following gases do not, or to a minor extent influence the sensor and the humidity measurement:
Butane (C
• The following gases do not, or to a minor extent influence the sensor and the humidity measurement,
provided that the indicated loads are not exceeded:
), ethane (C2H6), methane (CH4), natural gas propane (C3H8)
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Maximum work place
threshold limit value
Tolerated concentration
with permanent load
0.5 1 Hydrochloric acid
HCl 2 3
Hydrogen sulphide
Nitrogen oxides
5 9 5 9 Sulphur dioxide
13 5 13
These values are to be considered only as approximate values. The sensor resistance largely depends
on the temperature and humidity conditions during the time of exposure to harmful substances. Avoid
simultaneous condensation. Tolerated error of measurement: ± 2 %r.H. The maximum work place
threshold limit value is one that can be regarded as harmless for humans.
• Vapors of oil and fat are dangerous for the sensor because they may condensate at the sensor and
thus prevent its function (insulating layer). For similar reasons, it is not possible to measure smoke
2. Unit description
The climatic chambers KBF / KBF P are equipped with a multifunctional microprocessor display controller
with 2-channel technology for temperature and humidity plus a digital display accurate to one-tenth of a
degree resp. 0.1% r.H. With its comprehensive program control functions, the display controller MB1 permits the high precision performance of temperature and humidity cycles.
With its microprocessor controlled humidifying and dehumidifying system the KBF / KBF P is a highprecision climatic chamber. It completely meets the requirements of the stipulated stability and durability
tests for pharmaceutical products:
• Stability tests acc. to ICH guideline CPMP/ICH/2736/99 (Q1A)
• Photostability tests acc. to ICH guideline CPMP/ICH/279/95 (Q1B) (KBF P)
Furthermore, it permits simulating exactly and over long periods constant conditions for other applications
such as sample conditioning for material testing of paper, textiles, plastics, building materials, etc.
A resistance humidifying system humidifies the air. For this purpose, use deionized (demineralized) water.
The option BINDER Pure Aqua Service allows using the chamber with any degree of water hardness.
The inner chamber, the pre-heating chamber, and the interior side of the doors are all made of stainless
steel (material no. 1.4301 (V2A) in Germany, US equivalent 304). The housing is RAL 7035 powdercoated. All corners and edges are also completely coated.
The efficient program controller is equipped with a multitude of operating functions, in addition to recorder
and alarm functions. Programming of test cycles is easily accomplished via the modern color-display controller MB1 and is also possible directly with a computer via Intranet in connection with the communication
software APT-COM™ 3 DataControlSystem (option, chap. 15.1). The climatic chamber KBF / KBF P
comes equipped with an Ethernet serial interface for computer communication.
In addition, the BINDER communication software APT-COM™ 3 permits networking up to 30 units and
connecting them to a PC for controlling and programming, as well as recording and representing temperature and humidity data. For further options, see chap.19.5.
The KBF / KBF P models size 240 and 720 are equipped with four castors. Both front castors can be easily locked via the attached brakes.
The chambers can be operated in a temperature range from 0 °C / 32 °F up to 70 °C / 158 °F (KBF,
KBF P without light cassettes) / from 10 °C / 50 °F up to 60 °C / 140 °F (KBF P with illumination) and in a
humidity range of 10% r.H. to 80% r.H.
For the control ranges of temperature and humidity, see diagrams (chap. 12).
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2.1 Unit overview
Figure 5: KBF 240
(A) Instrument panel with MB1 display program controller
(B) Door handle
(C) Outer door
(D) Refrigerating machine and humidity generation module
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2.2 Lateral control panel, right side KBF / KBF P
Figure 6: Lateral control panel KBF / KBF P at the right side of the humidity module
with options analog outputs, alarm contact, and additional Pt 100 sensor
(3) Main power switch ON/OFF
(4) Humidity switch ON/OFF
(5) DIN-socket additional Pt 100 temperature sensor (option)
(6) DIN-socket analog outputs (option)
(7) DIN-socket alarm contact (option)
(8) Ethernet interface with indication of the MAC address for computer communication
(9) RS422 interface (for service purpose only)
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2.3 Lateral control panel, left side (KBF P, option KBF)
Figure 7: Lateral control panel KBF (option) / KBF P at the left side of the humidity module
(10) Switch for ICH compliant illumination cool white (KBF P)
(11) Switch for ICH compliant illumination BINDER Q1B Synergy Light (UVA + cool white) (KBF P)
(12) Not used
(13) Not used
(14) Temperature safety device class 3.1 (part of option safety device class 3.3)
(15) Temperature safety device class 3.2 (part of option safety device class 3.3)
with option temperature safety device class 3.3
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2.4 Instrument panel for KBF / KBF P
Figure 8: Triangle instrument panel
(1) Microprocessor program controller MB1 with 2-channel technology for temperature and humidity
(2) Switch for interior lighting (option)
3. Completeness of delivery, transportation, storage, and installation
3.1 Unpacking, and checking equipment and completeness of delivery
After unpacking, please check the unit and its optional accessories, if any, based on the delivery note for
completeness and for transportation damage. Inform the carrier immediately if transportation damage has
The final tests of the manufacturer may have caused traces of the shelves on the inner surfaces. This has
no impact on the function and performance of the unit.
Please remove any transportation protection devices and adhesives in/on the unit and on the doors and
take out the operating manuals and accessory equipment.
Sliding or tilting of the unit.
Damage to the unit.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
∅ Do NOT lift or transport the unit using the door, the handle, or the lower housing.
Lift units size 115 from the pallet at the four lower corners with the aid of four people
Lift units size 240 from the pallet with the aid of six people or with a fork lifter. Set the
fork lifter only from the front or rear in the middle of the unit.
Lift units size 720 from the pallet using technical devices (fork lifter). Set the fork lifter
only from the front or rear in the middle of the unit.
∅ Do NOT set the fork lifter from the unit side.
If you need to return the unit, please use the original packing and observe the guidelines for safe lifting
and transportation (chap. 3.2).
For disposal of the transport packing, see chap. 17.1.
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Note on second-hand units (Ex-Demo-Units):
Second-hand units are units that were used for a short time for tests or exhibitions. They are thoroughly
tested before resale. BINDER ensures that the chamber is technically sound and will work flawlessly.
Second-hand units are marked with a sticker on the unit door. Please remove the sticker before commissioning the unit.
3.2 Guidelines for safe lifting and transportation
The front castors of KBF / KBF P 240 and 720 can be blocked by brakes. Please move the units with castors only when empty and on an even surface, otherwise the castors may be damaged. After operation,
please observe the guidelines for temporarily decommissioning the unit (chap. 17.2).
Sliding or tilting of the unit.
Damage to the unit.
Risk of injury by lifting heavy loads.
Transport the unit only in its original packaging.
For moving or shipping, secure the climatic chamber with transport straps.
∅ Do NOT lift or transport the unit using the door, the handle, or the lower housing.
Lift units size 115 at the four lower corners with the aid of 4 people
Lift units size 240 corners with the aid of 6 people or with a fork lifter. Set the fork lifter
only from the front or rear in the middle of the unit.
Lift units size 720 using technical devices (fork lifter). Set the fork lifter only from the
front or rear in the middle of the unit.
∅ Do NOT set the fork lifter from the unit side.
You can order transport packing for moving or shipping purposes from BINDER service.
Permissible ambient temperature range during transport:
• If the steam humidifying system has NOT been emptied: +3 °C / 37.4 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
• After BINDER Service has emptied the steam humidifying system: -10 °C / 14 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
With temperatures below +3 °C / 37.4 °F, water must be completely removed from the humidifying system.
Transport below +3 °C / 37.4 °F with filled steam humidifying system.
Freezing in the steam generator.
Damage to the unit.
Contact BINDER Service before any transportation below +3 °C / 37.4 °F.
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Danger of corrosion on the housing after operating at humidity values > 70 % r.H. for
3.3 Storage
Intermediate storage of the unit is possible in a closed and dry room. Observe the guidelines for temporary decommissioning (chap. 17.2).
Permissible ambient temperature range during storage:
• If the steam humidifying system has NOT been emptied: +3 °C / 37.4 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F.
• After BINDER Service has emptied the steam humidifying system: -10 °C / 14 °F to +60 °C / 140 °F
With temperatures below +3 °C / 37.4 °F, water must be completely removed from the humidifying system.
Storage below +3 °C / 37.4 °F with filled steam humidifying system.
Freezing in the steam generator.
Damage to the unit.
Contact BINDER Service before any transportation below +3 °C / 37.4 °F.
• Set the humidity to 0 % r.H. and turn on humidity switch (4).
• Set the temperature set point to 60 °C / 140 °F for approx. 2 hours (Manual mode).
• Only then, shut down the unit at the main power switch (3) and close the tap of the
water supply.
When after storage in a cold location you transfer the unit to its warmer installation site, condensation may
form. Before start-up, wait at least one hour until the chamber has attained ambient temperature and is
completely dry.
In case of a prolonged temporal decommissioning: Leave the unit door open or remove the access port
3.4 Location of installation and ambient conditions
Set up the climatic chamber on a flat, even surface, and in a well-ventilated, dry location and align it using
a spirit level. The site of installation must be capable of supporting the unit’s weight (see technical data,
chap. 19.4). The chambers are designed for setting up inside a building (indoor use).
Danger of overheating.
Damage to the unit.
∅ Do NOT set up unit in non-ventilated recesses.
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Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat.
•Permissible ambient temperature range during operation: +18 °C / 64.4 °F to +32 °C / 89.6 °F. At
elevated ambient temperature values, fluctuations in temperature can occur.
The ambient temperature should not be substantially higher than the indicated ambient temperature of +25 °C / 77 °F to which the specified technical data relate. Deviations from the
indicated data are possible for other ambient conditions.
With each degree of ambient temperature >25 °C / 77 °F, the refrigeration power decreases by
When operating the chamber at temperature set-points below ambient temperature, high ambient humidity may lead to condensation on the unit.
• Installation height: max. 2000 m above sea level.
A water tap (1 bar to 10 bar / 14.5 to 145 PSI) is necessary for the installation of the humidification system
(chap. 4.3). If no suitable in-house water connection is available, you can manually supply water by filling
the freshwater can (option, chap. 15.9).
When placing several units of the same size side by side, maintain a minimum distance of 250 mm / 9.84 in between each unit. Wall distances: rear 100 mm / 3.94 in, sides 160 mm / 6.29 in. Spacing above the
unit of at least 100 mm / 3.94 in, must also be accounted for.
Danger by stacking.
Damage to the units.
∅ Do NOT place climatic chambers on top of each other.
To completely separate the unit from the power supply, you must disconnect the power plug. Install the
unit in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily pulled in case of danger.
With an increased amount of dust in the ambient air, clean the condenser fan (by suction or blowing) several times a year.
Avoid any conductive dust in the ambiance according to the unit layout complying with pollution degree 2
(IEC 61010-1).
Do not install or operate the climatic chamber KBF / KBF P in potentially explosive areas.
Explosion hazard.
Danger of death.
∅ Do NOT operate the unit in potentially explosive areas.
KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the vicinity of the unit.
After turning off the unit, you must close the tap of the water supply. Install the unit in a way that the
freshwater supply is easily accessible.
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4. Installation and connections
4.1 Spacers for rear wall distance
Please fix both spacers with the supplied screws at the unit rear. This serves to ensure the prescribed
minimum distance to the rear wall of 100 mm / 3.94 in.
Figure 9: Spacer for rear wall distance
Figure 10: Rear KBF / KBF P
with mounted spacers
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with screw
with hose
4.2 Wastewater connection
Fasten the wastewater hose to the wastewater connection “OUT” (18) on the rear of the unit (olive ∅ 14
mm). Observe the following points:
• You can use a part of the supplied water hose as a drainage hose. In case another hose is used, it has
to be permanently resistant against at least 95 °C / 203 °F.
• Mount the wastewater hose with a maximum positive inclination of 1 m / 3.28 ft and a maximum total
length of 3 m / 9.8 ft.
• Protect both ends of the drainage hose with two of the four supplied hose clamps.
Wastewater is collected in an internal can with a volume of approx. 0.5 liters. It is pumped off
only when required, thus there is no continuous wastewater flow.
(18) (17)
Figure 11: Rear view KBF / KBF P with water connections
(15) Power cable
(16) not used
(17) Freshwater connection “IN”
thread ¾’’ for hose ½“, with union nut
(18) Wastewater connection “OUT”
olive for hose ½“
Protect the wastewater supply at both sides with the supplied hose clamps.
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supply, fix the delivered adapter with hose olive on the thread at the rear of
4.3 Freshwater supply
Connect the wastewater pipe before connecting the unit to a freshwater pipe or filling the
freshwater can (option, chap. 15.9).
You can supply the unit with freshwater via a water pipe or by manually filling a freshwater can (option,
chap. 15.9).
Water intake temperature NOT below +5 °C / 41 °F and not exceeding 40 °C / 104 °F.
Calcification of the humidifying system.
Damage to the unit.
Operate the unit with deionized (demineralized) water only.
Types of suitable water quality:
• Deionized water from a water treatment installation already existing at the customer's site. Maximum
conductivity: 20 µS/cm.
• Water treated by the optional water treatment system BINDER Pure Aqua Service (disposable system).
A reusable measuring equipment to assess the water quality is included (chap. 15.10).
BINDER GmbH is NOT responsible for the water quality at the user’s site.
Any problems and malfunctions that might arise following use of water of deviating quality is
excluded from liability by BINDER GmbH.
The warranty becomes void in the event of use of water of deviating quality.
4.3.1 Automatic freshwater supply via water pipe
An enclosure inside the unit contains the connection kit for freshwater and wastewater. Install the freshwater connection using either the enclosed water hose or another pressure-resistant one. To accomplish
this, remove the cover of the freshwater connection “IN” (17) on the rear of the unit. Protect both ends of
the hose with two of the four supplied hose clamps.
Before turning on the unit, check the connection for leaks. Water supply is automatically effected via the
freshwater connection “IN” (17).
As the appliance only lets in water when required, there is no continuous water flow.
• Supply pressure 1 to 10 bar / 14.5 to 145 PSI when connecting to a water pipe
• Water type: deionized (demineralized) water
• Water intake temperature NOT below +5 °C / 41 °F and not exceeding 40 °C / 104 °F.
• The water intake should be provided with a shut-off slide or water-tap.
• For the water
the chamber.
• Protect the water supply at one side with the supplied hose clamp.
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4.3.2 Manual freshwater supply via external freshwater can (option)
If no house water connection with suitable water is available, you can manually supply water by filling a
freshwater can (option, volume: 20 liters / 0.71 cu.ft. You can attach the freshwater can on the rear of the
unit or place it next to the unit (chap. 15.9).
To guarantee humidification during 24 hours even at high humidity set-points with manual water supply, we recommend filling the freshwater can (option) daily at the end of the day.
4.3.3 Connection kit for connecting the unit to the water main
A safety kit against flooding caused by burst water hoses is enclosed with the climatic chamber. It consists
of the following:
• Hose burst protection device
• Hose nozzle with screwing
• 4 hose clamps
• 6m water hose, divisible for the feed hose and drain
Protection principle of hose burst protection:
Whenever a strong water flow of about 18 l / min. occurs, e.g. caused by a burst water hose, a valve au-
tomatically cuts off the water supply, which can be heard as a clicking noise. The water supply now remains shut until it is manually released.
Screw the hose burst protection device onto a water tap with a G¾ inch right turning thread connection.
The connection is self-sealing. Establish the connection between the safety kit and the chamber with a
part of the supplied hose. Protect both ends of the hose by the supplied hose clamps.
We recommend connecting the hose as the last step in order to avoid twisting the hose while screwing on
the safety kit.
Open the water tap slowly in order to avoid actuating the hose burst protection device.
Figure 12: Assembly of the connection kit
Release of the reflux protection device:
In case the burst protection device has interrupted the water supply, first find the reason and remove it as
necessary. Close the water tap. Release the valve by a half left-turn of the upper knurled part. You can
hear the release of the valve as a clicking noise. Tighten the burst protection device against the water tap
by a right turn. Open the water tap slowly afterwards.
Maintenance of the assembly of the hose burst protection device:
Calcification can impair valve function. We recommend an annual inspection by a skilled plumber. The
plumber should demount the safety kit to check the valve by hand for proper function, calcification or
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Danger of calcification.
Impairment of valve function.
Have a plumber inspect the valve annually.
Remove calcifications by citric acid or acetic acid solutions.
Continue by testing the function and tightness of the mounted unit
Check: Quickly open the water tap while there is no chamber connected – the valve should cut off the
water flux without any delay.
4.3.4 Safety kit: Hose burst protection device with reflux protection device (available
via BINDER INDIVIDUAL customized solutions)
A safety kit with a reflux protection device is available for protection of the drinking water system, acc. to
DIN 1988 part 4, and against flooding caused by burst water hoses.
Protection principles:
Whenever a strong water flow of about 18 l / min. occurs, e.g. caused by a burst water hose, a valve automatically cuts off the water supply, which can be heard as a clicking noise. The water supply now remains shut until it is manually released.
A possible endangering of the drinking water system depends on the risk potential of the charging material. Under unfavorable conditions (e.g. decreasing pressure inside the tap water system), drained off
charging material could be sucked out of the chamber via the steam generator into the tap water system
and therefore contaminate the drinking water. According to standard DIN 1988, part 4, the safety kit with a
reflux protection device provides security in case of short-term utilization of substances with low risk potential. When using substances bearing a higher risk potential, install a pipe disconnector to assure absolute protection. It is the user’s responsibility to prevent (according to national standards) any reflux of contaminated water from getting into the drinking water system.
The standard supplied parts – hose burst protection device, hose nozzle with screwing – are not needed.
Screw the pre-mounted assembly of the hose burst protection and reflux protection devices onto a water
tap with a G¾ inch right turning thread connection. The connection is self-sealing. Establish the connection between the safety kit and the chamber with a part of the supplied hose. Protect both ends of the
hose with the supplied hose clamps.
We recommend connecting the hose as the last step in order to avoid twisting it while screwing on the
safety kit.
Open the water tap slowly in order to avoid actuating the hose burst protection device.
Figure 13: Assembly of the safety kit (hose burst protection and reflux protection devices)
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Release of the reflux protection device:
In case the hose burst protection device interrupts the water supply, first find the reason and remove it as
necessary. Close the water tap. Release the valve by a half left-turn of the upper knurled part. You can
hear the release of the valve as a clicking noise. Tighten the burst protection device against the water tap
by a right turn. Open the water tap slowly afterwards.
Maintenance of the assembly of hose burst protection and reflux protection devices:
Calcification can impair the function of both valves. We recommend an annual inspection by a skilled
plumber. The plumber should remove the safety kit with the reflux protection device to check both valves
by hand for proper function, calcification or blockage.
Danger of calcification.
Impairment of valve function.
Have a plumber inspect the two valves annually.
Remove calcifications by citric acid or acetic acid solutions.
Continue by testing the function and tightness of the mounted unit.
Check: Quickly open the water tap while there is no chamber connected – the valve should cut off the
water flux without any delay.
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