Binder KB 53 (E4), KB 53-UL (E4), KB 115 (E4), KB 115-UL (E4), KB 240 (E6) Operating Manual

Operating Manual
Translation of the original operating manual
KB / KB-UL (E4), KB / KB-UL (E6) Cooling Incubators
with compressor technology and program control
Model Model version Art. No. KB 53 (E4) KB053-230V 9020-0199, 9120-0199 KB 53-UL (E4) KB053UL-120V 9020-0302, 9120-0302 KB 115 (E4) KB115-230V 9020-0397, 9120-0397 KB 115-UL (E4) KB115UL-120V 9020-0398, 9120-0398 KB 240 (E6) KB240-230V 9020-0202, 9120-0202 KB 240-UL (E6) KB240UL-120V 9020-0304, 9120-0304 KB 400 (E6) KB400-230V 9020-0203, 9120-0203 KB 400-UL (E6) KB400UL-120V 9020-0305, 9120-0305 KB 720 (E6) KB720-230V 9020-0204, 9120-0204 KB 720-UL (E6) KB720UL-240V 9020-0306, 9120-0306
Address: Post office box 102, 78502 Tuttlingen, Germany Phone: +49 7462 2005 0 Fax: +49 7462 2005 100 Internet: http://www.b ind er E-mail: Service Hotline: +49 7462 2005 555 Service Fax: +49 7462 2005 93 555 Service E-Mail: Service Hotline USA: +1 866 885 9794 or +1 631 224 4340 x3 Service Hotline Asia Pacif ic: +852 390 705 04 or +852 390 705 03 Service Hotline Russia and CIS: +7 495 988 15 16
Issue 11/2020 Art. No. 7001-0307
1. SAFETY .................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Personnel Qualification ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Operating manual ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Legal considerations ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Structure of the safety instructions ...................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Signal word panel ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.2 Safety alert symbol ................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3 Pictograms ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.4 Word message panel structure ................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Localization / position of safety labels on the chamber ...................................................................... 9
1.6 Type plate............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.7 General safety instructions on instal ling and operating the chambers ............................................. 11
1.8 Intended use ..................................................................................................................................... 13
1.9 Foreseeable Misuse .......................................................................................................................... 14
1.10 Residual Risks .................................................................................................................................. 15
1.11 Operating instructions ....................................................................................................................... 16
1.12 Measures to prevent accidents ......................................................................................................... 16
2. CHAMBER DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 18
2.1 Chamber overview ............................................................................................................................ 19
2.2 Instrument panel ............................................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Lateral control panel with main power switch and opt io nal equ ipment – KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720
(E6) .................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Chamber rear – KB / KB-UL 53 / 115 (E4) ........................................................................................ 22
INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Unpacking, and checking equipment and completeness of delivery ................................................ 23
3.2 Guidelines for safe lifting and transportation ..................................................................................... 24
3.3 Storage .............................................................................................................................................. 24
3.4 Location of installation and ambient conditions ................................................................................ 25
4. INSTALLATION OF THE CHAMBER .................................................................. 27
4.1 Spacers for wall distance – KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6) ........................................................... 27
4.2 Mounting the flexible tilt protection kit ............................................................................................... 28
4.3 Electrical connection ......................................................................................................................... 29
5. START UP ............................................................................................................ 30
6.1 Menu structure .................................................................................................................................. 31
6.1.1 General menu ......................................................................................................................... 31
6.1.2 Quick menu ............................................................................................................................. 33
6.1.3 “User” menu ............................................................................................................................ 33
6.2 Operating modes ............................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.1 Activating the “control offmode or change to “fixed value” operating mode ......................... 34
6.3 Performance during and after power failure ...................................................................................... 36
6.4 Information ........................................................................................................................................ 36
7. CONFIGURATION OF OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ................................................ 37
7.1 Turning on / off the optional interior socket ....................................................................................... 38
7.2 Switching on or off the optional zero-voltage relay control outputs .................................................. 38
7.3 Functional test of the optional alarm output ...................................................................................... 39
7.4 Switching on or off the optional object temperature display ............................................................. 39
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8. SET-POINT ENTRY IN “FIXED VALUE” OPERATING MODE ........................... 40
8.1 Set-point ranges ................................................................................................................................ 40
8.2 Entering the set-points via “quick menu” ........................................................................................... 40
8.3 Entering the set-points via general menu ......................................................................................... 42
9. TIME PROGRAMS ............................................................................................... 43
9.1 Starting and running an existing time program ................................................................................. 45
9.2 Cancelling a running time program ................................................................................................... 48
9.3 Creating a new time program ............................................................................................................ 49
9.3.1 Section handling ..................................................................................................................... 51
9.3.2 Temperature setpoint .............................................................................................................. 52
9.3.3 Section duration ...................................................................................................................... 52
9.3.4 Repeating one or several sections within a time program ...................................................... 53
9.3.5 Tolerance range ...................................................................................................................... 54
9.3.6 Set-point ramp and set-point step modes ............................................................................... 56
9.3.7 Switching on or off the optional zero-voltage relay outputs .................................................... 58
9.3.8 Calling up the next parameter ................................................................................................. 58
9.3.9 Saving the time program and leaving the program editor ....................................................... 60
9.4 Program interruption ......................................................................................................................... 61
9.5 Deleting a time program .................................................................................................................... 63
10. WEEK PROGRAMS ............................................................................................. 64
10.1 Starting and running an existing week program................................................................................ 65
10.2 Cancelling a running week program ................................................................................................. 67
10.3 Creating a new week program .......................................................................................................... 68
10.3.1 Section handling ..................................................................................................................... 70
10.3.2 Temperature setpoint .............................................................................................................. 71
10.3.3 Day of the week ...................................................................................................................... 71
10.3.4 Time of the day ....................................................................................................................... 72
10.3.5 Activity of the shift-point .......................................................................................................... 73
10.3.6 Switching on or off the optional zero-voltage relay outputs .................................................... 73
10.3.7 Calling up the next parameter ................................................................................................. 74
10.3.8 Saving the week program and leaving the program editor ..................................................... 76
10.4 Deleting a week program .................................................................................................................. 77
11. KEY LOCK ........................................................................................................... 78
11.1 Directly activating the key lock function ............................................................................................ 79
11.2 Automatic key lock ............................................................................................................................ 79
11.3 Changing the password for unlocking the key lock ........................................................................... 81
12. GENERAL CONTROLLER SETTINGS ................................................................ 82
12.1 Setup wizard ..................................................................................................................................... 83
12.2 Date and time settings ...................................................................................................................... 83
12.3 Selecting the menu language of the T4.12 controller ....................................................................... 85
12.4 Setting display brightness ................................................................................................................. 85
12.5 Changing the temperature unit.......................................................................................................... 86
12.6 Defining the data recording rate ........................................................................................................ 86
12.7 Factory reset ..................................................................................................................................... 87
12.8 Network configuration ....................................................................................................................... 87
12.9 Display of the entire network configuration ....................................................................................... 91
12.10 Display and entry of the chamber configuration – for service purpose ............................................. 91
13. DATA TR AN SFER VIA U SB INTERFACE........................................................... 92
13.1 Exporting data to USB drive .............................................................................................................. 92
13.2 Importing data from USB drive .......................................................................................................... 93
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14. NOTIFICATIONS AND ALARMS ......................................................................... 94
14.1 Notifications overview ....................................................................................................................... 94
14.2 Alarms overview ................................................................................................................................ 94
14.3 Alarm status ...................................................................................................................................... 95
14.4 Confirming a “set” alarm .................................................................................................................... 96
14.5 Alarm configuration and overview ..................................................................................................... 97
14.5.1 List of active alarms ................................................................................................................ 97
14.5.2 History – list of all alarms ........................................................................................................ 98
14.5.3 Activating, deactivating, and testing the alarm buzzer ........................................................... 99
14.5.4 Activating / deactivating all alarm functions ............................................................................ 99
15. EVENT LIST ....................................................................................................... 100
16. GRAPHICAL DISPLAY OF THE MEASURED VALUES ................................... 101
16.1 Setting the sampling rate ................................................................................................................ 101
16.2 Defining the display range............................................................................................................... 102
16.3 Selecting the parameters ................................................................................................................ 103
17. TEMPERATURE SAFETY DEVICES ................................................................. 103
17.1 Over temperature protective device (class 1) ................................................................................. 103
17.2 Overtemperature safety controller (temperature safety device class 3.1) ...................................... 103
17.2.1 Safety controller modes ........................................................................................................ 104
17.2.2 Setting the safety controller .................................................................................................. 104
17.3 Over- and undertemperature safety controller (temperature safety device class 3.3) (option) ...... 108
17.3.1 Safety controller modes ........................................................................................................ 108
17.3.2 Setting the Over- and undertemperature safety controller ................................................... 109
18. DEFROSTING DURING REFRIGERATING OPERATION ................................ 112
19. OPTIONS ............................................................................................................ 113
19.1 APT-COM™ 4 Multi Management Software (option) ...................................................................... 113
19.2 Data logger kit (option) .................................................................................................................... 113
19.3 Zero-voltage relay alarm output (option) ......................................................................................... 113
19.4 Water protected internal socket (option) ......................................................................................... 114
19.5 Object temperature display with flexible Pt 100 temperature sensor (option) ................................ 115
19.6 Zero-voltage relay control outputs (may be available via BINDER INDIVIDUAL Customized
Solution) .......................................................................................................................................... 116
19.7 Interior lighting ................................................................................................................................. 116
20. CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION ............................................................ 117
20.1 Cleaning .......................................................................................................................................... 117
20.2 Decontamination / chemical disinfection ......................................................................................... 118
21.1 General information, personnel qualification................................................................................... 120
21.2 Maintenance intervals, service ........................................................................................................ 120
21.3 Simple troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 121
21.4 Sending the chamber back to BINDER GmbH ............................................................................... 124
22. DISPOSAL.......................................................................................................... 124
22.1 Disposal of the transport packing .................................................................................................... 124
22.2 Decommissioning ............................................................................................................................ 125
22.3 Disposal of the chamber in the Federal Republic of Germany ....................................................... 125
22.4 Disposal of the chamber in the member states of the EU except for the Federal Republic of
Germany.......................................................................................................................................... 126
22.5 Disposal of the chamber in non-member states of the EU ............................................................. 127
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23. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 128
23.1 Factory calibration and adjustment ................................................................................................. 128
23.2 Over current protection ................................................................................................................... 128
23.3 Definition of usable volume ............................................................................................................. 128
23.4 Technical data ................................................................................................................................. 129
23.5 Equipment and Options (extract) .................................................................................................... 131
23.6 Spare parts and accessories (extract) ............................................................................................ 132
23.7 KB / KB-UL 53 dimensions.............................................................................................................. 133
23.8 KB / KB-UL 115 dimension s ............................................................................................................ 134
23.9 KB / KB-UL 240 dimension s ............................................................................................................ 135
23.10 KB / KB-UL 400 dim ension s ............................................................................................................ 136
23.11 KB / KB-UL 720 dim ension s ............................................................................................................ 137
24. CERTIFICATES AND DECLARATIONS OF CONFORMITY ............................. 138
24.1 EU Declaration of Conformity.......................................................................................................... 138
24.2 Certificate for the GS mark of conformity of the “Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V.“
(German Social Accident Insurance) DGUV ................................................................................... 141
25. PRODUCT REGISTRATION .............................................................................. 143
26. CONTAMINATION CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE ............................................. 144
26.1 For chambers located outside USA and Canada ........................................................................... 144
26.2 For chambers in USA and Canada ................................................................................................. 147
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Dear customer,
For the correct oper ation of the chamber s, it is im portant that you rea d this oper ating manual completel y and carefully and observe all instructi ons as indic ated. O bserve the na tional regu lations on m inim um age of laboratory personnel. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions may result in personal injury. It can also lead to damage to the chamber and/or poor equipment performance.

1. Safety

1.1 Personnel Qualification

The chamber m ust only be installed, tested, and start ed up by personn el qualified for as sembly, startup, and operation of the chamber. Qualified personnel are persons whose professional education, knowledge, experience and knowledge of relevant standards allow them to assess, carry out, and identify any potential hazards in the work as s igned to t hem. They must have been tra ine d an d i nstr uc t ed, a nd b e a uthorized, to work on the chamber.
The chamber should onl y be operated by laborat ory personnel es pecially trained f or this purpose and f a­miliar with all precautionary measures required for working in a laboratory. Observe the national regulations on minimum age of laboratory personnel.

1.2 Operating manual

This operating m anual is part of the com ponents of delivery. Alwa ys keep it handy for referenc e in the vicinity of the chamber. If selling the unit, hand over the operating manual to the purchaser.
To avoid injuries and damage observe th e safety instructions of the operating m anual. Failure to follow instructions and safety precautions can lead to significant risks.
Dangers due to failure to observe the ins truc tions and safety precautions. Serious injuries and chamber damage. Risk of death.
Observe the safety instructions in this Operating Manual. Follow the operating procedures in this Operating Manual. Carefully read the complete operating instructions of the chamber prior to installing and
using the chamber.
Keep the operating manual for future reference
Make sure that all persons who use the chamber and its associated work equipment have read and understood the Operating Manual.
This Operating Manu al is supplemented a nd updated as needed. Alwa ys use the most recent version of the Operatin g Manual. W hen in doub t, call the BIND ER Serv ice Hotline f or inform ation on the up-to-date­ness and validity of this Operating Manual.

1.3 Legal considerations

This operating m anual is for informationa l purposes only. It co ntains information f or correct and safe in­stalling, start-up, operation, decommissioning, cleaning and maintenance of the product. Note: the contents and the product described are subject to change without notice.
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Understanding and observing the instructions in this operating manual are prerequisites for hazard-free use and safety during operation and maintenance. Images are to provide basic understanding. They may devi­ate from the actual vers ion of the chamber. The actu al scope of delivery can, d ue to optional or special design, or due to recent tec hnical chan ges, deviate f rom the inf ormation an d illustrations in these ins truc­tions this operating m anual. In no e vent s hall BINDER be held l iable f or an y damages, direc t or inc identa l arising out of or related to the use of this manual.
This operating manual can not cover all conce ivable applications . If you would lik e additional inform ation, or if special problem s arise that are not suff iciently addressed in th is manual, please ask your dealer or contact us directly, e.g. by phone at the number located on page one of this manual
Furthermore, we emphasize that the contents of this operating manual are not part of an earlier or existing agreement, descriptio n, or l ega l rel ati ons h ip, nor d o they modify such a relati ons h ip. All o bl iga tio ns on the part of BINDER derive from the respective purchase contract, which also contains the entire and exclusively valid statement of warranty administration and the general terms and conditions, as well as the legal regu­lations valid at the time the contract is concluded. T he statements in this manual neither augment nor restrict the contractual warranty provisions.

1.4 Structure of the safety instructions

In this operating manual, the following safety definitions and symbols indicate dangerous situations follow­ing the harmonization of ISO 3864-2 and ANSI Z535.6.

1.4.1 Signal word panel

Depending on the probability of serious consequences, potential dangers are identified with a signal word, the corresponding safety color, and if appropriate, the safety alert symbol.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious (irreversi­ble) injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious (irre­versible) injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in moderate or minor (re­versible) injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in damage to the product and/or its functions or of a property in its proximity.

1.4.2 Safety alert symbol

Use of the safety alert symbol indicates a risk of injury. Observe all measures that are marked with the safety alert symbol in order to avoid death or
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Warning signs
Electrical hazard
Hot surface
Explosive atmosphere
or chemical burns
Pollution Hazard
Mandatory action signs
Prohibition signs

1.4.3 Pictograms

Lifting hazard
Mandatory regulation
Lift with mechanical
Risk of corrosion and /
Read operating
Environment protection
Harmful substances
Disconnect the power
Wear protective gloves
Stability hazard
Lift with several persons
Wear safety goggles
Do NOT touch
Information to be observed in order to ensure optimum function of the product.
Do NOT spray with
Do NOT climb

1.4.4 Word message panel structure

Type / cause of hazard. Possible consequences.
Instruction how to avoid the hazard: prohibition
Instruction how to avoid the hazard: mandatory action
Observe all other n otes and informat ion not necessarily em phasized in the sam e way, in order to a void disruptions that could result in direct or indirect injury or property damage.
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Nominal temp.
100 °C
1,20 kW / 5,2 A
Max. operating pressure 15 bar
212 °F
200-230 V / 50 Hz
R 134A – 0,35 kg
IP protection
200-230 V / 60 Hz
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
Safety device
DIN 12880
1 N ~
covered by the Kyoto Protocol
Art. No.
KB 240
Serial No. 00000000000000

1.5 Localization / position of safety labels on the chamber

The following labels are located on the chamber: Pictograms (Warning signs)
Hot surface
Inner glass door above the glass door handle
Read operating manual
UL chambers: outer chamber door
Chamber with opt ion al int erior socket:
below the interior socket
Service label
Figure 1: Position of labels on the chamber (example KB 240-UL)
Keep safety labels complete and legible.
Replace safety labels that are no longer legible. Contact BINDER Service for these replacements.

1.6 Type plate

The type plate sticks to the left side of the chamber, bottom right-hand.
Project No.
Im Mittleren Ösch 5 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Figure 2: Type plate (example of KB 240 regular chamber)
Made in Germany
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Indications of the type plate (example)
Manufacturer: BINDER GmbH
KB 240
Model designation
Cooling incubator
Device name
Serial No.
Serial no. of the chamber
Year of construction
Nominal tempera­ture
100 °C 212 °F
IP protection
IP type of protection acc. to standard EN 60529
Temp. safety de­vice
Temperature safety device acc. to standard DIN 12880:2007
Class of temperature safety device
Art. No.
Art. no. of the chamber
Project No.
Optional: Special application acc. to project no.
1,20 kW
Nominal power
5,2 A
Nominal current
200-230 V / 50 Hz
200-230 V / 60 Hz
1 N ~
Current type
Max. operating pressure 15 bar
Max. operating pressure in the refrigerating system
R 134A - 0,35 kg
Refrigerant type and max. filling weight
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol
With option internal socket: Nominal power: 1,70 kW
Symbol on the type plate
Nominal temp.
100 °C
1,20 kW / 5,2 A
Max. operating pressure 15 bar
212 °F
200-230 V / 50 Hz
R 134A – 0,35 kg
IP protection
200-230 V / 60 Hz
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
Safety device
DIN 12880
1 N ~
covered by the Kyoto Protocol
3.1 With option internal socket:
Art. No.
Nominal power: 1,70 kW
Cooling incubator
KB 240
Serial No. 00000000000000
Project No.
Im Mittleren Ösch 5 78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Figure 3: Type plate (example of KB 240 optional chamber)
Nominal temperature
DIN 12880
Made in Germany
Nominal voltage range +/-10% at the indicated power frequency
With option internal socket: increased total nominal power
CE conformity marking Electrical and electronic equipment manufactured / placed on the
market in the EU after 13 August 2005 and to be disposed of in separate collection according to Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
GS mark of conformity of the “Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversi­cherung e.V. (DGUV), Prüf- und Zertifizierungsstelle Nahrungsmittel und Verpackung im DGUV Test“ (German Social Accident Insur­ance (DGUV), Testing and Certification Body for Foodstuffs and Packaging Industry in DGUV Test). (Not valid for UL chambers)
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Symbol on the type plate
The chamber is certified according to Customs Union Technical Regulation (CU TR) for the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Bel­arus, Armenia, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan).
The chamber is certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
ing to the following standards:
(KB-UL only)
UL 61010-1, 3
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1, 3
IEC/EN 61010-1:2014, 3
Edition, 2012-05, Rev. 2015-07
Edition, 2012-05, Rev. 2015-07

1.7 General safety instructions on installing and operating the chambers

With regard to operating the chambers and to the installation location, please observe the local and national regulations relevant for your country (for Germany: DGUV guidelines 213-850 on safe working in laborato­ries, issued by the employers’ liability insurance association).
BINDER GmbH is only respons ible for th e safet y features of th e chamber provided sk illed electric ians or qualified personnel authorized by BINDER perform all maintenance and repair, and if components relating to chamber safety are replaced in the event of failure with original spare parts.
To operate the cham ber, use onl y original BIND ER acc essories or acc essories from third-part y suppliers authorized by BINDER. The user is responsible for any risk caused by using unauthorized accessories.
Danger of overheating due to lack of ventilation. Damage to the chamber.
Do NOT install the chamber in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat. Observe the prescribed minimum distances when installing the chamber (chap. 3.4)
Do not install or operate the chambers in hazardous locations.
Danger of explosion due to combustible du sts or explosive mixtures in the vicinity of the chamber.
Serious injury or death from burns and / or explo sion pressure.
Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
KEEP combustible dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the chamber.
The chambers do not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
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Danger of explosion due to introduction of flammable or explosive substances in the chamber.
Serious injury or death from burns and / or explo sion pressure.
Do NOT introduce any substance into the chamber which is combustible or explosive at
working temperature.
Do NOT introduce any combustible dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber.
Any solvent contai ned in th e charging m aterial m ust not be explosive or inflammabl e. I.e., irres pective of the solvent concentrati on in the steam room, NO explos ive mixture with air m ust form. The temperature inside the cham ber m ust lie belo w the f lash point or belo w the su blim ation point of the ch arging mater ial. Familiarize yourself with the physical and chemical properties of the charging material, as well as the con­tained moisture constituent and its behavior with the addition of heat energy.
Familiarize yourself with any potential health risks caused by the charging material, the contained moisture constituent or by reaction products which may arise during the temperature process. Take adequate measures to exclude such risks prior to putting the cooling incubator into operation.
Electrical hazard by water entering the chamber. Deadly electric shock.
The chamber must NOT become wet during operation, cleaning, or maintenance. Do NOT install the chamber in damp areas or in puddles.
Set up the chamber in a way that it is splash-proof.
The chambers were produced in accordance with VDE regulations and were routinely tested in accordance to VDE 0411-1 (IEC 61010-1).
During and shortl y after operation, th e temperat ure of the inner surfac es almos t equals the set-point. The glass doors, the glass door handles, and the inner chamber will become hot during operation.
Danger of burning by touching hot chamber parts during operation. Burns.
Do NOT touch the glass doors, the glass door handles, the inner surfaces or the charg-
ing material during operation.
Danger of injury and damages by the chamber tipping over or breakaway of the pro­truding lower housing cover.
Injuries and damage to the chamber and the loading material
Do NOT load the lower housing cover with heavy objects while the chamber door is
open and do NOT climb on it.
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1.8 Intended use

Following the instructions in this operating manual and conducting regular maintenance work (chap. 21.2) are part of the intended use.
Any use of the chambers that does not comply with the requirements specified in this Operating Manual shall be considered improper use.
Other applications than those described in this chapter are not approved. Use
Cooling incubators K B / KB-UL are suitable for exac t c onditioni ng of harm less materia ls. Bec ause of their precise temperatur e accur ac y these d evices ar e espec iall y useful for c ultivati on of m icroor ganism s with a narrow temperature opt imum in a range of 4 °C / 39.2°F to 37 °C / 98.6°F. Main fields of application are tests of long-term storage (e.g. at 4 °C / 39.2°F), refrigerated incubation between 20 °C / 68°F and 25 °C / 77°F and incubation at 37 °C / 98.6°F (also with additional introduction of heat) or with alternating temper­atures (e.g. 37 °C / 98.6°F and 4 °C / 39.2°F).
Requirements for the chamber load
Any solvent must not be ex plosive and flamm able. A mixture of any component of the charging mater ial with air must NO T be explosive. The opera ting temperature must lie below the flash point or below the sublimation point of the chargin g material. A ny componen t of the charg ing mater ial must NOT be able to release toxic gases.
The charging mater ial shall not conta in any corrosi ve ingredients that may damage th e machine com po­nents made of stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. Such ingredients include in particular acids and hal­ides. Any corrosive damage caused by such ingredients is excluded from liability by BINDER GmbH.
The chamber does not dispose of any measures of explosion protection.
Explosion or implosion hazard and danger of poisoning through the introduction of unsuitable loading material.
Poisoning. Serious injury or death from burns and / or explosion pressure.
Do NOT introduce any substance combustible or explosive at working temperature into
the chamber, in particular no energy sources such as batteries or lithium-ion batteries.
NO explosive dust or air-solvent mixture in the inner chamber. Do NOT introduce any substance which could lead to release of toxic gases.
Contamination of the chamber by toxic, infectious or radioactive substances must be prevented
Danger of intoxication and infection through contamination of the chamber with toxic, infectious or radioactive substances.
Damages to health.
Protect the interior of the chamber from contamination by toxic, infectious or radioactive
Take suitable protective measures when introducing and removing toxic, infectious or
radioactive material
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In case of foreseeable use of the chamber there is no risk for the user through the integration of the chamber into systems or by special environmental or operating conditions in the sense of EN 61010-1:2010. For this, the intended use of the chamber and all its connections must be observed.
Medical devices
The chambers are not classified as medical devices as defined by the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Due to the special demands of the Medical Device Directive (MDD), these chambers are not qualified for sterilization of medical devices as defined by the directive 93/42/EWG.
Personnel Requirements
Only trained personnel with knowledge of the Operating Manual can set up and install the chamber, start it up, operate, clean, and tak e it out of op eration. Ser vic e and repair s cal l f or further technical req uirem ents (e.g. electrical know-how), as well as knowledge of the service manual.
Installation site requirements
The chambers are designed for setting up inside a building (indoor use). The requirements des cribed in the Operating Ma nual for installation site and ambient conditions (Chap.
3.4) must be met. WARNING: If customer should use a BINDER chamber running in non-supervised continu-
ous operation, we strongly recommend in case of inclusion of irrecoverable specimen or samples to split such specimen or samples and store them in at least two chambers, if this is feasible.

1.9 Foreseeable Misuse

Other applications than those described in chap. 1.8 are not approved. This expressly incl udes the following misuses (the list is not exhaustive), which pos e risks despite the
inherently safe construction and existing technical safety equipment:
Non-observance of Operating Manual
Non-observanc e of inf ormation and warnings on the chamber (e.g. co ntrol unit messages, saf et y ide n-
tifiers, warning signals)
Installation , startup, operation, m aintenance and repair by untrained, insufficientl y qualified, or unau-
thorized personnel
Missed or delayed maintenance and testing
Non-observance of traces of wear and tear
Insertion of materials excluded or not permitted by this Operating Manual.
Non-compliance with the admissible parameters for processing the respective material.
Installation, testing, service or repair in the presence of solvents
Installation of replacement parts and use of accessories and operating resources not specified and au-
thorized by the manufacturer
Installation , startup, operat ion, maintenance or repair of the c hamber in absence of operating instr uc-
Bypassing or c hang in g pr ot ec tive systems, operation of the c hamber without the designated pr otec t ive
Non-observance of messages regarding cleaning and disinfection of the chamber.
Spilling water or clean ing agent on the cham ber, water penetrating into the c hamber dur ing operat ion,
cleaning or maintenance.
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Cleaning activity while the chamber is turned on.
Operation of the chamber with a damaged housing or damaged power cord
Continued operation of the chamber during an obvious malfunction
Insertion of objects, particularly metallic objects, in louvers or other openings or slots on the chamber
Human error (e.g. insufficient experience, qualification, stress, exhaustion, laziness)
To prevent these and other risks fr om incorrect operati on, the operator s hall issue operating instruc tions. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are recommended.

1.10 Residual Risks

The unavoidable design features of a chamber, as well as its proper field of application, can also pose risks, even during corr ect operation. These res id ua l ris ks include hazards whic h , d es pite the inherentl y safe de­sign, existing technica l protec tive equipm ent , safet y prec autions an d supp lem entary protect ive m easures , cannot be ruled out.
Messages on the chamber and in the Operating Manual warn of residual risks. The consequences of these residual risks and the measures required to prevent them are listed in the Operating Manual. Moreover, the operator must take measures to minimize hazards from unavoidable residual risks. This includes, in partic­ular, issuing operating instructions.
The following list s ummarizes the hazar ds against which this Operating Manua l and the Service Man ual warn, and specifies protective measures at the appropriate spots:
Unpacking, Transport, Installati on
Sliding or tilting the chamber
Setup of the chamber in unauthorized areas
Installation of a damaged chamber
Installation of a chamber with damaged power cord
Inappropriate site of installation
Missing protective conductor connection
Normal operation
Assem bly errors
Contact with hot surfaces on the housing
Contact with hot surfaces in the interior and inside of doors
Emission of non-ionizing radiation from electrical operating resources
Contact with live parts in normal state
Cleaning and Decontamination
Penetration of water into the chamber
Inappropriate cleaning and decontamination agents
Enclosure of persons in the interior
Malfunction and Damage
Continued oper atio n of th e c ham ber during an ob vious m alfunc tion or out age of the he ating or cool ing
Contact with live parts during error status
Operation of a unit with damaged power cord
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Maintenance work on live parts.
Execution of maintenance work by untrained/insufficiently qualified personnel
Electrical safety analysis during annual maintenance not performed
Trouble-shooting and Repairs
Non-observance of warning messages in the Service Manual
Trouble-shooting of live parts without specified safety measures
Absence of a plausibility check to rule out erroneous inscription of electrical components
Performance of repair work by untrained/insufficiently qualified personnel
Inappropriate repairs which do not meet the quality standard specified b y BINDER
Use of replacement parts other than BINDER original replacement parts
Electrical safety analysis not performed after repairs

1.11 O perating instructions

Depending on the a pplicati on and loc ation of the c ham ber, the operator of the cham ber must pr ovide the relevant information for safe operation of the chamber in a set of operating instructions.
Keep these operating instructions with the chamber at all times in a place where they are clearly visible. They must be comprehensible and written in the language of the employees.

1.12 Measures to prevent accidents

The operator of the chamber must observe the following rule: “Betreiben von Arbeitsmitteln. Betreiben von Kälteanlagen, W ärmepumpen und Kühlei nrichtungen“ (Operation of work equipment. Operati on of refrig­eration systems, heat pumps and refrigeration equipment) (GUV-R 500 chap. 2.35) (for Germany).
The manufacturer took the follo wing m eas ures to prevent ign iti on and ex plos io ns :
Indications on the type plate
See operating manual chap. 1.6.
Operating manual
An operating manual is available for each chamber.
Overtemperature monitoring
The chamber is equipped with a temperature display, which can be read from outside. The chamber is equipped with an add ition al safet y control ler (tem per ature saf ety dev ice class 3.1 acc .
to DIN 12880:2007). Visual and audible (buzzer) signals indicate temperature exceeding.
Safety, measurement, and control equipment
The safety, measuring, and control equipment is easily accessible.
Electrostatic ch arg e
The interior parts are grounded.
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Non-ionizing radiation
Non-ionizing radiation is not intentionally produced, but released only for technical reasons by electrical equipment (e.g. elec tr ic motors, power cables, sol eno i ds) . The machine has no permanent magnets. If persons with active im plants (e.g. pacemakers, def ibrillators) keep a safe distance (distance of field source to implant) of 30 cm, an influence of these implants can be excluded with high probability.
Protection against touchable surfaces
Tested according to EN ISO 13732-1:2008.
See operating manual chap. 3.4 for correct installation
See operating manual chap. 20.
The chamber has been ins pec ted by the “Deutsche Gesetzlich e Unf al lv ers icher u ng e. V. ( DG UV) ( Ger ­man Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)” (German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Testing and Cer­tification Body for Foodstuffs and Packaging Industry in DGUV Test) and bears the GS mark. (Not vali d for UL chambers)
UL units only: The cham ber is certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
standards: UL 6 1010-1, 3 2012-05, Rev. 2015-07; IEC/EN 61010-1:2014, 3
Edition, 2012-05, Rev. 2015-07; C AN/CS A-C22.2 N o. 61010-1, 3rd Edition,
according to the fol lowing
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2. Chamber description

A high level of prec is ion, re lia bi lit y, an d s af ety for all growth parameters ensures optimum incubation con­ditions. Moreover, the KB / KB-UL cooling incubator is designed for maximum usability – even in continuous operation year after year . It f ulf ills al l tech nic a l a nd a pp licat ion-specific requirem ents aris ing in exper imen­tation such as in the areas of biotechnology, medicine, the nutrition industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, botany, and zoology.
Two important temperature technologies have been combined to achieve perfect temperature control. The specially developed DCT™ refrigerating system, a direct refrigerating process, in conjunction with the APT.line™ preheat ing chamber technology, satisf ies the unique prer equisites for attaining highl y-precise temperature control and particularly short recovery times after opening the door.
The refrigerating system is distinguished by direct, pre c ise, and r ap id temperature conduction. Lar g e-area labyrinth evaporator plates directly conduct the cold to the atmosphere of the working space.
The APT.line™ preheating chamber system ensures high level of spatial and time-based temperature pre­cision, thanks to the dir ect and distributed air circ ulation into the interior . This is especially impor tant for maintaining temper atures – especially with full cham bers – and for rapid restor ation of optimum growth conditions after ope ning the door. The inner glass door ensures that the tem perature remains constant when observing the incubation process. The fan supports exact attainment and maintenance of the desired temperature accurac y. The fan speed is digi tally adjustable. The heatin g and refrigerating system s are microprocessor regulated to a tenth of a degree. In addition, the chamber provides almost unlimited possi­bilities for adaptation to individual customer requirements based upon extensive programming options and on the week program timer and real time clock of the controller.
The KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6) chambers are equipped with a door heating. All chamber functions are eas y and comfor table to use thank s to their cle ar arrangem ent. Major f eatures
are easy cleaning of all chamber parts and avoidance of undesired contamination. Material: The inner cham ber, the pre-hea ting chamber and the interior side of the doors are all made of
stainless steel V2A (German material no. 1.4301, US equivalent AISI 304). The housing is RAL 7035 pow­der-coated. All corners and edges are also completely coated.
The chamber com es equipped with an Ether net interf ace for com puter com munication, e .g. via th e APT­COM™ 4 Multi Management Software (option, chap. 19.1). For further options, see chap. 23.5.
The KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6) chambers are equipped with be locked via the attached brakes.
Temperature range at ambient temperature of +22 °C +/- 3°C / 71.6 °F +/- 5.4 °F: -10 °C / 14 °F up to +100 °C / 212 °F
four castors. Both front castors can easily
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2.1 Chamber overview

Instrument panel with microprocessor
controller T4.12 and USB interface
Door handle
Chamber door
Refrigerating module
Main power switch (1)
Figure 4: Cooling incubator KB / KB-UL 53 / 115 (E4)
Instrument panel with microproces-
sor controller T4.12 and USB inter-
Lateral control panel with main power
Door handle
Chamber door
Refrigerating module
switch and connections
Figure 5: Cooling incubator KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6)
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2.2 Instrument panel

5,7" controller display
Context-sensitive buttons USB interface
Operating button
Pilot lamp: ready for operation
Figure 6: Instrument panel with microprocessor controller T4.12 and USB interface
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2.3 Lateral control panel with main power switch and optional equipment –
KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6)
Figure 7: Lateral control panel at the right side of the refrigerating machine, with options
(1) Main power switch (2) DIN-socket for additiona l Pt 100 temperature sensor (m ay be available via BINDER INDIVIDUAL
Customized Solutions) (3) DIN socket for analog output 4-20 mA (option) (4) (not used) (5) DIN-socket for zero-voltage relay control o utputs ( ma y be availab le via BIN DER I NDIVIDUA L Cus-
tomized Solutions) (6) DIN-socket for zero-voltage relay alarm output (option) (7) Ethernet interface for computer communication
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2.4 Chamber rear – KB / KB-UL 53 / 115 (E4)

Figure 8: Chamber rear with position of options (example)
(2) DIN-socket for additiona l Pt 100 temperature sensor (m ay be available via BINDER INDIVIDUAL
Customized Solutions) (3) DIN socket for analog output 4-20 mA (option) (4) (not used) (5) DIN-socket for zero-voltage relay contro l outputs (may be av ailable v ia BINDER INDIVID UAL C us-
tomized Solutions) (6) DIN-socket for zero-voltage relay alarm output (option) (7) Ethernet interface for computer communication (8) Power cable
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53 / 115 from the p al let with the a i d of four people in the are a of al l
240 from the pallet with the aid of six people in t he area of all 4
3. Completeness of delivery, transportation, storage, and installa-

3.1 Unpacking, and checking equipment and completeness of delivery

After unpacking, p lease check the chamber and its o ptional accessories, if any, based on the delivery receipt for completenes s and for transportation damage. Inf orm the carrier immediately if transportation damage has occurred.
The final tests of the manufacturer may have caused traces of the shelves on the inner surfaces. This has no impact on the function and performance of the chamber.
Please remove any transportati on protection devices and adh esives in/o n the cham ber and on the do ors and remove the operating manuals and accessory equipment.
Risk of injury and damages by lifting heavy loads and by sliding or tilting of the chamber due to improper lifting.
Injuries, damage to the chamber.
Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door, the handle, or the lower housing. Do NOT lift chambers sizes 400 / 720 by hand.
Lift chamber s si zes
4 chamber feet.
Lift c hambers size
chamber feet or use a fork lifter. Set the fork lifter only from the front or rear in the middle of the chamber.
Lift chambers sizes 400 / 720 using technical devices (fork lifter) from the pallet. Set the
fork lifter only from the front or rear in the middle of the chamber.
Do NOT set the fork lifter from the chamber side.
If you need to return the chamber, please use the original packing and observe the guidelines for safe lifting and transportation (chap. 3.2).
For disposal of the transport packing, see chap. 22.1.
Note on second-hand chambers (Ex-Demo-Units): Second-hand cham bers are chambers that were used f or a short time for tests or exhibitions. T hey are
thoroughly tested before resale. BINDER ensures that the chamber is technically sound and will work flaw­lessly.
Second-hand chambers are marked with a sticker on the chamber door. Please remove the sticker before commissioning the chamber.
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3.2 Guidelines for safe lifting and transportation

The front castors of the chambers sizes 240 / 400 / 720 can be blocked by brakes. Please move the cham­bers with castors only when empty and on an even surface, otherwise the castors may be damaged. After operation, please observe the guidelines for temporarily decommissioning the chamber (chap. 22.2).
Risk of injury and damages by lifting heavy loads and by sliding or tilting of the chamber due to improper transportation.
Injuries, damage to the chamber.
Transport the chamber in its original packaging only. For moving or shipping, secure the chamber with transport straps.
Do NOT lift or transport the chamber using the door, the handle, or the lower housing. Do NOT lift chambers sizes 400 / 720 by hand.
Lift chambers sizes 53 / 115 with the aid of four people in the area of all 4 chamber feet. Lift chambers size 240 with the aid of 6 people or with a fork lifter. Set the fork lifter only
from the front or rear in the middle of the chamber.
Lift cham bers s izes 400 / 7 20 us ing t ech nic a l de vices (f ork lifter). Set the fork lifter onl y
from the front or rear in the middle of the chamber.
Do NOT set the fork lifter from the chamber side.
Permissible ambient temperature range during transport: -10 °C / 14°F to +60 °C / 140°F.
You can order transport packing for moving or shipping purposes from BINDER service.

3.3 Storage

Intermediate storage of the chamber is possible in a closed and dry room. Observe the guidelines for tem­porary decommissioning (chap. 22.2).
Permissible ambient temperature range during storage: -10 °C / 14°F to +60 °C / 140°F.
Permissible ambient humidity: max. 70 % r.H., non-condensing
When after storage in a cold location you transfer the chamber to its warmer installation site, condensation may form. Befor e s tart -up, wait at le as t o ne ho ur un ti l t he c hamber has attained a mbient temperature and is completely dry.
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3.4 Location of installation and ambient conditions

Set up the chamber on a flat, even surface, free from vibration, in a well-ventilated, dry location and align it using a spirit lev el. T he sit e of install ation m ust be cap able of sup porti ng the cha m ber’s weight (see tech­nical data, chap. 23.4). The chambers are designed for setting up inside a building (indoor use).
Danger of overheating due to lack of ventilation. Damage to the chamber.
Do NOT install the chamber in unventilated recesses.
Ensure sufficient ventilation for dispersal of the heat. Observe the prescribed minimum distances when installing the chamber.
Do not install or operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
Danger of explosion due to combustible du sts or explosive mixtures in the vicinity of the chamber.
Serious injury or death from burns and / or explo sion pressure.
Do NOT operate the chamber in potentially explosive areas.
KEEP explosive dust or air-solvent mixtures AWAY from the vicinity of the chamber.
Ambient conditions
Permiss ible ambient temper ature range during o peration: +18 °C / 64.4 °F to +32 °C / 89.6 °F. At ele-
vated ambient temperature values, fluctuations in temperature can occur.
The ambient temperature should not be substantially higher than the indicated ambient temperature of +22 °C +/ - 3 °C / 71.6 °F +/- 5.4 °F to which the specified technical data re­lates. Deviations from the indicated data are possible for other ambient conditions.
With each degree of ambient temperature > +25 °C / 77°F, the refrigeration power de­creases by 1.5 K.
Permissible ambient humidity: 70 % r.H. max., non-condensing.
When operating the cham ber at temperature set -points below ambient t emperature, high am bient hu­midity may lead to condensation on the chamber.
Installation height: max. 2000 m / 6562 ft. above sea level.
Minimum distances
When placing several chambers of the same size side by side, maintain a minimum distance of 250 mm
/ 9.84 in between each chamber.
Wall distances: rear 100 mm / 3.9 in, sides 160 mm / 6.29 in.
Spacing above the chamber of at least 100 mm / 3.9 in must also be accounted for.
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Two KB / KB-UL 53 / 115 (E4) chambers of the sam e size can be piled on top of each other. For th is purpose place rubber pads under every foot of the upper chamber to prevent the device from slipping.
Danger of damage caused by sliding or tilting of the upp er chamber. Damage to the chambers.
When stacking, place rubber pads under every foot of the upper chamber. Stack only chambers of the same size.
KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6) chambers must NOT be stacked.
Danger by stacking. Damage to the chambers.
Do NOT place the cooling incubators on top of each other.
Other requirements
To completely separat e the cham ber from the power supp ly, you mus t disconnect t he power plug. Install the chamber in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily pulled in case of danger.
For the user there is no risk of temporary overvoltages in the sense of EN 61010-1:2010. With an increased amount of dust in the ambient air, clean the condenser fan (by suction or blowing) several
times a year. Avoid any conductive dust in the ambiance according to the chamber layout complying with pollution degree
2 (IEC 61010-1).
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4. Installation of the chamber

4.1 Spacers for wall distance – KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6)

Please fix both spacers with the supplied screws at the chamber rear. This serves to ensure the prescribed minimum distance to the wall of 100 mm / 3.94 in.
Figure 9: Spacer for rear wall distance
Figure 10: Rear KB / KB-UL 240 / 400 / 720 (E6) with mounted spacers
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(c) (c)

4.2 Mounting the flexible tilt protection kit

Use the supplied f lexible ti lt protect ion k it in additio n to the spacers f or wall distanc e (chap. 4.1). T his w ill prevent the chamber from tilting when the door is open.
Danger of damages caused by tilting of the chamber when the door is open. Damage to the chamber.
Fix the chamber to a wall with supplied flexible tilt protection kit
Scope of delivery:
4 Torx screws (spare parts)
4 tilt protection holders
4 securing straps (2 spare parts)
Mounting on device side:
Remove two screws on the upper part of the rear wall (a)
Fix two of the supplied tilt protection holders, each centrally with one of these screws (b).
Mounting on wall side
Fix two of th e s up pl ied tilt protection holders i n t he ap p r opriat e d is tanc e , e ac h wit h t wo sc r ews Ø 6mm
suitable for the wall (c)
Connection with the securing straps
On each sid e, thread one of the supplied securing s traps through th e provided slots of a device side
and a wall side tilt protection holder
Figure 11: Rear chamber (example KB 400) and mounting the flexible tilt protection kit
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4.3 Electri cal co nn ect io n

The chambers are supplied ready for connection. They come with a fixed power connection cable that has a length of at least 1800 m m / 5.9 ft and are protected with a chamber-protection against over c ur rent, t he chambers KB 53-UL / KB 115-UL in addition with an internal fus e.
Model Power plug
KB 53 (E4) KB 115 (E4)
KB 240 (E6) KB 400 (E6) KB 720 (E6)
KB 53-UL (E4) KB 115-UL (E4)
KB 240-UL (E6) KB 400-UL (E6)
KB 720-UL (E6) NEMA 6-20P
The domes tic socket must also provide a protec tive conductor. Make s ure that the connection of the
protective conductor of the domestic installations to the chamber’s protective conductor meets the latest technology. The protective conductors of the socket and plug must be compatible!
Shock-proof plug 230 V at 50 Hz 1N~ 10 A
Shock-proof plug
NEMA 5-15 115 V at 60 Hz 1N~ 12,5 A
NEMA 5-20P
Nominal voltage +/- 10% at the
indicated power frequency
200-230 V at 50 Hz 200-230 V at 60 Hz
100-120 V at 50 Hz 100-120 V at 60 Hz
200-240 V at 50 Hz 200-240 V at 60 Hz
1N~ 16 A
1N~ 16 A
2 ~ 16 A
Electrical hazard due to missing protecti ve conductor connection. Deadly electric shock.
Make sure that the chamber’s power plug and the power socket match and se-
curely connect the electrical protective conductors of the chamber and the house installation.
Only use original connection cables from BINDER according to the above specification.
Prior to con nection and s tar t-up, chec k the po wer su ppl y voltag e. Com pare th e v alues to t he sp ecif ied
data located on the chamber’s type plate (left chamber side, bottom right-hand, see chap. 1.6).
Danger of incorrect power supply voltage due to improper connection. Damage to the chamber.
Check the power supply voltage before connection and start-up. Compare the power supply voltage with the data indicated on the type plate.
When connect ing, please o bserve the regul ations spec ified by the local e lectricity s upply com pany as
well as the local or national electrical regulations (VDE directives for Germany).
Observe a sufficient current protection according to the number of devices that you want to operate. We
recommend the use of a residual current circuit breaker.
Pollution degree (acc. to IEC 61010-1): 2
Over-voltage category (acc. to IEC 61010-1): II
See also electrical data (chap. 23.4).
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To completely separate the chamber from the power supply, you must disconnect the power plug. Install the chamber in a way that the power plug is easily accessible and can be easily pulled in case of danger.

5. Start up

After connecting th e electri cal suppl y (chap. 4.1), turn on the chamber by the m ain power switch ( 1). The pilot lamp shows the chamber is ready for operation.
Observe a delay time of about 30s between turning Off and On again. Otherwise an initializa­tion problem may occur.
Note that the cham ber is in stand-by mode when the m ain power s witch has bee n turned on an d yet the controller display is dark. Turn on the chamber by pressing any controller button.
Warming chambers may release odors in the first few days after commissioning. This is not a quality defect. To reduce odors quick ly we recomm end heating up the chamber to its nominal tem perature for one day and in a well-ventilated location.
WARNING: If customer should use a BINDER chamber running in non-supervised continu­ous operation, we strongly recommend in case of inclusion of irrecoverable specimen or samples to split such specimen or samples and store them in at least two chambers, if this is feasible.

6. Functional overview of the T4.12 chamber controller

The T4.12 cham ber c ontr oller cont rols t he t emperature (range: -10 °C / 14 °F up to +100 °C / 212 °F) an d the fan speed (range: 40 % up to 100 %) inside the chamber. You can enter the desired set point values in fixed value operat ing mode or in program mode in the display contro ll er. The controller also of fers a week program function and vari o us not if icati ons and alarm mess ages with visu al and audible in dicat ion, a trac e file and remote alarm s via e-mail. You can enter values or programs directly at the controller k eypad or using the APT-COM™ 4 Multi Management Software (option, chap. 19.1) specially developed by BINDER.
Temperature values
Fan speed value
Actual values Set-point values
Icons: Controller operating in “fixed value” operating mode
Figure 12: T4.12 microprocessor controller, initial view in “fixed value” controller mode (sample values)
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