Biamp VC3000 SERIES RS-232 User Manual

3000 Series
Echo Canceling Audio System
Advanced Computer Control Manual
This manual documents the control commands for the Voicecrafter 3000 Series
products. This manual is designed to be used by those trying to control or write remote control programs for the Voicecrafter.
Computer control can be accomplished through either of the RS232 ports on the
rear of the Voicecrafter. The upper DB9 female port is DTE format, and utilizes a standard RS232 serial cable. The Lower DB9 male port is DCE format, and operates as a null-modem port, it utilizes a serial cable with pin 2 and pin 3 ‘swapped’. If the device controlling the Voicecrafter does not control the RTS and CTS lines, then pin 7 and pin 8 must be tied together.
The upper DB9 female port operates at 9600 baud rate and cannot be changed.
The lower DB9 male port supports 300, 1200, 9600, 19200, and 38400 baud rates. Baud rates are changed via the upper DB9 female port using SC-300 User Control Interface software (NETWORK screen). Also, the DB9 male baud rate can be changed by sending a ‘control J’ command through the upper DB9 female port.
The Voicecrafter supports the use of terminal emulation commands (ASCII
Characters), dummy terminal emulation (‘s’ Commands) and advanced control (‘t’ Commands).
All of the ASCII characters represent the same functions that are used by the
SC-300 software, and by the HHT (Hand-Held Terminal - discontinued as of 1/1/99). Most ASCII commands require the use of the F2 or F3 commands to change values (See Voicecrafter 3000 Series Operation Manual for more details) The following table defines the ASCII characters used:
# on HHT
1 F1 0x11 Control Q Function 1 Key 4 F2 0x12 Control R Function 2 Key
7 F3 0x13 Control S Function 3 Key 10 F4 0x14 Control T Function 4 Key 13 F5 0x15 Control U Function 5 Key 16 MIC1 MUTE 0x41 A Microphone #1 Mute 17 MIC1 GAIN 0x2b + Microphone #1 Gain Adjust 18 MIC1 DEFAULT 0x01 Control A Microphone #1 Default (Training) Gain 19 MIC2 MUTE 0x42 B Microphone #2 Mute 20 MIC2 GAIN 0x28 ( Microphone #2 Gain Adjust 21 MIC2 DEFAULT 0x02 Control B Microphone #2 Default (Training) Gain 22 VOLUME ADJUST 0x43 C Loudspeaker User Volume Adjustment 23 AERL TARGET 0x29 ) AERL Target for Training 25 DSP AVE 0x44 D DSP Audio Level Measurements 28 SPEAKER MUTE 0x45 E Loudspeaker Mute 29 SPEAKER VOL 0x3e > Loudspeaker Gain Adjust 31 RECALL PROFILE 0x46 F Recall a stored configuration file. 32 STORE PROFILE 0x2D - Store a configuration file in memory. 33 ERASE PROFILE 0x06 Control F Erase a stored configuration file. 34 TRAIN 0x47 G Train the Voicecrafter 3000 37 2W Hook 0x48 H Activate or deactivate the Two-Wire Interface 40 SW VERSION 0X49 I Display Software Version & Serial Number 43 ALARM LED 0x4A J Alarm Display / Acoustic EC ASIC Test 45 BAUD CHANGE 0x0A Control J DB9M RS-232 Port Baud Rate Adjust 46 4W #1 IN 0x4b K Four-Wire #1 Input Gain 47 4W #2 IN 0x2f / Four-Wire #2 (Aux) Input Gain Adjust 48 4W #1 TLP 0x0B Control K Four-Wire #1 Input Gain Offset Adjustment 49 4W #1 OUT 0x4c L Four-Wire #1 Output Gain 50 4W #2 OUT 0x26 & Four-Wire #2 (Aux) Output Gain Adjust 51 4W #2 MODE 0x0C Control L Four-Wire #2 (Aux) Operation Mode 52 MIC2 MODE 0x4D M Microphone #2 Input Mode Selection (Mic/Line) 55 VCR MUTE 0x4E N Four-Wire #2 (Aux) Input Mute / VCR Mute 56 PRIVACY 0x3B ; System Mute (Privacy) Enable/Disable 57 PRIVACY MODE 0x0E Control N Privacy Mute Option Control 58 NLP ADJUST NEAR 0x4F O Near End Noise Floor Adjustment 59 NLP ADJUST FAR 0x3F ? Far End Noise Adjustment 61 MIC LOOP 0x50 P Microphone Loopback 62 4W LOOP 0x2a * Four Wire Loopback 64 BANDWIDTH 0x51 Q Loudspeaker Bandwidth Narrow/Wide 67 2W RCV 0x34 4 Two-Wire Interface Receive Gain Adjustment 70 NOISE 0x52 R White Noise Generator Enable/Disable 73 NLP 0x53 S Non Linear Processor Enable/Disable 79 SENDEC4 0x54 T EC ASIC Transmit Level Average Measurement 80 SNDLEVEL 0x5E ^ Autoadaptaion Transmit Level Average 82 RCVEC4 0x55 U EC ASIC Receive Level Average Measurement 83 RCVLEVEL 0x24 $ Display Autoadptaion Receive Level Average 94 HREGUNCLEAR 0x58 X Acoustic EC ASIC H-Register Clear/Unclear 95 CANCELLER 0x2E . Cancellation Enable/Disable
100 Auto Adapt 0x22 " Autoadaptation Function 105 SYSTEM RESET 0x08 Control H System Reset Key (Press TRAIN first)
Command HEX ASCII Command Description
The ‘s’ commands (used by the UC-300 User Control Console) allows limited
control of functions without making any permanent changes to the Voicecrafter configuration settings. Each s-Command consists of a start byte (lower case 's') followed by two command bytes (also lower case letters), but not followed by a carriage return. Each of the s-Commands will generate a response from the Voicecrafter. The response packet consists of two ASCII characters.
Volume increase 73 67 7A s g z “OB”
“HB” if Volume Limit
Volume decrease 73 68 7A s h z “FB”
“HB” if Volume Limit
VCR volume increase 73 71 67 s q g “OC”
“HC” if Volume Limit
VCR volume decrease 73 71 68 s q h “FC”
“HC” if Volume Limit Mute all microphones 73 69 61 s i a “FPFQ” UnMute all mics 73 69 62 s i b “OPOQ” System mute 73 69 6A s i j “HV” System UnMute 73 69 6C s i l “FV” VCR mute on 73 71 6A s q j “O[“ VCR mute off 73 71 6C s q l “F[“ Toggle Mic 1 Mute 73 61 7A s a z “FP” Mic Muted
“OP” Mic UnMuted Toggle Mic 2 Mute 73 62 7A s b z “FQ” Mic Muted
“OQ” Mic UnMuted Mic loopback on 73 6B 63 s k c “OE” Mic loopback off 73 6B 64 s k d “FE” 4 wire loopback on 73 6B 65 s k e “OD” 4 wire loopback off 73 6B 66 s k f “FD” Wideband select 73 6A 63 s j c “OG” Narrowband select 73 6A 64 s j d “FG” Train 73 6D 6F s m o “HG” Training Started
“HI” Training Completed Noise Source Enable 73 61 64 s a d “OI” Noise Source Disable 73 62 64 s b d “FI” Speaker Mute 73 69 67 s i g “FS” Speaker UnMute 73 69 68 s i h “OS” System Mute Toggle 73 69 7A s i z “HV” if Muted
“FV” if UnMuted VCR Mute Toggle 73 71 7A s q z “O[” if Muted
“F[” if UnMuted Connect Two Wire 73 6A 6D s j m “OW” if connected Hang-up Two Wire 73 6C 6D s l m “FW”
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