BH FITNESS Columbia User Manual
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:581
Mod. G-6490 K / G-6492 K
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:582
Mod. G-6490 K / G-6492 K
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:593
Mod. G-6490 K / G-6492 K
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:594
Para reducir el riesgo de descargas
tamente después de uso y antes de proceder a su
y el mantenimiento de la cinta de andar.
Antes de enchufar la unidad compruebe si
el voltaje de su instalación coincide con el de la
Antes de utilizar la cinta de andar, asegúrese de
Asegúrese de que la cinta de andar está desenchufada
y desconectada antes de comenzar cualquier procedi-
o la alfombra de algún daño, coloque un tapete debajo
y que puede llevarles a situaciones y conductas que pue-
vigilados. Este aparato no ha de utilizarse en ningún
La cinta de andar esta equipada con un cable.
Su unidad dispone de una llave de seguridad. La
a la ropa mediante el clip.
fuera del alcance de los niños y de terceras personas.
La cinta de andar sólo puede ser usada por una
Utilice la barandilla para subir y bajar de la cinta de
andar y para cambiar de velocidad. No salte de la cinta
Mantenga las manos alejadas de cualquiera de las
otro objeto bajo la cinta de andar.
Utilice prendas de vestir y calzado adecuados. Atese
No es aconsejable mantener su unidad perma-
sería inevitable.
Tenga cuidado de no lubricar en exceso ya que
se puede manchar el suelo o las alfombras donde la
No se pare sobre la cinta cuando esté funcionando.
En caso de emergencia, coloque los pies en los
se detenga.
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:595
tiene un conductor de tierra y un enchufe con toma de
tierra. El enchufe debe conectarse en una toma apro-
acuerdo con la normativa local.
toma adecuada.
voltios y tiene una clavija de tierra similar a la que se mues-
tra en la  gura A. Asegúrese de que el aparato se conecta
a una toma con la misma con guración que el enchufe.
Antes de enchufar la unidad compruebe si el vol-
taje de su instalación coincide con el de la máquina.
Para reducir el riesgo de sacudidas eléctricas, desen-
Conéctela sólo a enchufes con toma de tierra
adecuado como muestra la  gura A. Las conexiones
No deje nunca sola la unidad cuando esté conectada.
No permita que los niños, inválidos o personas inca-
No use accesorios no recomendados por el fabricante.
No utilice la máquina con el cable eléctrico dañado
o desgastado.
Mantenga el cable eléctrico lejos de super cies
Nunca utilice la máquina al aire libre.
Para desenchufar, ponga el interruptor en la posi-
A continuación ponga el citado interruptor en
falta de lubricación de la banda,
TIERRA. Ponga el interruptor (L) en posición [1].
toma de tierra
enchufe con toma de tierra
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:596
todas las piezas: (A) monitor; (B) Estructura principal; (C)
Tornillo c/ alomada allen M5x10; (b) Tornillo c/alomada
allen M8x15; (c) Tornillo c/alomada allen M8x60; (d) Tor-
Allen 6 mm; (g) Llave de seguridad; (h) Cable de conexión
a la red eléctrica; (i) Bote de lubricante.
En primer lugar coja la barandilla derecha (D) e in-
troduzca por su parte inferior el embellecedor superior
agujero (M) de la barandilla.
Seguido coja la barandilla (C) e introduzca por su
vez hecho esto introduzca la barandilla en el soporte
tornillos (b).
Se necesita un mínimo de dos personas para este paso.
tará la barandilla mientras la otra aprieta los tornillos (b).
Posicione las tapas inferiores (E) izquierda y (F) derecha
En primer lugar, Fig
terminal (N) que sale del pasamanos (G) meta el con-
junto del terminal en el tubo del monitor e introduzca
 echa, asegúrese de que los agujeros del pasamanos
Seguido coja el terminal (Y) que sale del tubo monitor
y conéctelo al terminal (Z) que sale del pasamanos (H)
samanos están alineados y coinciden, teniendo cuidado
En segundo lugar, acerque el conjunto monitor que
se acaba de montar en el paso anterior hacia la parte
superior de las barandillas como muestra la Fig (4) y
tornillos (c).
A continuación, coloque la tapa pasamanos izquierda
y apriete la tapas con los tornillos (a) (d).
funcionamiento de la cinta.
variaciones de temperatura posibles.
Al plegar y desplegar la cinta, tenga cuidado si hay niños
alrededor, u obstáculos que impidan el libre movimiento
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:597
fricción entre la banda y la tabla sea la mínima, lubrique
ted apoya los pies al realizar el ejercicio) con el bote de
Tras lubricar, si la banda resbala, compruebe la tensión de
Velocidad de uso
Tiempo recomendado de
velocidad de 4 Km/h. En el caso de que la banda se haya
trada, repita la operación. Si observa un desplazamiento
al de las agujas del reloj. Figura 10.
tornillo izquierdo en el sentido contrario al de las agujas
Una excesiva tensión de la banda puede
a deformaciones de la banda. Por ello, tenga en cuenta
tornillo derecho (R) que un giro en el sentido contrario
al de las agujas del reloj en el tornillo izquierdo (L). Con
sociedad moderna se sufre de una gran tensión. El
tipo de vida en las grandes ciudades es básicamente
sedentario. Nuestro régimen se ha vuelto demasiado
fundamentalmente. Normalmente se tratará de un
azúcar y grasa, el cuerpo tiene necesidad de oxígeno.
al mismo tiempo mejora la función pulmonar, la capa-
sanguínea. En resumen, la energía desarrollada con la
tabla muestra los consumos energéticos aproximados
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:598
Tareas del hogar
Antes de comenzar cualquier programa de ejercicio y
teniendo en cuenta que programas de ejercicio varían en
función de la edad y del estado físico, es recomendable
y sin exceso. Recomendamos que la frecuencia de sus
Antes de comenzar una sesión es importante realizar un
suave. Ello protegerá sus músculos y preparará adecua-
aeróbica) y nunca llegar al máximo ritmo cardíaco que no
sesión intensa. Es también recomendable acabar el pro-
a la tensión. Juzgará por sí mismo que merece la pena
sujección estén debidamente apretados y correctamente
tres meses.
o los rodillos podría lesionar al usuario. Cuando tengas
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:599
Asegúrese de que la máquina
y no funciona el motor
Tirones al andar encima
de la banda
Tensar la banda de deslizamiento.
Tensar la correa de transmisión.
(salta el limitador de
calambres en las manos
toma de tierra
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:5910
You should always observe certain safety precautions when
you with important information about safety, use and
To reduce the risk of electrical shock:
after use and before proceeding to clean it.
this manual. It provides you with important information
about safety, use and maintenance of the treadmill.
The supply
voltage must be the same as that stated on the characte-
Make sure that the treadmill unit operates correctly
The owner is responsible for ensuring that anyone
who uses the machine is duly informed about all of the
This unit has been designed for home use only.
Make sure that the treadmill is switched off and
or assembly work on it.
Never leave the unit unattended when it is plugged
Do not unplug the treadmill by tugging on the
Place your unit on a  at surface, with at least 2 metres
of free space at the rear. Do not place your unit on any
surface that might block a ventilation opening. Place a
Parents and/or those responsible for children must
always be aware of their curious nature and how this
which could cause accidents. This is why they should
always be supervised. Under no circumstances should
this appliance be used as a toy.
The treadmill is supplied with a mains cable. It must
only be plugged in to a suitably earthed wall socket. If
the plug is not suitable for the wall socket then change
wire must always be connected.
Your unit is equipped with a safety key. The safety
always clip the cord on the safety key to your clothing.
Your unit can only be used by one person at a
time. It can only be used by people who weigh 125
Use the handrail to help you get on and off the
treadmill and when changing the speed. Do not jump
onto the belt while it is moving.
Keep your hands well away from any of the moving
Use suitable clothing and footwear. Make sure
that all laces/cords are tied correctly. To avoid injury
and unnecessary wear on the belt, make sure that your
footwear is not dirty.
It is not advisable to keep your unit in a damp place
for long periods as it will be prone to rust.
Make sure not to overlubricate the unit as this mig-
Do not stand still on the belt while it is moving.
In the event of any emergency, place your feet
on the side rails and hold onto the handrail until the
This product must have an earth connection. In the event
that the appliance malfunctions then the earth connection
will redirect the electrical current away from the machine
and reduce the risk of an electrical shock. This product is
supplied with a mains cable that has an earth wire and a
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:5911
appropriate wall socket, installed correctly and connected
to earth, in accordance with local regulations.
If the equipment is not earthed correctly
then there is a risk of electrical shock. If in doubt, get an
the equipment, if it does not  t the wall socket then get an
This product must only be used on a 220-240 volt circuit,
with an earthed socket similar to that shown in Figure
A. Make sure that the appliance is only connected to
a wall socket with the same pin layout as the plug. Do
Always observe the following recommendations when
ches that of the machine before plugging it in.
supply voltage must be the same as that stated on the
type of adapter.
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, always unplug
the unit immediately after use and before proceeding
to clean it.
Only plug the machine into suitably earthed wall
sockets, as shown in Figure A. An inadequate electrical
Never leave the unit unattended when it is plugged
Do not allow children or the disabled to use the
appliance without the strict supervision of a quali ed
Never use accessories not recommended by the
Do not use the machine if the mains cable becomes
Keep the mains cable away from hot surfaces.
Do not use the machine outdoors.
To unplug the machine,  rst put the switch to the
This model is equipped with an electronic circuit breaker
to protect both the electronic and electrical circuits.
This safety device will be automatically triggered if the
the unit will be ready for use again.
Abnormal working conditions,
Treadmill belt in need of lubricant,
Take the unit out of the box and place it on the  oor as
shown in Figure 0. The assistance of a second person
of the pieces are there: (A) Monitor; (B) Main structure;
screw M5x10; (b) Allen screw M8x15; (c) Allen screw
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:5912
First take the right side bar (D) and insert it into the
the control cable through hole (M) Fig. (1) and pull the
tip (LL) out through the top of the side bar, as shown
to secure it,  t the control cable cap (N) into hole (M)
on the side bar.
Now take the left side bar (C) and insert it into the
on the frame and secure using screws (b).
At least two people are needed for this step.
When  tting the side bars, one person should hold the
side bar while the other one  ts the screws (b). This will
Position the left and right base covers (E) and (F) in
the direction of the arrow facing the corresponding side
FITTING THE MONITOR: Fig (3),  rst of all connect
terminal (h), coming out of the monitor tube, to terminal
terminals back into the monitor tube and insert the handrail
sure that the holes on the handrail are lined up correctly.
Now take terminal (Y), coming out of the monitor
tube, and connect it to terminal (Z), coming out of han-
tube in the direction of the arrow, make sure that the
Next, bring the monitor assembly which you have just
terminal (L), coming out of the monitor, to the control
Then slide the connected terminal into hole (V) at the top
of side bar (D), Fig. (4A), and insert screws (c), making sure
when the unit is folded. Tighten the 4 screws (c) fully.
Next,  t the left handrail cover (I) marked on the
on the inside with a green circle, Fig (5), and secure the
sure so it must not be knocked. If it is knocked this may
This treadmill is equipped with a folding mechanism for
storage purposes. To use it, stop the treadmill, lower the
to changes in temperature.
arrow as shown in Fig (7) and slowly lower the treadmill
When folding or unfolding the treadmill make sure that
there are no children about or obstacles that might hin-
The unit is equipped with wheels (P), Fig. (8) to make
To prevent accidents DO NOT move the treadmill across
of the belt in order to keep your unit in top condition
and to ensure that friction between the belt and the
styles, always apply more lubrication to the area where
you place your feet during the exercise) It is advisable
to lubricate the base of the belt every 3-12 months,
tension of the belt. To tension the belt, take the 6 mm
Allen key (f) and with the machine set to 4 km/h turn
screws (R & L) one turn in a clockwise direction.
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:5913
of running, the belt may be prone to shift sideways.
This procedure is very important. Follow these steps.
speed of 4 km/h. If the belt has moved to the right, turn
screw (R) on the right-hand side of the machine a 
turn clockwise. Note the position of the belt, if after one
the operation. If you see that the belt has moved too far
over to the left then turn the right screw back slightly in
an anticlockwise direction. Figure 10.
As soon as you have adjusted the belt you can begin
screw (L) on the left-hand side of the machine a  turn
the operation. If you see that the belt has moved too far
over to the right then turn the left screw back slightly in
an anticlockwise direction. Figure 10.
of speed on the machine and even stretch the belt itself.
of the belt as one turn of the left screw (L) in an anticloc-
order to avoid overtightening the belt.
suffers greatly from stress. City life is basically sedentary.
There are too many calories and too much fat in our
way to control our weight, make us  tter and help us
to relax.
that uses oxygen. Normally, this is a continuous exerci-
se without pauses. In addition to sugars and fats, the
and at the same time improve lung function, the heart’s
the energy produced during exercise burns kilocalories
The food we eat is transformed into, among other
things, energy (calories) for our body. If we take in more
weight and vice versa, if we burn more calories than
we eat, we lose weight. When resting the body burns
around 70 calories per hour to keep our vital functions
active. The table shows approximate energy use for an
average person doing various activities.
Walking, moderate pace
Walking, brisk (6 km/h)
that exercise programs vary depending on age and physi-
that you will achieve better results based on his/her advi-
always remember that your exercise should be gradual,
that you should exercise 3 to 5 times per week.
warm-up for 2-3 minutes at low speed. This will help
The next stage will last 15-20 minutes at a pulse rate of
already accustomed to exercise. At a later stage, once
we have become  tter, we can divide this time between
We you have  nished, it is important to relax the mus-
This will prevent muscle pain, especially after an intense
session. It is also advisable to  nish the program with
some relaxation exercises on the  oor.
We hope that you enjoy your unit. You will soon notice the
COLUMBIA G6490 K 0180125 11/4/05, 16:5914
switch on.
and that the safety key is inserted.
Set the switch to position I
and insert the safety key.
sed in.
and press the circuit
treadmill band.
the treadmill
4. The machine stops (the
4) Check that the band is lubricated
tton with the On/Off
switch at “0” and lubri-
the handrail.
off centre
the  oor
to get in touch with us if you have any queries, by calling:
for yourself that it is worth staying in shape with BH.
treadmill, especially the side bars and the electronic
visible components (belt, structure, etc.). You can also
vacuum the underside of the unit by resting it on one
of its sides. Similarly, you can vacuum the inside of the
are unsure about the condition of any part, we recom-
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