• System configuration set-up options:
• Function of the microphone button
On/Off or PTT (Push-To-Talk, as long as the microphone button is pressed, the microphone unit is
switched on).
• Operation mode:
This mode is only possible with an operator manually controlling a PC or media control system (AMX
). Pressing the microphone button on the delegate unit the system registers a request-to-talk. The
operator has control over the next speaker using a the PC or the console button.
Each participant can enable the microphone until the maximum number of open microphones (NOM) is
Each selected microphone unit switches off the previously activated microphone unit.
• The talk time of the delegates can be pre-set. After the time has elapsed the microphone unit switches off.
• A flashing illuminated ring indicates the time when the microphone is switched off. The flashing illuminated
ring can also be effected by an external control command (AMX/Panja
, Crestron®).
• Chairman unit operational mode:
The chairman can switch on his microphone without any limitation.
The priority button of the chairman's microphone unit will mute all activated delegate microphone units.
When the priority button is released, all previously selected microphones are re-activated.
The chairman can switch off all active delegate microphone units using the priority button. They remain
switched off until the chairman switches off his microphone unit by pressing the priority button.
• NOM (number of open microphones):
Defines the maximum number of delegate microphones that can be switched on (up to 9 microphone units).
• Muting the speaker:
When the microphone unit is switched on, it’s own speaker is muted automatically. It is possible to mute
up to 10 other microphone units (usually the surrounding units to reduce the possibility of acoustic
feedback) as soon as the speaker is activated.
Central control unit as main item of the discussion system with conference media control. Integrated power supply unit
and processor for digital control of up to 32 microphone units. 2 multifunction buttons and LC-Display with 2 lines/16
segments for menu driven system operation and configuration. RS 232 interface port on the front for system configuration
with PC. System check with error message after switching on the device. Master reset to manufacturer’s default settings.
RS 232 interface for operator’s PC or external console. Two inputs for sound signals 250 mV (balanced) and 1.55 V
(unbalanced). The following three operation modes can be chosen: Request-to-Talk (after request-to-talk the chairman
releases the microphone), Autonomy (each participant can switch on and off his microphone unit), Override (each
switched on microphone unit switches off the previously activated microphone unit). ”Next” function control (first in
- first out) in the Request-to-Talk mode. In each operation mode it is possible to pre-set the talk time and warning time
for each participant and for the illuminated ring to indicate that talk time has elapsed. The following parameters can
be adjusted within the system configuration: number and address of the chairman microphone units, function of the
priority button, number of the open microphones, number and address of the loudspeakers to be muted in the microphone units, input level of the signals and volume and sound control of the master signal. 1 connection for microphone
line. Recording output (250 mV) and a 3-pin XLR socket for transformer balanced line level output (+6 dBm). Recording
output is independent from the output volume adjustment. Desktop housing: 2 rack units high, for 19" rack mounting.
Ventilation louvres on top and bottom. Dimensions (W x H x D) 440 x 88 x 310 mm. Weight 4850 g.
Manufacturer: beyerdynamic GmbH, Germany
Type: MCS 50
Non-contractual illustrations. Subject to change without notice. E2/ MCS 50 (11.07)