MCS 20 – Power Supply Unit
• Audio output , 3-pin XLR connector, +6 dB output, balanced, ungrounded, master output of all microphones
and the signal of the audio input for recordings and audio transmission.
1 = NC - not connected
2 = +Signal
3 = -Signal
• Line output , RCA socket, line output; master output of all microphones and audio input.
Turning on/off
• Check all connections before turning on the power supply unit. A mains voltage between 100 and 240 V is
suitable, because a change over to another voltage is not necessary. Turn on the MCS 20 systems with the power
switch .
• The green LED on the front indicates the operating status.
Important notes for power supply units
• If several power supply units are used in one system, they should be simultaneously turned on, e.g. with a
common power switch.
• To avoid an overload of the cables never connect two or more power supply units with T-adapters!
• Several MCS 20 units can be stockpiled in a rack. For a sufficient ventilation leave a space of one height unit (U) over
and under the unit. The space behind the devices must not be closed.
When you install the MCS 20 power supply unit into a rack, please make sure that the rack has been earthed
(connected to the earth wire of the electrical installation).
For rack mounting use screws of a minimum size of M 6 x 15 mm.
• The ambient temperature should not exceed 40 °C. The devices have been designed for an operation in dry
rooms only!
2.4 Cabling
• The number of the required power supply systems for one system depends upon the number of microphones
turned on simultaneously. This can probably increase the number of required power supply units. The maximum
number of simultaneously turned on delegate microphone units (max. 8) has to be considered. If the configuration
switches 1, 2 or 3 of the microphone units are switched to “OFF”, the number of microphone units to be turned
on simultaneously is increased over the limit (max. 8) and consequently the load of the power supply units.
• Connect the conference socket of the first microphone unit to the connection for microphone units of the
MCS 20 power supply unit.
• Connect the conference socket of the first microphone unit to the conference socket of the second micro-
phone unit and so on, until all microphone units are connected.
• If you use self-assembled cables, observe the cable specifications from beyerdynamic and check each cable for
short circuits, interruptions and wrong connections.
Warning: beyerdynamic assumes no liability or warranty for damages caused by cables which are not
manufactured by beyerdynamic.
• Individual cable branches must not exceed a length of 160 metres each.
Maximum cable length within one system: 1000 metres.
• The minimum supply of the last microphone unit in a chain must be ±18 V.
• When using MCS 221 microphone units up to 60 microphone units can be connected to one MCS 20 power
supply unit with a maximum cable length of 2.5 metres between each microphone unit. When using the
MCS 263 up to 45 under-table microphone units can be connected to one MCS 20 power supply unit.
Note: Please contact beyerdynamic if you plan to use larger systems or complex cable topologies.
• In larger systems distribute the microphone units evenly to the power supply units. For example if want to connect
70 microphone units to two power supply units, connect 35 microphone units to the first power supply unit and
35 microphone units to the second power supply unit.