VAS KVM Emulator User’s Guide
Document Number: VAS-JAVA-1500
Version: [0.1]
Date: [28/10/2002]
Reference: [BENQ/GSM]
This confidential document is the property of Benq Corporation. and must not be copied or circulated without permission.
Author: Kuan Hung
Approval: Kuan Hung
Enjoyment Matters, Formerly Acer Communications & Multimedia Inc
Document Formats Document Number
0.1 28/10/2002 Create Kuan Hung Create
Enjoyment Matters, Formerly Acer Communications & Multimedia Inc
This confidential document is the property of Benq Corporation. and must not be copied or circulated without permission
Document Formats Document Number
DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------1
1 GLOSSARY ------------------------------------------------------------------------5
1.1 Abbreviation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2 OBJECTIVES ----------------------------------------------------------------------5
3 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------5
4 SETUP THE EMULATOR-------------------------------------------------------6
4.1 System Requirement-------------------------------------------------------------------------6
4.2 Program Installation-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
4.3 How to use the emulator -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
5 RUNNING THE EMULATOR---------------------------------------------------7
6 VIRTUAL MACHINE TRACE OPTIONS ------------------------------------9
BORLAND JBUILDER --------------------------------------------------------------------11
7.1 Concept------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
7.2 An example-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
7.2.1 Creating a HelloMIDP project------------------------------------------------------------11
7.2.2 Launching the MIDlet----------------------------------------------------------------------13
7.2.3 Launching KVM debug proxy------------------------------------------------------------14
7.2.4 Setting up JBuilder5------------------------------------------------------------------------14
7.2.5 Using JBuilder5 to debug-----------------------------------------------------------------16
8 EXTEND API ---------------------------------------------------------------------17
8.1 JSR 118 Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0 -------------------------------------17
Enjoyment Matters, Formerly Acer Communications & Multimedia Inc
This confidential document is the property of Benq Corporation. and must not be copied or circulated without permission
Document Formats Document Number
8.2 JSR 120 Wireless Messaging API-------------------------------------------------------17
8.3 JSR 135 Mobile Media API-----------------------------------------------------------------18
9 REFERENCES-------------------------------------------------------------------18
Enjoyment Matters, Formerly Acer Communications & Multimedia Inc
This confidential document is the property of Benq Corporation. and must not be copied or circulated without permission
Document Formats Document Number
1. Describe the general interface that VAS SW architecture support
Enjoyment Matters, Formerly Acer Communications & Multimedia Inc
This confidential document is the property of Benq Corporation. and must not be copied or circulated without permission
Document Formats Document Number
1 Glossary
1.1 Abbreviation
VAS Value Added Service
J2ME Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
KVM Kilobyte Virtual Machine
CLDC Connected, Limited Device Configuration
MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile
RI Reference Implementation
JSR Java Specification Requests
TCK Technology Compatibility Kit
2 Objectives
The purpose of this document is to describe the KVM Emulator of BenQ.
This document will describe how to setup the emulator, how to use the
emulator, and we will also list all the extend APIs which could to been used in
BenQ’s emulator.
3 Introduction
The emulator is to enables user to develop MIDlet applications which
could run at BenQ’s cell phone.
Enjoyment Matters, Formerly Acer Communications & Multimedia Inc
This confidential document is the property of Benq Corporation. and must not be copied or circulated without permission