Technical Bulletin
Bulletin No: Effective Date: Cancels: Page: 1 of
As the cold weather approaches, operators and fl eets alike begin to look to their vehicles with an eye toward
“winterization”, and particularly what can be done to guard against air system freeze-up. Here are some basic
“Tips” for operation in the cold weather.
Engine Idling
Avoid idling the engine for long periods of time! In addition to the fact that most engine manufacturers warn that
long idle times are detrimental to engine life, winter idling is a big factor in compressor discharge line freeze-up.
Discharge line freeze-ups account for a signifi cant number of compressor failures each year. The discharge
line recommendations under “Discharge Lines” are important for all vehicles, but are especially so when some
periods of extended engine idling can not be avoided.
Discharge Lines
The discharge line should slope downward from the compressor discharge port without forming water traps,
kinks, or restrictions. Cross-overs from one side of the frame rail to the other, if required, should occur as close
as possible to the compressor.
Dryer Inlet Temperature
The dryer inlet air temperature should typically be within the range of no more than 160°F and no less than 45°F
above low ambient (surrounding) temperature to prevent freeze-ups. (For example, if low ambient is minus
40°F, the dryer inlet must be above 5°F.) Lower dryer inlet temperatures should be avoided to minimize the risk
of freeze-up upstream of the air dryer. Higher temperatures should also be avoided to minimize the risk of heat
damage to the air dryer seals and to avoid a loss of drying performance.
PRO-08-21 dated 2-6-2008
Air Brake System - Cold Weather Operation Tips
Compressor Line Size
The line size and length is established by the vehicle manufacturer and should not be altered without the vehicle
manufacturers approval. As a reference, the line length from the compressor to the air dryer should be less than
16 feet and the minimum line sizes should be as follows:
6 ft. 1/2 in. Low Compressor Duty Cycle Applications (0-20%)
10 ft. 5/8 in. High Compressor Duty Cycle Applications (20-40%)
Line Insulation
To guard against freez-ups in Low Duty Cycle applications, the discharge line can be insulated if it is greater
than 9 feet in length. The line can only be insulated back to 9 feet and a maximum of 3 feet. For example, if
the line is 10 feet, insulate the fi tting and the last one foot of the line. If the line is 15 feet, insulate the fi tting and
the last 3 feet of the line.
© 2010 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC All rights reserved. 3/2010 Printed in U.S.A.
Bulletin No.: TCH-008-021 Effective Date: 3/5/2010 Page: 2 of 2
System Leakage
Check the air brake system for excessive air leakage using the Bendix “Dual System Air Brake Test and Check
List” (BW1279). Excessive system leakage causes the compressor to “pump” more air and also reduce the life
of the air dryer desiccant cartridge.
Reservoir Draining (System without an Air Dryer)
Routine reservoir draining is the most basic step in reducing the possibility of freeze-up. All reservoirs in a
brake system can accumulate water and other contamination and must be drained! The best practice is to
drain all reservoirs daily if the air brake system does not include an air dryer. When draining reservoirs; turn
the ENGINE OFF and drain ALL AIR from the reservoir, better still, open the drain cocks on all reservoirs and
leave them open over night to assure all contamination is drained (reference Service Data Sheet SD-04-400 for
Bendix Reservoirs). If automatic drain valves are installed, check their operation before the weather turns cold
(reference Service Data Sheet SD-03-2501 for Bendix
DV-2™ Automatic Drain Valves). It should be noted that,
while the need for daily reservoir draining is eliminated through the use of an automatic drain valve, periodic
manual draining is still required.
Reservoir Draining (System with an Air Dryer)
Daily reservoir draining should not be performed on systems with an air dryer. This practice will cause the dryer
to do excessive work (i.e. build pressure from 0 -130 psi instead of the normal 110-130 psi).
Alcohol Evaporator or Injector Systems
Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC discourages the use of alcohol in the air brake system as a means
of preventing system freeze-up in cold temperatures. Studies indicate that using alcohol and alcohol based
products sold for this purpose removes the lubrication from the components of the air braking system. In
addition, the materials used for the internal seals of the air system components may be adversely impacted
by the residue that some anti-freeze additives leave behind. Both are detrimental to air system component life
expectancy, causing premature wear. Because of this, Bendix
air system components warranty will be void if
analysis shows that alcohol was added to the air brake system.
Alcohol is not an acceptable substitute for having adequate air drying capacity. If the air dryer is maintained in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended practices and moisture is found to be present in the system
reservoirs, more drying capacity is required. Bendix has several viable options including extended purge air
dryers, extended purge tandem dryers in parallel with common control, and air dryers arranged to provide
continuous fl ow as with the Bendix
contaminants in trailer air brake systems, the Bendix® Cyclone DuraDrain™ water separator and the Bendix
EverFlow® continuous fl ow air dryer module. To address concerns with
System-Guard® trailer air dryer are available. Refer to Bendix Technical Bulletin TCH-008-042 “Alcohol in the
Air Brake System” for additional information.
Air Dryers
Make certain air brake system leakage is within the limits stated in BW1279. Check the operation and function
of the air dryer using the appropriate Service Data Sheet for the air dryer.
Air Dryer Service Data Sheet
AD-2® air dryer SD-08-2403
AD-4® air dryer SD-08-2407
air dryer SD-08-2412
air dryer SD-08-2414
air dryer SD-08-2418
EverFlow® air dryer SD-08-2417
AD-SP® air dryer SD-08-2415
Cyclone DuraDrain
PuraGuard® QC system fi lter SD-08-187B
Trailer System-Guard
water separator SD-08-2402
air dryer SD-08-2416
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