Technical Bulletin
Bulletin No: TCH-001-042 Effective Date: 2/1/96 Cancels: NA Page: 1 of 1
It has come to our attention that there is a misunderstanding regarding the function of the
unloader cover plate and gasket used on the Tu- Flo 550 and 750 com pr essor s . Bot h
compressors are designed with an internal unloader that oper ates using air pressure
delivered from the governor. What is often misunderstood is that the gasket installed
between the cylinder head and unloader cover plate contains the air passages that allows air
pressure to travel from the governor to the unloader pistons. The g asket is specifically die
cut to accommodate the proper air flow from the governor port on the cylinder head t o t he
unloader pistons. Use of a solid gask et or gasket form ing materials such as RTV will block
the passage of air to the com pr e ssor unloader m echanism which will result in a failure of the
compressor to unload. Failure to unload will cause over pressurization of the com pr essor ,
which can cause permanent compressor damage and early failure.
Unloader Kit Piece Number 107515 contains the appropriate die cut gasket and must be
used when servicing the unloader mechanism to ensure proper operation.