BENDIX BW2151 User Manual

trailer solutions
The brake system you choose can make the difference between a trailer that makes money and one that sits idle in a service bay. At Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC and Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake LLC, we see what you see. A world filled with competitive challenges for those who build, purchase, manage and service the trailers which keep North America’s goods moving safely and efficiently.
That’s why the complete portfolio of Bendix products and services is designed for performance, reliability and maximum value. Each Bendix part is rigorously tested, backed by a powerful warranty and engineered to help keep your brake system in spec.
Bendix goes far beyond simply offering the critical braking components for your trailer application. Instead, Bendix delivers a complete, integrated system that helps to keep trailers where they need to be and takes your business where you want it to go.
brand trailer
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Building on more than 75 years of growth and innovation, our passion remains the same – a commitment to improving driver safety with the absolute highest level of technology, service and product reliability.
We're proud of our reputation as experts in air brake system components, integrated brake system design, foundation brakes, and leading-edge safety technologies in North America. And as a key member of the Knorr-Bremse Group, we’re the preferred worldwide supplier of commercial vehicle braking systems.
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trailer solutions
BBeennddiixx®®TTAABBSS--66 TTrraaiilleerr AABBSS
Superior braking performance. Compact and modular. Easily configured to meet your needs.
Bendix®TABS-6 is a small, scalable, lightweight system that eliminates the installation and maintenance hassles found with most other trailer ABS units.
Our TABS-6 unit delivers outstanding performance with fewer components to install and connections to make, which means greater reliability on your vehicle, including integral 5-pin and sensor connec­tions. And Bendix®TABS-6 includes the patented “Select Smart™” control technology as well as Auxiliary Design Language (ADL), which enables special functions that would normally require their own ECU.
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Fast and easy troubleshooting in a pocket-size package.
The Bendix®Trailer Remote Diagnostic Unit (TRDU) is the industry's smallest and most cost-effective full function ABS diagnostic tool. It offers quick, accurate diagnostics for your trailer ABS system and provides immediate system status, displaying ABS fault information using colored LED lights. No waiting for blink codes. No thumb­ing through manuals. Just fast and easy troubleshooting.
The Bendix TRDU is designed to be installed on the mobile lamp tester already in your shop at the end of a 7-way coiled electrical connector. That means that every time the trailer lamps are tested, you receive a full trailer ABS diagnostics run as well.
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The first-ever single-channel trailer roll stability system.
Bendix®TABS-6 Advanced is a
simple but innovative solution
that builds on the single-channel,
2S/1M (two-sensor/one-modulator)
configuration – the most popular
ABS system for today's trailer
manufacturers and owners. The single-channel configuration delivers strong roll stability performance while simplifying installation and maintenance at a lower weight.
SSiimmppllee ttoo aaffffoorrdd Advanced, you get the market's first single-channel trailer roll stability system at a cost that's more affordable than other trailer stability products in the industry.
SSiimmppllee ttoo iinnssttaallll trailer stability system that mounts directly to the air tank. The unit can also be easily installed on a cross member or frame rail. And TABS-6 Advanced can be easily retrofitted to provide roll stability protection to your entire fleet.
SSiimmppllee ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn Bendix TABS-6 Advanced requires no additional mainte­nance above that needed for a trailer ABS system. Key components are replacement only, which means you won't spend time and money on repairs. Diagnosing trouble codes is simple using Bendix®ACom™diagnostic software.
– With the patented Bendix TABS-6
– Bendix TABS-6 Advanced is the only
– The clean, compact package of
The TRDU communicates through the blue wire of the trailer electrical connector, at the nose or rear of the trailer, to the Trailer ABS Unit. The TRDU may also communicate over the tractor and trailer power wires through the tractor's diagnostic connector.
The flexible Bendix®Trailer RDU (TRDU) supports the complete range of Bendix®trailer ABS components, including Bendix®TABS-6, A-18, Gen 5, and MC-30 Electronic Control Units (ECUs).
BBeennddiixx®®TTrraaiilleerr SSpprriinngg BBrraakkee VVaallvveess
Reliable, durable performance you can count on.
Bendix offers two options to meet the complete range of trailer spring brake valve needs. Both products are the result of precision engineering and design that provide superior performance in the presence of air line contami­nants commonly found in trailer systems. Both are built to withstand temperatures as low as -50 degrees F. And both have an anti-compounding feature to provide increased robustness and improved failure detection by audibly exhausting air through the tractor protection valve at the back of the cab.
TThhee BBeennddiixx®®SSRR--55®®sspprriinngg bbrraakkee vvaallvvee our premium option. This industry leader delivers fast, reliable performance under extreme conditions. Push the trailer park brake release button, and the trailer is ready to move when the driver shifts into gear. The speed of release prevents dragging tires and additional strain on your tractor's drive train. The SR-5 relay based design makes it the fastest performing trailer valve available anywhere.
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High capacity air flow. Durable Bendix performance.
For multi-axle trailers equipped with air suspen­sions, Bendix now offers the patent pending SDS-9600™Trailer Suspension Dump Valve. Working with our Bendix®TABS-6 Trailer ABS, the SDS-9600™valve supplies a full federal-regulation­approved axle dump system that dumps air out of the rear axle suspension of spread axle trailers, helping to prevent damage to tires and suspension components during slow speed turns. The SDS-9600™valve is designed to dump the axle bags effectively, while consuming no additional air during normal driving. This powerful new addition to the Bendix valve line replaces the need for three separate valves mounted on the trailer, which means simplified installation and plumbing. The Bendix®SDS-9600™valve is capable of delivering high capacity air flow on both dump and fill, enabling quick suspension air exhaust and recharg­ing. When dumping air from the system the valve holds a minimal pressure, protecting the suspension components from potential damage.
TThhee BBeennddiixx vvaallvvee for our SR-5 still providing superior durability and performance against the competition. What makes this valve different is its unique body; constructed from engineering grade plastic composite material tested for extended service life under the harshest conditions.
It also features oversized internal ports and seals specifically designed to perform through more contaminants than any other valve on the market. The patented SRC-7000 valve is an easy fit when servicing competitive valves.
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offers an economical option
valve model, while
BBeennddiixx®®PPiilloott RReellaayy VVaallvveess
Built by the most trusted name in the industry.
The patented Bendix®pilot relay valves boost and accelerate the control signal of dollies, towing trailers, and other combination vehicles. Our durable, reliable design features 0 psi differential accuracy, better stability for smoother stops, and a single-unit feel for combination vehicles.
New in 2008
SRC-7000™Spring Brake Valve &
SDS-9600™Trailer Suspension Dump Valve
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