“This kit must be installed by a qualified mechanic / technician”
Read this complete instruction guide before you attempt installation, this will help to verify that you
have all of the correct tools to perform and complete your upgrade to our Competitor Clutch. You will
need a factory service manual and parts catalog for reference on: “torque specifications”, “removal of”
“part numbers”, ETC., Gaskets, seals and hard parts will change through the years, so be sure to have
the correct manuals for your particular year and model XL, all gaskets, seals, retaining rings and oil must
be replaced. You will need a large clean surface area to set aside the parts you are to remove, oil drain
pan/s, rags, a 10-12 ton press, diaphragm clutch spring compressing tool and a good set of motorcycle
mechanic tools.
“Remember to pre soak your new clutch plates in new XL transmission and primary chain case
lubricant prior to installing them into your new CC-140 Competitor Clutch”
1. Support and safely secure motorcycle, refer to service manual for primary cover removal.
2. Remove chain inspection cover “(2) screws” and gasket.
3. Place drain pan under primary drain plug, drain primary / trans. Fluid (drain plug drains both).
4. Remove shift lever, rubber spacer and or linkage as necessary.
5. Remove left foot peg and support bracket all in one piece, (mid control models).

6. Slide rubber boot on clutch cable “down or up” to expose the clutch cable adjuster.
7. Using (2) open end wrenches loosen adjuster jam nut and fully collapse cable adjuster. SEE FIG. #3
8. Remove the larger inspection cover “(6) screws” and seal / gasket.
9. Using a flat blade screw driver, loosen the clutch adjuster screw all of the way
10. Remove the spring, lock plate and well nut from outer ramp. SEE FIG. #4
11. Loosen the primary chain adjuster jam nut & collapse the primary chain adjuster to its lowest point.

12. Remove the inner and outer ramp assembly, be careful of the (3) ball bearings
Between the inner and outer ramp “they will fall out” SEE FIG. #5

13. Remove the clutch cable from the inner and outer ramps, via the coupling, remember the (3) ball
bearings. SEE FIG. # 6
14. Remove outer primary cover and gasket, with clutch cable still attached, set to the side. SEE FIG.#7
15. Collapse and remove the pressure plate diaphragm spring, retaining ring, spring seat & pressure
plate. SEE FIG.#8 *
16. Note* Takes a special spring collapsing tool for # 15 above.

17. You must remove the pressure plate to expose the transmission mainshaft nut.
18. Grab a hold of the adjuster screw and pull outward to remove the pressure plate.
19. Remove the retaining ring from the adjusting screw, you may reuse the adjusting screw if not worn
beyond spec. you will need to replace the retaining ring with a new one. SEE FIG.#9