AT&TCo Standard Issue2, July 1982
1. GENERAL • Eliminate Fig. 5
1.01 This section contains information on the • Show 5011T01A-51 and 5011T01A-58 manu-
TOUCH-A-MATIC telephone, S series 12- facture discontinued (MD)(Table A)
button, wall type telephone set (Fig. 1 and 2).
S Warning: This equipment generates,
uses, and san radiate radio frequency i.03 This telephone set can only be used for indi-
energy and if not installed and used in vidual or single line TOUCH-TONEr service.
accordance with the instructions manual,
may cause interference to radio eommu- Note: This set is not designed for speaker-
nieations. It has been tested and found to phone, loudspeaker, A lead control, or party line
comply with the limits for a Class B eom- service.
puting devise pursant to Subpart J of
Part 15 of Federal Communications Com-
mission (FCC) Rules, which are designed A. The only faceplate color available for the
to provide reasonable protection against automatic dialer is silver (-122).
such interference when operated in a
commercial environment. Operation of 2. IDENTIFICATION
this equipment in a residential area is
likely toeauseinterfereneein which ease 2.01 The 5011T01A wall telephone set has a 12-
the user at his own expense will be re- button automatic dialing feature. The two top
quired to take whatever measures may name and number buttons are illuminated by red and
be required to correct the interference.4 green light emitting diodes (LEDs). The set also con-
1.O2 The reasons for reissuing this section are and a MIA handset.
listed below. Revision arrows are used to em-
phasize the more significant changes. 2.02 Design features are as follows:
• Include electromagnetic interference warn- • Modular unit.
ing notice in compliance with the FCC ruling
which requires that a warning statement be • Solid state circuit memory and network.
placed in the user's documentation for equip-
ment that generates and uses radio fre- • Automatic dialing of 12 stored numbers.
quency energy and may radiate that energy,
paragraph 1.01 • Will store up to 16 digits per number.
• Add information on M2A handset • Capability to record, change, or delete num-
• Revise battery replacement information on
instruction label (Fig. 4) t Registered Service Mark ofAmerican Telephone and Telegraph
* Registered Trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph
Company. _:Trademarkof American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
- Company.
• Add emergency symbols (Fig. 2).
1.04 The set is available in the colors listed in Table
tains a TOUCH-TONES telephone dial, tone ringer,
bers in memory.
Not for use or disclosure outside the
Bell System except under written agreement
Printed inU.S.A. Page 1

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Fig. 1--5011T01A Telephone Set

ISS2, SECTION503-400-200
Fig. 2--5011TOIA Telephone Set With Handset, DialerFaceplate, DirectorSheet, and
Battery Removed
• Single button dialing and directory space for • Telephone number recording with handset
names and numbers, on- or off-hook. Off-hook recording does not
• Two illuminated buttons to highlight impor-
tant telephone numbers. • RECORD ON/OFF button protected during
• M1A handset, vertent erasure of stored numbers.
• Electronic tone ringer. • Built in polarity guard.
• Internal S1 sounder unit which provides 2.03 Operating features are as follows.
tones for automatic dialing, indicating
proper recording procedures, and for check- __ This set is not compatible with all
ing the battery. _ facilities due to limited available
• Battery powered repertory dialer, properly in all cases. When these
interfere with conversation.
normal usage by faceplate to prevent inad-
loop current, and may not function
sets are connected to these facilities,
such as analog subscriber loop car-
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