Plant Series Issue 3, January, 1963
AT&TCo Standard
701, 702, AND 711 TYPES
1.01 This section covers the installation of 701-, 2.01 A 105- to 120-volt ac receptacle is required
702-, and 711-type telephone sets. Typical for the dial light transformer. This recept-
installations are shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3. Con- acle should be on a circuit that is not controlled
nections are shown in the appropriate section by a switch. A 2012A transformer should be used
for each type telephone set. for a single set. A 2A clamp (Fig. 1) is available
1.02 This section is reissued to:
to secure this transformer to the service outlet.
• Add information on installation of 702-type 2.02 For proper illumination of the dial, the
telephone set. and the telephone set should not exceed 250 feet
• Add information on installation of 1635A of standard inside wire. Do not use a 25-foot
inductor, mounting cord because of added resistance. For
• Add information on weight and retaining Transformers.
spring for 701-type telephone set.
1.03 Due to extensive changes marginal arrows ringer should be installed with each 701- or
have been omitted. 711-tylae telephone set. These ringers also serve
multiple installations, see section entitled Station
2.03 When a ringer is required, an E1A or F1A
length of the wire between the transformer
Fig. !--Typical Installation of 701B Telephone Set
© American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1963
Printed in U.S.A. Page 1

SECTION 502-710-200
Fig. 2-Typical Installation of 702B Telephone Set
as a connecting block for the mounting cord. The 3. Remove mounting cord stayhook from slot
702-type telephone set is equipped with an inCer- inside of set base.
nal ringer.
4. Insert inductor in the position shown in
2.04 Installation information for the E1A or Fig. 5 and 6, making certain that the lip of
F1A ringers is given in the appropriate the inductor base is under the edge of the
section for the ringer involved, terminal strip.
2.05 Use a 146A adapter when mounting an 5. After placing the inductor firmly against
EIA ringer over a 63A bracket or on a the terminal strip, insertthe wedge between
standard electrical outlet box. the side of the set base and the base of the
inductor. This is most easily accomplished
2.06 At the request of the customer, the ringer by placing the wedge in a position where
may be omitted except when it is the only the curvature of the wedge and set base
ringer on the line. Where no ringer is used, the coincide. Exert downward pressure on the
mounting cord of the 701-type telephone 'sets wedge beginning at the end nearest to the
should be terminated on a 42A connecting block, swltchhook assembly and continuing until
and the mounting cord of the 711B telephone set the wedge is secured tightly in place.
should be terminated on 44A connecting blocks.
6. Replace mounting cord stayhook in slot and
2.07 Where no ringer is used and tip party iden- connect the leads for the class of service
tification is required, a 1610A or a 1635A desired.
inductor shall be installed in the PRINCESS set
as shown in Fig. 4, 5, 6, and 7. 7. Replace dial and housing.
2.08 The inductor is ordered separately. Pro- 2.09 To install the 1635A inductor, follow steps
cedure for installing the 1610A indu'ctor is 1 and 2 of 2.08. Then remove left screw
as follows: from dial mounting bracket. Place inductor as
1. Remove housing from set.
2. Loosen dial and lay it aside to provide more dial making sure the left dial mounting fork is
working space, between the two brackets.
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shown in Fig. 7. Replace screw through hole in
inductor bracket and connect leads. Replace the

ISS 3, SECTION 502-710-200
Fig. 3--Installation of 711B Telephone Set As Used
With Home Interphone System
iNDUCTOR 2.10 Install a weight in 701B and 701D telephone
sets to reduce sliding on smooth surfaces
during dialing. A D-179924 kit, containing a
weight, spring, and insulator is available. Dress
all leads so that the spade tips fall wholly within
the boundaries of the terminal block, and then
place insulator. (See Fig. 8.) Funnel weight into
position. (See Fig. 9.)
BASE /_ Make sure that no wires are caught be-
Fig. 4--1610A Inductor retaining spring as shown in Fig. I0.
WEDGE _ tween the weight and base of set. Insert
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