Bell 502-543-405 Service Manual

BELLSYSTEMPRACTICES SECTION 502-543-405 AT&TCo Standard Issue 9, December 1980
1. GENERAL mounting cord conductors can be extended to the
l.Ol This section contains information for the connecting block. If control unit is located at key
telephone sets (Fig. 1 and 2). cable or inside wiring cable. Speakerphone connections
1.02 This section is reissued to add information Division 512.
on D-181006 Kit of Parts (840364376 polarity
guard). 2.06 When a 2565HK (MD) or 2565HKM [(MD)
1.O3 The 2565HKMS set is similar to the 2565HKM set is not used as a speakerphone set and is except a new line switch is provided in the multipled with any other set capable of furnishing
2565HKMS telephone set which breaks both the tip speakerphone feature, the T1 (V-G) and R1 (G-V) and ring side of the line instead of the ring side speakerphone leads .must be disconnected, insulated only. and stored at the telephone set. If not disconnected,
2. CONNECTIONS path between the circuits of the multipled telephone
2.01 These sets are factory-wired for use with Division 512. 1A1, 1A2, 6A, $or 6Be key telephone systems
(KTS), 4A speakerphone, and individual or common 2.07 Exclusion can be added to these sets by
line ringer. They can be used with 1A KTS by installing a D-179935 Kit of Parts which modifying as shown in Fig. 3 and 4. must be ordered separately. Connect as shown in
2.02 Mounting cord leads are provided for off a ringer or buzzer in set. illuminating the hold key position but 51A
lamp is not furnished with set and must be ordered separately. 2.08 All convertible key positions are supplied as
2.03 These sets are factory-equipped with a (locking) to signaling (nonlocking), remove the KS-20419L1 (10 volt ac only) buzzer. 811218924 (P-12A892) screw detail from key position
2.04 The H1B ringer leads are factory-wired to in Table B. terminals RR and RT. When power failure
feature is provided in the KTS, common audible signal must be wired with capacitor in series. 2.09 DWhen polarity guard is required in these
2.05 If 3-type (MD) speakerphone control unit is separately) can be installed and connected as shown located near telephone set, the necessary in Table C.I
control unit using a 149-type adapter or 66E-type
for the 2565-type telephone sets are shown in
manufactured prior to July 20,1979] telephone
these speakerphone leads will provide a common
sets. Speakerphone connections are shown in
Table A. Exclusion key can also be used to cut
pickup keys. To convert from pickup
involved. Make necessary wiring changes as shown
sets a D-181006 Kit of Parts (ordered
Not for use or disclosure outside the
Bell System except under written agreement
Printed in U.S.A. Page 1
SECTION 502-.543-405
2.10 Additional terminating points can be gained 2.11 Installation of exclusion switch, polarity
when required for auxiliary services such ' guard, and auxiliary terminal strip _iscovered
as buzzers, lamps, etc. by installing 812559623 in Section 502-500-120. (P-25E962) terminal strip assembly.
Page 2
ISS 9, SECTION 502-543-405
(w) ct (0- BK)
., LS d
(NOTE I) PART OF 636A KEY .... (V)
/R (I) 2. (BE-W) PU
T (I) __ 26 (W-BL) R (2) 8. (BR-W) (BL-V) EXCN
- _ 4 _.I.SWITCH
IAI, IA2,6A, OR ..R.(3) _14/ 7 (O-R) TABLE A (W O) SEPARATELY) SH 2 6B KTS LINE T (3) .13 / (R-O) ( NOTE 2) --1-- OR 3
CONNS - _ 3,?. (v-o)
T(2) _ 29 (W-BR) (BL-W) iORDEREO TO- SEE --
_,,(4),, oZgo-<,o (s-_)
I (W-BL)
(V- BL)
:(') __o2o-<35 (.-s) .,(o-w)
.(_) _ ,_ (0-._) (o,,,v) -1"-
T.....(5) _ 38 (BK-G) L2t
23< (G-V) (NOTE 3)
i .. . "(NOTE I ) PART OF D50N
' " (BL-R) eLL2 LGI R _ 21 (BL-V) ERL(2) oJ_o--<6" - - 'Q
- EXCLUDED_ o_J-o--<46< 0
; LG (2) _ 31< (R-BL) (_LG _ (2) "j STATION : : (o-(V-BL)v) ET
L (3') 18 (BR-R) L3 -_ 22 /.
_i,IA,?.,6A,OR Lo(3)' _ 9< Q A-H . ' E)
o_>-<2,'. (B.-v) e_
_ 48 < (V-G) (NOTE 3) ,,.xG t (0)
' _.,y
,. (G)
CONNS L(4)LG(4) 2_ 12( (BK-o)(O-BK) @L4 _ __ 1741< (Y-BL) __)(2)32
L (5) _ 15 (S- BK) (_ L5 SPARES _ _, (Y-O)
.37 l (_ LG , .-_.... 34 /_ (O-Y)
- . eL ° 42 (2)4LG (5) _ 40 /_ (BK-S) _ _ '6 (BL-Y)
LEADsBUZZER"I BZB_zI 335_:____ 43/_18((Y-G)(G-Y) ..._-6(BL) _ BUZZER(_ (BL) "r'=_ KS-20419LI SIGNALGRoUND.....G-SG _0.__)._._ 19 / (BR-Y) ,. (2) SG
SPEAKERPHONE . , 25/_ _.,;
LK _ (S-V)
/AI-B (J) _ _._ 2( (O-W) r2__,ePU (Y) b
.-.(., (w-o, " " H .
IAI, IA2, A-H (2) _ 30 /- (W-S) I 6A OR 6B B (3) _ 8 /_ (G-R) -X (S-R) (O-BK)
KTS A LEAD A-H-S (:3) v v\_ 33 / (R--G)CONN ,,, \ ._H_¢ _ (BR)__ .....
SPEAKERPHoNE AG _ 50 /_ (V-S) I (Y-S) T (BK) (S) 1"
BUSY LAMP .. , _ _ ,, 44 _ (Y-BR) . (2)I F._.__.I (NOTES 4,5, AND 6)
B (2) _ 5 /_ (S-W) ")( __2H v. (Y-B +
B (4) 22 (BL-BK)
-- 36 L (BK-BL) v i
A-H-S (4, :_ '' ( , ")(" (__4H ¢( (S-Y) HIA RINGER
B (5) .,, _ _)X R (R) _(S-R) I"
- -X
..... 39 /
A-H-S (5) _ \ (BK- BR) 5H (BR-BK)
(BR- BK) - ¢ _
,, eL--- v I--
_ _ ' I
F R'R. 0_0_< 20 : (S-Y, jl ', '_
C'RCU'TLB-B'" _ 4s ,,-
(Y-S) ........ L @
(Y-S) (_RT (BK) ¢.-v-_v-___3650a(R) j'_K'I"
I t ( S)
eR 2650. _A
" 0
Fig. 1--1_2565HK (MD) or 2565HKM (MD) Telephone Set, Connections (Sheet 1 of 3)_1
Page 3
SECTION 502-543-405
I _' _ |I (R).... ,t (R)
I , vl.- I 1
' ' ' RCVR
,,,o., I I (r)LS+:
SH I I' t' '
""b'_'lI I " "- " 1
co, I I K
Fig. 1--$2565HK (MD) or 2565HKM (MD) Telephone Set, Connections (Sheet 2 of 3)$
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+ 8 hidden pages