AT&TCo Standardlssue 7, December 1980
1. GENERAL cord conductors can be extended to the control
1.01 This section contains information for the connecting block. If control unit is located at the
2565GK (MD), 2565GKM (MD), and 2565GKMS key equipment, extend the leads through an A25B
telephone sets (Fig. 1 and 2). connector cable or inside wiring cable. Speakerphone
1.02 This section is reissued to"
. Show 2565GKM telephone set MD manufactures prior to July 20, 1979] telephone
. Add information on 2565GKMS telephone set multipled with any other set capable of furnishing
. Add D-181006 Kit of Parts (Polarity Guard) speakerphone leads must be disconnected, insulated,
e Add information on the 533K diode (or these speakerphone leads will provide a common
equivalent) which replaces KS-15724L1 diode, path between the circuits of the multipled telephone
1.03 SThe 2565GKMS telephone set is similar to Division 512.4
the 2565GKM set except the new line switch
is provided on the 2565GKMS which breaks both 2.05 Exclusion can be provided by the addition
the tip and ring side of the line instead of the ring of a D-179935 Kit of Parts which must be
side only.¢ ordered separately. Connect as shown in Table A.
unit by using a 149-type adapter or 66E-type
connections are shown in Division 512.
2.04 SWhen a 2565GK (MD) or 2565GKM [(MD)
set is not used as a speakerphone set and is
speakerphone feature, the T1 (V-G) and R1 (G-V)
and stored at the telephone set. If not disconnected,
sets. Speakerphone connections are shown in
2. CONNECTIONS 2.06 SWhen a polarity guard is required with
2.01 These sets are factory-wired for use with separately) can be installed and connected as shown
1A1, 1A2, 6A, or 6B key telephone systems in Table B.¢
(KTS), 4A speakerphone, and individual or common
line ringer. They can be used with 1A KTS by 2.07 An 812559623 (P-25E962) terminal strip
modifying as shown in Fig. 3 and 4. Hold feature assembly (ordered separately) is available
is not provided, when additional terminating points are required
2.02 Early model sets were furnished from the
factory with H1A (MD) ringer, current models 2.08 Installation instructions for the exclusion
have H1B ringer. Provision is made for buzzer, switch, polarity guard, and auxiliary terminal
ordered separately. Use spare pair and terminals strip are given in Reference Section 502-500-120.
to connect to equipment. When power failure
feature is provided in the KTS, audible signal 2.09 All convertible key positions are supplied as
must be wired with capacitor in circuit, pickup keys To convert from pickup
2.03 If 3-type (MD) speakerphone control unit is detail from key positions involved. Make necessary
located near the telephone set, the mounting wiring changes as shown in Table C.
Not for use or disclosure outside the
Bell System except under written agreement
Printed in U.S.A. Page 1
these sets, a D-181006 Kit of Parts (ordered
for auxiliary services such as buzzers, lamps, etc.
(locking) to signaling (nonlocking), remove the screw

SECTION 502-543-403
__ (W) Ct (O-BK) -
(NOTE I) DSOS .........
fR (I) ^2/ L (BL-W) IR
- _ -_'"-"-_'_% I _. _ ,-,v ,, --r_,_ _)N / (V-BL).
R (2) 8 . (BR-W) 2R
_(_) o-__,< (w-_ e=_. v (BL-v)___.,_CH
1A1, 1A2,
6A, OR 6B .-.k
KTS LINE R (4) _ I0 < (S-R) . .(_4R v1,, ,,,. IV- O) I SH 2
C0NNS T ('4) ' <;_ 35 < !R-S) , , _4T v _. (O-W)
T (3)
CLIP NO,. (NOTE 1) (_ 6 PU
(i )
(3) _ _<..(0.-R! _3_ ,,v .,• TO
- __ 32.<. (R-O) . T _ "' (NOTE 2) - '
. (_) _ ,_< (o-_)(__oi '_"_ _ - ' _,, -}-
T (5) _ 38 < (BL_Y)' ' v R
R(6) 025>-<,6< ............. <_6 x , L2t (0)
T (6) '"_ 41 < (Y,BL) "_ ¢6T X _' (G) , (_ "
R ! : -o_.o_ 2 3 / (G -v) (NOTE $ ) ...........
SPE AKERPHONE iT _ 49 < (V- BR) (NOTE 3 )
IAI, 1A2 LG (3) i - -.,_ 34 < (R-BR) ,_ LG _ :Om;'(::)_< 47 < (2)
KT" 12 < (0- BK) L4 (O-Y)
CONNS LG (4) _ 37 / (BK-O) _ _ '7 < (BR-BK) +9
IR _ 24 < (BR-V)
" , _ ,_< (v-G,! ........ _t ....... (0,).........
LG (I) 5 • (W-G) (2) LG : _ CLIP NO. MTG CORD (NOTE 1)
L (2) ;_ 28< L2: _ R _ 2'< (BL-V) GER
: 6 < (BL-R) , '(_ : I::::_-_ EXCLUDED T
............ STATION
LG (2) :-:o..,Lko.._ 31< (R-BL) .j,_LG ,_ B _ 46< (V-BE) _)ET
_ _ 22 / (O-V) , ,,(_)EB
L (3) - _ 9 < (BR-R) _ L3 _ (NOTE 2) :A OR H 43 . \ (V-O} EH
L (5) _ _ 15 < (S-BK) .... (2> L5
MTG CORD {_ 5 d (V)
(G-W) ..._ L I '
:5.... _,_.#-- (NOTE ')
"_j¢ X ' "' _ USION
' - -- - " (o-v)
C)_Q. T v .. ..
...... @8
• ? .................. PART OF 636B KEY LS )" (G-W)
OR 3
L (6) 03.60__ i 8 / (G-Y) _L6_ t_ (G-R) _ 2
LG (6) : _ "43< (Y-G) ' - LG SIG GRD L_.... 19<
SPEAKERPHONE .... _ 25 < (S,-V) ................. f_) ...... a
IAI IA2 - - "
6A 'OR 6;I A-H-S-
KTS A , _ 36 / _4 v (BR) HIA RINGER
LEAD I A- H- S-_ -- 2650_
CONNS IS, (5) ; _ 39< (,BK-BR), __SH X (Y) . __
SPEAKERPHoNE "_'AG ' 49_ . / (V-S) I (NOTES 4. 5, AND 6)
BUSYLAMP_CIRCU ..... _ 44 < , ' ' Q_ Ii __ (S_Y)_RR (S)STRAP __At
LK (S)
C AI-B _ 2<, (o-w) Qb,e PU -;_ M
[ A-H (l): _ 27
A'H (2) _ _T_ ..... (BR) 'I,,. (_) _ _o t<33
I Sl (4) (BK- BL) H
-- \ (S-Y)_ RR (R) (S-R)_A
I SI (6) _ 42< (Y-O) ,(_6H (BR BK)
o_ ..... '_ ............. I
BL 37 . (Y--BR) ....I I RIB RINGER
RINGER LB-BI __ 45 \/ (Y--I - .......... L (y_,)_,, (,_j._p_,*.,o.
\- - ..... I/, 8 (. '(BR_Y) SG,, , G-SG
........................ b,
- IO00Q
Lit ,,(y) .... LS
Fig. 1--1_2565GK (MD) or 2565GKM (MD) Telephone Set, Connections (Sheet 1 of 3)_1
Page 2

ISS 7, SECTION 502-543-403
I (O-BK) I .. PART OF 35-TYPE DIAL I / ..... \
" ' w -" i
I' -I 2565GK (NOTE 7)
,_!G-W) 1, -- Svt I
_v) I - A ] I (R) Tt (R)
. .... I _3'_ '
I x w
I _ - _ I - I -_ , TRMTR
I (R-G) R f (W)
I - ' RCVR
A v .,,, , A I
I .......(BE) Bt (BK) L_
I ' _ ,
SH I c__t I I (W-BL) t (W)
.... (w) It _ T___- "..... !1 ' -
I y z I A ,E_o,K ,
(G). I : I : _ ...... <D
I lii I F
I I G.
, , 1
(o) i I . _'_
L__ 1 c RR
Fig. 1--1_2565GK (MD) or 2565GKM (MD) Telephone Set, Connections (Sheet 2 of 3)_1
Page 3