Belkin Wireless G Plus MIMO User Manual

Wireless G Plus MIMO
US: 877-736-5771
310-898-1100 ext. 2263 Europe: 00 800 223 55 460 Australia: 1800 235 546 New Zealand: 0800 235 546 Singapore: 800 616 1790
Belkin Corporation
501 West Walnut Street Los Angeles, CA 90220, USA 310-898-1100 310-898-1111 fax
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© 2006 Belkin Corporation. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. The mark Wi-Fi is a registered mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The “Wi-Fi CERTIFIED” logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Mac, Mac OS, Apple, and AirPort are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
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Boeing Avenue 333 1119 PH Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands +31 (0) 20 654 7300 +31 (0) 20 654 7349 fax
Wireless G Plus MIMO
Share your broadband Internet connection
User Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Advantages of a Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Placement of your Wireless G Plus MIMO Router . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Knowing your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements . . . . . . . 9
4 Connecting and Configuring your Router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5 Alternate Setup Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6 Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface . . . . . . . . . . 42
Changing LAN Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Viewing the DHCP Client List Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Configuring the Wireless Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Setting WPA Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Setting WEP Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Using the Access Point Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Setting MAC Address Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Configuring the Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Using Dynamic DNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Restarting the Router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Updating the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7 Manually Configuring Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8 Recommended Web Browser Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
9 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
10 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
sec tio n
Thank you for purchasi ng the Be lkin Wi re less G Plus MI MO Rout er (the R outer). Follow ing are t wo shor t secti on s—the f irst di scuss es the benefi ts of h ome net working , and t he othe r outli nes bes t pract ices that m aximize your w irel ess h om e net wo rk ra ng e and p erfor ma nce. Please be sure to read throu gh this User M anual c omplete ly, a nd pay specia l atten tion to the se ction e ntitled “Place ment of your W irel ess Networ king Ha rd wa re for Op timal P erforma nce” on the ne xt page . By follow ing our simple setup instruc tions y ou will be abl e to us e your Belkin Home N etwork to:
• Share one high -speed Int ern et connect ion with al l t he compute rs in your ho me
• Share re sources, suc h a s f iles and ha rd dr ives among al l t he connec ted comput ers in your ho me
• Share a single pr inter wi th the entire fami ly
• Share docum ents, musi c, video, a nd digital pi ctures
• Store, retrieve , a nd copy fil es from one comput er to anoth er
• Simult aneousl y p lay game s o nline, che ck Inter net emai l, and chat
Advantages of a Wireless Network
Mobili ty – yo u’ll no longer need a dedica ted “co mputer ro om ”—now you ca n work on a ne tworked laptop or des ktop co mputer anywhere within your w irel ess r an ge
Easy i nstalla tion – Belkin’s Eas y Insta llation Wizard m ak es setup simple
Flexib ility – set up and ac cess pr inters, comput ers, an d other networ king de vices f ro m anywh ere in your home
Easy E xpansio n – the wide r ange of Belkin networ king prod uc ts le t you ex pand yo ur netw ork to include device s such as prin ters an d gaming consol es
No cab ling requ ired – you can spa re the ex pense a nd hass le of ret ro fitting Ethernet ca bling t hroughout the ho me or o ff ice
Widesp re ad indu st ry ac ce ptanc e – cho os e from a wide ra nge of interope ra ble n et worki ng products
Placement of your Wireless G Plus MIMO Router
Important Factors for Placement and Setup
Your wireles s conne ction w ill be stro nger th e close r your compute r is to you r Route r (or a ccess p oint). Typi cal ind oor ope rating range f or wireless d evice s is be tw een 1 00 and 20 0 fee t.
In the same w ay, y our wirel es s con ne ction a nd pe rf orman ce will degrad e somew hat as the dis tance b etween your Ro uter (o r acces s point) and co nnected device s increas es . Thi s may o r may n ot be notice able to you. A s you m ove far ther from y our R ou ter ( or acce ss point) , conne ction s peed ma y decreas e. Fact or s tha t can w ea ken signal s simpl y by ge tting i n the w ay of y our net work’s radio waves are metal applian ces or obstruc tions, and wal ls.
If you have c oncer ns ab ou t you r netwo rk ’s pe rform an ce th at migh t be rel ated to rang e or ob st ructi on fact or s, tr y movin g the c om puter t o a positi on betw een fiv e and 1 0 feet from the Ro uter (o r acc es s poi nt ) in ord er to s ee if d istan ce is t he problem. If diffi culties persis t even at close range, please contact Belkin Technical Support .
Note: While s ome of the ite ms list ed belo w can a ff ec t net wo rk perfor mance, they wi ll not proh ibit yo ur wi rele ss netw ork from functi oning; if you are conce rned that yo ur netw ork is not ope rating at its ma ximum e ff ec tiven es s, th is chec kl ist m ay help .
1. Wireless Router (or Access Point) Placement
Place your Ro uter (o r acces s point ), the central connec tion point of your networ k, as c lose as possib le to t he cent er of y our wireless n etwor k devic es .
To achieve the be st wirele ss netw ork cov erage f or your “wireless client s” (i.e ., comp uters e nabled by Belk in Wirele ss Note bo ok Networ k Cards, Wi re less De sktop N etwork Cards, an d Wireless USB Ad apters) :
• E ns ure t hat your Ro uter’s ( or access p oi nt’s) network ing antenn as are p arallel to ea ch other, a nd are p osition ed vertic ally (towa rd th e c eiling) . I f your Rout er (or acce ss point) itself is po sitio ne d vertic ally, po int the ant en nas as much as possib le in an upward directi on.
• I n m ultisto ry homes, pla ce the Rout er (or access po int) on a floor tha t i s as close to t he center of the ho me as possi ble. This may m ea n placin g t he Router ( or access poi nt) on an upper flo or.
sec tio n
• Try no t t o place the Ro uter (or ac cess point ) n ear a cordless
2.4GHz ph one.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id pl ac ing y ou r Rou te r (or a ccess p oint) n ear d ev ices th at ma y emit r adio “n oise,” such as microwav e ovens . Dense o bject s that can in hibit w irel ess c om munic at ion i nc lude:
• R ef riger at ors
• Wa shers an d/or dryer s
• M et al cabin ets
• L arge aq ua riums
• M et allic -b ased UV tin ted window s
If you r wireles s signa l seems w eak i n some sp ots, ma ke su re t hat object s such as thes e are not b locki ng the si gnal’s pat h (betw ee n your c omputer s and R outer o r acces s point )
3. Cordless Phones
If the perfor mance o f your wire less ne twork i s imp ai re d after attend ing to the abo ve issu es, and you ha ve a co rd le ss ph on e:
• Try mo ving cordles s p hones aw ay from your Route r ( or acces s point) an d y our wireless -enable d c omput er s.
• Unplug and remove the battery from any cordless phone that operates on the 2.4GHz band (check manufacturer’s information). If this fixes the problem, your phone may be interfering.
• I f y our phone sup ports ch an nel sele ction, cha nge the cha nn el on the pho ne to the farthe st chann el from yo ur wireless networ k. For exam pl e, chang e t he phone to ch annel 1 and move your Ro uter (or ac cess point ) t o channe l 1 1. See your phone’s user ma nu al for deta iled instr uctions .
• I f n ecessar y, consi der switch ing to a 900MH z o r 5 GHz cordless ph one.
4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless Network
In loc ations where hom es or o ffic es are cl ose tog ether, su ch as apartm ent bui ldings or office c omple xe s, th ere may be wireless networ ks near by that can co nflict with yo urs.
Use th e Site Survey capabil ities f ound in the Wi re le ss Ut il ity o f your w irel ess a da pter to loca te any ot her w irel ess net works t hat
are avai la ble ( se e you r wireless adapter ’s us er manu al), an d move your R outer ( or acce ss poin t) and compute rs to a channe l as fa r away f ro m other n etwor ks as p os sible .
• E xp erime nt with more than one of th e availa ble channe ls, in ord er to find the cl earest conne ction an d a void inter fere nce fro m neighb oring cordle ss phones or oth er wireless dev ices.
• F or Belkin wirel es s networ king product s, use the detai led Site Survey an d w ireless chan nel info rm ation in cluded wit h y our wireless ne twork card. See yo ur network ca rd ’s use r g uide for more inform ation.
These guideli nes sho uld all ow you to cove r the m aximum possibl e are a wit h your Ro uter (o r acc es s poi nt ). Sh ou ld yo u need to cover an even wider area , we su ggest t he Be lk in Wi rele ss Rang e Extend er/Acce ss Poin t.
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure conn ec ti on s typi ca lly require a user name and pas sw ord, and are u se d wh ere secu ri ty i s important. Secure connections include:
• Virtu al Private Ne twork (V PN) connec tions, oft en used to connec t rem otely to an office ne twork
• T he “Bring Your Own Ac ce ss” program f rom A me rica Onl ine (AOL), wh ich lets yo u u se AOL through broad band provide d b y anothe r c able or DSL se rvice
• M os t online ba nking webs ites
• M an y commercial we bsite s t hat req uire a u ser name an d passwo rd to ac cess your a cc ount
Secure conne ctions can be interr upted by a com puter’s pow er manage ment set ting, wh ich caus es it to “go to sleep .” The simp lest soluti on to a void thi s is to simply rec onnect b y rerunnin g the V PN or AOL softwa re , or by re- logging into t he secu re websit e.
A seco nd alte rna ti ve is t o cha ng e you r compu te r’s p ower manage ment se ttings so it d oes not go to sleep; however, this may no t be ap prop riate f or po rt able co mpute rs . To chan ge your power managem ent set ting un der Win dows, s ee the “Power Option s” item in the Control Pa nel.
sec tio n
For mo re i nform at ion regardi ng our network ing product s, visi t our websit e at ww w.b elkin .c om/ne tw orkin g or ca ll Belk in Technica l Suppor t at:
USA: 877-736-5771 310-898-1100 ext. 2263 Europe: 00 800 223 55 460 Australia: 1800 235 546 New Zealand: 0800 235 546 Singapore: 800 616 1790
Product Overview
Product Features
In min utes yo u will be able to sha re y our I nt ern et conn ection and networ k your compute rs. The follow ing is a list of feat ures that m ake your n ew Belk in Wirele ss G Pl us MIMO R outer a n ide al solu ti on fo r your h ome or small o ff ic e net wo rk.
Works with Both PCs and Mac® Computers
The Ro uter su pports a varie ty of n etworki ng envi ro nm ents in cludi ng Mac OS® 8.x, 9.x, X v10.x, Linux®, Wind ows® 98, M e, NT®, 2000 , and XP, an d other s. All that is needed is an Inter net brows er and a netwo rk adapte r that support s TCP/I P (the standard la nguag e of th e Inter net).
Front-Panel LED Display
Lighte d LEDs on the fron t of th e Rou te r ind ic ate w hi ch fu nc tions a re in operat ion. You’ll know a t-a-gla nce whe ther yo ur Rout er is c onnecte d to the Internet. T his f ea ture elim inates the nee d for a dvanced softwa re and st atus-mo nitorin g procedu res.
Web-Based Advanced User Interface
You can se t up th e Route r’s a dvanced functi ons eas ily throu gh your web brow se r, with out hav ing to install additi onal so ftware on to the comput er. The re a re no dis ks to i nstall or keep track of and, best o f all, y ou can make ch anges a nd perf orm set up func tions f ro m any comput er on t he netw ork qui ckly an d easil y.
NAT IP Address Sharing
Your Route r emplo ys Netw ork Add re ss Transl ation ( NAT) to share th e single IP add re ss assi gn ed to y ou by y our I nt ern et Serv ice Provi de r while saving the cos t of ad ding ad ditiona l IP ad dres ses t o your Internet se rvice a ccoun t.
SPI Firewall
Your Route r is eq uipped with a firewall that wi ll protect your ne twork fro m a w id e arr ay of c om mon h ac ker a tt acks in cludi ng IP S po ofing , Land A ttack, Ping of Death (PoD), Denial of Serv ice (Do S), IP with ze ro length , Smurf Attack , TCP N ull Sca n, SYN flood, UDP flo oding, Tear Dro p Att ac k, IC MP defe ct , RIP d efect , and f ra gment f loodi ng .
Product Overview
Integrated 10/100 4-Port Switch
The Ro uter ha s a bui lt-in, four-por t netwo rk swit ch to a ll ow yo ur wired comput ers to share pri nt ers, da ta an d MP3 f il es, d ig ital ph otos, a nd much m ore. The sw itch fe atures au tomatic detect ion so it will adjust to the sp eed of connect ed devi ces. Th e switc h will transfe r data between comput ers and the In ter ne t sim ul taneo us ly wi th out i nt errup ti ng or consum ing resou rces .
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
UPnP i s a tec hnology that o ff er s sea ml ess o pe ratio n of vo ic e messag ing, vi deo mes saging, games, and ot her app licatio ns that are UPnP -c ompli an t.
Support for VPN Pass-Through
If you connec t to yo ur office n etwor k from home using a VPN connec tion, y our Rou ter wil l allow your V PN-equi pped co mputer to pass t hrou gh th e Route r and t o your offi ce netw ork.
Built-In Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Built- In Dyna mic Hos t Confi guratio n Protoco l (DHCP ) on-bo ard makes for th e easie st poss ible co nnectio n of a network . The D HCP ser ver will a ssign I P address es to e ac h com pu ter a ut omati ca lly s o there is no need f or a co mplicat ed netw orking setup.
Easy Install Wizard
The Ea sy In stall Wizard takes th e gue sswork out of set ting up your Router. Thi s a utoma ti c softwa re dete rmines your netwo rk setting s f or you and sets up the Route r for co nnectio n to you r Int ern et Se rvice Pro vider (ISP ). In a mat ter of minutes, yo ur Router will be up and runn ing on the Internet.
Note: Easy Instal l Wizard soft ware is com pa tible w ith Win dows 98 SE , Me, 2 00 0, XP, and Ma c OS X. If y ou are us ing an ot her op erating syste m, the R ou ter ca n be se t up using th e Alte rna te Setup Metho d desc ri bed in this U ser Man ual (se e page 24).
sec tio n
Product Overview
Integrated G Plus MIMO Wireless Access Point
G Plus MIMO i s an ex citing new wirel es s tec hn ology t hat a ch ieves data r ates up to 54M bps. Ac tual th ro ug hput is typi ca lly l ow er than t he conn ected d ata rat e and w ill var y depen ding on your networ king en viro nment .
MAC Address Filtering
For ad ded sec urity, you c an set up a li st of M AC addres se s (un iq ue client identi fiers) that are al lowed a ccess t o you r netwo rk . Eve ry comput er has its own MAC ad dres s. Si mp ly en te r the se MAC addresse s into a list us ing t he Web-Bas ed Adva nced Us er Inte rface and yo u can c ontrol ac ce ss to y our n et work.
Knowing your Router
Package Contents
• Belkin Wi re less G Plus MI MO Router
• Quick Ins tallati on Guide
• Belkin Ea sy Insta ll Wizard Softw are CD
• Belkin RJ 45 Ether net Netw orking Cab le
• Power Sup ply
• User Manu al
System Requirements
• Bro adban d I ntern et conne ct ion such as a c ab le or DSL mode m with RJ45 (E thernet) conn ection
• At least o ne compute r w ith an inst al led netw ork interf ace adapte r
• TCP/IP ne tworkin g p ro tocol inst alled on ea ch compute r
• RJ45 Ethe rne t n etworki ng cable
• Internet browser
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements
• A PC runni ng Windows® 9 8SE, Me, 20 00, or XP, or a Mac® comput er running Ma c OS® X
• Minimu m 6 4MB RAM
• Internet browser
sec tio n
Knowing your Router
The Ro uter ha s been designe d to be placed on a d esktop. All of the cables exit f ro m the rear of the Router for bet ter organiz ation a nd utilit y. Th e LED i ndicato rs are ea si ly vi si ble o n the T OP of t he Rout er to provi de you wi th in fo rmati on abou t netwo rk acti vi ty an d statu s.
Wireless G Plus MIMO Router
Knowing your Router
A. Wireless Network LED
OFF Wireless ne twork is OFF
Gre en Wireless ne twork is ready
Blinki ng Indica tes wireless ac tivity
B. Wired Computer Status LEDs
These LED s a re la beled 1– 4 a nd correspon d t o t he numbered ports on t he rear of the Router. W hen a compute r i s pro perly connec ted to one of the wi re d c omputer po rts on the rear of the Router, t he LED will ligh t. When inf or matio n i s b eing sent ove r t he port, the LE D blinks ra pidly.
OFF No device is linked to the po rt
Gre en 10Base -T device c on necte d
Blinki ng Port acti vity
C. Modem/WAN Status LED
This L ED ligh ts in G REEN to indica te that your m odem is connec ted prope rl y to th e Rou te r. It b links r apidly when inform ation i s being sent o ver the port b etween the Rou ter and the mo dem.
OFF No WA N l ink
Solid Green Good WAN link
Blinki ng Green WAN ac tivity
sec tio n
Knowing your Router
D. Internet/Connected LED
This u nique L ED show s you w hen the Router is con nected to the Internet. W hen t he ligh t is OF F, th e Route r is NO T conne cted to the In ter ne t. Wh en the li ght i s blink in g, th e Route r is at te mptin g to con nect to the In ter ne t. Wh en the li ght i s solid G REEN, t he Router is con nected to the Inter net. Wh en us in g the “ Disco nn ect after x minut es” fea ture , thi s LED b ec omes ex tremely u seful i n monito ring th e statu s of yo ur Rout er’s connect ion.
OFF Route r i s n ot connect ed to
the Inter net
Blinki ng Green Router is at tempt in g to connec t t o
the Inter net
Solid Green Router is co nnect ed to the Internet
Knowing your Router
E. Power/Ready LED
When y ou appl y power to the Router or resta rt it, a short p eriod of tim e elaps es whil e the R outer b oots up . Durin g this time, t he “Power /Ready” LED bl inks. W hen the Router has co mpletel y booted up, th e “Powe r/Ready ” LED b ecomes a SOLID light, indica ting th e Route r is read y for u se .
OFF Route r i s O FF
Blinki ng Green Router is bo oting up
Solid Green Router is read y
sec tio n
Knowing your Router
Rear Panel
(6) (7) (8) (9)
F. Power Jack – GRAY
Connec t the i ncluded 12V/0. 5A DC p ower su pply to this j ack.
G. Connections to Computers (Wired Computer Ports) – YELLOW
Connec t your wire d (no n- wireless) comput ers to these p orts. These ports a re R J45, 10 /100 au to-ne go tiati on , aut o- uplin ki ng ports for sta ndard UTP c atego ry 5 or 6 Ethe rnet cable. The por ts are labe le d 1 t hrou gh 4. T hese po rts cor re spond t o the n umbered LEDs o n the f ro nt of t he Rout er.
H. Connection to Modem (Modem Port) – BLUE
This p ort is for con nection to you r cable or DSL modem. Use th e cable that wa s provide d with th e mod em to c on nect th e mod em to thi s port. Use of a cabl e other than t he cabl e suppl ied wit h the cable modem m ay not work prop er ly.
Knowing your Router
I. Reset Button
The “R eset” b utton i s used in rare c as es wh en the Ro uter ma y functi on improp er ly. R esett in g the R outer w ill resto re the Ro uter’s normal operat ion whi le main taining the prog ra mmed se tting s. You can al so restore th e facto ry defa ult set tings b y using the “R eset” button . Use t he restore op tion in instan ces whe re you ma y have forgotten your cu stom pa ssword.
(a) Resetting the Router
Push a nd releas e the “ Re set” bu tton. T he li gh ts on t he Ro ut er will m omentar ily fla sh. The “Power /Ready” light will be gin to blink. When t he “Pow er/Read y” ligh t becom es soli d again , the res et is c omple te .
(b) Restoring the Factory Defaults
Pre ss and hold th e “ Reset ” b utton for at l ea st 10 secon ds, then releas e i t. The ligh ts on the Router wi ll momen tarily flash. Th e “ Power /R eady” li ght will begi n t o blink. Wh en the “Powe r/Ready ” l ight bec omes solid ag ain, the restore is comple te.
sec tio n
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Verify the contents of your box. You should have the following:
• Belkin Wi re less G Plus MI MO Router
• Catego ry 5 N etwor ki ng Cable (f or connect ing the Rou ter to the compu ter)
• Power Sup ply
• Belkin Ea sy Insta ll Wizard Softw are CD
• User Manu al
Modem Requirements
Your cab le or DSL modem must be equ ipped with an RJ4 5 Eth er net port . Many modem s have both an RJ45 Eth ern et p ort and a USB conne ction. If you have a mod em with both Ethe rne t and USB, and are u sing the USB connec tion at this time, you will be instruct ed to use the RJ45 Ethernet po rt du ri ng th e insta ll ation p ro cedure. I f your mo dem h as only a USB port, you ca n reques t a diffe rent type of mo dem from your I SP, or you can, in some cas es, purchase a modem th at ha s a n R J45 Ethernet port o n it.
Ethernet USB
Easy Install Wizard
Belkin has prov id ed ou r Easy In stall W izard sof tware to make in stallin g your R outer a simple and ea sy task . You can u se it t o get y our Rou ter up and runnin g in mi nutes. The Eas y Insta ll Wiza rd req uires tha t your Window s 98SE, Me, 20 00, or XP comp uter be connec ted direc tl y to your c able or DSL mo dem and that t he Inte rne t conne ct ion i s activ e and wo rking a t the t ime of install ation. If it i s not, you mus t use t he “Alter nat e Setup M ethod ” secti on of t hi s Use r Manua l to co nf igure your R outer. Ad ditio na lly, if yo u are using an ope rating system other than W indows 98SE, M e, 2000 , or XP, you m ust set up the Router using the “Al ter na te Se tu p Met ho d” se ct ion o f this Us er Ma nu al.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Step 1 Run the Easy Install Wizard Software
1 Shut down any programs that are running on your computer at
this time.
2 Make sure you have the following items at the computer that is now
directly connected to the cable or DSL modem. DO NOT CONNECT THE ROUTER AT THIS TIME.
• T he Easy Insta ll Wizard CD-RO M
• T he Router
• T he Router Pow er Supply
• C at egory 5 Net working Ca ble
• T hi s User Manu al
3 Turn off any firewall or Internet-connection-sharing software on
your computer.
Windows User: Insert the Easy Install Wizard software CD into your CD-ROM drive. The Network Setup Utility screen will automatically appear on your screen within 15 seconds. Click on “Run the Easy Install Wizard” to begin.
Select your region from the drop-down box shown on the screen.
Note for Windows Users: If the Easy Install
Wizard does not start up automatically, select your CD-ROM drive from “My Computer” and double-click on the file named “Start” to start the Network Setup Utility.
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Connecting and Configuring your Router
Mac OS Users: Insert the Easy Install Wizard software CD into your CD-ROM
drive. Click on the CD icon; a folder will pop up. To begin, click on “start. osx” if you have Mac OS X.
4. Follow the Easy Install Wizard to complete the installation.
Welcome Screen
After you ins ert the CD int o your C D-ROM d rive, t he Wizard’s welc om e screen will appear. Make su re you ha ve not connec ted the Router at thi s point. If you have c onnecte d your R outer, pl ease reco nnect your c omputer directly t o the modem. Click “Next” when yo u are ready to move o n.
Progress Screen
Easy I nstall will sh ow you a pro gress scree n each time a step in the setup has bee n compl eted. Each t ime you see th e progress screen, cl ick “ Ne xt” w he n you a re rea dy to m ove t o the n ex t ste p.
1.1 Examining Settings
The Wi zard will n ow ex am ine y ou r comput er’s network settin gs and gather inform ation n eeded t o comple te the Router’s con nection to the I ntern et. Whe n the Wizard is finish ed exam ining y our com puter, click “Next” to cont inue.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
1.2 Multi-NICs Screen
This s cree n wil l appea r ONLY if y ou have more than one net work adapte r insta lled in your c omputer. If yo u have mo re than o ne netw ork
adapte r insta lled in your c omputer, the Wi zard will n eed t o know wh ich adapte r is co nnected to you r modem . Select the ne twork c ard that is connec ted to your mo dem from th e list a nd clic k “Next ”. If y ou are no t sure whi ch adap te r to ch oose, s elect the ad apter a t the t op of t he list . If yo u mistak enly ch oose th e wrong a da pter now, yo u will be able t o cho os e a different on e later.
Hardware Setup – Connect the Router to your
Step 2
The Wi zard will w alk y ou through connect ing you r Route r to yo ur comput er and modem. Follow the ste ps on t he screen u sing th e pictures a s a g ui de.
Modem and computer
2.1 This step instructs you to locate
the cable connected between your modem and the networking port on your computer. Unplug this cable from the computer and plug it into the BLUE port on the Router. Click “Next” to continue.
sec tio n
Connecting and Configuring your Router
2.2 This step instructs you to locate
the YELLOW cable that is included with your Router. Plug one end of this cable into ANY one of the YELLOW ports on your Router. Plug the other end of the cable into the networking port on your computer. Click “Next” to continue.
2.3 This step instructs you to locate
the power supply that is included with your Router. Plug the power supply’s small connector into the GRAY port on the Router. Plug the power supply into an empty power outlet. Click “Next” to continue.
2.4 This step instructs you to look at
the lights on the front of your Router. Make sure the appropriate lights are ON. Refer to the Easy Install Wizard software on your computer’s screen for more details. Click “Next” to continue.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
Step 3 Checking the Connection
3.1 Once you have completed
connecting the Router, the Wizard will check the connection to the Router then go on to determine what type of Internet connection you have.
3.2 User Name and Password Needed
If you have a connec tion ty pe that req uires a u ser nam e and a passwo rd , the W iz ard will ask you to typ e in yo ur user name a nd passwo rd . If yo ur conn ec tion ty pe do es not requ ire a use r name and passwo rd , you w il l not s ee th is screen.
Your user name and password is
provided to you by your Internet Service Provider. If you have to type in a user name and password to connect to the Inter net, then type that same user name and password in here. Your user name looks something like “” or simply “jsmith”. The service name is optional and is very rarely required by your ISP. If you don’t know your service name, leave this blank. When you have entered your information, click “Next” to move on.
sec tio n
Connecting and Configuring your Router
3.3 Wireless Setup
Thi s Ste p Is Op ti onal. C lick
“Next” if you want t o skip it.
Usi ng th is step , you c an
custom ize you r wireles s netwo rk settin gs if y ou want to. Fo llow the st eps on the scree n to comple te this step. Click “ Next” to con tinue.
Step 4 Configuring the Router
The Wi zard will n ow tr an sfer al l of th e con fi gurat io n inf or matio n to th e Router. This wi ll ta ke approxim ately o ne minu te. Dur ing thi s time, do not tu rn off the Rou ter or compute r. The Ro uter wi ll restar t itsel f at th e end of this s tep.
4.1 Checking Internet
The Wiza rd w ill now check for
an Int ern et conn ec tion. T his c an take a few mi nutes. The Wiz ard may no t detec t a con nection right away. If no t, it w ill retry a numb er of tim es. The “Conne cted” l ight on the fron t panel o f the R outer w ill flash during this ti me. Ple ase be patien t through t his p roce ss.
Connecting and Configuring your Router
4.2 Finished
Whe n the I nternet co nnectio n
is com plete, the Wiz ard will te ll you th at you are finis he d. Th e “Conne cted” L ED on t he front of the Ro uter wi ll be s olid GR EEN, indica ting th at the Router is now connec ted to the Int ern et .
Your R ou ter i s now c on necte d to th e Inter net. Now you can be gin surfin g the I ntern et by o penin g your brow ser and going to your favori te web pa ge.
Congra tulatio ns! You hav e finis hed ins talling your n ew Belk in Rout er. You are ready to set up the ot her com puters in your home. You can also a dd comp uters t o your Router any tim e you w ant.
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Alternate Setup Method
Step 1 Connecting your Gateway Router
1.1 Turn off the power to your modem by unplugging the power supply
from the modem.
1.2 Locate the network cable that is connected between your modem
and your computer and unplug it from your computer, leaving the other end connected to your modem.
1.3 Plug the loose end of the cable you just unplugged into the port on
the back of the Router labeled “Internet/WAN”.
1.4 Connect a new network cable (not included) from the back of the
computer to one of the ports labeled “1–4”. Note: It does not matter which numbered port you choose.
1.5 Turn your cable or DSL modem on by reconnecting the power
supply to the modem.
1.6 Before plugging the power cord into the Router, plug the cord into
the wall, then plug the cord into the Router’s power jack.
Mac or PC computer that was originally
connected to the cable or DSL modem
To Power Adapter
Network cable
(to computer)
Existing networking cable
(came with modem)
Alternate Setup Method
1.7 Verify that your modem is connected to the Router by checking
the lights on the TOP of the Router. The green light labeled “WAN” should be ON if your modem is connected correctly to the Router. If it is not, recheck your connections.
1.8 Verify that your computer is connected properly to the Router
by checking the lights labeled “LAN 1,2,3,4”. The light which corresponds to the numbered port connected to your computer should be ON, if your computer is connected properly. If it is not, recheck your connections.
Step 2: Step 2: Set your Computer’s Network Settings to Work with a DHCP Server
See th e secti on in t his Use r Manua l calle d “Manu ally Co nfiguri ng Networ k Setti ngs” fo r directi on s.
Step 3: Configuring the Router Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
sec tio n
Using your In ter ne t browser, you c an acce ss the Ro uter’s Web-Ba sed Advanc ed User Interf ace. In your b ro ws er, typ e “192. 168.2.1 ” (do not ty pe in a nything else s uch as “http:/ /” or “ www”). Then pres s the “Enter ” key.
Alternate Setup Method
Logging into the Router
You will s ee the Router’s hom e page in your browser window. Th e home p age is visible to any user w ho want s to se e it. To ma ke any change s to th e Route r’s s ettings , you h ave to log in. Clicki ng the “Login ” butto n or cl icking on any one of the lin ks on t he home page will t ake you to the login scre en. T he Rout er ship s with no pass wo rd entered. I n the l ogin sc re en, lea ve the password blank a nd clic k the “Submi t” butt on to l og in.
Logging out of the Router
One co mputer at a ti me can log int o the R outer f or the purpose s of mak ing cha nges to the se ttings of the Router. O nce a u ser h as logged in to make ch anges, there are two ways t hat the comput er can be logged out. C licking the “L ogout” button will lo g the c omputer out. T he seco nd meth od is a utomati c. The login w ill tim e out a fter a specif ied per iod of time. T he defa ult log in time -out is 10 min utes. T his can be change d from on e to 99 m inute s. For mo re inform ation, see the sectio n in th is manu al titl ed “Cha nging t he Logi n Time- Out Set ting”.
Understanding the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
The ho me page is the first page yo u will see whe n you a ccess t he Advanc ed User Interf ace (UI ). The home pa ge show s you a quick view of the Router ’s st atus an d setti ngs. Al l advan ced set up page s can b e rea ched from this p age.
Alternate Setup Method
(10) (2) (5) (4) (3)
1. Quick-Navigation Links
You can go directly to any of the Router ’s ad vanced UI page s by clicki ng direct ly on t he se li nk s. Th e links a re divide d into logical catego ries an d grouped b y tab s to ma ke find in g a p ar ticul ar settin g easie r to fi nd. Cli cking o n the p urple h eader o f each tab will s how you a shor t descr iption of the tab’s functi on.
sec tio n
2. Home Button
The ho me butt on is a vailabl e in ev ery pag e of th e UI. P re ss ing t hi s button will t ake you back t o the h ome pag e.
3. Internet Status Indicator
This i ndicato r is vi sible i n all p ages of the Ro uter, i nd icati ng the co nnectio n statu s of th e Route r. When t he in di cator s ays “Conne ction O K” in G REEN, t he Rout er is c onnecte d to th e Internet. W hen t he Rout er is n ot conn ec ted t o the I nt ern et, the indica tor wil l re ad “n o conne ct ion” in RED. T he in di cator i s automa tically update d when you mak e chang es to t he sett ings of the Ro uter.
+ 81 hidden pages