Belkin F9K1003 User Manual

User Manual
F9K1003v1 8820-00775 Rev. A02
Getting St arted ........................................... 1
What’s in the Box .............................................1
Initial Setup..................................................1
Advanced Tools & Settings.....................................6
The Belkin Router Manager ....................................7
Manual Setup Using Your Browser ..............................8
Adding Computers to Your Network .............................9
Additional Capabilities ....................................... 11
Getting to Know Your Router ..............................12
Front Panel .................................................12
Back Panel .................................................13
Technical Details ........................................ 14
Technical Features ..........................................14
System Requirements........................................15
Using Your Router ....................................... 16
Enabling Auto Update on Your Belkin Router.....................16
Updating Your Router via Your System Tray
(Windows) or Menu Bar (Mac) .................................18
Updating the Router’s Firmware via the Web Interface ............19
Resetting the Router .........................................23
Restoring Your Router to Factory Defaults .......................23
Restoring the Router to Default Settings Using the Web Inter face ...24
Troubleshooting, Support , and Warranty ...................27
Troubleshooting .............................................27
Technical Support ...........................................34
Belkin International, Inc., Limited 2-Year Product Warranty .........35
Regulatory Information ...................................38
FCC Statement..............................................38
CE Statement ...............................................39
What’s in the Box
N450 Wireless N+ Router
Ethernet cable (attached to router)
Power supply (attached to router)
Network information card (attached to router)
Belkin Setup CD with User Manual
Initial Setup
Whe re to Plac e Your Ro uter
For th e bes t res ults, place the Rout er next to yo ur mo dem in an open location away from large metal objects and magnets suc h as those foun d in speakers. Rai sing th e R outer above floor level can improve the strength of your wireless signal.
2 3
How to Set It Up
1. Co nn ect your Rout er ’s Ethernet cabl e to your m odem’s Et he rnet por t (on the back of your mode m). This port mi ght b e lab el ed dif ferently on your par ticular mode m. If yo u a re ad ding a Rou ter for the first time, th is po rt may be co nnected to yo ur computer by an Ethernet cable. It is OK to disconnect your computer and plug the Router into the modem instead.
2. Plug the Router’s power supply into a wall outlet.
3. Put the CD into yo ur co mp ute r. I f the CD doesn’ t
ope n automati ca lly, plea se br owse to you r CD drive and double- click on the Belkin Setup CD icon.
4. Click the Setup icon on the CD menu.
5. Afte r a b rief install ation , the setup s of tw are w ill a sk you
for th e net work nam e and password from the networ k informat ion c ard t hat i s attac hed t o y our Router. Store the card under the base of your Router for future reference.
6. A progres s scr een w ill a ppear whil e add itional software is
ins ta lled. This may take a few m inute s to compl ete . O nc e fin ished, a “ Su ccess” message will ap pe ar indicat ing t hat you are connected to the Internet via your new Belkin Router.
During setup you may be asked for additional information.
You m ay need to enter a usernam e and password provi ded by your I SP. This user na me an d pas sword is likely to be found on ma teria ls th at ca me fr om your ISP w hen you sig ne d u p for se rvice. If nece ss ar y, you may n eed t o c ontact your ISP to retrieve your username and password.
If you have a sta ti c I P add ress, yo u may ne ed to enter additional information also provided by your ISP.
If you r com pu ter does n’t h ave a wirel es s ada pte r, o r the set up soft ware is un able to co ntrol it, you may be asked to connect your computer to the Router with a network cable.
Advanced Tools & Settings
After th e ini ti al setup is c omplete, you have t he op tion to change settings like your network name, security type, and pas sword. To make the se ch an ges a nd others, clic k on the Advanced Tools icon at th e C D Set up menu an d s el ect o ne of the following settings that you would like to change:
Network Name & Securit y – Pers on alize your network name (SSID), password, and strength of wireless security.
Internet Service Provider & Login Settings – Have you moved or changed Internet Service Providers? If you ’d like to c hange these setting s wit ho ut ru nning through the setup process again, this is the place.
Router Settings User Manual
Network problem detected…
Check for Updates Options Exit
The Belkin Router Manager
The Belkin Router Manager appears in your system tray (Wind ows) or m enu b ar (Mac). Its i co n i ndicate s t he cu rr ent sta tus o f y our Router an d als o all ows you to acces s you r Rou ter’s settings to make cha ng es. It a lso p rovid es qu ick access to software that came bundled with your Router.
To access the Router set tings, click on the icon and select from the menu that appears.
The status of your Router is shown by the Belkin Router Manager icon, which closely mimics the light on the front of the Router.
Blue: You are conne cted to your Belkin Rou ter and it is connected to the Internet.
Amber: You are connect ed to your Belkin Router, but it is not connected to the Internet.
Manual Setup Using Your Browser
In you r browse r, t ype “ ht tp://r outer ” (you do n ot ne ed to type in any thing else such as “ www”). Th en pr ess t he Enter key. If you’re st ill h aving trou ble r unnin g the manual setup o ption, type “” i n your b row ser ( you do n ot need to type in anything else such as “http://” or “w ww”). Then press the Enter key.
Adding Computers to Your Network
Wir eless devi ce s suc h as compu ters, networ k pri nters , and gami ng systems can connect to your Router with a few simple steps.
Using the CD
1. Pu t the Setu p C D into your computer. If th e C D
doe sn’t open autom aticall y, b row se to yo ur CD drive and open the Belkin Setup CD icon.
2. Click the Setup icon on the CD menu.
3. After a brief installation, the setup software will ask you for the
net work na me an d pas swo rd fr om th e net wo rk infor mation card tha t cam e wit h your R outer. Th is ca rd is most likely now locate d underneath the foot of your Router in the provided card slot.
4. A progres s scr een w ill a ppear whil e add itional software is ins ta lled. This may take a few m inute s to compl ete . O nc e fin ished, a “ Su ccess” message wi ll ap pear indicat ing t hat you are connected to the Internet via your new Belkin Router.
Note: Th e setup soft ware runs only on Windows and Mac OS X systems.
If you choo se no t to use the inclu de d S etup CD for add ing a dditi onal co mpute rs or wire less devic es, you can manually add these items to your network.
1. Lo cate the w irele ss -n etwor k-conne ct ions optio n on your computer or wireless device.
2. Select you r Belki n Rou ter from the list of ava ilable net works. You can iden tify yo ur Be lk in Route r by loc at ing t he network name (SSID) from the card located underneath the foot of your Router.
3. Enter your networ k p as swo rd (l ocate d on your network information card).
Your wireless device will take a few moments to connect to your network. If the connection is not made the first time, try this pro ce ss ag ain. If you still have d if fi culty c onnecti ng to yo ur ne twork after tr ying this process a few times, se e the “ Troublesh ootin g” section in this manual for help with connecting to your network.
Note: In some cases you may be prompted to select the security type. It is printed on the card for your convenience.
Using the WPS Button
1. St ar t WPS Push Bu tton Connectio n (WP S PBC) on yo ur
com pu ter or other Wi-Fi devi ce th at yo u w ould like to con ne ct wir elessly to your Ro uter. Of ten there wil l be a b ut ton f or th is pur po se in so ft ware tha t cam e wit h the devi ce, or a ph ysica l “WPS,” “PBC,” or “Security” button on the device itself.
2. Within two minutes, press the WPS button on your Router.
The WPS lig ht (sm al l l ig ht above WP S b ut ton) w ill b link blue while it listens for your Wi-Fi device. Once a connection is established, the light will turn blue and then go out. If a connection is not established, the light will blink amber. You may repeat the process to try again.
You can repeat this process for each WPS-enabled device you’d like to add to your network.
Additional Capabilities
Guest Access
You c an al low g uests to use your Int ernet connec ti on without joi ning your perso na l n et work. The network name and pas sword fo r the gues t net wo rk is loca ted on t he ne twork information card found under the foot of your Router.
A p erson using you r g ue st network will be a ble to j oin wit hout a pas sword , b ut wi ll be shown a logi n pag e whe n they at tempt to surf the Web. They will need to enter the guest password into this page to continue.
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