Belkin F5D9010B User Manual

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© 2006 Belkin Corporation. All rights reserved. All trade names are registered trademarks of respective manufacturers listed. 54g is a trademark of Broadcom Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The mark Wi-Fi is a registered mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The “Wi-Fi CERTIFIED” logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Wireless G Plus MIMO
Notebook Card
User Manual
Connect your notebook computer to a wireless network
Wireless G Plus MIMO
Notebook Card
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of a Home Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Advantages of a Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for
Optimal Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Product Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Applications and Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Installing and Setting up the Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Step 1: Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Step 2: Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Step 3: Configure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Accessing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
from the Windows System Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Network Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Available Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Network Status and Solution Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Setting Wireless Network Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Securing your Wi-Fi Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Configuring your Card to use Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
5 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Table of Contents
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Thank you fo r purchasing th e Belkin Wi re le ss G Plus MIMO Notebo ok Card. Now you ca n t ake advant age of this great n ew techno logy and ga in the fre edom to net work your h om e and office comput ers wireless ly. This Ca rd al lows you to co nnect a noteb ook comput er to your net work. Plea se be sure to re ad through this User Manu al compl et ely, a nd pay specia l a ttent io n to the secti on entitl ed “Placem ent of your Wi re le ss Netwo rking Hardwa re for Optima l P erforma nce”.
Benefi ts of a Home Netw ork
You r B elkin Home Ne twork will al low you to:
S hare one high-s peed Int er net co nnectio n w ith all the co mputers in your ho me
S hare re sources, suc h a s f iles, and h ard dri ves amon g a ll the connec ted comput ers in your ho me
S hare a s ingle pr in ter with th e e ntire family
S hare documen ts, music, vi deo, and di gital pict ures
S tore, retrieve , a nd copy files from on e comput er to another
S imultan eously p la y games onl ine, check In ter net email, an d chat
Advant ages of a Wirele ss Ne twork
Mobili ty – y ou’ll no lo nger need a de dicated “c omputer roo m”—no w y ou can work on a net worked lap top or desk top comput er anywhere wit hin your wi rele ss range
Easy inst allatio n – Belkin Eas y I nstalla tion Wiz ards ma ke setup sim ple
Flexib ility – set up an d a ccess pr in ters, co mputers , a nd other networ king devic es from anywhere in you r h ome
Easy Expa nsion – the wi de range of Be lk in netwo rking produc ts let you ex pa nd your net work to inc lu de devic es such as print ers and gamin g c onsol es
No cablin g req uire d – you can spa re the e xp ense and ha ssle of ret ro fitting Et her net cablin g t hroughout th e h ome or office
Widesp re ad industr y a cceptan ce – c hoose from a wid e r ange of interope rable netw orking produ cts
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance
Your w ireless conn ection wil l b e stronger th e c loser your co mputer is to your wi rele ss ro uter (or ac ce ss point ). Typi cal indoor op erati ng range for yo ur wireless d ev ices is bet ween 100 an d 2 00 feet. In th e same way, your wireles s c onnec ti on and perf ormance wi ll degra de somewh at as the dist ance betwe en your wireles s rou ter (or acces s point) an d c onnec te d device s i ncre ases. Th is may or may not be notice able to you . A s y ou move far th er from your wireles s rou ter (or access po int), co nn ectio n s peed may decrea se. Factor s t hat can weaken si gnals si mp ly by getti ng in the way of you r n etwork’s radi o waves are meta l a pplianc es or obstr uctions , a nd walls.
If you hav e c oncer ns about yo ur network ’s perfo rmance t ha t might be rel ated to ran ge or obstr uc tion fac tors, try mov ing the com puter to a positi on between fi ve and 10 feet from th e w ireless router (o r a ccess point) in orde r t o s ee if dista nce is the problem . I f difficulti es persi st even at cl os e range, pl ease conta ct Belki n Techn ical Suppo rt.
Note: Whi le some of the it ems list ed below can affec t n etwork perfor mance, the y w ill not prohi bi t your wirele ss network from functi oning; if y ou are c on cer ned that yo ur network is no t o peratin g at its max im um effective ness, th is checkli st may help.
1. Placement of your Wireless Router (or Access Point)
Place you r w ireless router (o r a ccess po in t), the cen tral conne ction point of y ou r networ k, as close as po ssible to the ce nter of you r wireless ne twork devi ces.
To ach ieve the be st wire less net work cover age for you r “ wire less client s,” (i.e. c om puter s e nabled by Bel kin Wireless No tebook C ards , Wireless De sktop Cards, an d W irel ess USB Ada pters):
• Ensure that yo ur wireless route r’s (or acc ess poin t’s) ant ennas are paralle l t o e ach othe r, an d a re po sitio ne d vertic ally (towa rd the ceili ng). If you r w irel ess router (o r a ccess poin t) itself i s positi oned verti cally, p oint the an tennas as m uc h as possib le in an upward direct io n.
• In multistory homes, place the wireless router (or access point) on a floor that is as close to the center of the home as possible. This may mean placing the wireless router (or access point) on an upper floor.
• Try not to plac e t he wireless route r ( or acces s p oint) near a cordless 2. 4GHz phone .
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2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id placi ng your wireles s rou te r (or acces s p oint) ne ar devices th at may emit r ad io “nois e”, such as mi crow ave ovens. Ot her obje cts that can inhib it wireless com municat ion can inc lude:
• Refrig erators
• Washe rs and/or d ry ers
• Metal cab inets
• Large aquariu ms
• Metall ic-base d, UV-tinte d w indows
If your wi rele ss signal s ee ms weak in som e s pots, ma ke sure that object s s uch as thes e a re no t b locking th e s ignal ’s path bet ween your comput ers and wireles s rou ter (or acces s p oint) .
3. Cordless Phone Placement
If the per fo rmanc e o f y our wireless ne twork is im pa ired after attend ing to the abo ve issues, an d y ou have a cordle ss phone:
• Try movin g c ordless phon es away from the wi rele ss ro uter (or acces s p oint) an d y our wireless -enable d c omputer s.
• Unplug an d rem ove the bat te ry from any cordless ph one that oper ates on the 2. 4GHz band ( ch eck manu facturer’s inform ation). If th is fixes th e p ro blem, your ph one may be interf ering.
• If your ph on e suppor ts channel se lection , c hange th e channe l o n t he phone to th e f arthe st channel from yo ur wireless ne twork as poss ible. Fo r e xample, ch ange the phone to c ha nnel 1 and mov e y our wireless rout er (or access po int) to cha nnel 11. (Your cha nn el selec tion will vary depe nding on yo ur re gi on.) See yo ur phone’s user manual fo r d etail ed instruc tions.
• If necess ary, c on sider sw itching to a 9 00 MHz or 5GHz cordless ph one.
4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless Network
In locati ons where homes or offi ces are close to ge ther, su ch as
apartm ent buildi ngs or office co mp lexes , t here ma y be wireless networ ks nearby t ha t can confl ict with yo ur s. Use the Sit e S urvey capabi lities of y ou r Belkin Wi re le ss Netwo rking Util ity to loca te any other wirel ess networ ks, and mov e y our wireless router (o r access point) an d c omput er s to a channel as far away from othe r n etworks as possib le.
Experi ment with m ore tha n o ne of the avai lable ch an nels in order to find the c le arest connec tion and av oid interf eren ce from neigh bo ring cordless ph ones or other wi re less devic es.
For more Belki n w ireless netw orking produ cts, use the d et ailed Si te Sur vey and wireless c hannel information included in your User Man ual.
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure conn ections ty pically requ ire a us er name and pa ss word, and are used where secu rity is impor tant. Se cu re co nnectio ns inclu de :
• Vir tual Pri vate Netwo rk (VPN) co nn ectio ns , often use d t o c onnec t rem otely to an offi ce network
• The “Brin g You r O wn Access” prog ram from Americ a O nline (AOL), wh ich lets yo u u se AOL through broad band provide d b y anothe r c able or DSL se rvice
• Most onli ne banki ng website s
• Many comm ercial websi tes that require a user na me and passwo rd to ac cess your a cc ount
Secure conn ections ca n b e i nterr up ted by a compu ter’s po wer manage ment setti ng, whic h c auses it to “g o t o s leep.” The si mplest soluti on to avoid th is is to simpl y recon nect by re-runn ing the VPN or AOL softw are, or by re -loggin g i nto the sec ure w eb site.
A second alternative is to change your computer’s power management settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appropriate for porta ble comp ut ers. To change you r p ower man agement se tting in Window s, see the “Po wer Option s” item in the Co ntro l Panel.
If you con ti nue to have di ff iculty wit h S ecure Connec tions, VPN s, and AOL, plea se re view steps 1– 4 in the previou s p ages to be sure you have addres sed these iss ues.
These gui delines sh ould all ow you to cove r t he maximum po ssible area with you r wireless router. Shou ld you need to cove r an even wider are a, we sugge st the Belk in Wire less Ran ge Extende r/Acces s P oint.
sec tio n
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at www.bel /networ king or call B el kin Technica l S upport.
Product Features
The Card compl ies with th e I EEE 802.11 g s tandard in order to commun icate with ot her 802. 11g-com pliant wirel es s device s a t 54Mbps . T he Card is compa ti ble with al l 8 02.11g d ev ices as wel l a s other 802 .11b product s a t 1 1Mbps . 8 02.11g produ ct s operat e o n t he same 2.4G Hz frequency ba nd as 802.1 1b Wi-Fi® p ro ducts.
2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Science, and Medical) band operation
Integrated easy-to-use Wireless Configuration Utility
CardBus interface, for operation in virtually any notebook computer
WPA, WPA2, 64-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), or 128-bit encryption
Wireless access to networked resources
Support for both Infrastructure and Ad-Hoc (peer-to-peer) networking modes
Data rate of up to 54Mbps (802.11g), or 11Mbps (802.11b)
Easy installation and use
LED power and network link indicators
Applications and Advantages
Wireless roam in g w ith a lapto p a ro und the hom e o r o ff ic e Off ers the freed om of network ing withou t c ables
Connec tion rates of up to 54Mbps Pro vides im mediate , h igher-sp ee d wireless co nnectiv ity at home, work, and ho tspot lo cations wi thout comp ro mising the us e o f existi ng 802.11b prod ucts
Compat ibility wi th 802.1 1b prod ucts
802.11 g w ireless LAN sol utions a re back ward-comp atible wit h existi ng Wi-Fi (I EE E 802.11 b) prod ucts and wi th other produc ts that disp lay the 54g™ m ark
Difficul t- to-wi re en vi ro nments Enable s n etworki ng in build ings with sol id or finis hed walls, or open areas whe re wi ring is difficu lt to install
Fre quent ly changin g e nvironmen ts Adapts ea sily in offices or environment s t hat frequent ly re arrange or change lo catio ns
Temporary L AN s f or speci al proj ects or pea k t ime Sets up te mp orary ne tworks suc h a s a t trade sho ws, exhibi tions, and const ruction si tes, whi ch need netwo rks on a short -term basis; al so compa ni es who need ad ditiona l w orkst at ions for a peak acti vity per io d
SOHO (Sma ll Office/Ho me Office) netw orking n ee ds Provides the easy and quick, small network installation SOHO users need
Product Specifications
Host Inte rface 32-bit Ca rd Bus
Power Con sumptio n 802.11 b: <1.3w
802.11g: < 1. 2w
Operat ing Temperature 32–140 de grees F (0–60 de gree s C )
Storag e Tempe rature -4–176 de grees F (-20–80 de grees C)
Humidi ty Max . 9 0% (non-co ndensin g)
Typical Opera ting Ran ge Up to 1,00 0 f t. (304.8m )*
*Wi reles s pe rf orm an ce m ay v ary dep en di ng on t he n etwor ki ng e nviro nme nt
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(a) Power LED
Lights up wh en the Card is powe re d u p
(b) Activity LED
Lights up wh en the Card is acti ve
(c) Card Connector
Part of th e C ard t ha t fits into yo ur compu te r’s CardBus slo t
System Requirements
PC-com patible la ptop wit h o ne availab le CardBus slot
Window s® 2 000 or XP
Package Contents
Wireless G Plu s M IMO Note bo ok Card
Quick Ins tallati on Guide
Instal lation Sof tware CD
User Manu al
Step 1 Install
IMPORTANT: Install the software before inserting the Card.
1.1 Insert the Installation Software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
1.2 The Belkin Setup Utility screen will automatically appear. (This may
take 15–20 seconds.) Click “install” to start the installation.
Note: If the Belkin Setup Utility screen does not appear within
20 seconds, access your CD-ROM by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon; then double-click on the CD-ROM drive into which the installation CD has been placed. Double-click on the folder named “files”, then double-click on the icon named “setup.exe”.
Installing and Setting up the Card
1.3 Click “INSTALL” fro m
the me nu .
1.4 T he Insta ll Shiel d W izard
will now s ta rt. Clic k “ Next” to contin ue.
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Installing and Setting up the Card
1.5 T he first in a ser ies of
pro gress-mon itoring sc re ens will let y ou know where you are in the setup p roce ss. Click “Ne xt”.
1.6 W hen the ins taller is don e
instal ling the so ft ware, you will see t he followi ng scre en. Click “Fi nish”.
1.7 You mi ght see a screen simi lar
to this on e. This DOES NOT mean there is a proble m. Our softw are h as been ful ly tested an d i s compat ible with this oper ating sy st em. Sele ct “Conti nue Anyway ” a nd follo w the on-sc re en instruc tions.
Step 2 Insert
Insert the Card into your Computer
+ 28 hidden pages