Belkin F5D8633-4A User Manual

Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Configuring Internal Forwarding Settings
The Vi rtual S er vers fu nction will al lo w you t o route extern al (Inter net) calls for ser vi ces suc h as a web ser ve r (port 80), F TP serv er (Port 21), or oth er appl ic ations through your R ou ter to your in ternal ne twork. Since your in te rnal co mputers are pr ot ected b y a fir ewall, co mputers outsid e your ne twork ( over th e Inter ne t) cann ot get to them b ecause they c annot b e “seen”. A list of com mo n appli cations has be en provid ed in c as e you n eed to configu re the Vi rtual S erver f un ction for a specifi c applica tion. I f your ap plicati on is n ot list ed , you w ill need t o conta ct the ap plicati on vend or to fin d out w hich po rt settin gs you ne ed.
Choosing an Application
Select your a pp licatio n from the dro p- down li st. Cli ck “Add ”. The settin gs will b e trans ferred to the ne xt avai lable s pace in t he scre en. Click “Apply Ch anges” to save the se tt ing for that a pplicat io n. To remove an app li cation, select the nu mb er of t he row that yo u want to remove then c li ck “Cle ar”.
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Manually Entering Settings into the Virtual Server
To man ually e nt er sett ings, e nter th e IP addr ess in the spa ce provid ed for th e inter na l (serv er) mac hine, t he port(s ) requi red to pa ss (use a comma between m ultiple ports) , selec t the por t type (TCP or U DP), and cl ick “Ap pl y Chang es”. Yo u can o nl y pass one por t per i nt ernal I P addres s. Open in g ports in you r firew al l can p ose a s ecurity r isk. Yo u can en able an d disable settin gs very q uickly. It is recomme nd ed that you di sable t he settin gs when you ar e not usi ng a sp ecific ap plicati on.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Setting Client IP Filters
The Ro uter ca n be conf igured to rest ri ct acce ss to t he Inte rn et, email, o r other n etwork service s at specif ic days a nd time s. Restri ction can be set fo r a singl e compu ter, a ra nge of compute rs, or mul tiple c om puters.
To res trict I nt ernet a ccess t o a sin gl e compu ter for exampl e, enter the IP add ress of t he comp uter yo u wish to restri ct acce ss to i n the IP fields (1). Nex t, ente r “80” in both t he port f ields (2). Selec t “Both ” (3). Select “Block ” (4). Yo u can als o selec t “Alwa ys ” to bl ock acc ess all of the time. Se lect th e day t o start o n top (5), the t ime to start o n top
(6), the day to end on t he bott om (7), a nd the time to s top (8) o n the
bottom . Selec t “Enable ” (9). Click “Apply Change s” . The c omputer at the IP addres s you spe cified will no w be bloc ked fro m Inter ne t acces s at the times yo u speci fied. N ote: Be s ure you have s elected t he correc t time zo ne unde r “Util ities> Sy stem Se ttings> Time Z on e”.
(5) (6)
(1) (2)
(4) (7) (8) (9)
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Enabling the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
To put a comp ut er in t he DMZ, enter th e last digits of its IP addres s in the IP field an d selec t “Enab le”. Cl ic k “Appl y Chang es” for t he chan ge to tak e effec t. If you are us ing mul ti ple sta tic WAN IP add re sses, it is possibl e to sele ct whic h WAN I P address the DM Z host wi ll be direct ed to. Ty pe in t he WAN IP addr es s you w ish the DMZ ho st to direct to, en te r the l ast two digits o f the I P addre ss of t he DMZ ho st comput er, sel ec t “Enab le” and click “A pply Ch anges”.
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Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Using Dynamic DNS
The Dy namic D NS servic e allow s you t o alias a dynami c IP ad dr ess to a s tatic h os t name in any of the ma ny doma ins Dyn o ffers, allowi ng your n etwork compute rs to b e more ea sily ac cessed fr om variou s locat io ns on t he Inte rnet. D yn provid es this s ervice, for up to five ho st names, free t o the I nt ernet c ommunit y.
The Dy namic D NS to mak e it ea sy to acc ess you r home PC and st ored fi les whi le you’re at work. Using t he servic e can e nsure t ha t your host na me alwa ys points to you r IP ad dr ess, no matter how of te n your ISP cha nges it . When yo ur IP add ress ch an ges, yo ur frie nds and a ssociat es can always lo cate yo u by vis iting y ou rname.d yndns.o rg inst ea d!
To reg ister f re e for y our Dyn amic DN S host na me, ple ase vis it
http:/ /www.dy nd
Setting up the Router’s Dynamic DNS Update Client
You must register with’ s free upda te service before us ing thi s feature. Once you have your r egistration , follow the directi ons below.
1. Select Dy nDNS.or g f ro m the “DNS Ser vi ce” drop-d own box (1).
2. Enter you r D ynDNS.o rg user name in the “U ser Name” fie ld (2).
3. Enter you r D ynDNS.o rg passwor d i n t he “P assword ” f ield (3).
4. Enter the Dy nDNS.or g d omain name yo u s et up with DynDN S. org
in the “Doma in Name” fiel d (4).
5. Click “Up date Dynam ic DNS” to updat e y ou r IP addres s (5).
Whenever your IP address assigned by your ISP changes, the Router will automatically update’s servers with your new IP address. You can also do this manually by clicking the “Update Dynamic DNS” button
servi ce is i de al for a home website , file se rver, o r
(1) (2)
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Blocking an ICMP Ping
Comput er hack er s use w hat is known a s “pingin g” to f ind pot en tial victim s on th e Interne t. By p inging a specifi c IP ad dress a nd receiv ing a respon se from t he IP a ddress, a hack er can de termine that s om ething of intere st migh t be ther e. The Router ca n be se t up so it wil l not res pond to an ICMP pi ng from t he outs ide. Th is height ens you r Route r’ s secur ity level.
To turn off the ping response, select “Block ICMP Ping” (1) and click “Apply Changes”. The Router will not respond to an ICMP ping.
The “U tilitie s” screen lets y ou mana ge differ ent par ameters o f the R outer and pe rform c er tain ad ministr ative f un ctions.
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Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Restarting the Router
Someti mes it ma y be ne cessary to res ta rt or r eboot t he Rout er if it begins workin g imprope rly. Re startin g or rebo oting t he Rout er will NOT de lete an y of your config uration s ettings .
Restarting the Router to Restore Normal Operation
Cl ick the “Rest ar t
Router ” b utton.
2. The follo wing messa ge
will appe ar. Click “OK ”.
3. The follo wing messa ge
will appe ar. Restar ti ng the Route r c an take up to 60 second s. It is import ant not to turn off the power to th e R outer during th e r estart.
4. A 60-seco nd countdo wn will appea r o n t he screen. Wh en th e
countd own reache s z er o, the Rout er wi ll be resta rt ed. The Route r home page sh ould appea r a utomati ca lly. If not, t yp e i n t he Router ’s address (d ef ault = 192. 16 8.2.1) int o t he navigat ion bar of your bro wser.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Restoring Factory Default Settings
Using this op ti on will restor e all o f the set tings i n the R ou ter to the factor y (defa ul t) sett ings. I t is re co mmended that y ou back u p your settin gs befo re you re store a ll of t he defaul ts.
1. Click the “Re st ore
Defaul ts” but to n.
2. The fo llowing m essage
will a ppear. Cl ick “OK ”.
3. The fo llowing m essage
will a ppear. Re storing the de faults in cludes restar ting th e Router. It can take u p to 60 second s. It i s importa nt not to turn t he power to the Router o ff duri ng the re start.
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4. A 60-seco nd countdo wn will appea r o n t he screen. Wh en th e
countd own reache s z er o, the Rout er ’s default s w ill be restor ed. The Route r h ome page shou ld appear aut om aticall y. If it does not, type in th e R outer’s ad dress (def au lt = 192.16 8. 2.1) into the naviga tion bar of your br owser.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Saving a Current Configuration
You ca n save yo ur curr ent con figurat io n by us ing thi s featu re . Savin g your c onfigur at ion wil l allow you to r estore it late r if yo ur settin gs are lost o r chang ed . It is recomm ended t ha t you b ack up your cu rr ent config uration b efore p erformi ng a fi rm ware up date.
1. Click “Sa ve”. A window
called “F ile Downlo ad ” will open . C lick “Save ”.
2. A window wil l o pen that
allows yo u t o s elect the locat ion where you want to sav e t he config uration fi le . S elect a locatio n. You can name the fil e a nything you want, or us e t he defaul t n ame “Confi g” . Be sure to name th e file so you can lo cate it yourse lf later. Whe n you have sel ected the locati on and name of the file, cl ick “Save” .
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
3. When the sav e i s
comple te, you will see this win dow. Click “Cl ose”.
4. The confi gu ration i s
now saved .
Restoring a Previous Configuration
This o ption w il l allow you to restor e a previ ously s aved co nf igurati on.
1. Click “Br owse”. A
window wi ll open that allows yo u t o s elect the locat ion of the config uration fi le . A ll config uration fi le s e nd with a “.cfg ”. Locate the config uration fi le yo u want to rest ore and double -click on it.
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Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
2. You will be aske d i f y ou
want to cont inue. Click “OK ”.
3. A reminde r w indow
will appe ar. It will take up to 60 seco nds for the conf igurati on restor ation to comp le te. Click “OK ”.
4. A 60-seco nd countdo wn will appea r o n t he screen. Wh en th e
countd own reache s z er o, the Rout er ’s configu ration wil l b e restor ed. The Route r h ome page shou ld ap pear aut om aticall y. If not, type in th e R outer’s ad dress (def au lt = 192.16 8. 2.1) into the naviga tion bar of your br owser.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Updating the Firmware
From t ime to ti me, Bel kin may releas e new ver sions o f the R ou ter’s firmwa re. Fir mw are upd ates co ntain f ea ture im proveme nts and f ixes to proble ms that m ay have existe d. When B elkin r eleases new fi rm ware, you ca n downl oa d the f irmware from t he Belkin update websit e and update your R ou ter’s f irmware to the l atest v ersion.
Checking for a New Version of Firmware
The “C heck Fi rm ware” (1) button allows you to i nstantl y check for a new ve rsion o f firmwar e. When you cl ic k the b utton, a new b ro wser window will a pp ear inf orming you tha t either no new firmwar e is availa ble or th at ther e is a new ver si on avai lable. If a ne w version is availa ble, yo u will ha ve the option to downlo ad it.
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Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Downloading a New Version of Firmware
If you click th e “Chec k Firmw are” bu tt on and a new v ersion of firmwa re is availa ble, yo u will se e a scr een sim il ar to t he one below:
1. To download the new
version of firmware, click “Download”.
A window will open that
allows you to select the location where you want to save the firmware file. Select a location. You can name the file anything you want, or use the default name. Be sure to locate the file in a place where you can locate it yourself later. When you have selected the location, click “Save”.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
2. When the sav e i s
comple te, you will see the follo wing windo w. Click “Cl ose”.
3. The downl oad of
the firmw are is comple te. To update the firmw are, follo w t he next step s i n “ Updatin g the Route r’s Firmwa re ”.
Updating the Router’s Firmware
1. In the “Firmw ar e
Update ” page, c lick “Brows e”. A w in dow wil l open t hat all ow s you t o select the lo ca tion of the fi rmware up date fi le.
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2. Browse to the f irmware
file y ou down lo aded. Select the fi le by double -clicki ng on the file n ame.
The “U pdate F ir mware”
box wi ll now di splay the lo cation an d name of the firmwa re file you ju st sele ct ed. Click “Update ”.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
3. You will be ask ed if you
are sure you wa nt to contin ue. Click “OK ”.
4. You will see on e m ore messag e. This messa ge tells you tha t
the Route r m ay not respon d f or as long as one minu te as the firmwa re is loaded int o t he Router and th e R outer is rebo ot ed. Click “OK ”.
5. A 60-seco nd countdo wn will appea r o n t he screen. Wh en th e
countd own reache s z er o, the Rout er fi rmware upd ate will be comple te. The Route r h ome page shou ld ap pear aut om aticall y. If not, type in th e R outer’s ad dress (def au lt = 192.16 8. 2.1) into the naviga tion bar of your br owser.
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