Belkin F5D8236V3 Users Manual

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Step 1: Hardware Connections – Follow the Quick Installation Guide
See the QIG or Step 1: Hardware Connections from the previous section.
Step 2: Set your Computer’s Network Settings to Work with a DHCP Server
See the section in this Use r Manual called “Manually Configuring Network Settings” for directions.
Step 3: Configuring the Router Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Using your Internet browser, you can access the Router’s Web-Based Advanced User Interface. In your browser, type “” (do not type in anything else such as “http://” or “ww w”). Then press the “Enter” key.
G Wirel ess Router
Logging into the Router
You will see the Router’s home page in your browser window. The home page is visible to any user who wants to see it. To make any changes to the Router’s settings, you have to log in. Clicking the “Login” button or clicking on any one of the links on the home page will take you to the login screen. The Router ships with no password entered. In the login screen, leave the password blank and click the “Submit” button to log in.
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Logging out of the Router
One computer at a time can log into the Router for the purposes of making changes to the settings of the Router. Once a user has logged in to make changes, there are t wo ways that the computer can be logged out. Clicking the “Logout” button will log the compute r out. The second method is automatic. T he login will time out after a specified period of time. The default login time -out is 10 minutes. This can be changed from one to 99 minutes. For more information, see the section in this manual titled “Changing the Login Time-Out Setting”.
Understanding the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
The home page is the first page you will see when you access the Advance d User Interface (UI). The home page shows you a quick view of the Router’s status and settings. All advanced setup pages can be reached from this page.
N Wirel ess Router
(11) (3) (4) (5)
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1. Quick-Navigation Links
You can go directly to any of the Router’s advanced UI pages by clicking directly on these links. The links are divided into logical categories and grouped by tabs to make finding a par ticular setting easier to find. Clicking on the header of each tab will show you a short description of the tab’s function.
2. Home Button
The home button is available in ever y page of the UI. Pre ssing this button will take you back to the home page.
3. Help Button
The “Help” but ton gives you access to the Router’s help pages. Help is also available on many pages by clicking “more info” next to certain sections of each page.
4. Login/Logout Button
This button enables you to log in and out of the Router with the press of one button. When you are logged into the Router, this button will change to read “Logout”. Logging into the Router will take you to a separate login page where you will need to enter a password. When you are logged into the Router, you can make changes to the settings. When you are finished making changes, you can log out of the Router by clicking the “Logout” button. For more information about logging into the Router, see the section called “Logging into the Router”.
N Wirel ess Router
5. Internet-Status Indicators
This indicator is visible in all pages of the Router, indicating the connection status of the Router. When the indicator says “Connected” in blue, the Router is connected to the Internet. When the Router is not connected to the Internet, the indicator will read “Not Connected” in RED. The indicator is automatically updated when you make changes to the set tings of the Router.
6. Language
Shows the active language for the Advanced User Interface. Select a desirable language by clicking one of the available languages.
7. Ver sion Info
Shows the firmware version, boot-code version, hardware version, and serial number of the Router.
8. L AN Settings
Shows you the settings of the Local Area Network (LAN) side of the Router. Changes can be made to the set tings by clicking on any one of the links (IP Address, Subnet Mask, DHCP Ser ver) or by clicking the “LAN” quick-navigation link on the left side of the screen.
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9. Internet Settings
Shows the settings of the Internet /WAN side of the Router that connects to the Internet. Changes to any of these settings can be made by clicking on the links or by clicking on the “Internet/WAN” quick­navigation link on the left side of the screen.
10. Features
Shows the status of the Router’s firewall, and wireles s features. Changes can be made to the settings by clicking on any one of the links or by clicking the quick-navigation links on the left side of the screen.
11. Page Name
The page you are on can be identified by this name. This User Manual will sometimes refer to pages by name. For instance “LAN > L AN Settings” refers to the “L AN Settings” page.
N Wirel ess Router
Step 4: Configuring your Router for Connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
The “Internet /WAN” tab is where you will set up your Router to connect to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Router is capable of connecting to virtually any ISP’s system provided you have correctly configured the Router’s settings for your ISP’s connection t ype. Your ISP connection settings are provided to you by your ISP. To configure the Router with the settings that your ISP gave you, click “Connection Type” (A) on the left side of the screen. Select the connection type you use. If your ISP gave you DNS settings, clicking “DNS” (B) allows you to ente r DNS address entries for ISPs that require specific settings. Clicking “MAC Address” (C) will let you clone your computer’s MAC address or type in a specific WAN MAC address, if required by your ISP. When you have finished making settings, the “Internet Status” indicator will read “connection OK” if your Router is set up properly.
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Setting your Connection Type
From the “Connection Type” page, you can select the type of connection you use. Select the type of connection you use by clicking the button (1) next to your connection type and then clicking “Next ” (2).
N Wirel ess Router
Setting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection Type to Dynamic IP
A dynamic connection type is the most common connection type found with cable modems. Setting the connection type to “dynamic” in many cases is enough to complete the connection to your ISP. Some dynamic connection t ypes may require a host name. You can enter your host name in the space provided if you were assigned one. Your host name is assigned by your ISP. Some dynamic connections may require that you clone the MAC address of the PC that was originally connected to the modem.
1. Host Name (1)
This space is provided to enter a host name that needs to be visible to your ISP. Enter your host name here and click “Apply Changes” (3). If your ISP did not assign you a host name, or you are not sure, leave this blank.
2. Change WAN MAC Address (2)
If your ISP requires a specific MAC address to connect to the service, you can enter a specific MAC address or clone the current computer’s MAC address through this link.
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Setting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection Type to Static IP
A static IP address connection t ype is less common than other connection t ypes. If your ISP uses static IP addressing, you will need your IP address, subnet mask, and ISP gateway address. This information is available from your ISP or on the paperwork that your ISP lef t with you. Type in your information, then click “Apply Changes” (4). After you apply the changes, the Internet Status indicator will read “Connected” if your Router is set up properly.
1. IP Address (1)
Provided by your ISP. Enter your IP address here.
2. Subnet Mask (2)
Provided by your ISP. Enter your subnet mask here.
3. ISP Gateway Address (3)
Provided by your ISP. Enter the ISP gateway address here.
(1) (2) (3)
N Wirel ess Router
Setting your ISP Connection Type to PPPoE
Most DSL providers use PPPoE as the connection t ype. If you use a DSL modem to connect to the Internet, your ISP may use PPPoE to log you into the service. If you have an Internet connection in your home or small office that doesn’t require a modem, you may also use PPPoE.
Your connection t ype is PPPoE if:
1) Your ISP gave you a user name and password, which is required to connect to the Internet.
2) Your ISP gave you software such as WinPOE T or Enternet300 that you use to connect to the Internet.
3) You have to double-click on a desk top icon other than your browser to get on the Internet.
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(1) (2)
1. User Name
This space is provided to type in your user name that was assigned by your ISP.
2. Passwor d
Type in your password and re-type it into the “Retype Password” box to confirm it.
3. Ser vice Name
A ser vice name is rarely required by an ISP. If you are not sure if your ISP requires a service name, leave this blank.
4. MTU
The MTU setting should never be changed unless your ISP gives you a specific MTU setting. Making changes to the MTU setting can cause problems with your Internet connection including disconnection from the Internet, slow Internet access, and problems with Internet applications working properly.
5. Disconnect after X minutes…
The “Disconnect” feature is used to automatically disconnect the Router from your ISP when there is no activity for a specified period of time. For instance, placing a check mark next to this option and entering “5” into the minute field will cause the Router to disconne ct from the Internet after five minutes of no Internet activity. This option should be used if you pay for your Internet ser vice by the minute.
N Wirel ess Router
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Setting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection Type to Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
[European Countries Only] Some ISPs require a connection using PPTP protocol, a type of connection most common in European countries. This sets up a direct connection to the ISP’s system. Type in the information provided by your ISP in the space provided. When you have finished, click “Apply Changes” (9). Af ter you apply the changes, the Internet Status indicator will read “connection OK” if your Router is set up properly.
N Wirel ess Router
1. PPTP Account
Provided by your ISP. Enter your PPTP account name here.
2. PPTP Pas sword
Type in your password and retype it into the “Retype Password” box to confirm it.
3. Host Name
Provided by your ISP. Enter your host name here.
4. Get IP by DHCP
If your ISP provided you with a specific IP address, uncheck this box and enter your IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway in the fields that appear.
5. Service IP Address
Provided by your ISP. Enter your service IP address here.
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