10. Information ...................................106
Thank you for purchasing the Belkin N1 Vision wireless router (the N1
Vision). Following are two short sections—the first discusses the benefits
of home networking, and the other outlines best practices that maximize
your wireless home network range and performance. Please be sure to
read through this User Manual completely, and pay special attention to
the section entitled “Placement of your N1 Wireless N1 Vision” on the next
page. By following our simple setup instructions you will be able to use
your Belkin Home Network to:
Mobility – you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer
roo m”—now you can work on a networ ke d l ap top or d esktop
computer anywhere within your wireless range
setup simple
Flexibility – se t u p and ac ce ss pr inters, comp ut ers, and other
networking devices from anywhere in your home
you expand you r net wo rk to in clude device s suc h a s pri nters and
gaming consoles
No cabling required – you can spare the expense and hassle of
retrofitting Ethernet cabling throughout the home or office
interoperable networking products
Revolutionary N1 Wireless Technology with MIMO (N1 MIMO)
Your Belkin Vi sion wireless router uses a new smart-an tenna technology
called Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). N1 MIMO complies
with the IEEE draft 802.11n specification. It increases speed, range,
reliability, and spectral efficiency for wireless networking systems.
The element that makes Belkin’s N1 MIMO technology different from a
conventional radio is the use of multiple antennas and two simultaneous
data streams to deliver wireless transfers around your home or office. A
conventional radio uses one antenna to transmit a data stream. Belkin’s
N1 MIMO technology, on the other hand, uses three antennas. This
design helps combat distortion and interference. Belkin’s N1 MIMO is
multidimensional. It builds on one-dimensional smart-antenna technology
by simultaneously transmitting two data streams through the same channel,
which increases wireless capacity.
Another element that enhances Belkin’s N1 MIMO technology is the use of
aggregation as specified in the draft 802
space between packets and combining multiple smaller packets into one
larger packet, Belkin’s N1 MIMO technology can transmit more data through
available bandwidth.
Think of conve nt ional radio trans mi ssion as a two-lane highw ay. The
speed limit go ve rns the maxim um al lowable flow of traffic through
that lane. Com pa red wit h c on ventional radi os, o ne-dimens io nal
smart-antenna s ystems help move tra ffic through tha t lan e f as ter
and more reli ab ly—analog ous t o a fo ur- lane ro ad on wh ic h t raff ic
consiste ntly moves at a rate closer to the speed limit . B el kin’s N1
MIMO techno lo gy helps traffic move at the speed limit and ope ns
more l anes—to become th e s up erhighway in this exam ple. The r ate of
traffic flow is multiplied by the number of lanes that are opened.
.11n standard. By shortening the
Placement of your N1 Vision
Important Factors for Placement and Setup
Your w irel ess c onnection wi ll be st rong er th e c lo ser your computer is
to your N1 Vis ion. Typi cal indoor operat in g r ange for wireless device s
is between 100 and 200 feet.
In the same way, your wireless connection and performance will degrade
somewhat as the distance between your N1 Vision and connected devices
increases. This may or may not be noticeable to you. As you move further
from your N1 Vision, connection speed may decrease. Factors that can
weaken signals simply by getting in the way of your network’s radio waves
are metal appliances or obstructions, and walls.
If you have concerns about your netwo rk ’s perfo rm ance that might be
rel ated to range or obstru ct ion f actors, try movin g t he co mputer to a
position between five and 10 feet from the N1 Vision in order to see
if distance is the problem. If difficult ies p ersist even at close rang e,
please contact Belkin Technical Support.
Note: W hile some of the items liste d bel ow ca n a ffec t n et work
performance, they will not prohibit your wireless network from
function ing; if you a re co nc erned that yo ur ne twork is not operating at
its maximum effectiveness, this checklist may help.
1. N1 Vision
Place your N1 Vision, the central connection point of your
network, as cl os e a s p os sible to the center of your wireless
network devices.
To ac hieve the best wireless netwo rk co verage for your “wireless
clients” (i .e ., computers enab led b y B elkin Wireless Notebo ok
Network Cards, Wireless Desktop Network Cards, and Wireless
USB Adapters):
•In mult is tory homes, place th e N1 Vision on afloor that is as
to each other, and are position ed ve rtically (towa rd the
ceiling) . I f y ou r N 1 Visio n its el f i s p os itioned vert ic ally, po in t
the antennas as much as possible in an upward direction.
close to the center of the hom e as pos si ble. This may mean
placing the N1 Vision on an upper floor.
Avo id placing your N1 Vision near devi ce s t ha t m ay em it radio
“noise,” su ch as mi crow av e o vens. Dense objec ts th at ca n i nhibit
wireless communication include:
• Refrigerators
• Washers
• Metalcabinets
• Large
• Metallic-based,UV-tintedwindows
objects suc h a s the se are not bloc ki ng th e s ignal’s pa th (b etween
your computers and N1 Vision).
3. Cordless Phones
If the perform an ce of yo ur wi re le ss network is impaired after
attending to the above issues, and you have a cordless phone:
• Try moving cordless pho ne sa wa yf rom you r N1 Vision andyour
wireless-enabled computers.
• Unplug and remove thebatt er yf rom any cordless ph on e
that operates on the 2.4GHz band (check manufacturer’s
information). If this fixes the problem, your phone may
be interfering.
on the phone to the farthes t c ha nnel from yo ur wi re le ss
network. Fo r e xa mple, change the phone to chan nel 1 an d
move your N1 Vision to channel 11. See your pho ne ’s user
manual for detailed instructions.
4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless Network
In locat io ns where h om es or offi ce s a re clos e tog ether, such as
apartment buildings or office complexes, there may be wireless
networks nearby that can conflict with yours.
Use the Site Surv ey ca pabilitie s fou nd in th e W irel es s U tility of
your wireless adapter to locate any other wireless networks that
are av ailable (see your wi reless ad ap ter’s us er ma nual), and move
your N1 Vis ion and compute rs to a chann el as fa r a wa y f rom
other networks as possible.
• Exp eriment with more than on e of the available c hannels, in
order to find t he clearest con nection and avoid inter feren ce from
neighboring cordless phones or other wireless devices.
• For Belkin wireless networking products, use the detailed Site
Survey and wireless channel information included with your
wireless network c ard. See your network card’s user g uide for
more information.
The se gu idelines shoul d a ll ow you t o c over the maximum
possible area with your N1 Vision. Should you need to cover an
even wider area, we suggest the Belkin Wireless Range
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connections typically require a user name and
password, and are used where s ecurity is import an t. Secure
connections include:
(AOL), which lets you use AOL through broadband provided by
another cable or DSL service
• Mostonlinebankingwebsites
• Manycommercial we bs ites that re quirea us er na me an d
password to access your account
Secure connect io ns can b e i nterrupte d by a comput er’s power
management setting, which causes it to “go to sleep.” The
simplest so lu tion to avoid this is to simply reconnec t by rerunni ng
the VPN or AOL software, or by re-logging into the secure
A second alte rnative is to change yo ur co mputer’s p ower
manageme nt se ttings so it does not go to sleep; howeve r, th is
may not be appropriate for port ab le computers . To change your
power management setting under Windows, see the “Power
Options” item in the Control Panel.
If you contin ue to ha ve di ffic ul ty with Secure Connectio ns , V PNs,
and AOL, pleas e review the step s a bo ve to be su re you have
addressed these issues.
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website
at www.belkin.com/networking or call Belkin Technical Support at:
In minutes you will be able to share your Internet connection and
network you r c om puters. The follo wi ng is a lis t o f fea ture s t ha t m ake
your new Belki n N1 Vision an ideal solu ti on for y our home or small
office network.
Works with Both PCs and Mac® Computers
The N1 Vision supports a variety of networking environments
including Mac OS® X v10.4 or v10.5; Windows® 2000, XP, or Vista®;
and others. Al l tha t i s nee de d i s a n I nt ernet browser and a netwo rk
The interac ti ve display on the front of t he N1 Visi on in dicates which
features are in op eration. You’ll know at-a- gl ance whether yo ur N1
Vis ion is c onnected to the Inte rnet. This feat ure eli mi nates the need
for advance d s of tware a nd st atus-moni to ring procedures typically
needed through the use of a computer.
Web-Based Advanced User Interface
You ca n s et up th e N1 Vision’s advanced func tions easily through
your web browser, without having to install additional software onto
the compute r. Th ere are no disks to install or keep trac k o f a nd , b es t
of all, you can make change s a nd pe rf orm setup functio ns from any
computer on the network quickly and easily.
NAT IP Address Sharing
Your N 1 Visio n emp loys Network Address Trans la tion (NAT) to share
the single IP address assigned to you by your Internet Service
Pro vider (ISP) while sa vi ng the c ost of a dding additi on al IP ad dres ses
to your Internet service account.
SPI Firewall
Your N1 Vision is equipped with a firewall that will protect your network
from a wide array of common hacker attacks including IP Spoofing,
Lan d Attack, Ping of De ath (PoD), Denial of Service (DoS ), IP with zero
len gth, Smurf Attack, TCP Null Scan, SYN flood , UDP floo ding, Tear
Drop Attack, ICMP defect, RIP defect, and fragment flooding.
Product Overview
Integrated 10/100/1000 4-Port Switch
The N1 Vision has a built-in, four-port network switch to allow your
wired computers to share printer s, da ta and M P3 files, digital ph ot os,
and much more. The switch featu res aut om atic detection so it will
adjust to the speed of conn ec ted devices. The swi tc h w il l t ransfer
data between computers and the Internet simultaneously without
interrupting or consuming resources.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
UPnP is a technolog y t ha t o ffer s s ea mless operatio n o f voi ce
messaging, video messaging, games, and other applications that
are UPnP-compliant.
Support for VPN Pass-Through
If you connect to your office network from home using a VPN
connecti on, y our N1 Vis io n w ill a llow your VPN-equ ipped computer to
pass through the N1 Vision and to your office network.
Built-In Dy na mic Host Configur ation Pro tocol (DHCP) on-b oa rd ma ke s
for the easies t pos si ble connecti on of a netwo rk. T he DH CP server
will assign IP addresse s t o eac h c om puter automati cally so there is
no need for a complicated networking setup.
Belkin Troubleshooting Assistant CD
The Troubleshoo ti ng Assistant soft ware ta ke s t he gu esswork out of
setting up you r N1 Vision. This soft ware au to matically de te rmines
your network settings for you and sets up the N1 Vision for
connecti on to yo ur IS P. I n a matt er of mi nu tes, your N1 Vi sion will be
up and you will be surfing the Internet.
Note: Troubl es hooting Assi st ant software is compatib le wi th Wi ndows
2000, XP, and Vis ta; and Mac OS X v1 0.4 a nd v10.5. If you are us ing
another ope ra ting system, the N1 Vision can be set up using the
Alternate Setup Method described in this User Manual (see page 30).
Product Overview
Integrated N1 Wireless Access Point
N1 MIMO is an e xciting new wireles s tec hn ology based on the draft
IEEE 802.11n specification. It employs MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple
Output) sma rt -antenna tec hn ology that achiev es da ta rates of up t o
300Mbps. * A ct ual throughput is typica ll y l ower than the connecte d
data rate and will vary depending on your networking environment.
*NOTE: The standard transmi ss ion rate—300 Mb ps—is the physica l
data rate. Actual data throughput will be lower.
MAC Address Filtering
For added secu ri ty, you can set up a list of MAC addresses (uniqu e
client iden ti fiers) that are allowed acces s t o you r n et work. Every
computer ha s i ts ow n M AC ad dres s. Si mply enter these MAC
addresses into a list usin g the Web-B as ed Advanced User Int er face
and you can control access to your network.
Knowing your N1 Vision
Package Contents
A ssistant CD with Use r Man ua l
System Requirements
•Bro adband Inter netconnec ti on such as ac ab le or DS Lm odem
•A computer run ni ng Wi ndows2000, XP, or Vi sta;
or Mac OS X v10.4 or v10.5
Knowing your N1 Vision
Hardware Characteristics
The N1 Vi si on has b een designed to be plac ed on a deskt op . A ll of
the cables exi t from the BACK of the N1 Vi sion for better org anization
and utility. The N1 Visi on’s inter active display is easi ly vi sible on
the FRONT of the N1 Vi sion to prov ide y ou with informa ti on ab out
network activity and status.
Knowing your N1 Vision
A. Interactive Display
The interactive display is on the front of the N1 Vision, which
indicates which features are in operation.
B. 4-Way Keypad
The keypad enables the movement of the up, down, left, and right
function that may apply to the screen shown in the interactive
C. OK Button
For most screens in the interactive display, the “OK” button will
activate the desired feature.
D. Menu Button
Pushing this button will take you back to the Menu Screen within
the interactive display.
Knowing your N1 Vision
Knowing your N1 Vision
E. Connections to Wired Computers – Gray Ports
Connect your wired (non-wireless) computers to these ports.
uplinkin g p or ts for s tandard UTP category 5 or 6 Ether net c able.
The ports are labeled 1 through 4. Use the gray cable provided to
connect your computer to any one of these ports.
F. Connection to Modem – Yellow Port
This port is for conne ct ion t o y our c able or DSL modem. Use the
cable that was provided with your modem to connect the modem
to this port. Use of a cable other tha n the on e sup pl ied with the
cable modem may not work properly.
G. Reset Button
The “Reset” button is used in rare cases when the N1 Vision
may functio n i mp rope rly. Reset ti ng the N 1 Vis io n w il l res to re the
N1 Vis ion’s norm al op eration whil e mai ntaining the programm ed
settings. You can also restore the factory default settings by
using the “Res et ” b ut ton. Use the re store o pt ion in i nstances
where you may have forgotten your custom password.
i. Resetting the N1 Vision
Pre ss and h old the “Reset” butt on fo r a t l ea st th re e s ec onds,
but no longer than five seconds. The LCD on the N1 Vision
will indicate that it is resetting. When the N1 Vision Network
Status screen appears, the reset is complete.
ii. Restoring the Factory Defaults
Pre ss and h old the “Reset” butt on fo r a t l ea st 10 se conds,
then release it. The LCD on the N1 Vi si on will indicate tha t
it is res to ring factory de fa ults. When the N1 Vi sion Network
Status screen appears, the restore is complete.
Verify the contents of your box. You should have the following:
Modem Requirements
Yourc able or DSLm odem must be equippe d wit ha n RJ4 5E th ernet
port. Many mod em sh av eb otha nR J45E thern et po rt anda US B
connection. If you have a modem with both Ethernet and USB, and
are using the USB connection at this time, you will be instructed to
use theRJ45Ethernet port during the in st allation procedure. If your
modem has only a USB port, you can request a different type of
modem from your ISP, or you can, in some cases, pu rcha se a mod em
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
modemrouterback of computerWWW
existing cable
new cable from package
Step 1
Hardware Connections – Follow the Quick Installation
Guide (QIG)
A. Plug the power supply into the wall outlet.
B. Plug the other end into the black port on the N1 Vision.
C. Find the cable conne cting the modem and compu te r**. Unplug
it fro m t he co mputer and plug it into the yello w p or t o n t he
N1 Vision.
**If you are rep la cing an existing router, find the cab le co nnecting
the modem and old router. Disco nn ect it f ro m the ol d router and
plug it into the yellow port on your Belkin N1 Vision.
D. Co nn ect t he new c able (provided in the box) to any gray port on
the N1 Vision.
E. C onnect the other end of that cabl e t o a netw or king (Ethernet)
port on your computer.
F. Rotate the antennas up.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
Step 2
Set Up the N1 Vision – Using the Plug-and-Play
Router Setup
A. Open a web brow ser on t hat
computer. T he Be lkin Router
Setup Wizard should app ea r
automati cally. If it doesn ’t,
enter “routersetup” into the
web-address fie ld an d p ress the
“Enter” key on your keyboard.
B. Th e Bel kin P lug-and-P la y S etup
Wizard should automa tically
appear. Verify that you have
complete d a ll QI G s te ps by
clicking “Begin” to continue.
Sel ec t t he co untry you are l ocated
in by u sing the dro p-down box.
Click “Next” to continue.
D. Select your Internet Service
Pro vider (ISP) by using th e
dro p-down box. Click “N ex t” to
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
E. If your Internet account requires
a user name and passwo rd, you
will be taken to the screen below
to enter this infor ma tion. Click
“Next” to save and continue.
F. The N1 Vision will now check for
your Internet connection.
G. You w il l s ee th e C on gratula ti ons
screen when your N1 Vis ion can
connect to the Inte rnet. You have
finished in st alling your new Belk in
N1 Vis ion a nd can b egin surfing
by opening ano th er brow se r
and going to any websi te . You
may also choos e to cha ng e y ou r
network name, set up a wireless
security key, or enable the guest
mode from t his screen.
Network Name – This is the name of the N1 Vision.
2. Network Key Create a wire less securit y WPA key b y t yping any 8
to 63 a lphanum er ic ch aracters in lengt h. An y w irel ess d evices will
need this key to connect to the N1 Vision.
3. Guest Mode – When enab le d, th is mode will create a n ew
network to whi ch gu es t u sers can connect that wil l sep arate them
from access to your other network and connected devices.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
Interactive Display
The N1 Vision’s interactive display is a powerful instrument for
viewing you r n et work informati on. T he display can provide essent ia l
rou ter-status info rmation such as the state of the Inter net connec tion
to details such as each device usage and speed of the Internet
connecti on. W ithin the numerous featu res of the displa y, there are
also built-in help guides and tips for troubleshooting.
Startup Screen
Once the N1 Vi sion has been plugge d
in, the “Startup” screen will appear to
indicate th at th e N 1 Visio n is cur rent ly
in the boot-up state.
Information Screens
After the N1 Vision has finishe d s ta rting up and the Plug-and -P lay
Router Setu p p rocess ha s b ee n c om pleted, the first in a serie s of
informat ional screens will appear. Th es e s cree ns le t y ou vi ew yo ur
network status. Push the right key (>) or the left key (<) to cycle
through them. The following outlines the details on each.
A. Network Status
Once the N1 Vi sion has been
plugged in, th e “St ar tup” screen
will appear to indi ca te that the
N1 Vis ion i s c urre ntly in the
boot-up state.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
OFFNot connected to a modem
Solid WhiteN1 Vis ion i s c onnected to modem an d
functioning properly
Blinking WhiteProblem with modem (such as boot
failure, etc
3. N1 Vision (Router) Wireless State
This icon indicates whether or not wireless is enabled.
N1 Vis ion s howing wireless
connecti on (w ith curved-l in es
illustra tion)
N1 Vis ion i s O N w it h w irel ess
enabled and ready fo r u se with
wireless and wired devices
N1 Vis ion i s O N w it h w irel ess
disabled an d ready for use
with only wired devices
4. Wired Computers
This icon indicates if there are any wired connections present.
OFFWired device not present
Solid WhiteWired device(s) conn ected to the
N1 Vision
1. Internet Connection
This icon shows you when the N1 Vision is connected to
the Internet.
OFFNo Intern et connectio n has
been detected
Solid WhiteN1 Vision is connected to the Internet
Blinking WhiteInternet connectio n w as de tected;
N1 Vision is not currently able to
connect to the Internet
2. Modem Connection
This icon shows you when the N1 Vision is connected to
the modem.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
OFFWireless device is not present
Solid WhiteWireless device (s ) i s c on nected to the
N1 Vision
6. Security
This icon indicates wireless security.
OFFWireless security is OFF
Solid WhiteWireless security is ON
B. Broadba nd Do wn load
This screen will display the
current download speed being
transfer red through the Int er net
connecti on. T he speed will be
measured on the speedom et er
against the fastest speed that has
been measured by the N1 Vi sion
since being activated.
C. Broadb an d U pload/Dow nl oad
This screen will display the
current upload and down lo ad
speed being tr an sferred t hrou gh
the Internet connection. The
speed will be measu red on
the speedom et er against the
fastest spe ed th at ha s b een
measured by the N1 Vision since
being activated.
5. Wireless Computers
This icon repre sents if there are any wi rele ss
connections present.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
D. Connections/Speed
This screen displays al l d ev ices
currently conne ct ed to th e N 1
Vis ion and the speed of the
broadband data that is being
download ed or up loaded per
each device.
E. Usage Past 24 Hours
This screen displays al l d ev ices
currently conne ct ed to th e N 1
Vision and their broadband usage
over a period of 24 hours.
F. Guest Access Status
This screen indicate s w he ther
Guest Acces s i s ena bl ed or
disabled . F or mo re info rm ation on
the Guest-A cc ess feature, please
see the “Using the Web-Based
Advanced Us er In terface” secti on
in this User Manual.
G. Date & Time
This screen displays th e d at e a nd
time. To toggle between standard
and military time, push the up or
down key.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
Menu Screen
Push the “Menu” button to open the
display’s Menu options. The Menu
option allo ws yo u t o e na ble f eatures
within the N1 Vision. The follo wi ng
outlines th e d et ails of each feature
within the Menu section.
A. Wireless Security
Select Wireless Secu rity by pres sing the “OK” button to view
these options. From the Wireless Security options, the choices
available are listed below.
Guest Acces s – Sele ct th is op tion to
enable a separate network to allow
guests to connect to the Internet while
keeping them away from accessing
your network, computers, and
private files.
Select “Turn On” to enable Guest
Access. To enable the Guest-Access
mode, you will need to enab le Wi -Fi
Protected AccessTM (WPATM) on
your private network first. To do so,
please see the “Setting WPA Security”
section in this User Manual.
To view the Guest Access network
name and passw ord, sele ct th e “ Sh ow
login info” op ti on.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
Push Button Security – Select this
option if you would like to set up your
computer s o r d ev ices using the Wi-Fi
Protected SetupTM ( WPS) standard.
Using WPS is not a req uire ment to
connect to the N1 Vision.
To make a WPS connection, select
the “New Connection” option. To do
so, you must have WPS enabled on
the compute r o r dev ic e c onnecting to
the N1 Vi si on. You wi ll ne ed to pu sh
the WPS button in your computer or
device within two minutes.
B. Help and Tips
Select this option for additional
C. Power Save
Select this option to conserve the
display’s power or if you pre fer
to turn off graphic s. Wh en po wer
save is ON, the display will turn
off wi thin two minutes aft er an y
user interaction.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
Troubleshooting Assistant CD
Belkin h as provided o ur Assistan t software to m ake insta ll ing your
N1 Vision a simple an d easy task . You can use i t to get yo ur N1
Vis ion up an d running i n minutes . The Ass is tant soft wa re req ui re s
that you r Windows 2 000, XP, or Vista comp ut er be con ne cted
directly to your cable or DSL modem and that the Internet
connection is active and working at the time of installation. If it
is not, you must us e the “Al te rna te Setup Me th od” secti on in thi s
User Man ual to co nf igure your N1 Vis io n. Additi onally, if you a re
using an operatin g system ot he r than Wi ndows 200 0, XP, or Vis ta ,
you must set up t he N1 Vision us in g the “ Al terna te Setup Me th od”
section in this User Manual.
A. Shut down any programs that are running on your computer
at this time.
Tur n o ff any firewall or Inter net-con nection-s ha ring software on
your computer.
B. Insert the CD into your computer. The Troubleshooting Assistant
will automa ti cally appear on your comp uter’s screen wit hi n 1 5
seconds. Cl ic k o n “ Go ” t o r un th e Troub le shooting Ass is tant.
Follow the instructions there.
IMPORTANT: Run the Troubl es hooting A ss istant from the c omputer
that is directly connected to the Router from Step 1 – B.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
Select your language of choice and
click “Go” to run the
Troubleshooting Assistant.
Note for Windows Users: I f the
Troubleshoot ing A ssistant doe s
not start up automatically, select
your CD-ROM driv e f rom “My
Computer ” a nd do uble-clic k on the
file named “Se tu p.exe” to start the
Troubleshooting Assistant.
Confirmation Screen
Verify that you have comp le ted all QIG
steps by check in g t he bo x t o t he ri gh t
of the arrow. Click “Next” to continue.
Progress Screen
Troubleshoot ing A ssistant wil l sho w
you a p ro gres s s cree n eac h t im e a
step in the setup has been completed.
Connecting and Configuring your N1 Vision
1.1Checking Settings
The Troubleshoo ti ng Assistant
will now examine your computer’s
network set ti ngs and gather
informat ion n eeded to complete
the N1 Vi si on’s con ne ction to
the Internet.
1.2Verifying Hardware Connections
The Troubleshoo ti ng Assistant
will now verif y you r h ardw are
1.3Naming your Wireless Network
The Troubleshoo ti ng Assistant
will display the default wireless
network nam e o r Ser vi ce Set
Identifi er (S SID). This is the name
of your wireless networ k t o whi ch
your comput er s o r d ev ices with
wireless networ k ada pters will
connect. You can either use the
default or change it to something
unique. Write down this name
for future reference. Click “Next”
to continue.
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