Thank you for purchasin g t he Be lkin N W irel ess U SB Adapter. Now you
can take advan ta ge of th is grea t n ew te chnology and gain th e freedom
to network you r hom e a nd office co mp uters wirelessly. This Adapter
allows you to conne ct a not ebook computer to your ne tw ork. Please
be sure t o read through this User Ma nu al completel y, and pay special
attent io n t o t he se ct ion entitled “P la cement of your Wireless Netwo rking
Hardware f or Op timal Perfor ma nce”.
sec tion
Benefi ts of a Home Net wo rk
Your B elkin Home Networ k w il l a ll ow you t o:
• Share o ne hi gh-speed Int er net conn ec tion with all the compute rs in
your home
• Share resou rces , s uc h a s f il es, and hard dr ives among all the
connec te d c om puters in your home
• Share a si ng le printer with the entire famil y
• Share d oc uments, musi c, vi deo, and digital pic tu re s
• Store, retr ie ve, and copy files from one compute r t o ano th er
• Simultane ou sly play games onlin e, ch eck Intern et email, and chat
Advant ag es of a Wireles s N et work
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin wireless network:
Mobility – you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer room”—now you
can work on a networked laptop or desktop computer anywhere within your
wireless range
Flexibility – set up and access printers, computers, and other networking
devices from anywhere in your home
• Easy expansion – the wide range of Belkin networking products let you
expand your network to include devices such as printers and
gaming consoles
• No cabling required – you can spare the expense and hassle of retrofitting
Ethernet cabling throughout the home or office
• Widespread industry acceptance – choose from a wide range of
interoperable networking products
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for
Optimal Performance
Your w irel ess c onnection wi ll be st rong er th e c lo ser your comput er
is to y our wireless router (or access point ). Typi ca l i ndoor operatin g
range for your wireless de vi ces is b etween 100 and 200 feet . In the
same way, yo ur wi re le ss connectio n a nd pe rf ormance will de gr ade
somewh at as th e dis ta nce between you r wireles s route r (or ac ce ss
point) and con ne cted devices increase s. Th is may o r m ay no t b e
notice ab le to yo u. As yo u m ove f arther from your wireless ro uter (or
access poin t) , c onnection sp ee d m ay de crea se. Factors that can
weaken sign al s s imply by getting in the way of your net wo rk’s radio
waves are m etal applian ce s o r o bstructio ns , a nd wa lls.
If you have concerns about your netwo rk’s perfo rm ance that might be
rel ated to range or obstru ct ion factors, try mov in g t he co mputer to a
positi on be tw een five and 10 feet from the w irel ess rou ter ( or access
point) in order to see if distance is the problem . If difficu lt ies p ersist
even at close range , p le ase contact Belki n Techn ic al Su pport.
Note: W hile some of the items liste d bel ow ca n a ffec t n et work
perfor ma nce, they will not prohibit your wireless ne tw ork fro m
functi on ing; if you a re co nc erned th at yo ur ne twork is not operati ng at
its maximum effect iv eness, this check li st may help.
1. Placement of your Wireless Router (or Access Point)
Place your wireles s router (or acce ss po int), the central co nn ection
point of your netwo rk , a s c lose as possible to the cent er of yo ur
wireless networ k d ev ices.
To ach ieve the best wireless networ k c ov erage for your “wireless
client s, ” ( i. e., computer s e na bled by Belkin Adapt er s o r C ards ):
• Ensure that your wireless router’s (o r a ccess point’s)
antenn as are paral le l t o e ac h o ther, and are p os itioned
vertic al ly (t oward t he ce iling). If your wireless router (or
access poin t) it self is positione d v er tically, p oint the
antenn as as mu ch as po ss ible in an upward di re ct ion.
• In multistory homes, place the wireless router (or access point)
on a floor that is as close to the center of the home as possible.
This may mean placing the wireless router (or access point) on
an upper floor.
• Try not to place the wireless router (or acces s poi nt) n ear a
cordless 2.4GHz ph on e.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id placing your wireless router (or acc es s p oint) near device s t ha t
may emit radio “noi se ”, such as microwave ovens. Othe r o bj ects that
can inhibit wi rele ss co mm unicati on ca n i nc lude:
• Refrig er ators
• Washe rs an d/or dryers
• Metal cabin et s
• Large aq uariums
• Metall ic -based, UV-tint ed wi ndows
sec tion
If your wireless signal se em s w eak i n s ome s pots, make sure that
object s suc h a s the se are not bloc ki ng the s ignal’s pa th between your
comput er s a nd wi re le ss rout er (o r a ccess point).
3. Cordless Phone Placement
If the performan ce of yo ur wi re le ss ne twork is impaired after atten ding
to the above issues , a nd yo u h av e a co rdle ss ph one:
• Try moving cordles s pho ne s a way f ro m t he wi rele ss rout er
(or access poi nt ) a nd yo ur wire less-enab le d c omputers.
• Unplug and remove the batt er y f rom any cordless ph on e
that operat es on th e 2 .4 GHz band (check manu fa cturer’s
inform at ion). If this fixes the problem, your ph on e m ay
be interfer in g.
• If your phone suppo rt s c hannel selec ti on, change the
channe l on the phon e t o the fa rt hest channel from your
wireless networ k a s pos si ble. For exampl e, ch ange the
phone to chann el 1 and move yo ur wi rele ss rout er (o r
access poin t) to ch an nel 11. (Your c hannel selec ti on wi ll vary
depend in g o n you r regio n. ) S ee yo ur ph one’s us er ma nual for
detail ed in st ruction s.
• If necessar y, conside r s wi tching to a 9 00MHz or 5GHz
cordless phone.
4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless Network
In location s w he re home s o r offices are close toge th er, such as
apartm en t b ui ldings or office complex es , t here ma y b e wireles s
networ ks ne ar by that can conflict wi th yo urs. Use the Site Survey
capabi li ties of your Belkin Wireless Net wo rking Utilit y to loc at e a ny
other wireless net wo rks, and move your wireless router (or acces s
point) and com pu ters to a c hannel as far away from o ther network s
as possible .
Experi me nt wi th more th an on e o f t he av ailable channe ls in orde r to
find the clearest conne ct ion and avoid interf eren ce from neig hboring
cordless phones or othe r w irel es s d evices.
For more Be lkin wireless netwo rk ing pro ducts, use the detaile d S it e
Survey and wireles s cha nn el informati on in cluded in your
User Manual .
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connecti on s t ypically require a user name and password, and
are us ed wh ere s ec urity is importan t. Se cure co nnections incl ude:
• Vir tual Private Ne tw ork ( VPN) connect io ns, often used to
connec t remotel y t o an office netwo rk
• The “Bring Your Own Access ” program from Americ a O nl ine
(AOL), whic h l et s y ou us e A OL th ro ug h b road band prov ided
by another cab le or DS L ser vice
• Most online ba nk ing w ebsites
• Many commercial we bs ites that re quire a us er na me an d
passwo rd to access your ac co unt
Secure connecti on s c an be in terrupted by a compu te r’s powe r
manage me nt se tting, which ca us es it to “g o t o sle ep.” The simplest
soluti on to av oi d t hi s i s t o s im ply rec onnect by re -running the VPN or
AOL software, or by re-logging into th e sec ure web si te.
A second alter native is to change your computer’s power management
settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appropriate
for portable computers. To change your power management setting in
Windows, see the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel.
If you continu e to hav e difficu lty w ith Secure C onnection s, VP Ns, and
AOL, please review step s 1 –4 in th e previou s p ag es to be su re you
have addressed the se is su es.
The se guidelines should al low yo u to cover the maxim um possible
area with your wirel ess router. Sho uld you ne ed to cove r an even wider
area, we suggest the Belkin Wireless Range Extend er/Access Poi nt.
For more informati on regarding our networking product s, vis it our
web site at ww w.belk tworking or call Belkin Technica l Support.
Product Features
The Adapter c omplies with the IEEE draft-8 02.11n specif ication to
com municate with other dra ft-802.11 n-compliant w irele ss devices at up
to 300Mbps*. The Adapter is also compatibl e with 802 .11g devices at
54M bps as wel l as 802.1 1b products at 11Mbps . The Adap ter operates
on the same 2.4GHz frequency band as 802.11b /g Wi-Fi
• 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Science, and Medical) band operation
• Data rate of up to 300Mbps* (draft 802.11n), 54Mbps (802.11g),
or 11Mbps (802.11b)
• Easy installation and use
• LED power and network link/activity indicator
prod ucts.
sec tion
Applications and Advantages
• Wireless roaming with a laptop around the hom e or office
Off ers the free dom of networki ng wi thout cables
• Connec ti on ra tes of u p t o 3 00Mbps*
Pro vides immedi at e h igh-speed wi rele ss co nn ectivit y at hom e,
work, and hots po t l oc ations witho ut co mpro mising the use of
existi ng 80 2. 11b/g products
• Compat ib ility with 802.11 b/ g p ro du cts
The Adapter is back wa rd -c ompatib le wi th ex isting
Wi-Fi (IEEE 80 2. 11b/g) products
• Difficult- to -wire e nv iron ments
Enable s net wo rking in buildi ng s w it h s olid or finished wal ls ,
or open are as where w iring is difficult to install
• Fre quently chan gi ng environments
Adapts easi ly in office s o r env iron ments that frequently rearrang e
or change loca ti ons
• SOHO (Small Office /H ome O ff ic e) networkin g n ee ds
Provides the easy and quick, small network installation SOHO
users need
Product Specifications
Host Interf ac e: USB 2.0
Ope rating Temperature: 32—1 40 de gree s F (0 —60 d egre es C)
Storag e Tempera tu re : -4—176 degrees F (-20—8 0 d eg re es C)
Humidi ty : Max. 90% (non- co ndensing)
Typical Operating Range: Up to 1,2 00 ft .* *
NOT E: T he s tan da rd tr an smi ss ion rat e— 300 Mb ps— is t he p hys ic al d ata r at e.
Act ua l data throu ghp ut w ill be lower.
**Wirel ess p er forma nc e may var y de pen di ng o n the net wo rki ng e nviro nme nt .
(a) Protective Cap
The cap is provided to protec t the USB connector during transpor tation.
Remove the cap before inserting the Adapter to your computer’s USB
port or through the provided Desktop Stand.
(b) Power/Activity LED
Lights when th e Ada pt er is powered o n a nd fl ashes when it is active .
(c) USB Connector
Part of the Adapter th at fi ts in to your computer’s USB port.
(d) Desktop Stand
Lets you move the Adap te r a way f ro m int erfering objec ts
aro und your comput er.
sec tion
System Requirements
• PC-com pa tible laptop with on e ava il able USB 2.0 bus-pow er po rt
• Window s
2 000, XP with SP2, or Vi staTM***
Package Contents
• N Wire less USB Adapter
• Quick Insta ll ation Guide
• CD with Instal la tion Software and User Manual
• Deskto p Sta nd
Installing and Setting up the Adapter
A. Installation Process for Windows Vista
drivers were not available for release and might not be included on the
CD shipped with your product. For information on updated drivers
for Windows Vista (if any), please visit the Belkin website at
At the time of initial release of this product, Windows Vista
A.1 Insert the Installation Software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
A.2 Click “Next” to begin the installation process.
Note: If the Belkin Wireless Card Installer screen does not appear within
20 seconds, access your CD-ROM by double-clicking on the “My
Computer” icon; then double-click on the CD-ROM drive into which the
installation CD has been placed. If the Installer does not start
automatically, double-click on the icon named “Setup.exe”.
Installing and Setting up the Adapter
A.3 The InstallShield Wizard starts the
installation process.
A.4 Select a destination folder for the
software installation by clicking
“Browse”; or, simply click “Next” to
select a default location.
sec tion
A.5 A Setup Status screen will let you
know where you are in the
setup process.
A.6 A window may appear a second time
showing the message, “Windows
can’t verify the publisher of this driver
software”. This DOES NOT indicate a
problem. Our software has been fully
tested and is compatible with this
operating system.
Installing and Setting up the Adapter
A.7 When prompted, turn off your
computer and plug in your Adapter.
Your installation is now complete.
A.8 When the installation completes,
click on “Finish”.
A.9 The Found New Hardware Wizard
might appear within 3–15 seconds.
If it does, continue to follow the
prompts. Select “Locate and install
the driver software” to continue.
A.10 You might see a screen similar to
the one pictured below. This DOES
NOT mean there is a problem. Our
software has been fully tested and
is compatible with this operating
system. Select “Install this driver
software anyway” and follow the
on-screen instructions.
Next, a screen appears indicating
that hardware installation is taking
place; then, another indicates that
the process is complete.
Installing and Setting up the Adapter
A.11 To connect to the Internet, open the
Network and Sharing Center by first
opening the Control Panel from the
“Start” menu.
A.12 In the Control Panel, click on “View
network status and tasks”.
A.13 In the Network and Sharing Center,
click on “Connect to a network”.
sec tion
A.14 In the next screen, select an
available wireless network and click
Installing and Setting up the Adapter
A.15 Your Adapter will attempt to
connect to the selected network.
A.16 Depending on the security settings
of your wireless network, you may
be prompted to enter a network
security key or a passphrase. Click
“Connect” after you have done so.
A.17 After connecting to the network,
you can choose to save this
network and connect automatically
when your Adapter is in range.
A.18 The Network and Sharing Center
now indicates the network
connection that you have just
made. The links on the left of the
window allow you to configure your
network connections.
Installing and Setting up the Adapter
B. Installation Process for Windows Operating Systems other than
Windows Vista
B.1 Insert the Installation Software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
B.2 The Belkin Wireless Card Installer
screen will automatically appear
within up to 20 seconds. Click “Install
Software” or “Next” to start
the installation
Note: If the Belkin Wireless Card
Installer screen does not appear within
20 seconds, access your CD-ROM by
double-clicking on the “My Computer”
icon; then double-click on the
CD-ROM drive into which the
installation CD has been placed. Then,
double-click on the icon
named “Setup.exe”.
B.3 The InstallShield Wizard starts the
installation process
sec tion
B.4 Select a destination folder for the
software installation by clicking
“Browse”; or, simply click “Next” to
select a default location.
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