Belkin F5D8013D Users Manual

Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
If desired, y ou ma y con ne ct ma nu ally to a WPS-e na bl ed ne twork.
Click on the “ Advanced” tab to op en th e f ol lo wing wi ndow:
network. The followi ng sect io n d es cr ibes how t o con ne ct to a secure
network that does not support WPS.
Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
sect ion
The Belkin N W irel es s N ot eb ook C ard suppo rt s the late st WPA
security feature as well as th e leg ac y WEP secu ri ty st an dard . By
default, wireless security is disabled .
To ena bl e s ec ur ity, you will first need to de termine which standard
is used b y t he router (or access point). (See your wireless rou te r’s
or access point’s man ua l f or directions on how to access the
security settin gs .)
To acc es s t he secu ri ty se tt ings on yo ur Ca rd, click the “My
Connecti on s” ta b and point to the connection for which you want to
change security sett in gs . C li ck “E di t” to ch an ge se tt ings.
Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
WEP Setup
64-Bit WEP Encryption
Select “WEP” from th e “ Da ta En cr yption” dro p- down menu.
After selecting your WEP encryption mode, you can enter your
A hex ( he xadecimal) key is a co mb ination of n umbers and l etters
from A–F and 0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you need to enter 10 hex keys.
= 64 -b it WE P key
Click “Save” to fi nish. E ncryption in the wire le ss router
wireless network will now n eed t o b e confi gu red with the same
security settin gs .
Installing and Setting up the Card
sect ion
After re starting your computer,
found on the s ystem t ray.
The Belkin Wire less Networking
Select a network to w hich to
availabl e netwo rk s, yo u mus t be
After successfu ll y i ns ta lling the Be lkin Wire le ss Ne tw orking Utility
few easy clicks away.
Accessing the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
To acc es s t he WNU, simp ly plac e you r mouse poin te r and righ t- cl ick
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