Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
sect ion
If you are using a wire less cl ient to tu rn on th e s ec urity
settings in your wireless rou te r (or acce ss poin t) , y ou will temp or ar ily
lose your wirel ess c onnection until you activate security on your
wireless client. Please re cord the key prior to applying changes in the
wireless rou te r ( or acce ss po in t) . I f you don’t re me mb er th e h ex key,
your client will be l ocked out of th e wireless router (or a ccess p oint).
After selecting your WEP encrypt io n mod e, yo u can enter your
A hex ( he xadecimal) key is a co mb ination of n umbers and l etters
from A–F and 0–9. For 128-bit WEP, you need to enter 26 hex keys.
Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
Click “Save” to finish. Encrypti on in the wireless ro ut er
wireless network will now n eed t o b e confi gu red with the same
settings in your wireless rou te r (or acce ss poin t) , y ou will temp or ar ily
wireless client. Please re cord the key prior to applying changes in the
wireless rou te r ( or acce ss po in t) . I f you don’t re me mb er th e h ex key,
your client will be l ocked out of th e wireless router (or a ccess p oint).
Enter your network key. Th is can be from ei gh t t o 63 charact er s
Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
sect ion
Click “Save” to fi nish. You must now set all clients
Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
Wireless Networking Utility Options
The “Options” tab on the W NU provid es the user the ability to
Wireless Networking Utility Help
The WNU “ Help” tab prov id es us er s w it h acc es s t o onlin e and
telephon e suppo rt , a s well as advanced diagn os ti c t oo ls.
Using the Belkin Wireless Networking Utility
sect ion
Advanced Diagnostic Tools
The “Advanced Diagno st ic Tools” sectio n is the central control panel
for all t he se ttings of th e h ardware and s oftware c om ponents of
the wire less ne twork. It prov id es an arra y of tests and connectiv it y
services to ensure o ptimal network performanc e.
Look at t he li ghts on yo ur wi reless router. If you’re us in g a
t he ca se , m ak e s ure:
• The rou te r’s power cord is plug ge d in.
• All c ables are conn ec te d b et ween th e router and
• All t he mo dem’s LEDs are fu nc tioning correctly. If not, see
your modem’s u se r man ua l.
Open your wirel ess u tility software by cl ic ki ng on th e icon in
the system tray at th e b ot tom r ig ht-hand corn er of the screen.