Thank y ou for purcha sing the Belkin N 1 W ireless No teboo k C ard. Now
you can ta ke advan tage o f t his great new techn ol ogy an d g ain the
fre edom t o n etwor k y our home and office co mpute rs wireles sly. T his
Card allo ws you to co nnect a not ebook co mpute r t o your ne twork .
Please be sure to read throu gh this Use r Manu al compl etely, a nd pay
specia l attent ion to th e s ectio n entitl ed “Plac ement of your Wirel ess
Networ king Hardw are f or Opt imal Per formanc e”.
sec tion
Benefi ts of a Ho me Netwo rk
Your B elkin Home Net work wil l a llow you to:
• Sh are o ne high- speed In ter net conn ectio n w ith al l t he compu ters in
your ho me
• Sh are res ources, su ch as fil es , and hard dri ves am on g all the
connec ted comp uters in your hom e
• Share a sin gle prin ter with th e entire fa mily
• Share docu ments , m usic, vi deo, and digit al pictu res
• Store, retri eve, and co py fil es from one co mp uter t o a nothe r
• Simul taneous ly pla y g ames onl ine, che ck Inter net email, a nd chat
Advant ages o f a Wi re less Net work
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin wireless network:
• Mob ility – y ou no lon ger need a d edicate d “com pu ter
roo m”—yo u can wor k o n a netwo rked lap top or de sk top
comput er anywh ere within your wirel ess rang e
• Easy in stall at ion – Bel kin Easy Install ation Wi zards make
setup s imple
• Flexib ility – s et up and ac cess pri nters , c omput ers, and ot her
networ king dev ices f rom a nywhere in yo ur home
• Easy ex pansi on – t he wid e r ange of B elkin ne tworkin g products
lets yo u e xpand yo ur net wo rk to inc lude dev ices suc h as prin ters
and gam ing cons oles
• No cabl ing required – you can spare the expen se and hass le of
ret ro fitti ng Ether net ca bling th ro ughou t t he home o r o ff ice
• Widesp re ad indus try acce ptanc e – choos e f ro m a wide ran ge of
interope rable ne twork ing produc ts
sec tion
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for
Optimal Performance
Your w ireless co nnect ion will be stronger t he close r your co mputer
is to your wireless route r (or acc ess poin t). Typica l i ndoor op erati ng
range f or your wirel ess devi ces is be tween 10 0 a nd 200 fe et. In th e
same wa y, you r w ireless co nnect ion and per forma nce will de grade
somewh at as the di stanc e b etwee n your wi re le ss router ( or acces s
point) and conn ected de vices in creases . T his may o r m ay not be
notice able to y ou. As yo u m ove fart her from yo ur wireless rou ter (or
access point), conne ct ion sp eed may dec re ase. Fac tors tha t can
weaken signals simpl y b y g ettin g in the way of your net work’s radi o
waves a re me tal appl iance s o r obstru ction s, and wa lls.
If you hav e concer ns a bout you r n etwor k’s pe rforman ce tha t m ight be
rel ated t o r ange or o bstruct ion fact ors, t ry movin g t he compu ter to a
positi on betwe en fiv e a nd 10 fee t f ro m t he wireles s router (o r a ccess
point) in order to se e i f distan ce is the prob lem. If d ifficulti es persi st
even at cl ose rang e, ple as e cont act Belk in Tech nical Support .
Note: W hile som e of the ite ms liste d below c an affect net work
perfor mance , t hey wi ll not prohib it your w irel ess netw ork from
functi oning ; i f you are conc ern ed that y our netw ork is no t o perat ing at
its max imum effec tivenes s, this c heckl is t may hel p.
1. Placement of your Wireless Router (or Access Point)
Place y our wirele ss ro uter (or access p oint), t he centr al conne ction
point o f y our netw ork, a s c lose as p ossible to the cent er of you r
wireless network devices .
To ach ieve t he best wirel ess netw ork cove rage for your “wi re less
client s,” (i.e . comp ut ers en abled by Be lkin Wirel ess Note book Cards ,
Wireless Desktop Card s, and Wi re less USB Ad apter s):
• Ensure th at your wirel ess router ’s (or ac cess poi nt’s) anten nas
are paral lel to each other, and are p ositi oned ver tically (towa rd
the cei ling). I f y our wi rele ss router ( or acces s p oint) it self i s
positi oned ver tical ly, po int the a nt ennas as much as p ossible in
an upwa rd di re ction.
• In multistory homes, place the wireless router (or access point) on a
floor that is as close to the center of the home as possible. This may
mean placing the wireless router (or access point) on an upper floor.
• Try not to pl ace the w ireless rout er (or acce ss point ) near a
cordless 2.4GHz p hone.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id pla cing you r w ireless rout er (or ac ce ss poi nt) near de vices th at
may emi t r adio “no ise”, su ch as mic ro wave ove ns. Othe r object s that
can inh ibit wirel ess comm unicati on can in clude :
• Refrig erato rs
• Washe rs and/o r dryers
• Metal c abinets
• Large aquar iums
• Metall ic-ba sed, UV-t inted wi ndows
If your wi re less sig nal seem s weak in so me spo ts , make su re th at
object s such as th ese are not bl ockin g t he sig na l’s pa th bet we en you r
comput ers and w ireless rout er (or acce ss point ).
3. Cordless Phone Placement
If the per forma nce of your wire less n et work i s i mpaired af ter atte nding
to the abo ve issue s, and yo u h ave a cordl ess phon e:
• Try movin g cordless phones a way from the w irel ess router
(or acc ess poin t) and yo ur wireless- enabl ed compu ters.
• Unplug and remove th e batter y from any cordl ess phon e
that op erates o n t he 2.4 GH z band (c heck man ufact urer’s
inform ation ). If thi s f ixes the prob lem, y ou r phon e m ay
be inte rfering .
• If your ph one supp orts c ha nnel s electio n, chang e the
channe l on the pho ne to the fa rthes t channe l fro m your
wireless network as possi ble. For ex ample , c hange the
phone t o c hanne l 1 and move yo ur wireles s router (o r
access point) t o c hanne l 1 1. (Your chan nel se le ction will var y
depend ing on yo ur re gion. ) S ee your p ho ne’s u ser manu al for
detail ed instr uctio ns.
• If nece ssary, consid er switc hing t o a 90 0MHz o r 5 GHz
cordless phone.
4. Choose the “Quietest” Channel for your Wireless Network
In locations where homes or offices are close together, such as apartment
buildings or office complexes, there may be wireless networks nearby that
can conflict with yours. Use the Site Survey capabilities of your Belkin
Wireless Networking Utility to locate any other wireless networks, and move
your wireless router (or access point) and computers to a channel
as far away from other networks as possible.
Experi ment wit h more than on e of the ava ilabl e c hanne ls in order to
find th e c learest co nnect ion and avo id int er ference from neighbo ring
cordless phones o r o ther wirel ess devi ces.
For more Bel kin wirele ss netwo rking prod ucts, us e the det ailed Si te
Survey and wirele ss chann el infor matio n i nclud ed in your
User Ma nual.
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure co nnectio ns typic ally requi re a u ser name and pass word , and
are used whe re se curit y i s impo rtant. S ecure conn ections include :
• Vir tual P rivate N etwork ( VPN) con necti on s, oft en used to c onnect
rem otely to an office net work
• The “Br ing Your Own Acc ess” progr am from Ameri ca Onl ine (AOL ),
which l ets you use AOL throug h b ro adban d p ro vided by another
cable o r D SL servi ce
• Most on line ban king web sites
• Many co mmercial w ebsites that requi re a u se r name an d passwo rd
to acce ss your acc ount
Secure co nnectio ns can be in terru pted by a co mpute r’s po we r
manage ment set ting, wh ich ca uses it to “ go to sleep .” The si mples t
soluti on to avo id this i s t o s imply reco nnect by re -runnin g the VPN or
AOL sof tware, or by re-lo gging into the se cure websi te.
A second alternative is to change your computer’s power management
settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appropriate
for portable computers. To change your power management setting in
Windows, see the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel.
If you con tinue to have diffi culty wi th Secure Con necti ons, VPN s, and
AOL, pl ease revie w s teps 1–4 in the previo us pages to be sure you
have ad dressed th ese issu es.
The se guideli nes should allow you to cover th e maximum possible
area wi th your wirele ss router. S hould you need to cover an even wider
area, w e suggest the B elkin Wireless Range Exten der/Access Point.
For more informat ion regarding our networking p roducts, visit our
web site at www.belki g or call Belkin Technical Support.
Product Features
The Card com plies wi th the IE EE draft -802. 11 n spec ificati on to
commun icate wi th oth er draft -802.11 n-com pliant w ireless de vices at
up to 300M bps*. Th e Card is also compati ble wi th 802.1 1g devic es at
54Mbps as well as 8 02.11 b p ro ducts at 11 Mbps. Th e Card oper ates
on the sam e 2.4GHz frequency band as 802 .11b/ g W i-Fi
• 2.4GHz ISM (Industrial, Science, and Medical) band operation
• Data rate of up to 300Mbps* (draft 802.11n), 54Mbps (802.11g),
or 11Mbps (802.11b)
• Easy installation and use
• LED power and network link/activity indicators
p ro ducts .
sec tion
sec tion
Applications and Advantages
• Wireless roam ing wi th a l aptop arou nd the ho me or offic e
Off ers th e f re edom of net worki ng witho ut cable s
• Connec tion r at es of up t o 3 00Mbp s*
Pro vides immedia te high- speed wi re less con necti vity at h om e,
work, a nd hotsp ot locat ions wit hout com promisi ng the use o f
existi ng 802.1 1b/g p rodu cts
• Compat ibili ty with 8 02 .11b/ g pro ducts
The Card is b ackward-c ompat ible wit h e xisti ng Wi-Fi
(IEEE 8 02.11b/ g) product s
• Difficul t-to- wire environme nts
Enable s networ king i n b uildi ngs with so lid or fi nished w alls,
or open area s where wirin g is diffic ult to in st all
• Difficul t-to- wire environme nts
Enable s networ king i n b uildi ngs with so lid or fi nished w alls,
or open area s where wirin g is diffic ult to in st all
• Fre quent ly chang ing envi ro nment s
Adapts easily i n o ff ices or e nvironmen ts that f re quently re ar range
or chan ge locat ions
• SOHO (S mall Offic e/Home O ff ice) net working needs
Provides the easy and quick, small network installation SOHO
users need
Operat ing Temper ature: 3 2—140 de grees F (0—60 degrees C)
Storag e Temperat ure: -4—176 degrees F (-2 0—80 deg re es C)
Humidi ty: Max . 90% (no n-con densing )
Typical Ope ratin g R ange: Up to 1 ,000 ft. (3 04.8m )**
NOT E: T he s ta nd ard t ra ns missi on r at e– 300Mb ps –i s th e ph ysi ca l da ta r at e. A ct ual dat a throu ghp ut
wil l be low er.
**Wi rel es s pe rform an ce m ay v ar y de pen di ng o n th e ne tw or kin g envir onm en t.
(a) Power LED
Lights up when the Card is powered up
(b) Link/Activity LED
Lights up when the Card is conne cted; fl ashes wh en wireles s
activi ty is det ected
(c) Card Connector
Part of th e Card that fi ts into y our comp uter’s CardBus s lot
System Requirements
• PC-com patib le lapto p w ith on e a vaila ble CardBu s s lot
• Window s
2 000 or XP
Package Contents
• N1 Wirele ss Noteb ook Card
• Quick I nstalla tion G ui de
• Instal latio n S oftwa re CD
• User Ma nual
Installing and Setting up the Card
Installing and Setting up the Card
sec tion
Step 1 Install
: Install the software before inserting the Card.
1.1 Insert the Installation Software CD into your CD-ROM drive.
1.2 1.2 The Belkin Wireless Card Installer screen will automatically appear.
(This may take 15–20 seconds.) Click “Install Software” or “Next”
to start the installation.
Note:If the Belkin Wireless Card Installer screen does not appear
within 20 seconds, access your CD-ROM by double-clicking on the
“My Computer” icon; then double-click on the CD-ROM drive into which
the installation CD has been placed. Double-click on the icon named
1.3 The InstallShield Wizard will now
start. Click “Next” to continue.
1.4 Select a different destination folder
for the software installation, or
simply click “Next”.
1.5 The first in a series of
progress-monitoring screens
will let you know where you are
in the setup process.
1.6 You might see a screen similar to
this one. This DOES NOT mean
there is a problem. Our software has
been fully tested and is compatible
with this operating system. Select
“Continue Anyway” and follow the
on-screen instructions.
Installing and Setting up the Card
Installing and Setting up the Card
sec tion
Step 2 Insert
Insert the Card into your Computer
2.4 The Wiz ard w ill now i nstall
your so ftware.
2.1 After t he softw are i nstal lation i s
finish ed, the m essag e “ Pleas e p lug
in your No teboo k C ard now” wi ll
appear. I nsert yo ur Card.
2.2 The Fou nd New Hardwa re Wi zard
will ap pear. (Thi s may tak e 3–15
second s.) Sele ct “Yes, this time
only” a nd click “N ext” t o i nstal l
the hardw are.
2.3 Select “Instal l the sof tware
automa tical ly” and c li ck “Ne xt” to
instal l the hardw are.
2.5 You mi ght se e a scre en simil ar
to this on e. This D OES NOT
mean th ere i s a problem. O ur
softwa re has been fu lly test ed
and is com patib le with t hi s
operat ing syst em. Se le ct
“Conti nue Anyw ay” an d f ollow
the on- screen ins tructio ns.
2.6 The ins tallati on is now co mplet e.
Click “ Finish” to exit.
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