Belkin F5D7632-4V5 User Manual

Manually Configuring your Router
Setting your Connection Type to Dynamic IP (1483 Bridged)
This connection method bridges your network and ISP’s network together. The Router will obtain IP address automatically from your ISP’s DHCP server.
1. IP Assigned by ISP – Leave “Yes” if your ISP automatically
assigns IP address. If your ISP assigned a fixed IP address, select “No” and enter assigned values.
2. VPI/VCI - Enter your Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual
Circuit Identifier (VCI) parameter here. These identifiers are assigned by your ISP.
3. Encapsulation - Select LLC or VC MUX your ISP uses.
Setting your ISP Connection Type to Static IP (IPoA)
This connection type is also called “Classical IP over ATM” or “CLIP”, which your ISP provides a fixed IP for your Router to connect to the Internet.
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1. IP Address – Enter an IP address assigned by your ISP for the
Router WAN interface.
Manually Configuring your Router
2. Subnet Mask - Enter a subnet mask assigned by your ISP.
3. Default Route -
Enter a default gateway IP address. If the Router cannot find the destination address within its local network, it will forward the packets to the default gateway assigned by your ISP.
4. VPI/VCI - Enter your Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual
Circuit Identifier
(VCI) parameter here. These identifiers are assigned by your ISP.
5. Encapsulation - Select LLC or VC MUX your ISP uses.
Setting your Connection Type to Modem Only (Disable Internet Sharing)
In this mode, the Router simply acts as a bridge passing packets across the DSL port. It requires additional software to be installed on your computers in order to access the Internet.
1. VPI/VCI - Enter your Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual
Circuit Identifier (VCI) parameter here. (Assigned by your ISP).
2. Encapsulation - Select LLC or VC MUX. (Assigned by your ISP).
DNS (Domain Name Server) Settings
A “Domain Name Server” is a server located on the Internet that translates Universal Resource Links (URLs) like “” to IP addresses. Many ISPs do not require you to enter this information into the Router. The “Automatic from ISP” box (1) should be checked if your ISP did not give you a specific DNS address. If you are using a static IP connection type, then you may need to enter a specific DNS address and secondary DNS address for your connection to work properly. If your connection type is dynamic or PPPoE, it is likely that you do not have to enter a DNS address.
Manually Configuring your Router
Leave the “Automatic from ISP” box checked. To enter the DNS address settings, uncheck the “Automatic from ISP” box and enter your DNS entries in the spaces provided. Click “Apply Changes” (2) to save the settings.
Using DDNS (Dynamic DNS)
The DDNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static host name in any of the many domains offers, allowing your network computers to be more easily accessed from various locations on the Internet. provides this service, for up to five host names, free to the Internet community. is another alternative to
DDNS service is ideal for a home website, file server, or to make it easy to access your home PC and stored files while you’re at work. Using the service can ensure that your host name always points to your IP address, no matter how often your ISP changes it. When your IP address changes, your friends and associates can always locate you by visiting instead!
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To register free for your Dynamic DNS host name, please visit
Manually Configuring your Router
Setting up the Router’s Dynamic DNS Update Client
You must register with’s free update service before using this feature. Once you have your registration, follow the directions below.
1. Enter your user name in the “Account / E-mail” field (1).
2. Enter your password in the “Password / Key” field (2).
3. Enter the domain name you set up with in
the “Domain Name” field (3).
4. Click “Apply Changes” to update your IP address.
Whenever your IP address assigned by your ISP changes, the Router will automatically update’s servers with your new IP address. You can also do this manually by clicking the “Apply Changes” button (4).
The “Wireless” tab lets you make changes to the wireless network settings. From this tab, you can make changes to the wireless network name (SSID), operating channel, and encryption security settings.
Manually Configuring your Router
Channel and SSID
1. Changing the Wireless Network Name (SSID)
To identify your wireless network, a name called the SSID (Service Set Identifier) is used. The default SSID of the Router is “belkin54g”. You can change this to anything you want to or you can leave it unchanged. If there are other wireless networks operating in your area, you will want to make sure that your SSID is unique (does not match that of another wireless network in the area). To change the SSID, type in the SSID that you want to use in the SSID field (1) and click “Apply Changes” (2). The change is immediate. If you make a change to the SSID, your wireless-equipped computers may also need to be reconfigured to connect to your new network name. Refer to the documentation of your wireless network adapter for information on making this change.
2. Using the ESSID Broadcast Feature
For security purposes, you can choose not to broadcast your network’s SSID. Doing so will keep your network name hidden from computers that are scanning for the presence of wireless networks. To turn off the broadcast of the SSID, select “DISABLE” and then click “Apply Changes”. The change is immediate. Each computer now needs to be set to connect to your specific SSID; an SSID of “ANY” will no longer be accepted. Refer to the documentation of your wireless network adapter for information on making this change.
Note: This advanced feature should be employed by advanced users only.
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Manually Configuring your Router
3. Using the Wireless Mode Switch
Your Router can operate in three different wireless modes: “Mixed (11b+11g)”, “11g Only”, and “11b Only”. The different modes are explained below.
“Mixed (11b+11g)” Mode —In this mode, the Router is compatible
with 802.11b and 802.11g wireless clients simultaneously. This is the factory default mode and ensures successful operation with all Wi-Fi-compatible devices. If you have a mix of 802.11b and 802.11g clients in your network, we recommend leave the setting as defaultThis setting should only be changed if you have a specific reason to do so.
”11g –Only” Mode—802.11g-Only mode works with 802.11g clients
only. This mode is recommended only if you want to prevent
802.11b clients from accessing your network. To switch modes, select the desired mode from the “Wireless Mode” drop-down box. Then, click “Apply Changes”.
”11b Only” Mode—We recommend you DO NOT use this mode unless
you have a very specific reason to do so. This mode exists only to solve unique problems that may occur with some 802.11b client adapters and is NOT necessary for interoperability of
802.11g and 802.11b standards.
4. Changing the Wireless Channel
There are a number of operating channels you can choose from. In the United States, there are 11 channels. In the United Kingdom and most of Europe, there are 13 channels. In a small number of other countries, there are other channel requirements. Your Router is configured to operate on the proper channels for the country you reside in. The default is “Auto”.
The channel can be changed if needed. If there are other wireless networks operating in your area, your network should be set to operate on a channel that is different than the other wireless networks. For best performance, use a channel that is at least five channels away from the other wireless network. For instance, if another network is operating on channel 11, then set your network to channel 6 or below. To change the channel, select the channel from the drop-down list. Click “Apply Changes”. The change is immediate.
Manually Configuring your Router
Securing your Wi-Fi Network
Here are a few different ways you can maximize the security of your wireless network and protect your data from prying eyes and ears. This section is intended for the home, home office, and small office user. At the time of this User Manual’s publication, there are three encryption methods available.
Name 64-bit Wired
Acronym 64-bit WEP 128-bit WEP WPA-TKIP WPA-AES
Security Good Better Best Best
Features Static keys Static keys Dynamic key
Equivalent Privacy
Encryption keys based on RC4 algorithm (typically 40-bit keys)
128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy
More secure than 64-bit WEP using a key length of 104 bits plus 24 additional bits of system generated data.
Wi-Fi Protected Access-TKIP
encryption and mutual authentication.
TKIP (temporal key integrity protocol) added so that keys are rotated and encryption is strengthened.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
WEP is a common protocol that adds security to all Wi-Fi-compliant wireless products. WEP was designed to give wireless networks the equivalent level of privacy protection as a comparable wired network.
Wi-Fi Protected Access-AES
Dynamic key encryption and mutual authentication.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) does not cause any throughput loss.
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64-Bit WEP
64-bit WEP was first introduced with 64-bit encryption, which includes a key length of 40 bits plus 24 additional bits of system-generated data (64 bits total). Some hardware manufacturers refer to 64-bit as 40-bit encryption. Shortly after the technology was introduced, researchers found that 64-bit encryption was too easy to decode.
Manually Configuring your Router
128-Bit WEP
As a result of 64-bit WEP’s potential security weaknesses, a more secure method of 128-bit encryption was developed. 128-bit encryption includes a key length of 104 bits plus 24 additional bits of system-generated data (128 bits total). Some hardware manufacturers refer to 128-bit as 104-bit encryption.
Most of the new wireless equipment in the market today supports both 64-bit and 128-bit WEP encryption, but you might have older equipment that only supports 64-bit WEP. All Belkin wireless products will support both 64-bit and 128-bit WEP
Encryption Keys
After selecting either the “64-bit” or “128-bit WEP” encryption mode, it is critical that you generate an encryption key. If the encryption key is not consistent throughout the entire wireless network, your wireless networking devices will be unable to communicate with one another on your network and you will not be able to successfully communicate within your network.
You can enter your key by typing in the hex key manually, or you can type in a passphrase in the “Passphrase” field and click “Generate” to create a key. A hex (hexadecimal) key is a mixture of numbers and letters from A–F and 0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you need to enter 10 hex keys. For 128-bit WEP, you need to enter 26 hex keys.
For instance:
AF 0F 4B C3 D4 = 64-bit WEP key C3 03 0F AF 0F 4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 E7 = 128-bit WEP key
The WEP passphrase is NOT the same as a WEP key. Your wireless card uses this passphrase to generate your WEP keys, but different hardware manufacturers might have different methods for generating the keys. If you have equipment from multiple vendors in your network, you can use the hex WEP key from your Router or access point and enter it manually into the hex WEP key table in your wireless card’s configuration screen.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a new Wi-Fi standard that was designed to improve upon the security features of WEP. To use WPA security, the drivers and software of your wireless equipment must be upgraded to support WPA. These updates will be found on the wireless vendors’ websites. There are two types of WPA security: WPA-PSK (no server) and WPA (with 802.1x radius server).
Manually Configuring your Router
WPA-PSK (no server)
This method uses what is known as a Pre-Shared key as the Network key. A Network key is basically a password that is between eight and 63 characters long. It can be a combination of letters, numbers, or characters. Each client uses the same Network key to access the network. Typically, this is the mode that will be used in a home environment.
WPA (with 802.1x radius server)
With this system, a radius server distributes the Network key to the clients automatically. This is typically found in a business environment.
The Router features WPA2, which is the second generation of WPA based
802.11i standard. It offers higher level of wireless security by combining advanced network authentication and stronger AES encryption method.
WPA2 Requirements
IMPORTANT: In order to use WPA2 security, all your computers and wireless client adapters must be upgraded with patches, driver, and client utility software that supported WPA2. At the time of this User Manual’s publication, a couple security patches are available, for free download, from Microsoft. These patches work only with the Windows XP operating system. Other operating systems are not supported at this time.
For Windows XP computer that does not have Service Pack 2 (SP2), a file from Microsoft called “Windows XP Support Patch for Wireless Protected Access (KB 826942)” is available for free download at http://support.
For Windows XP with Service Pack 2, Microsoft has released a free download to update the wireless client components to support WPA2 (KB893357). The update can be download from: com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;893357
IMPORTANT: You also need to ensure that all your wireless client cards / adapters support WPA2, and that you have downloaded and installed the latest driver. Most of the Belkin Wireless cards have update driver available for download from the Belkin support site:
For a list of Belkin wireless products that support WPA/WPA2, please visit our website at
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Manually Configuring your Router
Sharing the Same Network Keys
Most Wi-Fi products ship with security turned off. So once you have your network working, you need to activate WEP or WPA and make sure your wireless networking devices are sharing the same Network key.
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Net work key = WRONG Password
Wi rele ss G N oteb ook Net wor k Car d
Wi rele ss G D esk top
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64-bit key
128-bit key
Using a Hexadecimal Key
A hexadecimal key is a mixture of numbers and letters from A–F and 0–9. 64-bit keys are five two-digit numbers. 128-bit keys are 13 two-digit numbers.
For instance:
AF 0F 4B C3 D4 = 64-bit key C3 03 0F AF 0F 4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 E7 = 128-bit key
In the boxes below, make up your key by writing in two characters between A–F and 0–9 in each box. You will use this key to program the encryption settings on your Router and your wireless computers.
The Wireless G Desktop Network Card cannot access the network because it is using a different Network key than the Network key that is configured on the Wireless G Router.
Manually Configuring your Router
Note to Mac users: Original Apple AirPort® products support 64-bit encryption only. Apple AirPort 2 products can support 64-bit or 128-bit encryption. Please check your product to see which version you are using. If you cannot configure your network with 128-bit encryption, try 64-bit encryption.
WEP Setup
1. Select “WEP” from the drop-down menu.
2. Select “WEP Mode” of 64-bit or 128-bit
3. After selecting your “WEP mode”, you can enter your key by typing in
the hex key manually. A hex (hexadecimal) key is a mixture of numbers and letters from A–F and
0–9. For 64-bit WEP, you need to enter 10 hex keys. For 128-bit WEP, you need to enter 26 hex keys.
For instance:
AF 0F 4B C3 D4 = 64-bit key C3 03 0F AF 0F 4B B2 C3 D4 4B C3 D4 E7 = 128-bit key
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