F5D7330 Setup Guide
Connect the device to a computers network card. Crossover or patch cables both work.
If the user wants to connect wirelessly to a router without any encryption then leave
everything at defaults. It will automatically detect the wireless network and join it.
If the network is encrypted then either use the set-up CD or go directly into the built in web
interface (IP address =
In order to connect to the device we can use the Set-up software, which is on the CD. The
idea is that it will find the connected device and show you the current settings.
All of the adapters
Or just ignore the software and configure the unit manually through the web-based interface.
By default the IP address is set to Static (, so check the IP address of the
computer attached to the Bridge.
Web Interface, ‘Bridge Settings’
‘Join’ next to the chosen network, and then click
Under this section
you can configure
everything. DHCP
client is disabled by
Site Survey
The Network card in the computer attached to the 7330 will receive its IP address from the
router. If DHCP is chosen in the adapter, an IP address will also be assigned to the 7330. In
order to find out what this IP address is, you will need to run the CD again, let it detect the
device. Then it will show you the IP address. Alternatively you can look in the DHCP client list
in the router (MAC address is underneath the device).
-explanatory. Simply tick the box
on Apply changes.
Things to remember
To reset the device, hold down the reset button for 7 seconds. The Wireless light on the front
will start flashing very quickly.
The default IP address is In order to access the 7330 via the web manager
the IP address of the computer connected to the 7330 needs to be in the same range.