Belkin F5D7231B User Manual

Alternate Setup Method
3. Password
Type i n you r passw ord and ret ype i t i nt o the “Retyp e Pas sw ord” box to co nfirm it.
4. User Decide Login Server Manually
If your l ogin server IP ad dres s is not availabl e in the “Select Your State” drop-down menu (6), you m ay ma nually enter the lo gin server IP addre ss by pl ac in g a chec k in the box next to “U se r decide login server manuall y” an d typin g in the address next to “Login Server” (5).
Setting Custom Domain Name Server (DNS) Settings
A “Domain Name Server” is a server located on the Internet that translates Universal Resource Locators (URLs) like “” into IP addresses. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) do not require you to enter this information into the Router. The “Automatic from ISP” box (1) should be checked if your ISP did not give you a specific DNS address. If you are using a static IP connection type, then you may need to enter a specific DNS address and secondary DNS address for your connection to work properly. If your connection type is dynamic or PPPoE, it is likely that you do not have to enter a DNS address. Leave the “Automatic from ISP” box checked. To enter the DNS address settings, uncheck the “Automatic from ISP” box and enter your DNS entries in the spaces provided. Click “Apply Changes” the settings.
(2) to save
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Alternate Setup Method
Configuring your WAN Media Access Controller (MAC) Address
All network componen ts incl ud ing c ards , adapt er s, an d routers, have a unique “serial number” called a MAC addres s. Your Internet Se rvice Pro vider may reco rd the MAC a ddre ss of your comput er ’s adapter and only let that particular compute r conne ct to the Inter net s er vice. When you install the Router, its own M AC ad dres s wil l be “seen” by the ISP and m ay ca use t he co nn ection not t o w or k. Be lk in ha s provided the ability to clone (copy) the M AC ad dres s of the computer into the Router. This MAC address, i n t ur n, will be se en by th e ISP’s sy stem as the original MAC address an d w il l a ll ow th e con ne ct ion t o w or k. If you are no t sure whether your ISP needs to s ee th e ori gi na l M AC ad dress, simply clone the MAC addres s o f the comput er th at was origi na ll y connecte d to the modem. Cloning the address will no t c au se an y pro blems with y our n etwork.
Alternate Setup Method
Cloning your MAC Address
To clo ne yo ur MAC address, make sure th at yo u are using the computer that was ORIGINALLY CONNECTED to your modem before the Router was installed. Click the “Clone” button (1). Click “Apply Changes” (3). Your MA C address is now cl oned to th e Rou te r.
Entering a Specific MAC Address
In certain circ umstances you may need a sp ec ific WAN MAC addre ss. You ca n man ua ll y e nt er on e in the “MAC Address” page. Type in a MAC address i n the spac es provided (2) and click “Apply Changes” (3) to save the changes. The Router’s WAN MAC address will now be ch anged t o t he MA C address you specified.
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Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Using your Inter ne t b rowser, you can access the Router’s Web -B ased Advanced User Interf ac e. In your browser, type “192.168.2 .1 ” ( do not type in an ything else such as “h tt p://” o r “ ww w” ) t he n p ress the “Enter” key.
You wi ll se e the Router ’s home pa ge in yo ur browser window.
Viewing the LAN Settings
Clicking on the header of the “ LA N S et up” t ab header page. A quick description of the functions can be found h ere. To vie w the settin gs or make change s to any of t he LA N s et ti ngs, click on “LAN S ettings” (2) or t o v ie w t he list of connecte d compu te rs, click on “DHCP Client List” (3).
(1) will take you to i ts
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Changing LAN Settings
All settings for the interna l LAN setup of the Router can be vi ewed and changed here.
1. IP Address
The “IP a ddre ss ” i s the internal IP ad dres s of the Router. The default IP address i s “ 19 2. 168.2.1”. To a cc es s t he Web-B as ed Advanced User Interf ac e, ty pe th is IP address into the a ddre ss bar of yo ur browse r. Th is address can be changed if ne eded. To cha ng e t he IP address, type in t he ne w IP address and click “Apply Changes” . The IP address you c ho ose s hould b e a non-routable IP. Examples of a non-ro utable IP are:
192.168. x. x (wh ere x is a ny thing between 0 a nd 25 5) an d
10.x.x.x (where x is an yt hi ng be tween 0 an d 255 ).
2. Subnet Mask
There is no need to change the subnet mask. This is a un iq ue , advanced feature of your Be lkin Router. It i s p os si ble t o c ha ng e the subnet mask if ne cessary; however, do NOT m ak e c ha nges to the subnet mask unless you have a sp ec ific reas on to do so. The default setting is “255.255 .2 55.0”.
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