Belkin F5D7231-4P User Manual

High-Speed Mode Wireless G Router with Built-In USB Print Server
User Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of a Home Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advantages of a Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Placement of your Wireless G Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Knowing your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Connecting and Configuring your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Configuring and Using the USB Print Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6 Alternate Setup Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7 Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Changing LAN Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Viewing the DHCP Client List Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Configuring the Wireless Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Securing your Wi-Fi Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
WEP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
WPA Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Using the Access Point Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Wireless Range Extension and Bridging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Configuring the Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Setting MAC Address Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Enabling the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Utilities Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Restarting the Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Updating the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8 Manually Configuring Computer Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
9 Recommended Web Browser Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
10 Using your Router with AOL Broadband . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
11 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
12 USB Print Server FAQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
13 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Thank you for purchasing the Belkin High-Speed Mode Wireless G Router (the Router) with Built-In USB Print Server. Below are two short sections, one discusses the benefits of home networking, the other outlines best practices in order to maximize your wireless home network range and performance. Please be sure to read through this User Manual completely, and pay special attention to the section entitled “Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance” on the next page. By following our simple setup instructions your Belkin Home Network will allow you to:
Share one h igh-speed Inte rnet connect io n w it h a ll th e c om puters in your home
Share a s in gle p rinter with the entire family
Share reso urce s, su ch as fi le s, an d h ard drive s a mo ng al l t he connecte d c om puters in your home
Share documents, mus ic , v id eo, a nd di gital pictures
Store, ret ri eve, and copy files from on e c omputer to another
Simultan eo usly play games online , che ck In te rnet e-m ai l, and chat
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Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin Wireless Network:
Mobility – you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer room”— now
you can work on a networked laptop or desktop computer from virtually anywhere within your wireless range
Easy installation –
Flexibility – set up and access printers, computers, and other
networking devices from anywhere in your home
Easy Expansion – the wide range of Belkin networking products let
you expand your network to include devices such as printers and gaming consoles
No cabling required – you can spare the expense and hassle of
retrofitting Ethernet cabling throughout the home or office
Widespread industry acceptance – choose from a wide range of
interoperable networking products
Belkin’s Easy Installation Wizard makes setup simple
Placement of your Wireless G Router
Important Factors for Placement and Setup
Your w irel es s c on nection will be stronger the closer your com pu ter is to y our W irel ess R outer or Access Point. Typical indoo r ope ra ting range for your wireless device s is bet we en 10 0 a nd 20 0 f ee t. In th e same way, yo ur wi rele ss co nn ection and perfor ma nce w ill d egrade somewhat as the dista nc e b et ween your Wireless Router or Access Point and connec te d d ev ices increases. This may or may not be noticeab le to yo u. As you mov e fur th er from your Wireless Rout er or Access Point, conn ec tion speed may decrease. Factor s tha t can weaken sign al s s im ply b y g et ting in the w ay of yo ur ne twork’s ra di o waves are m etal appliance s or obstr uc tions, and walls.
If you have concern s a bout your network’s pe rformance that mi gh t b e rel ated to range or o bstructio n fac to rs, try moving the computer to a position be tw een f ive a nd te n f eet f ro m the Wireless Rout er or Ac ce ss Point, in order to se e i f d is tance is t he prob le m. If di ff ic ulties persist even at close range, pleas e c on tact Belkin Technical Suppor t.
Note: Wh il e s ome o f t he it em s l isted below can aff ect n etwork performa nc e, they will not p ro hi bit y our wirel ess network from function in g; if yo u a re concer ned that your networ k is not oper at ing a t its maximum effectiv en ess, this checklist may help.
1. Wireless Router or Access Point Placement
Place your Wireless Route r or Acces s P oi nt, t he ce ntral
connecti on po int o f y ou r n et work, as close as possible to the center of your wireless networ k dev ic es.
To ach ie ve the b est w irel ess n etwork coverag e for yo ur “w irel es s
clients” (i .e ., co mputers enable d by Belki n W ireles s N ot ebook Network Cards, Wireless Deskt op Ne tw ork C ards , a nd Wi rele ss USB Adapter s) :
• E ns ure tha t you r Wireles s Rou te r’s or Access Poin t’s networki ng an tennas are p ar allel to e ach other, and are position ed ve rtically (towa rd the ceiling ). If your Wi reless Router or Access Poin t its el f i s p os itioned vertic al ly, point the antennas as much as possib le in an upwa rd direction.
• I n mul ti story homes, place the Wireless Rout er or Acce ss Point on a f loor that is as cl ose to t he ce nter of the h ome a s possible . T hi s m ay me an pl ac ing the Wire less Router or Access Point on an upper floor.
• Try no t to place th e Wireles s Rou te r o r Acc es s P oint near a cordless 2.4GHz phon e.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id placing your Wireless Router or Access Po in t n ea r devices tha t may emit radi o “ no ise,” such as m icro wave ovens. Dense objec ts th at ca n inh ib it Wire le ss communicati on in clude:
• R ef rigerators
• Wa shers and/or drye rs
• M et al ca binets
• L arge aquarium s
• M et allic-based UV tint ed wi nd ows
If your wireless signal seems weak in some spots , mak e s ure that
objects suc h as these are not blocking the signa l’s path (betwe en your comput er s a nd Wi rele ss Ro ut er or Ac cess Point).
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3. Cordless Phones
If the performan ce of your wi reless ne tw ork i s i mp aire d a ft er attendin g t o the abov e iss ue s, and y ou ha ve a c ordles s p ho ne:
• Try mo vi ng co rd le ss ph ones away from Wi rele ss Ro uters or Access Poin ts an d you r wireles s- enabled comput er s
• U np lug a nd remo ve th e bat te ry from an y cordles s pho ne that operat e on the 2.4GHz ba nd (c he ck ma nufacturers informat io n). If t his f ixes the pro bl em, your phone may be interfer in g.
• I f you r pho ne su pp orts channel sele ct ion, change the channel on the phone to the furthe st ch an nel f ro m you r wireless network. Fo r exa mp le, c hange the phone to channel 1 and move your Wireless Router or Acces s Poi nt to chan ne l 1 1. See your phone’s us er manual for detailed inst ru ctions.
• I f nec es sary, cons id er sw itching to a 900MHz or 5GHz cordless phone.
4. Choose the “quietest” channel for your wireless network
In locations where hom es o r offices are close t ogether, such as apa rtment buildings or office complexes, there m ay be wireless net works nearby that can conflict with yours.
Use the Site Surv ey capabilities f ound in the Wi reles s LA N Utility
of your wireless adapt er t o locate a ny o ther wireless networks that are a vailabl e (see you r wi reles s adapter’s manual), and move your Wireless Rou ter (or Ac cess Point) and compu ters to a chan nel as far away from other networ ks as poss ible.
Exp eriment with more t han one of the ava ilable channe ls, in
order to find the c learest c onnection and avo id interference from nei ghboring cordless phon es o r other wi reless de vices.
For Belkin wireless ne tworkin g products, use the detailed Site
Sur vey and wireless ch annel information includ ed in your Use r Guide.
These guide li nes s hould allow you to cover the maximum possible area with your Wireless Router or Acce ss Po in t. Sh ould you need to cover an even wider area, w e s uggest the Belkin Wireless Range Exten de r/Access Point .
5. Secure connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connection s a re connec ti ons t hat t ypically require a us er name and password, and are u se d w here se cu rity is im portant. Secure connection s i nc lude:
• Virtual Pr iv ate N etwork (VPN) connec ti ons, often used to connect remotely to an office network
• T he “B ri ng Your Own Acces s” progra m f rom Ameri ca On li ne (AOL), whic h let s you use AOL through broadband provided by another cab le or DSL servi ce
• M os t o n- line banking websit es
• M an y c om merc ial w ebsites which require a us er name and password to access your accoun t
Secure connection s c an be inte rr upted by a co mputer’s p ow er
manageme nt se tting, which causes it to “go to sleep.” The simplest so lu tion to av oid t his is t o s im ply rec on nect by re- running the VPN or AOL software, or by re- lo gging into the secure web s ite.
A second alter native is to change your compute r’s power manageme nt se ttings so it do es not g o t o sle ep ; h owever, this may not be appropriate for portabl e com pu ters. To cha ng e y our p ower manageme nt se tting under Windows , see the “Po we r O pt ions” item in the Control Panel.
If you continue to have difficulty wit h Sec ure Conne ct ion, VPNs and AOL please review the steps above to be sure y ou ha ve ad dres sed these issue s.
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at or call Belkin Technical Support at:
US: 877-736-5771 310-898-1100 ext.2263 Europe: 00 800 223 55 460 Australia: 1800 666 040
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Product Overview
Product Features
In minutes you will be able to share yo ur Inter ne t c on nection and network you r com pu ters. The following is a list of features that make your new Belkin Wireless G Router an ideal solut io n f or yo ur home or small office network.
Works with Both PCs and Mac® Computers
The Router suppo rt s a vari et y o f n et working environmen ts in cl uding Mac OS® 8 .x, 9 .x, X v1 0.x, AppleTalk®, Linux®, Windows® 9 5, 98 , Me, NT®, 2000, and XP, and others. All that is needed is an Inter net bro wser and a ne twork adapter that sup po rts T CP/IP (the standard language of the Inter net).
Front-Panel LED Display
Lighted LED s on the front of the R outer indicate whic h f un ctions are in op er ation. You’ll know at-a-glan ce wh et her y our Router is connecte d t o the Inte rnet. This feat ure elimi na tes t he ne ed fo r advanced so ft ware an d sta tu s-monitor in g p roce du res.
Built-in USB Print Server
Your route r inc lu des a bu ilt-in USB print server tha t let s you prin t t o a USB p rinter from an y c omputer on the network. The prin t ser ve r is very simple to setup and conven ie nt to us e. Si mply install your printer’s drivers and softwa re on each comput er, a nd th en ru n t he easy to use Print Server Setu p Wiz ard to setup the print serv er. I n minutes, al l of your compu te rs will have access to the same printer.
NAT IP Address Sharing
Your R ou ter employs Netwo rk Ad dres s Tra ns lation (NAT) to share the single IP address assigne d to you by your Internet Service Provider while savin g the cost of addi ng ad di tional IP addresses to your Internet service accoun t.
Product Overview
SPI Firewall
Your R ou ter is e quipped with a fire wall that will protect your network fro m a wi de ar ra y o f c om mon h acker attacks inclu di ng IP Sp oofing, Land Attack , Pin g of Death (P oD ), De nial of Se rvice (DoS), IP with zero l ength, Smurf Attack , TCP Null Sc an , S YN fl oo d, UD P f looding, Tear D rop Attac k, IC MP de fect, RIP defect, and fragm en t f lo oding.
Integrated 10/100 4-Port Switch
The Router has a built-in, 4- po rt ne twork switch to allow your wired computer s t o sha re printe rs , d at a a nd MP 3 f il es, d igital photos, and much more. T he sw itch features automatic de te ction so i t w il l adjust to the speed of connec te d d ev ices. The switch will trans fe r data betwee n com pu ters and t he Inter ne t s im ultaneous ly wi th out interrup ti ng or co nsuming resources.
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) Compatibility
UPnP (Unive rs al Pl ug-and-Pl ay ) i s a techno lo gy that offe rs se amless operatio n o f voi ce me ss aging, video messag in g, games, and other applicat io ns that are UPn P- compliant .
Support for VPN Pass-Through
If you connect to your office network from home using a VPN connecti on , y our R outer will allow your VPN-e qu ipped computer to pass through the Router and to your office network.
Built-In Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Built-In Dy na mic H ost C onfigurat io n P roto co l ( DH CP) o n-board m akes for the easiest possi bl e c on nection of a network. The DHCP serv er will assign IP addresses to each compu te r a ut omaticall y so there is no need for a c omplicated net wo rking setup.
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Easy Install Wizard
The Easy Install Wiza rd takes the gues sw ork o ut of se tt ing up y our Router. Thi s aut om atic software determine s you r net wo rk settings for you and sets up the Router for connecti on to yo ur In te rnet Servi ce Provider (ISP). In a matter of minutes, your Wireless Router will be up and running on the Internet. A separate wizard is included for setup of the print server.
Product Overview Knowing Your Router
NOTE: Easy Install Wizard software is compatible with Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP and Mac OS 9.X and Mac OS X. The Print Server Setup Wizard software is compatible with Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, and XP. If you are using another operating system, the Wireless Router can be set up using the Alternative Method described in this manual (see page 34).
Integrated 802.11g Wireless Access Point
802.11g is an exciting new wireless technology that achieves data rates up to 54Mbps in 54G Mode, nearly five times faster than 802.11b.
125 High-Speed Mode
High-Speed Mode (HSM)*, a 54g™ performance enhancement, provides the fastest wireless connectivity for 802.11g-capable networks in real-world environments. It is designed for home networks that require additional bandwidth for applications such as sharing digital pictures. 125HSM makes
802.11g WLANs more efficient without impacting the performance of neighboring networks, and is compatible at high speeds with leading brands.
Integrated Parental Control Web Content Filter
Belkin has teamed with Cerberian, a leading content-filtering company, to bring you this unique feature. Your Belkin Wireless G Router is the first home networking solution with an integrated web content filter that allows you to block unwanted or offensive web content before it makes it to your network. Unlike other Parental Control solutions, Parental Control is built into the Belkin Wireless Router, so there is no software to install on any computer and you will never be charged a per-computer fee for the service, ever. Your Wireless Router comes with a six-month free trial of this feature so you can take advantage of the capabilities right away. No credit card is needed to use the trial. You have control: Belkin Parental Control can be modified to meet your needs. You can set up your own policies and block any website you want. There is also an optional reporting feature (fee-based) that allows you to get a report showing you every website that was visited from your network (refer to your Parental Control Manual for more information).
MAC Address Filtering
For added security, you can set up a list of MAC addresses (unique client identifiers) that are allowed access to your network. Every computer has its own MAC address. Simply enter these MAC addresses into a list using the web-based user interface and you can control access to your network.
*When operating in High-Speed Mode, this Wi-Fi device may achieve an actual throughput of up to or greater than 34.1Mbps, which is the equivalent throughput of a system following
802.11g protocol and operating at a signaling rate of 125Mbps. Actual throughput will vary depending on environmental, operational and other factors.
Package Contents
Belkin High-Speed Mode Wireless G Router with Built-In USB Print Serverr
Quick Installation Guide
Belkin Easy Install Wizard Software CD
Belkin RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cable
Power Supply
User Manual
System Requirements
Broadband Internet connection such as a cable or DSL modem with RJ45 (Ethernet) connection
At least one computer with an installed network interface adapter
TCP/IP networking protocol installed on each computer
RJ45 Ethernet networking cable
Internet browser
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Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements
A PC running Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP or a Mac computer running Mac OS 9.x or OS X
Minimum 64MB RAM
Internet Browser
Print Server Setup Wizard System Requirements
A PC running Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP
Minimum 64MB RAM
Knowing Your Router
The Router has been design ed to be plac ed on a deskt op . A ll of th e cables exit from the re ar of th e Rou te r f or be tt er organi za tion and utility. The L ED in dicators are easily visibl e on the front of the R outer to pro vide you w ith i nformatio n abo ut ne twork activity and statu s.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2.4GHz • High-Speed Wireless G
1. Power/Ready/Print Activity LED
When you apply power to the Router or restart it, a short period of time elapses while the Rou te r b oo ts up . D ur ing this time, the LED blinks. When the Router has completely booted up , t he Power/Re ad y L ED be comes a SO LID light, indica ti ng th e R ou ter is rea dy fo r u se . W he n d ata i s b ei ng se nt to th e p ri nter, the light will blink fast.
OFF Router is OFF
Slow B linking Gre en Router is Booting Up
Solid Green Router is Ready
Fast Blinki ng Green Printer Act iv ity
2. WLAN: Wireless Network LED
OFF Wireless Network is OFF
Gre en Wireless Network is Ready
Blinking Indi cates Wireless Activity
3. LAN Port-Status LEDs
These LEDs are l abeled 1–4 and correspond to the numbered ports on the rea r o f t he Ro ut er. W hen a co mputer is prop erly connecte d t o one of the LAN ports on the rear o f t he Ro ut er, the LED will light. GREEN mean s a 10Ba se -T de vice is connected, ORANGE mean s a 100Bas e- T d ev ice is c onnected. When informat io n i s b ei ng se nt ov er the p ort, the L ED blinks rapidly.
Knowing Your Router
OFF No Device is Linked to the Port
Gre en 10Base-T De vi ce Co nnected
Orange 100Base- Tx De vice Connected
Blinking (Orange or Green)
4. WAN Status LED
This LED lights in GREEN to indica te th at yo ur mo dem i s connecte d p roperl y t o the Rout er. I t b li nks r apidly when informat io n i s b ei ng se nt ov er the p ort b etween the Router and the modem.
Solid Green Good WAN Li nk
Blinking Green WAN Activit y
5. Connected LED
This unique LED shows you whe n the Rout er is co nn ected to t he Internet. When the light is OFF, th e Rou te r i s N OT co nn ected to the Inter net. When the light is blinking, the Route r i s att em pting to connect to the Internet. When the light is solid GREEN, the Router is connec te d t o the In te rnet. When usin g the “D is connect after x minutes” feat ure, this LED bec om es ex trem ely u seful in monitori ng th e s ta tus o f y ou r R outer’s co nn ection.
OFF Router is not Connect ed to th e Int er net
Blinking Green Router is Attemp ti ng to Co nn ect to t he
Solid Green Router is Connec te d t o the In te rnet
Port Activi ty
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Knowing Your Router
(6) (7) (8) (9)(10)
6. Power Jack - GRAY
Connect the incl ud ed 5V DC po we r s up ply t o t hi s j ack.
7. Connections to Computers (LAN Ports) - BLUE
Connect you r wired (non-w irel es s) co mputers to these ports. These ports are RJ45, 10/100 auto-n eg otiation, auto -u plinking ports for standa rd UTP categor y 5 or 6 Ether ne t c able. The ports are la beled 1 th ro ug h 4 . The se po rts c orre spond to t he nu mbered LEDs on the fron t o f t he Ro ut er.
8. Connection to Modem (WAN Port) - GREEN
This port is for connectio n t o you r cab le or DS L mod em . U se th e cable that was provided with the modem to connec t the mo de m to this port. Use of a ca ble o ther than the cable supplie d wit h t he cable modem may not work properly.
9. Reset Button
The Reset button is used in rare c ases when the Router may function im proper ly. Resett in g t he Ro ut er wi ll rest ore the Rout er ’s normal oper at ion w hile maintaini ng th e program me d s et tings. You can also re store t he fa ct ory d efault setting s b y usi ng th e Res et button. Use the restore o ption in instances whe re you may have forgo tten your custom passw ord.
a. Resetting the Router
Push and re lease the Reset button. The ligh ts on the Rou te r will moment ar ily f lash. The Power/Rea dy li gh t w ill b egin to blink. When the Power /R eady light becomes sol id ag ai n, th e res et is co mplete.
Knowing Your Router
b. Restoring the Factory Defaults
Pre ss and h old t he Re set button for at least ten seconds then release it. The lights on the Router will moment ar ily flash. The Power /R eady light will begin to blink. When the Power/Re ad y l ight becomes solid again , the restore is complete .
10. USB Port - PURPLE
For USB printers only. See the s ection called “Conn ec ting your printer to Route r’s print server” on page 22.
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Connecting and Configuring Your Router
Verify the contents of your box. You should have the following:
Belkin High -S peed Mode Wire less G R ou ter
Quick Insta ll ation Guide
Belkin Easy Inst al l W iz ard Sof tw are CD
RJ45 Ethernet Networkin g Cab le (f or co nnection of the Router to the compute r)
Power Suppl y
User Manual
Modem Requirements
Your c ab le or DS L m od em mu st be eq uipped with an RJ45 Ether net port. Many modem s hav e bot h a n RJ4 5 Eth er net port and a USB connecti on . I f y ou ha ve a mod em wi th bo th Et he rnet and USB, and are us ing t he US B c on nection at this time, you will be instru ct ed to use the RJ45 Ethern et port during the installa ti on proc ed ure. If your modem has only a USB port, you can re qu est a di ff erent typ e of modem from your ISP, or you c an, in s ome c ases, purchase a modem that has an RJ45 Ether net p ort o n i t.
Ethernet USB
Easy Install Wizard
Belkin has provided our Easy Instal l W iz ard sof tw are to make installi ng yo ur Ro uter a s im ple and easy task. You ca n use it to get your Router up and running in minu te s.
The Easy Install Wiza rd requires t hat y our Windows® 98SE , Me, 2000, XP or Mac OS 9 .2x, X.1.x computer be conn ec ted d irec tly t o your cable or DSL modem and that the Inter net connecti on is acti ve
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
and working at the time of install at ion. If it is no t, yo u mus t u se th e “Alter nate Setup Method ” sec ti on of th is ma nual to co nfigure y our Router. Add it ionally, i f you are using an operatin g sys te m o th er than Windows 98S E, Me , 200 0, or XP, you mu st se t up the Rout er us in g the “Alternate Setup Method” sect io n o f t hi s m an ual.
IMPORTANT: R un th e E as y I nstall Wizard software from th e
computer th at is directly conn ec ted t o t he ca ble o r D SL mo dem.
Step 1 Run the Easy Install Wizard Software
1. Shut do wn an y program s tha t are running on your compu te r a t
this time.
2. Make sure y ou ha ve th e f ollowing items at the compute r t ha t i s
now directly connect ed to the cable or DSL modem . DO NOT CONNECT THE ROUT ER AT THIS TI ME .
• Quick Installa ti on Gu ide
• The E asy I nstall Wizard CD-ROM
• The R outer
• The R outer power supply
• RJ45 Ether ne t n et working cable
• This User Manual
3. Turn off any firewall or Internet connect io n s ha ring software on
your comput er.
4. Inser t t he Ea sy In st all W izard s of tware C D i nt o y ou r C D– ROM
drive. The Insta ll ation Menu will automati ca lly appear on your screen within 15 seconds. If it does not, select your CD -R OM drive from “My C omputer” and double -c lick on the f ile n amed “Start.e xe ” o n t he CD -R OM.
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Connecting and Configuring Your Router
5. Clic k “ Ru n R ou ter S etup Wizard”.
Welcome Screen
The Wizard’s wel co me sc re en wi ll appear. Mak e sure you have not connecte d t he Ro ut er at th is po int. If you have connected your Ro ut er, please reconnect you r com pu ter directly to the modem. Click “Next” when you are ready to move on.
Progress Screen
Easy Instal l wil l sho w you a progress screen each time a st ep in th e s et up has been complet ed . E ac h t im e y ou se e the progre ss sc reen , c li ck “N ext” when you are ready to move to the next step.
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
Examining Settings
The Wizard will now e xamine your computer ’s network sett in gs an d gather info rm ation needed to complete the Router’s c onnection to the Internet. When the Wizard is fi nished examinin g y ou r c om puter, click “Next” to continue .
Multi-NICs Screen
If you have more th an on e n et work adapter instal le d i n y ou r c om puter a Multi-NIC Screen will appear. If you have more than one network adapter ins ta lled in yo ur co mputer, the Wizard will need to know which adapt er is conn ec ted t o y our m odem. Select the network ca rd that is connecte d to your mod em from the list and click “Next ”. If you are no t s ure which adap te r t o c ho ose, select the adapter at the top of the list. If you mistakenl y c ho ose t he wron g ada pt er no w, y ou wi ll be able to choose a diff eren t o ne la ter.
Step 2 Hardware Setup
The Wizard will walk you throu gh connecting you r Rou te r t o you r computer an d mod em . F ol low t he steps on t he sc re en us in g t he pictures as a gu ide.
2.1 T hi s s te p i nstructs you to locate
the cable connec te d b et ween your modem and the network in g p or t o n your comput er. U np lug t his c able fro m t he co mputer and plug it into the GREEN port on the Router. Click “Next ” to conti nu e.
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Connecting and Configuring Your Router
2.2 T hi s s te p i nstructs you to locate
the BLUE cable that is includ ed with your Router. Plu g one en d of this cable into ANY one of the BLUE ports on your Router. Pl ug the other end of the cable into the networki ng po rt on yo ur co mp uter. Click “Next ” to conti nu e.
2.3 T hi s s te p i nstructs you to locate
the power supply that is incl ud ed with your Router. Plu g the po we r supply’s small connecto r int o the GRAY po rt on the Rou te r. Pl ug th e power suppl y int o an empty po we r outlet. Cli ck “N ex t” to co nt inue.
2.4 T hi s s te p i nstructs you to look
at the lights on the fro nt of yo ur Router. Mak e sure the appropriate lights are ON. R efer to the E asy Install sof tw are on your compu te r’s screen for more de ta ils. Click “Next” to contin ue .
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
Step 3 Checking the Connection
3.1 O nc e y ou ha ve co mpleted
connecti ng th e R ou ter, the W izard will check the connec ti on to th e Router and then go on to determine what type of Intern et connection you have.
3.2 User Name and Password Needed
If you have a connection type that requires a user name and a password, the Wizard will ask you to type in your user name and password. If your connection type does not require a user name and password, you will not see this screen.
Your user name and password is
provided to you by your Internet Service Provider. If you have to type in a user name and password to connect to the Internet, then type that same user name and password in here. Your user name looks something like “” or simply “jsmith”. The service name is optional and is very rarely required by your ISP. If you don’t know your service name, leave this blank. When you have entered your information, click “Next” to move on.
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Connecting and Configuring Your Router
3.3 Wireless Setup
This Step Is Optional. Click “Next” if
you want to skip it.
Using this step, you can cust om ize
your wireless networ k set ti ngs i f you want to. Follow the steps on the screen to co mplete this step. Click “Next ” to conti nu e.
Step 4 Configuring the Router
The Wiza rd w il l now tra ns fer all o f the configu ra tion info rm ation to th e Router. Th is will t ak e approximate ly one minute . During th is time, do not turn off the Ro ut er or com pu ter. The Ro uter will resta rt itself a t the end of t hi s step.
4.1 Checking Internet
The Wizard will now c heck for an Internet connectio n. Th is ca n tak e a few m inutes. The Wizard may not detect a connect io n r ig ht aw ay. If not, it will ret ry a n um ber o f t im es. The “Connec te d” li ght o n t he front panel of the Router will flas h dur in g this time. Pleas e be patie nt th roug h this process.
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
4.2 Finished
When the Inter net c onnection is complete , the Wiza rd will tell you that you are fi ni shed. The “Connect ed ” L ED on th e front of the Router will be solid GREE N, indicati ng th at th e R ou ter i s n ow connecte d t o the Inte rnet.
Your Router is now conn ec ted to the In terne t. Now you ca n begin surfing th e Inter net by open in g your browser an d going to yo ur favorite web page .
Congratulations! You have fini sh ed installi ng your new B elkin Rou te r.
You are rea dy to set u p the other c omputers in your hom e. You c an also add c omputers to your Rou te r any tim e you want.
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Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
Connecting your printer to the Router’s print server
Please closely follow the directions to set up your printer.
Before you start
Install the printer’s drivers and software on each computer from which you plan to print. This enables the PC to print to the networked printer (printer that is attached to your USB Print Server). Every manufacturer ships its printer with a driver and, usually, printing software. In some cases, while installing the drivers and software for your printer, you may be required to connect the PC directly to the printer in order to complete the installation. This varies according to manufacturer. You must also install the Belkin Printer Port on each of the computers you want to print from. This may be done using the Printer Server Setup Wizard, or can be done manually.
1. Insert the CD into your CD-RO M dri ve . W it hin 1 5 s econds, you
should see the instal la tion menu on the s cree n. If th e m en u does not appear withi n 15 sec on ds, s elect your CD-ROM drive and view the contents of the drive . Dou bl e-click on the file named “Star t. exe”.
2. Fro m t he me nu, c lick on “Run Print Server Setup Wizard”. This
will open the Print Server Se tu p W iz ard men u.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
3. On the Wizard me nu, d rag your mouse over the “Run Wizard”
button and click the words “Click Here” to start the Wizard.
4. The first screen of t he Wizard ap pears. Be sure th at yo u h av e
installe d y ou r p ri nter’s dri ve rs an d s oftware o n t he PC s from which you plan to print. Clic k “Ne xt ”.
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Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
5. Next, make sure the R outer is ON. Make sure th e p ri nter is ON .
Plug in the USB cable that is connected to the print er to the USB port on the re ar of th e Rou te r. Th e U SB po rt on th e Rou te r i s color-cod ed pu rp le. C lick “Next”.
6. The Wizard will scan for and locate the Print Server in the Router.
Next, a list of the printers insta ll ed on th e c om puter will appear. Click once on the name of the printer that is connec te d t o the Router to highli gh t i t. Cl ic k “ Next”.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
7. The next screen that appears will allo w you to test prin t. Cl ic k
on the “Print Test Pa ge” b utton. When your test page is finis he d printing , c li ck “N ext”.
8. You are now finish ed se tt ing u p y ou r c omputer to print to the
Print Serve r. Ne xt , r un th is Wi zard on the other comp ut ers on your networ k from which you wish to print to this printe r.
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Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
Manually installing the print server port
Advanced users can manually install the Belkin Printer Port without using the Wizard. To do this, from the Installer menu, click “Install Printer Port Only” to skip the Wizard. Belkin has also included a standalone installer on the CD. From the CD, double-click on the file called “instportA.exe”.
Configuring Computers to Print to the Print Server
1. Install Pri nt er Po rt So ftware on ea ch co mputer by running
“instpor tA .exe” fro m t he CD or by usin g the Wiza rd.
2. Configure the Belkin Port Moni to r o n e ac h c om puter’s pr in ter
driver to point to the Router ’s Print Server as follow s:
a. In Windo ws , s el ect t he pr inter’s proper ti es for t he pr inter
connecte d t o the Prin t Ser ve r a nd se lect the “ Port” tab, select the Belki n por t, an d c li ck “C onfigure Port...”
b. On the “Belkin PortA: Properties” window, click “Locate Servers”.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
c. On th e “Availa bl e S er vers” window, your Router ’s print server
name will appear. Sel ec t t he Pr int S erver. Click “OK” to close.
d. On th e “Be lk in Port A: Prop er ties” window, the name of the
Print Serve r wil l app ea r. Cl ick “OK” to c lose.
e. On the P orts tab, uncheck the box next to “Enabl e bid irec ti onal
support” if currentl y che ck ed. C lick “Apply”.
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f. Click “Close” to clos e the wind ow.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
Uninstalling the print server port
1. In Windows, sele ct th e pri nt er’s propertie s f or th e pri nt er co nnected to
the Print Server and selec t t he “P or t” ta b, se lect the Belkin port, and click “Configu re Port.. .” .
2. Select a different p ort f ro m the list of avai la ble p orts. You mu st se le ct a
differe nt po rt before yo u c an remove the Belki n p or t.
3. Fro m t he In staller menu, click “Rem ov e P rinter Port” to uninstal l the
printer por t. Be lk in ha s a ls o p rovi de d a n u ni nstaller appli ca tion that will rem ove the Belkin printer port from the PC. Fro m t he CD , d ou ble-click on the file called “rmvp or tA.exe”. This will remove the printe r por t.
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