Belkin F5D7230E Users Manual

Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Setting Client IP Filters
The Ro uter ca n be conf igured to res tr ict acc ess to the Int er net , email , or other network s ervices at spe cific d ay s and t imes. R estrict io n can b e set f or a sing le comp ut er, a r ange of c omputer s, or m ultiple c omputer s.
To re st rict In ter ne t acces s to a single co mputer, for ex am ple, en ter the IP address of the co mputer yo u wish to restrict access to in th e IP fi elds (1). Next, enter “ 80 ” in bo th the port fi el ds (2). S elect “ Both” (3). Selec t “Bloc k”
(4). You can also s elect “ Al ways” t o block access a ll of t he time . Selec t the
day to start on top (5), the ti me to s tart on t op (6), t he day to end on the bottom (7), and th e time to stop (8) on the bottom . Selec t “Enable ” (9). Click “Apply Change s” . The c omputer at the I P address y ou spec ified w ill now b e blocke d from Inte rnet access at the ti mes you specif ied. Note : Be su re y ou have s elected t he correc t time zo ne unde r “Util it ies> Sy stem Se ttings> Time Z one”.
(1) (2)
(4) (7) (8) (9)
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Setting MAC Address Filtering
The MA C address f ilter i s a power ful sec urity f ea ture that a llows y ou to spe cify wh ic h compu ters are al lowed o n the n et work. A ny comp uter attemp ting to a ccess t he netw ork tha t is not specifi ed in t he filter list will b e denie d access. When y ou enab le this f eature, you must e nter the MA C address o f each cl ient (c omputer ) on yo ur networ k to al low networ k acces s to each .
(2) (3)
To enable this fe at ure, sele ct “MAC A ddre ss Filt ering” and cli ck “Enabl e MAC A dd re ss Filt er ing” (1). Next, enter t he MAC ad dress of each c omputer o n your network by cli ck ing in the spa ce provided (2) and en tering th e MAC a ddre ss of t he comp uter yo u want to add to the list. Click “ Ad d” (3), t hen “Ap ply Cha nges” t o save th e setti ngs. You can ha ve a MA C- address-f il tering list of up to 32 comput ers.
Note: You will no t be able to del ete the M AC addres s of the compute r you are us ing to access th e Route r’s a dminist rative fu nctions (the comput er you are using n ow ).
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Enabling the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
The DM Z featu re a llows y ou to spe cify on e compu te r on yo ur netw ork to be pla ced out si de of t he firewall . This may be ne cessary if the firewall is cau sing proble ms with a n appli cation such as a game o r video conferenci ng appl ication . Use thi s featu re o n a tem porary ba sis. Th e comput er in t he DMZ is NOT protec ted from ha cker at tacks.
Note: If your ISP subscripti on provides you with additi onal public (WAN) IP addresses, addit ional compu ters can be placed outside the firewall provided each compu ter uses a different pu blic (WAN) IP.
To put a c omputer i n the D MZ, ent er the la st digi ts of i ts IP a dd re ss in the IP field an d selec t “Enab le”. Cl ic k “Appl y Chang es” for t he chan ge to take e ffec t.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Using Dynamic D NS
The Dy namic D NSSM servi ce allo ws you to alias a dynam ic IP add re ss to a s tatic h os t name in any of the ma ny doma ins Dyn offers, allowi ng your n etwork compute rs to b e more easi ly access ed from variou s locat io ns on t he Inte rnet. DynDNS .o rg p ro vi des thi s servi ce, for up to fiv e host na mes, free t o the I ntern et comm unity.
The Dy namic D NS servic e is id eal for a home w ebsite, file s er ver, or to make i t easy to access your h ome PC an d stored fi les whi le you’ re a t work. Using t he servic e can e nsure that your ho st name a lways p oints to you r IP ad dres s, no m at ter how often your IS P changes it. Wh en your I P address c hanges, y our fri ends an d assoc ia tes can always locate you by v isiting your name.dy inst ead!
To re gi ster free for yo ur Dynami c DNS h os t name, please visit ht tp:// www.dyn dn
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
Setting up the Router’s Dynamic DN S Update Client
You must regis ter wit h DynDN S. org’s free up date se rvice b efore using this fe at ure. Once y ou have your regis tration , follo w the directions below.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
1. Select DynDNS a s the “ DDNS Se rvice” (1).
2. Enter your Dy nD user n ame in the “Us er Name ” field
3. Enter your Dy nD pass wo rd in the “Passw ord” field
4. Enter the Dyn DN domai n name yo u set u p with Dy in the
“Domai n Name” f ield (4).
5. Click “Update D ynamic DNS” (5) to update yo ur IP a ddress.
Whenev er your I P address a ssigned by you r ISP c ha nges, t he Rout er will automa tically u pdate D ynDNS.o rg’s server s with your ne w IP addres s. You can al so do t hi s manua lly by clickin g the “Up date Dy namic D NS ” butto n (5).
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
WAN Ping Blocking
Comput er hack er s use w hat is known a s “pingin g” to f ind pot en tial victim s on th e Inter net. By pingin g a spe ci fic IP address a nd receivin g a response fro m the I P address , a hacke r can d etermin e that someth ing of in terest mi gh t be th ere. The Ro uter ca n be se t up so i t will n ot respond to an I CM P ping from the ou tside. This he ig htens t he level of secu ri ty of y our Rou ter.
To turn off the pin g res ponse, sele ct “Block I CMP Ping” “Ap ply Changes”. The Router will n ot respond to an ICMP ping.
(1) and click
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