Belkin F5D7230AU4P User Manual

802.11g Wireless Router with Built-In USB Print Server
User Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of a Home Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Advantages of a Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Placement of your Wireless 802.11g Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Knowing your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Connecting and Configuring your Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5 Configuring and Using the USB Print Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6 Alternate Setup Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7 Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Changing LAN Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Viewing the DHCP Client List Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Configuring the Wireless Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Securing your Wi-Fi Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
WEP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
WPA Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Using the Access Point Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Wireless Range Extension and Bridging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Configuring the Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Setting MAC Address Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Enabling the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Utilities Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Restarting the Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Updating the Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8 Manually Configuring Computer Network Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
9 Recommended Web Browser Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
10 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 USB Print Server FAQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
12 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thank you for purchasing the Belkin Wireless 802.11g Router (the Router) with Built-In USB Print Server. Below are two short sections, one discusses the benefits of home networking, the other outlines best practices in order to maximise your wireless home network range and performance. Please be sure to read through this User Manual completely, and pay special attention to the section entitled “Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance” on the next page. By following our simple setup instructions your Belkin Home Network will allow you to:
Share one high-s peed Inter net conn ection wit h a ll the comput er s in your home
Share a single pr in ter with the ent ire f am ily
Share re sources, such as fil es, and hard drive s a mo ng all the connec ted comput er s i n y our home
Share documen ts, music, vi deo, and digi ta l pictures
Store, retrieve , a nd copy files from one com puter to anot her
Simult aneousl y p la y g ames onlin e, check Inte rnet e-m ail, and chat
sec tion
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin Wireless Network:
you can work on a networked laptop or desktop computer from virtually anywhere within your wireless range
Easy installation –
Flexibility – set up and access printers, computers, and other
networking devices from anywhere in your home
Easy Expansion – the wide range of Belkin networking products let
you expand your network to include devices such as printers and gaming consoles
No cabling required – you can spare the expense and hassle of
retrofitting Ethernet cabling throughout the home or office
Widespread industry acceptance – choose from a wide range of
interoperable networking products
– you’ll no longer need a dedicated “computer room”— now
Belkin’s Easy Installation Wizard makes setup simple
Placement of your Wireless 802.11g Router
Important Factors for Placement and Setup
Your w irel ess conn ec tion will be stron ge r t he closer y ou r c omputer is to your Wirele ss Ro uter or Acces s P oint. Typical ind oor operat in g range for yo ur wire less devic es is between 10 0 a nd 200 feet. In the same way, your wireless c on nection an d p erforma nc e will degr ad e somewh at as the distan ce be tween your Wi re less Route r o r A cc ess Point and co nnected de vi ces increase s. Th is may or may not be notice able to you. As you mo ve further from your Wi re le ss Router or Access Po int, conne ct ion speed may de crease. Fact or s t hat can weaken si gnals simp ly by ge tting in th e w ay of yo ur network ’s radio waves are metal a pp liances or ob structi on s, and wall s.
If you have con cerns ab out your netw ork’s pe rforman ce th at might be rel ated to range or ob structi on factors , t ry moving the co mp uter to a positi on between fi ve an d t en feet from the Wireless Ro uter or Acces s Point, in order t o s ee if di stance is the prob lem. If difficult ies persis t even at clos e r ange, plea se co ntact Be lk in Tech nical Supp ort.
Note: Wh ile some of the ite ms listed bel ow ca n a ff ect networ k perfor mance, the y w il l n ot prohibit you r w irel ess networ k f rom functi oning; if you are conce rned tha t y our networ k i s n ot operati ng at its maxim um effe ctivene ss, this chec kl ist may hel p.
1. Wireless Router or Access Point Placement
Place you r W irel ess Router or Ac cess Point , t he central
connec tion point of yo ur ne twork, as c lo se as possibl e t o t he centre of your wi rele ss network de vi ces.
To ach ieve the best wi re le ss network co verage for yo ur “wireless
client s” (i.e., com pu ters enabl ed by Belkin Wirel es s N otebook Networ k C ards , W ireless Desk to p N etwork Cards , a nd Wi re less USB Adapt ers):
• E ns ure t hat your Wireless Ro uter’s o r A ccess Poin t’s networ king anten na s a re pa rallel to eac h o ther, and are positi oned verti ca lly (toward the ce il ing). If yo ur Wi re less Router or Ac cess Point it se lf is posit io ned vertic ally, po int the antenn as as much as possi bl e i n an upward direction.
• I n m ul tistory ho mes, place th e W irel ess Router or Ac cess Point on a floo r t hat is as close to the ce ntre of th e h ome as possib le. This may mea n p la cing the Wi rele ss Router or Acc es s Point on an upp er floor.
• Try no t t o p lace the Wirele ss Ro uter or Acces s P oint near a cordless 2.4G Hz phone.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id placing yo ur Wireless Rou te r o r A ccess Poin t n ear device s t hat may emit rad io “n oise,” s uc h a s m icrowave ove ns . Dense obj ects that can in hi bit Wireless co mmunica ti on include :
• R ef rigerat ors
• Wa shers and/ or dryers
• M et al cabinet s
• L arge aqua riums
• M et allic-b ased UV tinte d w indows
If your wireless si gnal seems we ak in some spots , m ake sure t hat
object s s uch as these are not block ing the signa l’s path (b etween your comp uters and Wireles s R outer or Acce ss Point).
sec tion
3. Cordless Phones
If the perfo rmance of you r w irel ess networ k i s i mpaired after attend ing to the above is su es, and you ha ve a c ordl ess phone:
• Try mo ving cordless p ho nes away from Wireless Ro uters or Access Po ints and your wi rele ss-enab le d c omputer s
• U np lug and remove the ba ttery from any cordles s p ho ne that oper ate on the 2.4GH z b an d (check ma nu facturers inform ation). If th is fi xes the problem , y our phone may be interf ering.
• I f y ou r p hone suppo rts channe l s electio n, ch ange the channe l o n t he phone to the fur thest chan ne l f ro m y our wireless netw ork. For exam ple, chang e t he phone to chan ne l 1 and move you r W irel ess Router or Ac cess Point to ch annel 11. See your pho ne’s use r m anual for det ai led instru ctions.
• I f n ec essary, conside r s witchin g t o a 90 0MHz or 5GHz cordless phon e.
4. Choose the “quietest” channel for your wireless network
In locati ons where homes or offices are close togeth er, su ch as apa rtment buildings or offic e complexes, t here may be wireless net works nearby that can conf lict w ith yours.
Use the Site Survey capabilit ies fo und in the Wirel ess LA N Util ity
of your wireless adapter to loc ate an y other wireless networks that are a vailable (see your w ireless adapter’s manual), an d move your Wireless Router (or Access Point) and computers to a chan nel as far away from other netwo rks as possi ble.
Exp eriment with more than one o f the available chan nels, in
order to find the clearest connection and avoid interference from nei ghbouring cordless phones or other wireless devices.
For Belki n wireless networki ng products, use the d etailed Site
Sur vey an d wireless channel information in cluded in yo ur Use r Guid e.
These gui delines sh ou ld allow you to c ov er the maximu m possib le area wi th your Wireles s R ou ter or Access Po int. Shoul d you need to cov er an even wider area, we s ug gest the Belk in Wireless Rang e E xtender /Access Po in t.
5. Secure connections and VPNs
Secure connec tions are conne ct ions that typ ically require a user name and pas sword, and are used where securi ty is importa nt. Secure connec tions incl ude:
• Virtu al Private Ne tw ork (VPN) con nection s, often used to connec t remot ely to an office netw or k
• M os t o n-line ban king websi tes
• M an y c ommercial we bs ites which requ ire a user nam e a nd passwo rd to acce ss your accou nt
Secure connec tions can be int errupte d b y a co mputer’s power
manage ment setti ng , w hich cause s i t t o “ go to sleep.” Th e simple st solutio n t o a vo id this is to sim pl y rec onnect by re- running th e V PN software, or by re-log ging into the secure web si te .
A second alt ernat ive is to change yo ur compute r’s powe r manage ment setti ng s s o i t d oes not go to sle ep ; h owever, th is may not be appropria te for portab le compute rs . To cha nge your powe r manage ment setti ng un der Window s, see the “Powe r O ptions” it em in the Control Pane l.
If you conti nue to have difficul ty with Secure Conne ction or VPNs please review th e s teps above to be su re yo u h ave addressed the se issues .
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at or call Belkin Technical Support at:
US: 877-736-5771 310-898-1100 ext.2263 Europe: 00 800 223 55 460 Australia: 1800 235 546 New Zealand: 0800 235 546
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Product Overview
Product Overview
Product Features
In minute s y ou will be able to sha re your In ter ne t c onnecti on and networ k y our comput er s. The follow ing is a list of featu re s t ha t make your ne w B elkin Wireless 80 2.11g Rout er an ideal solu ti on for your home or sm all off ice networ k.
Works with Both PCs and Mac® Computers
The Route r s upports a var ie ty of netwo rk ing environm en ts includi ng Mac OS® 8 .x, 9.x, X v10.x , A ppleTalk®, Linux®, Windows® 9 5, 98, Me, NT®, 2000, and XP, an d o thers. All th at is needed is an Int er net bro wser and a net wo rk adapter th at support s T CP/IP (the st an dard langua ge of the Internet).
Front-Panel LED Display
LEDs on the front of th e R ou ter indica te which func tions are in operat ion. You’ll know at- a- glance whe ther your Rou ter is connec te d to the Inter net. Thi s f eature elimina tes the need for ad vanced sof tware and statu s-monit or ing procedures.
Built-in USB Print Server
Your rou te r includ es a b ui lt-in USB pri nt server tha t l ets you print to a USB printe r f ro m a ny co mputer on the ne twork. The pr int server is very simp le to setup and con venient to us e. Si mply insta ll your printe r’s driv ers and softw are on eac h c omputer, a nd th en run the easy to use Pri nt Server Set up Wizard to setup the pri nt server. In minute s, all of your comp ut ers will ha ve ac cess to the same pr inter.
NAT IP Address Sharing
Your R outer empl oys Networ k A dd re ss Transla ti on (NAT) to share the single IP ad dres s a ssigned to yo u b y y our Internet Servi ce Prov ider while sav ing the cost of add in g additi on al IP addresses to yo ur Internet servi ce account .
Product Overview
Product Overview
SPI Firewall
Your R outer is equi pped with a firewall th at will protect yo ur ne twork fro m a wide array of co mm on hacker att acks inclu ding IP Spoof in g, Land Atta ck, Ping of Deat h ( Po D), Deni al of Se rvice (DoS ), IP with zero l ength, Smu rf Attack, TC P N ull Scan, SYN fl ood, UDP floo di ng, Tear D ro p A ttack, ICM P d ef ect, RIP defe ct, and fragm ent floodi ng .
Integrated 10/100 4-Port Switch
The Route r h as a b uilt-in , 4 -p ort netw or k s witch to allo w y our wired comput ers to share printer s, data and MP3 fil es, digita l p ho tos, and much more. Th e s wi tch features au to matic dete ction so it will adjust to th e s peed of conne ct ed devic es . T he switch wil l t ransfer data betw een comput er s a nd the Internet sim ul taneous ly without interr upting or con su ming resources.
Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) Compatibility
UPnP (Uni versal Plu g- and-Pla y) is a t echnolo gy that offers seaml ess operat ion of voice mes sa ging, vide o m essagin g, games, and ot he r applic ations tha t a re UPnP -compli an t.
Support for VPN Pass-Through
If you conne ct to your office netwo rk from home using a VPN connec tion, your Ro ut er will allow yo ur VPN-equ ipped comp ut er to pass through the Ro uter and to your offi ce network.
Built-In Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Built- In Dynamic Ho st Co nfigura tion Protocol (DH CP) on-boa rd ma ke s for the easi est possib le co nnectio n o f a ne twork. The DH CP server will assi gn IP addresses to each co mputer aut omatica ll y s o t here is no need for a comp licated ne tw orking s et up.
sec tion
Easy Install Wizard
The Easy Ins tall Wizard takes th e g uesswor k o ut of setting up yo ur Router. T hi s a utomati c s oftware dete rm ines your net work setti ngs for you and sets up th e R outer for con nection to yo ur In ter net Servic e Provider (ISP). In a matter of minutes, your Wireless Router will be up and running on the Internet. A separate wizard is included for setup of the print server.
Product Overview
Knowing Your Router
NOTE: Easy Install Wizard software is compatible with Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, XP and Mac OS 9.X and Mac OS X. The Print Server Setup Wizard software is compatible with Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, and XP. If you are using another operating system, the Wireless Router can be set up using the Alternative Method described in this manual (see page 34).
Integrated 802.11g Wireless Access Point
802.11g is an exciting new wireless technology that achieves data rates up to 54Mbps in 54G Mode, nearly five times faster than 802.11b.
Integrated Parental Control Web Content Filter
Belkin has teamed with Cerberian, a leading content-filtering company, to bring you this unique feature. Your Belkin Wireless 802.11g Router is the first home networking solution with an integrated web content filter that allows you to block unwanted or offensive web content before it makes it to your network. Unlike other Parental Control solutions, Parental Control is built into the Belkin Wireless Router, so there is no software to install on any computer and you will never be charged a per-computer fee for the service, ever. Your Wireless Router comes with a six-month free trial of this feature so you can take advantage of the capabilities right away. No credit card is needed to use the trial. You have control: Belkin Parental Control can be modified to meet your needs. You can set up your own policies and block any website you want. There is also an optional reporting feature (fee-based) that allows you to get a report showing you every website that was visited from your network (refer to your Parental Control Manual for more information).
MAC Address Filtering
For added security, you can set up a list of MAC addresses (unique client identifiers) that are allowed access to your network. Every computer has its own MAC address. Simply enter these MAC addresses into a list using the web-based user interface and you can control access to your network.
Knowing Your Router
Package Contents
Belkin Wireless 802.11g Router with Built-In USB Print Server
Quick Installation Guide
Belkin Easy Install Wizard Software CD
Belkin RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cable
Power Supply
User Manual
System Requirements
Broadband Internet connection such as a cable or DSL modem with RJ45 (Ethernet) connection
At least one computer with an installed network interface adapter
TCP/IP networking protocol installed on each computer
RJ45 Ethernet networking cable
Internet browser
Easy Install Wizard Software System Requirements
A PC running Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP
Minimum 64MB RAM
Internet Browser
Print Server Setup Wizard System Requirements
A PC running Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, or XP
Minimum 64MB RAM
sec tion
Knowing Your Router
The Route r h as been desig ne d t o be placed on a des kt op. All of the cables ex it from th e rea r o f t he Router for be tter orga nizatio n a nd utilit y. The LED ind icators are easil y v isible on the front of t he Ro uter to pro vide you wi th in formati on about netw ork activi ty an d s tatus.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2.4GHz • High-Speed Wireless G
1. Power/Ready/Print Activity LED
When you app ly power to the Rou ter or res tart it, a short pe riod of time elap ses while the Ro ut er boots up . D ur ing this time , t he LED blink s. When the Router has completely booted up, the Power/ Ready LED bec om es a S OLID light , i ndicati ng the Router is rea dy for use. Wh en da ta is being sent to th e p rinter, th e l ight will blin k f ast.
OFF Router is OF F
Slow Blin king Router is Bo oting Up
Solid Router is Re ady
Fast Blin king Green Printe r A ctivity
2. WLAN: Wireless Network LED
OFF Wireless Netw ork is OFF
Solid Wireless Netw ork is Ready
Blinki ng Indica tes Wireless Acti vity
3. LAN Port-Status LEDs
These LED s a re la be led 1–4 and corres po nd to the numb ered ports on the rear of th e R ou ter. When a comp uter is properly connec ted to one of the LAN por ts on the rea r o f t he Router, th e LED will lig ht. GREEN mea ns a 1 0Base-T de vi ce is connect ed, ORANGE me ans a 100Base -T de vice is con ne cted. When inform ation is bein g s en t o ver the por t, th e L ED blinks rap idly.
Knowing Your Router
OFF No Devic e i s L in ked to the Port
Gre en 10Base -T Device Con ne cted
Orange 100Bas e-Tx Devic e C on nected
Blinki ng (Orang e o r G reen )
4. WAN Status LED
This LED lig hts SOLID to ind ic ate that yo ur mo dem is connec ted pro perly to the R ou ter. It blink s r apidly whe n i nf ormatio n i s b eing sent over th e p ort betwee n t he Router and th e m od em.
OFF No WAN Li nk
Solid Good WAN Link
Blinki ng WAN Act ivity
5. Connected LED
This uniq ue LED shows you wh en the Router is co nn ected to the Internet. When th e l ight is OFF, the Route r i s N OT co nnected to the Inter net. Whe n t he light is blin king, the Rou te r is attemp ti ng to connec t t o t he Inter net. When the li ght is SOLID, th e R outer is connec ted to the Inter net. Whe n u sing the “Dis co nnect after x minu tes” featu re, thi s L ED becomes ex trem ely useful in monito ring the stat us of yo ur Router’s connec tion.
OFF Router is no t C onnecte d t o t he Inter net
Blinki ng Router is At temptin g t o C on nect to the
Solid Router is Co nnected to th e I nt ern et
Port Acti vity
sec tion
Knowing Your Router
(6) (7) (8) (9)(10)
6. Power Jack - GREY
Connec t t he include d 5 V D C p ow er suppl y t o t hi s j ack.
7. Connections to Computers (LAN Ports) - BLUE
Connec t y our wired (non-wi re le ss) comput ers to these por ts. These por ts are R J4 5, 10/100 aut o-negot ia tion, au to -uplink ing ports for st andard UTP catego ry 5 o r 6 Et her ne t c able. The por ts are la beled 1 through 4. Th ese ports cor resp ond to the numbe red LEDs on the front of th e R ou ter.
8. Connection to Modem (WAN Port) - GREEN
This port is fo r c onnecti on to your cable or DS L m od em. Use the cable tha t w as prov ided with the mo dem to connec t t he modem to this port . U se of a c able other th an the cable sup pl ied with th e cable mod em may not work properl y.
9. Reset Button
The Reset bu tton is used in rare cases wh en the Router ma y functi on improperly. Resetti ng the Router wi ll rest ore t he Ro uter’s normal op eration wh il e m aintain ing the programme d s ettings . You can also restore the fac tory defau lt se ttings by usi ng the Reset button . U se the res tore option in ins ta nces where you may ha ve forgotten you r c us tom passwo rd .
a. Resetting the Router
Push and release th e R eset butto n. The lights on th e R outer will mome ntarily fl as h. The Power/ Ready ligh t w ill begin to blink. Wh en the Power/ Re ady light bec omes solid ag ain, the res et is complet e.
Knowing Your Router
b. Restoring the Factory Defaults
Pre ss and hold th e R es et button for at le ast ten secon ds then release it. Th e l ights on the Rou ter will mome ntarily flash. Th e P ower/Re ad y l ight will beg in to blink. Whe n t he Power/ Ready ligh t b ec omes solid ag ain, the restore is comple te.
10. USB Port - PURPLE
For USB prin ters only. See the secti on ca lled “Co nn ecting you r printe r t o R outer’s print serv er ” o n p age 22.
sec tion
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
Verify the contents of your box. You should have the following:
Belkin Wi rele ss 802.11g Ro uter
Quick Ins tallati on Gu ide
Belkin Ea sy Install Wi za rd So ftware CD
RJ45 Ethe rnet Net working Ca ble (for conn ec tion of the Router to th e c omputer )
Power Sup ply
User Manu al
Modem Requirements
Your c able or DSL mode m m ust be equipp ed with an RJ45 Eth er net port. Man y m odems have bo th an RJ45 Ether net port an d a US B connec tion. If you hav e a mo de m with both Et he rne t a nd USB, and are us ing the USB co nn ection at thi s t ime, you will be in structe d t o use the RJ45 Et herne t p ort during th e i nstalla ti on procedure. If your modem has on ly a U SB port, you can reques t a di ff eren t t ype of modem from your I SP, o r y ou can, in some cas es, purchase a mod em that has an RJ4 5 E thern et port on it.
Ethernet USB
Easy Install Wizard
Belkin ha s p rovi ded our Easy Ins tall Wizard softw are t o m ake instal ling your Rou te r a si mple and ea sy ta sk. You ca n u se it to get your Rout er up and runnin g i n m inutes.
The Easy Ins tall Wizard requires that you r W indows® 98 SE, Me, 2000, XP or Mac OS 9. 2x, X.1.x com puter be conn ec ted directly to your cabl e o r D SL modem and tha t t he Inter net connec tion is activ e
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
and worki ng at the time of inst allatio n. If it is no t, you must us e t he “Alter nate Set up Method” se ction of this ma nu al to configu re yo ur Router. A dd itional ly, if you are usin g a n o peratin g s ys tem other tha n Window s 9 8SE, Me, 2000 , o r X P, you must set up the Ro ut er using the “Alte rnate Se tup Method ” s ection of thi s m an ual.
IMPORTANT: R un the Easy Inst all Wizard softwa re from the
comput er that is directly con nected to the ca ble or DSL modem .
Step 1 Run the Easy Install Wizard Software
Shut down an y p ro gr ams that are runni ng on your compu te r a t
this time .
2. Make sure you hav e t he fo llowing it ems at the compu ter that is
now directly con nected to the ca ble or DSL modem . D O N OT CONNEC T T HE ROUTER AT THI S T IM E.
• Quick Inst allatio n G ui de
• The Easy Inst all Wizard CD-ROM
• The Router
• The Router po wer supply
• RJ45 Ether net netw orking cab le
• This User Man ual
3. Turn off a ny fire wall or Inter net co nn ection sha ring softw are o n
your comp uter.
4. Inser t t he Easy Insta ll Wizard software CD int o y our CD–ROM
drive. Th e I nstalla ti on Menu will aut omatica lly appear on yo ur screen within 15 se conds. If it doe s n ot, select yo ur CD-ROM drive from “My Co mp uter” and dou ble-cli ck on the file name d “Start .exe” on the CD- RO M.
sec tion
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
5. Clic k “ Run Router Se tup Wizard”.
Region Screen
The Regio n s cree n w ill appear. S elect your reg ion from the dropdown box prov ided and click “O K”.
Welcome Screen
The Wizard’s w elcome scree n w ill appear. M ak e s ure y ou have not connec ted the Route r a t t hi s p oint. If you have con nected you r R ou ter, pleas e rec onnect you r c omputer di re ct ly to the modem . C lick “Next ” w he n y ou are rea dy to move on.
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
Connection Screen
The Conne ction screen will no w a ppear. Select th e s cenario th at be st describ es your current ADS L s etup and clic k “ Next”.
Progress Screen
Easy Inst all will show yo u a progress screen each time a s te p i n t he setup has been com pleted. Ea ch ti me you see the progress screen, clic k “ Next” when you are rea dy to move to the next st ep.
Examining Settings
The Wizard will n ow ex amine your comput er’s net work setti ng s a nd gather inform ation need ed to co mplete the Router ’s conne ction to the Int er net . When the Wiz ard i s f in ished exam ining your comp uter, click “Ne xt” to contin ue.
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Multi-NICs Screen
If you have more tha n o ne ne twork adap ter instal led in your comp ut er a Multi-N IC Scre en will appea r. If you have more than one net work adapte r i nstalle d i n y ou r c omputer, t he Wizard will need to kno w which ada pter is conne ct ed to your mod em . S elect the net work card that is conn ected to your mo de m fro m t he list and clic k “ Next”. If you are no t sure w hich adapt er to choose, se le ct the adap te r a t t he top of the list. If yo u m istaken ly ch oose the wrong ada pter now, you will be able to choo se a d iffe re nt one later.
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
Step 2 Hardware Setup
The Wizard will w al k y ou through conn ec ting your Rou ter to your comput er and modem. Fo ll ow the steps o n t he sc re en using the pictures as a gui de .
2.1 Thi s s tep instru cts you to locat e
the cable co nnected be tw een your modem and th e n etworki ng po rt on your comp uter. Unplug th is cable fro m t he compute r a nd plug it into the GREEN po rt on the Router. Click “Ne xt” to contin ue .
2.2 Thi s s tep instru cts you to locat e
the BLUE cab le that is inclu de d with your Ro uter. Plug on e e nd of this cabl e i nto ANY one of the BLUE port s o n y our Router. P lu g the other en d o f t he cable into th e networ king port on you r c om puter. Click “Ne xt” to contin ue .
2.3 Thi s s tep instru cts you to locat e
the power su pply that is inc lu ded with your Ro uter. Plug th e p ow er supply ’s small co nnector in to th e GREY port on th e R outer. Plu g t he power sup ply into an empt y p ow er outlet . C lick “Next ” t o c on tinue.
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
2.4 Thi s s tep instru cts you to look
at the light s o n t he fron t o f y our Router. M ak e s ure t he appropriate lights are ON. Re fe r t o t he Easy Instal l s oftware on your comp uter’s screen for more detai ls. Click “Next” to co ntinue.
Step 3 Checking the Connection
Once you hav e c omplete d
connec ting the Rout er, t he Wizard will chec k t he connect io n t o t he Router an d t hen go on to determ ine what type of In terne t c onnecti on you have.
3.2 User Name and Password Needed
If you have a connection type that requires a user name and a password, the Wizard will ask you to type in your user name and password. If your connection type does not require a user name and password, you will not see this screen.
Your user name and password is provided to you by your Internet Service Provider. If you have to type in a user name and password to connect to the Internet, then type that same user name and password in here. Your user name looks something like “” or simply “jsmith”. The service name is optional and is very rarely required by your ISP. If you don’t know your service name, leave this blank. When you have entered your information, click “Next” to move on.
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Connecting and Configuring Your Router
3.3 Wireless Setup
This Step Is Optional. Click “Nex t” if
you want to ski p i t.
Using thi s s tep, you can cus to mise
your wireless ne twork sett ings if you want to. Fo llow the step s o n the screen to com pl ete this step . Click “Ne xt” to contin ue .
Step 4 Configuring the Router
The Wi zard will n ow tran sf er all of the co nfigura tion in formati on to the Router. This wi ll take a pproximat el y one m inute. During th is time , do not tu rn off th e Route r or co mp uter. T he Rout er will res ta rt itse lf at t he end of this s te p.
4.1 Checking Internet
The Wizard will n ow ch eck for an Internet conne ction. Thi s c an take a few minute s. The Wizard may not detect a con nection ri gh t a way. I f not, it will retr y a nu mb er of times. The “Conn ected” lig ht on th e f ro nt panel of the Ro uter will fla sh during this time . P lease be pati en t t hrough this process.
Connecting and Configuring Your Router
4.2 Finished
When the Int ernet co nnectio n is comple te, the Wizard will tel l you that you are fin is hed. The “Conne cted” LED on the front of the Router wil l b e SOL ID, i ndicati ng that the Rou ter is now conne ct ed to the Inter net.
Your Route r is no w connect ed to t he Internet. N ow you can beg in surfin g the Int ernet by ope ni ng your b ro wser an d going t o your fa vorite web pa ge.
Congratulations! You have fi nished in stallin g your ne w Belki n Route r.
You are ready to s et up t he othe r compu te rs in y our hom e. You can also a dd comp ut ers to your Ro ut er any time yo u want.
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Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
Connecting your printer to the Router’s print server
Please closely follow the directions to set up your printer.
Before you start
Install the printer’s drivers and software on each computer from which you plan to print. This enables the PC to print to the networked printer (printer that is attached to your USB Print Server). Every manufacturer ships its printer with a driver and, usually, printing software. In some cases, while installing the drivers and software for your printer, you may be required to connect the PC directly to the printer in order to complete the installation. This varies according to manufacturer. You must also install the Belkin Printer Port on each of the computers you want to print from. This may be done using the Printer Server Setup Wizard, or can be done manually.
Insert the CD in to yo ur CD-ROM dri ve. Within 15 se conds, you
should se e t he install at ion menu on th e s cree n. If the menu does not app ear within 15 se co nds, sel ec t y our CD-ROM dr ive and view the co ntents of the dr ive. Doubl e- click on the fil e named “St art.exe ”.
2. Fro m t he menu, cl ic k o n “ Run Print Ser ver Setup Wiz ard” . T his
will open th e P rint Serve r S et up Wizard menu.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
3. On the Wizard men u, dr ag your mouse ov er the “Run Wiza rd ”
button an d c lick the words “Clic k H ere” to start the Wiz ard.
4. The first sc reen of th e W izard appear s. Be su re th at you have
instal led your prin te r’s dr iv ers and softw are o n t he PCs fro m which you pl an to print. Cli ck “Next”.
sec tion
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
5. Next, mak e s ure t he Ro uter is ON. Make su re th e p rinter is ON.
Plug in the USB ca ble that is conn ected to the pri nt er to the USB port on the rear of the Ro ut er. The USB port on th e R outer is color-c od ed purple. Cl ick “Next” .
6. The Wizard will s ca n f or and locate th e P rint Serve r i n t he Router.
Next, a list of th e p rinters in stalled on th e c om puter will ap pear. Click onc e o n t he name of the prin ter that is conn ec ted to the Router to hi ghlight it . C li ck “Next”.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
7. The next screen t ha t a ppears wil l a llow you to test pr int. Click
on the “Prin t Test Pag e” button. Wh en your test pag e i s f in ished printi ng, click “Ne xt ”.
8. You are now fi nished set ti ng up your compu ter to print to the
Print Ser ver. Next, run t hi s W izard on the other co mp uters on your netw ork fro m w hich you wish to pr int to this prin ter.
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Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
Manually installing the print server port
Advanced users can manually install the Belkin Printer Port without using the Wizard. To do this, from the Installer menu, click “Install Printer Port Only” to skip the Wizard. Belkin has also included a standalone installer on the CD. From the CD, double-click on the file called “instportA.exe”.
Configuring Computers to Print to the Print Server
Install Prin ter Port Soft ware on ea ch compute r b y r unning
“instp ortA.ex e” from th e C D o r b y u sing the Wiza rd.
2. Config ure the Be lkin Port Mon itor on each com puter’s printer
driver to po int to the Route r’s Prin t S er ver as foll ow s:
a. In Win dows, sele ct the printe r’s properti es for the print er
connec ted to the Print Se rv er and sele ct th e “ Port” tab, select th e B elkin port , a nd cl ick “Con fi gure Port... ”
b. On the “Belkin PortA: Properties” window, click “Locate Servers”.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
c. On the “Av ailable Se rvers” win dow, y our Router ’s print se rver
name will ap pear. Select th e P rint Serve r. Click “OK” to cl os e.
d. On the “Belki n P or t A: Pro perties ” w indow, the name of the
Print Ser ver will appe ar. C lick “OK” to clo se.
e. On the Port s t ab, unchec k t he box next to “Ena bl e b idirectio na l
suppor t” if currently chec ked. Click “A pp ly”.
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f. Click “C lose” to clos e t he window.
Configuring and Using the USB Print Server
Uninstalling the print server port
In Wi ndows, s el ect the print er’s prope rt ies for the prin ter connec ted to
the Print Se rver and sele ct th e “Port” ta b, se lect the Belk in port, and cli ck “Confi gure Po rt...”.
2. Select a different po rt from th e l ist of availa ble ports. You must sel ect a
different port bef ore you ca n rem ove the Belki n p or t.
3. Fro m t he Install er menu, clic k “ Remove Pri nter Port” to un in stall the
printe r p ort. Belki n h as al so provided an uni nstalle r a pp licatio n t hat will rem ove the Belki n p rinter por t f ro m t he PC . Fro m t he CD, double -click on the file cal led “rmvpo rt A.exe”. Th is will remove the pr in ter port.
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