Belkin F5D7132A User Manual

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Wireless G Universal
Range Extender
User Manual
Increase your wireless coverage
Wireless G Universal
Range Extender
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Advantages of a Wireless Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware
for Optimal Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Configuring the WURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Configuring as a Wireless Access Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Configuring as a Wireless G Universal Range Extender . . . . . . . 12
Auto Connect Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4 Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Understanding the Web-Based Advanced User Interface. . . . . . 16
Wireless > Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Changing the Wireless Network Name (SSID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Using the Wireless Mode Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Changing the Wireless Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Using the Broadcast SSID Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Protected Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Repeater Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Securing your Wi-Fi® Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
WEP Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
WPA Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
MAC Address Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5 Changing System Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Setting or Changing the Administrator Password . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Restoring Factory Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Saving a Current Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Restoring a Previous Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Updating Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Table of Contents
sec tio n
Thank you fo r purchasing th e Belkin Wi re le ss G Univer sal Range Extend er (WURE) a nd welcome to th e w orld of wirel es s networ king. Now you ca n t ake advant age of this ne w h igh-spe ed wireless techno logy and ga in the fre edom to con nect to you r h ome or office networ k w ithout u si ng cable s. This product ac ts as a wireless ra ng e extend er and acce ss point. The ea sy insta ll ation an d s etup will hav e you netwo rking wi rele ssly in min ut es. Plea se be sure to re ad thro ugh this User Ma nual com pletely, and pay sp ec ial atte ntion to the s ec tion ent itled “P lacement of yo ur Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Perfor mance” on t he next page. By fo llowi ng our simple se tup instru ctions, yo u w ill be able to us e your Belk in Home Netwo rk to:
Share one high -speed Int ern et connect ion with al l t he compute rs in your ho me
Share re sources, suc h a s f iles, an d h ard d rives amon g a ll the
connec ted comput ers in your ho me
Share a single pr inter am on g the entire fam ily
Share docum ents, musi c, video, a nd digital pi ctures
Store, retrieve , a nd copy fil es from one comput er to anoth er
Simult aneousl y p lay game s o nline, che ck Inter net emai l, and chat
Advant ages of a Wirele ss Ne twork
Mobili ty – y ou no longe r n eed a dedic ated “comp uter
roo m”—no w y ou can work on a net worked lap top or desk top comput er anywhere wit hin your wi rele ss range
Easy inst allatio n – Belkin Eas y I nstalla tion Wiz ards ma ke
setup sim ple
Flexib ility – set up an d a ccess pr in ters, co mputers , a nd other
networ king devic es from anywhere in you r h ome
Easy expa nsion – the wi de range of Be lk in netwo rking produc ts
let you ex pa nd your net work to inc lu de devic es such as print ers and gamin g c onsol es
No cablin g req uire d – you can spa re the e xp ense and ha ssle of
ret ro fitting Et her net cablin g t hroughout th e h ome or office
Widesp re ad industr y a cceptan ce – c hoose from a wid e r ange
of interope rable netw orking produ cts
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance
Your w ireless conn ection wil l b e stronger th e c loser your co mputer is to your wi rele ss ro uter (or ac ce ss point ). Typi cal indoor op erati ng range for yo ur wireless d ev ices is bet ween 100 an d 2 00 feet. In th e same way, your wireles s c onnec ti on and perf ormance wi ll degra de somewh at as the dist ance betwe en your wireles s rou ter (or acces s point) an d c onnec te d device s i ncre ases. Th is may or may not be notice able to you . A s y ou move far th er from your wireles s rou ter (or access po int), co nn ectio n s peed may decrea se. Factor s t hat can weaken si gnals si mp ly by getti ng in the way of you r n etwork’s radi o waves are meta l a pplianc es or obstr uctions , a nd walls.
If you hav e c oncer ns about yo ur network ’s perfo rmance t ha t might be rel ated to ran ge or obstr uc tion fac tors, try mov ing the com puter to a positi on between fi ve and 10 feet from th e w ireless router (o r a ccess point) in orde r t o s ee if dista nce is the problem . I f difficulti es persi st even at cl os e range, pl ease conta ct Belki n Techn ical Suppo rt.
Note: Whi le some of the it ems list ed be low can affec t n etwork perfor mance, the y w ill not prohi bi t your wirele ss network from functi oning. If y ou are c on cer ned that yo ur network is no t o peratin g at its max im um effective ness, th is checkli st may help.
1. Wireless Router (or Access Point) Placement
Place you r w ireless router (o r a ccess po in t), the cen tral conne ction point of y ou r networ k, as close as po ssible to the ce nter of you r wireless ne twork devi ces.
To achieve the best wireless network coverage for y our “wireless cli ents” (i .e., computers enabled by Belkin Wireless Notebook Network Cards, Wirel ess Desk top Netw ork Cards, and Wireless USB Adapters):
• Ensure that yo ur wireless route r’s (or acc ess poin t’s) net working antenn as are p arallel to ea ch other, a nd are p osition ed vertica lly (toward the ce iling). If yo ur wireless route r ( or acces s p oint) itse lf is positi oned ver ti cally, point the an tennas a s m uch as possib le in an upwa rd direct ion.
• In multistory homes, place the wireless router (or access point) on a floor that is as close to the center of the home as possible. This may mean placing the wireless router (or access point) on an upper floor.
• Try not to plac e t he wireless route r ( or acces s p oint) near a cordless 2. 4GHz phone .
sec tio n
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id placi ng your wireles s rou te r (or acces s p oint) ne ar devices th at may emit r ad io “nois e,” such as mi crow ave ovens. De nse obje cts that can inhib it wireless com municat ion incl ud e:
• Refrig erators
• Washe rs and/or d ry ers
• Metal cab inets
• Large aquariu ms
• Metall ic-base d, UV-tinte d w indows
If your wi rele ss signal s ee ms weak in som e s pots, ma ke sure that object s s uch as thes e a re no t b locking th e s ignal ’s path (be tween your comp uters an d w irel ess router or ac ce ss point ).
3. Cordless Phone Placement
If the per fo rmanc e o f y our wireless ne twork is im pa ired after
attend ing to the abo ve issues, an d y ou have a cordle ss phone:
• Try movin g c ordless phon es away from wireles s rou te rs (or access po ints) an d y our wireless -e nable d c omputer s.
• Unplug an d rem ove the bat te ry from any cordless ph one that oper ates on the 2. 4GHz band ( ch eck the man ufacturer ’s inform ation). If th is fixes th e p ro blem, your ph one may be interf ering.
• If your ph on e suppor ts channel se lection , c hange th e channe l o n t he phone to th e f arthe st channel from yo ur wireless ne twork. For ex ample, c ha nge the pho ne to chann el 1 and move yo ur wire less router ( or access poi nt) to chan ne l
11. See yo ur phone’s user manua l f or detai led instru ctions.
• If necess ary, c on sider sw itching to a 9 00 MHz or 5GHz cordless ph one.
4. Choose the “quietest” channel for your wireless network
In locati ons where homes or offi ces are close to ge ther, su ch as apartm ent buildi ngs or office co mp lexes , t here ma y be wireless networ ks nearby t ha t can confl ict with yo ur s.
Use the Si te Survey cap abiliti es found in th e W irel ess LAN Uti lity of your wi rele ss adapter to locate any ot her wireless ne tworks t ha t are availab le (see your w irel ess adapte r’s ma nu al), and mo ve your
wireless router (o r access po int) and co mp uters to a cha nnel as far away from othe r n etworks as possibl e.
Experi ment with m ore tha n o ne of the avai lable ch an nels in order to find the c le arest connec tion and av oid interf eren ce from neigh bo ring cordless ph ones or other wi re less devic es. For Bel kin wireless networ king product s, use the det ai led Site Su rvey and wi rele ss channe l i nformat ion incl ud ed in your Use r M anual . T hese guide lines should al low you to cov er the maxi mu m possib le area with your wireless router (o r access po int).
5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connections typically require a user name and password, and are used where security is important. Secure connections include:
• Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections, often used to connect remotely to an office network
• The “Bring Your Own Access” program from America Online (AOL), which lets you use AOL through broadband provided by another cable or DSL service
• Most online banking websites
• Many commercial websites that require a user name and password to access your account
Secure connections can be interrupted by a computer’s power management setting, which causes the computer to “go to sleep.”
The simplest solution to avoid this is to simply reconnect by re-running the VPN or AOL software, or by re-logging into the secure website. A second alternative is to change your computer’s power management settings so it does not go to sleep; however, this may not be appropriate for portable computers. To change your power management setting under Windows, see the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel. If you continue to have difficulty with Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL, please review the steps above to be sure you have addressed these issues.
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at ww w.belkin .com/ne tworkin g or call Belkin Technical Support at:
US: 877 -736-57 71
310-8 98-1100 ex t. 2263
Europe: 00 800 223 55 46 0
Austra lia: 1800 235 546
New Zeala nd: 0 80 0 2 35 546
Singap ore: 800 61 6 1 790
sec tio n
The WURE is designed to be positioned horizontally on a desktop, or wall-mounted. All of the cables exit from the rear of the WURE for better organization and utility. The LED indicators are easily visible on the front of the WURE to provide you with information about network activity and status.
Front Panel
 
Power LED
Searching LED
Wireless LED
Power LED
WURE powe r o ff
Solid Green
WURE powe r o n
Solid Red
Blinki ng Red
Searchin g
No wireless co nnectio n a vailabl e
Blinki ng Green
Receiv ing/tra nsmitti ng data
Solid Green
WURE is ready
No networ k i s linked to th e p ort
Blinki ng Green
Receiv ing/tra nsmitti ng data
Solid Green
Linked to ne twork
Back Panel Power Jack
Connec t t he inclu de d 4.5V DC powe r s upply to th is jack.
RJ45 Ethernet Jack
Connec t a n E thernet cable to th is socke t, and connec t t o an open RJ45 10Ba se-T or 100 Base-Tx po rt on a switch , h ub, or router.
Auto Connect Button
The “Auto Co nnect ” b utton will au tomatic ally con ne ct and set up you r WURE to a wireles s n etwor k. It is as simpl e a s p ushing a bu tt on.
Reset Button
The “Rese t” butto n i s t o b e u sed in the unl ikely even t t hat your WURE malf unction s. Reset ti ng the WURE rest ores it s normal operat ion while m ai ntain in g the program me d “setti ngs”. You can also res tore the fact or y defaul t s ettings by us ing the “Re set” butto n. Use the restore opti on if, for examp le, you hav e f orgo tten your pas sword.
a. Resetting the WURE
Push and relea se the “Res et ” button . T he lights o n t he WURE will mome ntarily fl ash. The “P ower/Re ady” light wi ll begin to blink. Wh en the “Pow er/Read y” light beco mes soli d a gain, the res et is compl ete.
b. Restoring the Factory Defaults
Press and hol d the “Reset” button for 10 secon ds, then release it. The lights on the WURE will momentarily flash. The “Power/Ready” light wil l b egin to bli nk. When th e “ Power/R eady” ligh t become s s olid aga in , the re store is comp le te.
Rotatable Dipole Antenna
An omnidi re ctional di pole anten na is locat ed on the back of th e WURE. The an tenna s c an ro ta te 180 degree s. The antenn a s hould be orient ed in the vert ical posit ion for bes t p erforma nce.
 
 
Power Jack
RJ45 Ethernet Jack
Reset Button
Auto Connect Button
s ec tion
Ove r view
Package Contents
B e lkin W irele ss G W irele ss Un iv ers al R ang e E xte nde r
D eta cha ble Ante nna
P ower S upply
U s er M a nua l
Q uic k Ins ta llation G uide
E therne t C able
E a sy In s talla tion Wiz ard S oftwa re C D- R O M
Sys tem R equirements
A t le as t one co mpu ter with a n ins talled 80 2 . 11 g or
802. 11b- co mplia nt wire le ss E the rne t a da pter
T C P /IP netwo rking proto c ol ins talle d on ea c h com puter
C AT 5 ne tw ork ing cable (or be tter )
M ic ros of t® Intern e t E xp lore r 4. 0 or later, or Ne tsc ap e® 4. 0 or later
Wir eles s:
R adi o Tec hno log y Dire c t S eque nc e S pre ad S pe c trum (DS S S )
• IE EE 80 2.3, IE EE 802.3u 10/100 Bas e- T x, auto -ne gotiation, auto- MDIX
• Network S ta nd a rd IE EE 802 .11b (Wi- F i) and IE EE 8 02. 11g complianc e
• OFDM; 802.11b: CC K (11Mbps , 5.5Mbps), DQPS K (2Mbps ), DB PS K (1Mbps )
• Opera ting F req uenc ies : 2 .4 12 –2. 49 7G H z
• Opera ting C ha nne ls 80 2. 11g: 11 f or North Am eric a, 13 for E urope (E T S I), 14 for J a pa n
11 for Nor th Americ a, 14 for J a pa n, 13 fo r Europe (E T S I)
• WE P (6 4- a nd 12 8- bit keys ) O pen, S ha red Authe ntic ation
• WP A- PS K (T K IP, AE S )
• WP A2- PS K (A ES )
Management: B rows er- ba s ed Maximum User s: 32 (W LA N) Ports: 1 10 /1 00 B a se- T x R J 45 port (LAN )
1 po wer ja ck 1 re s et butto n 1 Auto C onne ct butto n
LEDs: P ower, S ea rc hing , L AN , W ireles s
Configuring the WURE
Wireless G
Universal Range
Wireless G
Notebook Card
Wired Router
Wireless G
Desktop Card
Configuring as a Wireless Access Point
1. Connect
Connecting as a Wireless Access Point
The WU RE can add wirel es s-ena bl ed co mp uters t o an ex istin g wired networ k. The access point a cts as a bridg e betwe en your existi ng wired ne tw ork a nd your w ireless-e quipped comput ers. Pl ease be sure to fol low the steps below c aref ully.
1.1 Se lect a suita bl e pla ce for yo ur WU RE .
1.2 Connect a CAT5 cable between the WU RE and your rout er ’s
LAN po rt, or an Ethe rne t switc h or hu b.
1.3 Conn ec t the p ower su pply to the WU RE by p luggi ng the
rou nd DC c onnec to r int o the D C jack on the WU RE. P lu g the power supply into th e wall. Verify th at th e “Powe r” LED an d the “L AN” LED are illu mi nated . If bo th LEDs a re illumi nated, the WU RE is c onnecte d properl y.
Configuring the WURE
sec tio n
2. Install
Running the Easy Install Wizard Software
2.1 Shu t down any program s that are runni ng on y our com puter
at thi s time. Turn off any fi re wall or Internet- co nnect io n­sharin g softw are on yo ur comp ut er.
2.2 Insert the Wirel ess Ran ge Exte nder Ma nagemen t Utili ty
softwa re C D int o your CD -ROM dr ive. Th e Uti li ty wi za rd will automa tically appear within 15 sec onds.
NOTE: If th e Uti li ty wi za rd does n ot star t up au tomatic ally, select
your C D-ROM d rive from “ My Co mp uter” a nd do ub le-cl ic k on th e file n amed “S etup.ex e” on t he CD-R OM.
2.3 You wil l now s ee the first o f a ser ies of prog re ss screen s
that w ill ins tall th e Wireles s Range E xtend er Mana ge ment Utilit y. It is recom me nded to take t he de fa ult s et tings .
2.4 Once i nstal la tion is comp le te, y ou may ru n the U tilit y
pro gram by doub le -clic ki ng th e short cu t ico n.
NOTE: Bot h your PC and WU RE mu st be w ired into y our net work
for th is Util ity to work.
3. Configure
Running the Wireless Range Extender Management Utility
3.1 To star t your Wire less Ra nge Ext ender M anageme nt Util ity,
double -click the “Be lkin Ra nge Ext ender U tility” icon. You will s ee the followi ng screen .
Wirele ss Ra nge E xtende r
Configuring the WURE
3.2 Cli ck the “Refresh” b utton. The Uti lity wi ll dete ct the
WURE(s ) conne cted to your n etwork. Select the WU RE you wish t o confi gure .
3.3 If your WU RE’s IP address is not in the same su bnet as your
networ k, the “Set IP Address” b utton w ill b e enabl ed . Cli ck the “S et IP A ddre ss” b ut ton. A pop-u p screen wi ll appe ar.
3.4 Set the IP address of your W URE to be with in the same
subnet as you r netwo rk. For exampl e, if y our route r’s I P address is 192. 16 8.1.1 , set y ou r WUR E to 19 2. 168.1 .x x (x x would be any number between 2–254) . Be ca re fu l of duplic ate IP addresses o n you r netwo rk . The n set t he subnet mask t o be th e same as your networ k’s s ubnet m ask.
3.5 Cli ck the “UR/AP” button .
Wirele ss Ra nge E xtende r
NOTE: If the “UR/AP” button is gra yed out , click the
“Refresh ” butto n.
Configuring the WURE
sec tio n
3.6 The “UR/AP mode s witch” window will ap pear. Sel ect the AP
radio button.
Congratulations. Your WURE is now set up
for access point mode.
4. Advanced Configuration
Configuring your WURE through the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
4.1 If you wis h to us e the Web- Based A dvanced User I nterfac e, clic k
the “We b Manag em ent” bu tton.
4.2 For more detai ls, see the “U ndersta nding t he Web-B ased
Advanc ed User Interf ace” se ction.
Wirele ss Ra nge E xtende r
Configuring the WURE
Configuring as a Wireless G Universal Range Extender
Auto Connect Button
Auto C onnect is a qu ick and easy m ethod t o autom aticall y set u p your WURE t o your wire less ne twork . It is d esign ed to remov e the n eed for users to set the cor re ct SSID a nd ch an nel. It is a s simpl e as pu sh ing a butt on.
Note: Auto Connect will w ork onl y if th e wireless ro uter (o r acces s
point) has se curity disable d.
1. Connect
Connecting the WURE
1.1 Locate and pos ition t he WURE next t o the rou ter to which
you wi sh to e xpand t he cove rage area .
1.2 Connect the po wer sup ply to the WUR E. Plug the po wer
supply into t he wall .
1.3 Verify t hat the “Power ” LED a nd the “Wireless ” LED a re
illumi nated. The “Se arch ing” LE D sho ul d be bl inkin g (red).
2. Configure
Configuring with One-Touch Setup
2.1 Push an d hold the “Au to Conn ect” bu tton fo r 10 se conds.
Configuring the WURE
sec tio n
2.2 Release the “Auto Connect” button; the WURE will automatically
associ ate to the wirel es s router (or acc ess poi nt) wit h the stronges t signa l. In m os t cas es , thi s will be the rout er to which you pos itioned the WU RE clos est.
2.3 Once th e WURE has ass ociated to you r router (or acc ess
point) , the “ Searching ” light ( re d) will not il luminat e.
2.4 The con figurat ion of your WU RE is n ow comp lete. T he SSID
of your WURE will automatically match the SSID of the wireless rou ter ( or acce ss poin t) to w hi ch it i s ass oc iated .
3. Reposition
Repositioning the WURE in a Weak Signal Area or Dead Spot
3.1 Reposit ion the WURE b etween the wirel ess route r and t he
new co verage area .
3.2 Reconne ct the power t o the W URE and it wil l autom aticall y
rea ssoci at e its el f wit h the l as t wireles s router (or acc ess point) to whi ch you success fully c onnecte d.
Note: A uto Con nect wi ll work only i f the w irel ess route r (or a ccess
point) has se curity disable d.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
The most c on venie nt way to access th e WURE’s Web -Base d Advanc ed User Int er face is to con nect the un it to the wireless rout er through the in cluded cab le. Once yo u f inish conf iguring th e device , you can di sc onnec t t he cable.
Wireless G
Universal Range
Wireless G
Notebook Card
Wireless G
Wireless G
Desktop Card
If you wis h t o c onnect a co mp uter directl y t o the WURE to c on figure it, you mu st set your clie nt to match th e s ettings of th e WURE befo re you can ac ce ss the Web-Bas ed Advan ce d User Inte rface. Per form the follow ing steps f rom the co mpute r f rom w hi ch you wish to co nfigu re your WURE .
Note: You must un do these st eps once yo u h ave comple ted
config uring your WU RE.
Windows 98SE, Me, 2000, and XP
1. Go to th e W indow s C ontrol Panel an d d ouble-c lick on the
“Netwo rk” icon or th e “ Network Co nnectio ns” icon .
2. Right-cli ck on the “Loc al Area Co nnect io n” for your wi re less
adapte r a nd selec t “ Prop erties” .
3. In th e “ General ” t ab, sele ct the Internet Protoco l T CP/IP se ttings
for your w irel ess adapte r a nd click on th e “ Propertie s” button.
4. Select the “U se the foll owing IP ad dres s” radio bu tt on.
5. Enter an IP ad dres s i n the same sub net as the WUR E. For
exampl e, 192.168 .2.200.
6. Enter the f ol lowin g s ubnet mask : 2 55.255. 255.0. T he n click “OK ”.
Using the Web-Based Advanced User Interface
sec tio n
Note: Onc e y ou have com pleted con figurin g y our WURE , rep ea t steps 1 through 3. Then se lect “Ob tain an IP aut om atica ll y” or set a val id IP for your c om puter on th e s ame subn et as the networ k t o w hich you are connect ing.
Logging into the WURE
Using you r I nternet browser, y ou can access th e W URE’s Web -Based Advanc ed User Int er face. In yo ur browser, typ e “ 192.168 .2.254” (d o not type i n a nything el se such as “ht tp://” or “ww w”). Then, pres s t he “Enter ” k ey.
You wi ll see the WUR E’s home pa ge in your brows er window. The home page is visible to an y u ser who wan ts to see it. To make any change s t o t he WURE’s settin gs, you hav e t o l og in. Clic ki ng the “Login ” b utton or cl icking on any on e of the links on th e home page will take yo u to the login sc re en. The WUR E s hips with no p as sword entered. In th e l ogin screen, le ave the pas sword b lank and cl ick the “Submi t” button t o l og in.
Note: A n I P a ddress confl ict can occ ur if you use a CAT5 ca ble to try
to manage th e WURE whil e i t a lready has a wireles s c onnec ti on to the same router. To re solve th is issue you n ee d to discon nect one of th e connec tions to th e W URE (wired or wirele ss ).
1. (Wired ) D iscon ne ct the CAT5 ca ble; manag e t he WURE wireles sly.
2. (Wireless) Reset your WURE; manage the WURE though a CAT5 cable.
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