Belkin F5D7050A Users Manual

Knowing Your Router
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P7447 1- B
Wireless G USB Network Adapter
2.4GHz • Wireless802.11g
Connect your desktop or notebook computer to a FAST wireless network
User Manual
Wireless G USB Network Adapter
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Benefits of a Home Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Advantages of setting up a Belkin Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . 1
Placement of your Wireless Networking
Hardware for Optimal Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Important Factors for Placement and Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Applications and Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Product Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Knowing your Wireless USB Network Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Installing and Setting Up the USB Network Adapter . . . . . . . 9
Step 1: Install the Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Step 2: Conne ct your USB Ada pter t o your PC . . . . 10
Step 3: Let Windows Finish t he Ins talla tion . . . . . . . 11
4 Uninstalling the Software and Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Using the Belkin Wireless LAN Monitor Utility . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Securing your Wireless Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6
7 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
8 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Table of Contents
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Thank you for purchasing the Belkin Wireless G USB Network Adapter (the Adapter). Now you can take advantage of this great new technology and gain the freedom you need around the home or office without using cables. The Wireless USB Network Adapter works like a conventional network adapter, but without the wires. The easy installation and setup will have you networking wirelessly in minutes. Plea se be sure to read through this U se r Manual comp le te ly, a nd p ay special at te ntion to th e section en ti tled “Place me nt of your Wi reless N et working Hardware for Opti ma l Performance ” on page 2. By f ol lowing our si mp le setup instruct io ns your Belki n Ho me Network wi ll allow you to :
• Share on e h ig h- speed Intern et co nn ec tion with al l t he co mp ut ers in your h ome
• Share resources, such as files, and hard dr iv es am on g all the connecte d compu te rs in your home
• Share a sin gl e pri nt er wi th th e ent ire family
• Share do cuments, music, video, and digital pictures
• Store, retri ev e, an d cop y fil es from one computer to another
• Simultan eo us ly pl ay ga me s o nl ine, ch eck I nternet e-mail , and chat
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin Wireless Network:
Mobility – you’ll no longer need a d ed icated “computer room”— now you c an wo rk on a network ed lapt op or deskto p compu te r anywhere within your wirel ess r an ge
Easy installati on – Belkin Easy Install at io n W iz ard makes setup simple
Flexibil it y – set up and a ccess p rinters, computers , and other networki ng devi ce s f rom anywhere in yo ur ho me
Easy Expansion – the wide range o f B el ki n n et working pro ducts let you e xpand your n etwork to in clude devices such as pr inters and gaming consoles
No cabling re qu ired – you can spare the expe ns e and hass le of ret ro fi tt ing E thernet cabl in g throughou t the home or off ice
Widespread industry accept an ce – choos e from a w id e r an ge of interoperable networkin g products
Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware for Optimal Performance
Your wireless connec ti on will be st ronger t he closer you r computer is to yo ur W irel es s Router (o r Ac cess Point) . Typi ca l indoor oper at ing range fo r yo ur wireless devic es i s between 1 00 a nd 200 feet . In the same way, your wi reless c on nection and p er formance wi ll d egrade somewhat a s the distanc e be tween your Wi rele ss R outer (or A cc es s Point) a nd c onnected de vi ce s increases. This m ay or may not b e noticeab le t o you. As y ou m ove further f rom yo ur Wirel ess Router or Acces s Po int, connec ti on speed may de crea se . Factors tha t ca n weaken s ig na ls simply b y ge tting in th e wa y of your n et wo rk’s ra di o waves are meta l ap pliances or o bs tructions, an d walls.
If you h av e concern s about your ne tw ork’s p er formance th at m ight be rel ated to ran ge o r obstructi on f actors, try m ov ing the com pu te r to a position b et ween five a nd t en feet from the Wi rele ss R outer, in o rder to see i f di stance is t he p ro bl em . If difficulties p er sist even a t cl ose range, p le as e contact B el ki n Tech nical Suppo rt .
Note: While so me o f the items l is ted below c an a ff ec t network
performa nc e, they will no t proh ib it your wireless ne tw ork from function in g; if you are conce rned that y ou r network i s no t operating a t its maxi mu m effe ct iveness, th is c hecklist ma y he lp.
1. Placement of your Wireless Networking Hardware
Place your Wire less Router (or A ccess P oint), the c entral connection point of your network, as close a s p os sible t o t he cent er of your wireless network devices.
To achieve the b es t wireless networ k coverage for yo ur “wireless clients” ( i. e., compute rs e nabled by B el ki n Wire less Notebo ok N etwork Cards, Wireless Desk to p Network Cards, an d Wire le ss USB Adapte rs ):
• Ensure t hat y ou r W ireles s Rou te r (or Acce ss Poin t) ne tw or king antennas are pa rallel to ea ch ot her, an d a re position ed ve rt ic ally (toward the c ei ling). If yo ur Wi rele ss Ro ut er (o r Acc es s Poi nt ) itself is positioned vertic al ly, point the antennas as much as possible in an upward d irecti on .
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• In multistory homes, place the Wireless Router (or Access Point) on a fl oo r t ha t i s as close to the ce nter of th e hom e as possibl e. This may mean placing the Router on an up pe r flo or.
• Try not t o p la ce th e Wireless Route r (or Access Point) near a cordless 2.4GHz phone.
2. Avoid Obstacles and Interference
Avo id placing yo ur Wirel ess Router or A ccess Point n ea r devices t ha t may emit r ad io “noise”, s uc h as microwave ov en s. Dense obje ct s that can inhi bi t Wire le ss communic at io n can inclu de :
• Refriger at or s
• Washe rs and/ or dr ye rs
• Metal cabinets
• Large aq ua ri ums
• Metallic -b as ed UV ti nt ed wi nd ows
If your wi rele ss s ignal seems w ea k in some s po ts , make sure that objects su ch as these a re not b lo cking the s ig na l’s p at h (between yo ur computer s an d Wire less Router o r Access Poin t)
3. Cordless Phone Placement
If the pe rformance of your wirel ess n et work is im pa ired afte r att en di ng to the ab ove i ssues, and y ou ha ve a cordless phone:
• Try moving cordless phones away from Wireless Router s (or Access Points) and your wireless-enabl ed comp ut ers
• Unplug and re mo ve th e b at te ry from any cordless phone that operates on the 2.4GHz band (check manufactu rers informat io n). If this f ixes the p robl em , you r pho ne may be interferi ng .
• If your p hone supports channel selectio n, ch an ge th e cha nn el on the ph one t o t he furt he st ch an nel f rom your wireless network, as possible. For example, change the phone to channel 1 a nd move your Wirel ess R outer t o c ha nnel 11 . S ee yo ur phon e’s user manual for detailed instruc ti ons.
• If necessary, co ns ider switching to a 90 0M Hz or 5G Hz cordless phone.
4. Choose the “quietest” channel for your wireless network
In locat io ns where homes or o ffices a re c lo se together, su ch as apartmen t bu ildings or office c om plexes, the re may b e wire less networks n ea rby that ca n co nflict with y ou rs. Use the S it e Survey capabili ti es of your Wi reless L AN Utility to l oc ate any oth er w irel es s networks ( se e page 16 o f th is manual), a nd move your Wi rele ss R outer (or Acce ss P oint) and computers to a channel as far away from other networks as possible.
Experime nt w ith more than one o f the availab le c hannels, in o rder t o find the c le ares t connection an d avoid inter fe renc e from n eighboring cordless phone s or other wireless d ev ic es.
5. Secure connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connect io ns are c onnections th at typically require a us er name and pass wo rd, an d are us ed where security i s important. Se cure connecti on s include:
• Vir tual Private Network (VPN) connecti on s, of te n u se d to conne ct rem otely to a n office network
• The “Bring Your Ow n Acc es s” program from America Online (AOL), which lets you use AOL t hrou gh broadband provided by another cable or DSL service
• Most on-line banking websit es
• Many commercial websites which re quire a user name and password to a cc ess y our a cc ount
Secure connect io ns can be int er ru pted by a c om pu ter’s p ow er manageme nt s etting, whi ch c auses it to “ go to sleep.” T he simplest solution t o avoid this is t o simply reconnec t by re- ru nning the V PN o r AOL soft wa re, or b y re -l ogging into t he secure web site.
A second a lt ernat iv e is to chang e yo ur computer ’s power manageme nt s ettings so it d oes not go to s leep; howev er, this may not be a pp ropr ia te for portab le c omputers. To chan ge your power manageme nt s etting unde r Wi ndows, see th e “Power Opti on s” item in the Cont rol Pa ne l.
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If you c on ti nue to have d iffi cu lt y with Secu re Con ne ct ion, VPNs a nd AOL plea se rev ie w steps 1-4 a bo ve to be sure you h av e addressed these is su es .
These gu id el ines should a ll ow you to c ov er the maximu m po ssible are a with your W irel es s Router. Sho ul d you need to c over an even wid er a re a, p lease go to t he networking p rodu ct s ection on (www.belkin .c om /networking ) fo r more details on B el kin’s W irel es s Range Ex te nd er/Access P oi nt .
For more information regarding our networking products, visit our website at www.belk in .c om/networki ng o r call our Techni ca l Support.
The Adap te r complies wi th t he IEEE 802 .1 1g standard in order to commu ni ca te with oth er 8 02.11g and 80 2. 11b-complia nt wireless devic es .
• 2.4GHz ISM (Industri al , Sci en ce, a nd Me di cal) ba nd op eration
• Integrat ed , eas y- to-use prof il e m an ager fo r s to ring mu ltiple
wireless network settings for work, school, home, or any other setup
• USB 2.0 i nterface, for Plug-and- Pl ay in st allation and convenience
in virtually any desktop or notebook compute r
• WPA security (Windows XP only), 64-bit WEP or 128-bit Encryption
• Wireless access to n etworked re so urce s
• Support for both infrastruc tu re and ad-hoc (peer-to-p ee r)
networki ng mode s
• Packet transfer rate of up to 5 4M bps
• Easy installati on an d use
• LED link/activi ty in di ca tor
• Desktop stand allows you to position your Adapter for optimal
wireless performance
Applications and Advantages
Wireless roa mi ng wi th a lapto p around the home o r o ffic e
Off ers t he freedo m of network in g— without cables.
Compatib le with 802. 11 b
802 .11g wireless LAN solutions are backward -compatible with exi sting Wi-Fi (80 2.11b) products and with other 802.11g product s.
Difficult-to-w ire environments
Enables network in g i n build in gs wi th so li d o r finis he d w al ls , o r open are as wh ere wiring is difficult to i nstall.
Fre quently changing environments
Adapts easily in off ices or en vi ronm en ts th at frequent ly rearrang e or change locations.
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Temporary LANs for s pecial proj ec ts or pe ak ti me Sets up t emporary networks such as at trade s hows, e xhibitions, and constructio ns si te s, wh ic h n ee d net wo rks o n a short- te rm basis; also companie s who need addition al wo rk st ations for a peak activity period .
SOHO (Small Off ice/Home Office) n etworking needs Pro vides the ea sy an d q ui ck sm al l n et wo rk in stallation SOHO users need.
Product Specifications
Host Int er fa ce: USB 2.0 This product i s co mpatible wi th t he
USB 1.1 an d USB 2.0 spe ci fi cation. To achieve max im um networking speeds ( 54 Mb ps), this d ev ic e must be connecte d to a USB 2.0 ho st port on a PC. Conn ec ti on of this de vi ce to a USB
1.1 host p or t will yiel d a maximum of 11Mbps n et wo rking speed .
Power Co ns um ption: 500mA (m ax )
Certific at io n: FCC Clas s B, CE Mark, C -T ic k
Operatin g Temp er at ure: 32–131° F (0 –55° C)
Storage Temper at ure: -13–158° F ( -25–70° C)
Typical Operat in g Range: Up to 20 0’ *
*Distance and connection speeds will vary depending on your networking environment
System Requirements
• PC with o ne av ailable USB port
• Windows® 98SE, 2000, Me, or XP
Package Contents
• Belkin Wireless USB Network Adapter with Desktop Stand
• Quick Installat io n G ui de
• Installa ti on So ft ware CD
• User Manual
Knowing your Wireless USB Network Adapter
Protective Cap
Activity LED
Blinking Green: Scanning
Off: No Activity
On: Connected to network
USB Adapter
Desktop stand (Optional Use)
The cap c an be st ored on the opposite end of the U SB co nnector.
The cap s naps over th e U SB connecto r for protection.
Installing and setting up the USB Network Adapter
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Step 1 Install the Software
WARNING: Install the software before inserting the Adapter
1.1 Insert the CD into yo ur CD -ROM dr ive.
1.2 The Belkin Wireless USB Network Adapter Setup Utility screen will
automati ca ll y a pp ear. If it does not appear within 15–20 second s, then select your CD-ROM drive and double-cli ck on the folder named “Files”. Next double- cl ick o n the icon named “Star t. ex e”.
1.3 In the menu window, drag y our m ou se
over the “Install” button then select “Click here” to st ar t t he soft wa re installa ti on program.
1.4 T he in st aller w ill s tart. C lick “Next”
to continue.
1.5 If you are usin g Win do ws 20 00 or
Windows XP, you will see a me ss age similar to the one be low. T hi s D OE S NOT mean there is a pro blem. C lick “Continu e Anywa y” .
Installing and setting up the USB Network Adapter
1.6 When the installe r is done installin g
the software, y ou wi ll se e the foll ow in g screen. Click “ Finish”.
Step 2 Connect the USB Adapter to your PC
2.1 A ft er th e s of tw are insta ll ation i s
finished , the messag e “You can p lug in your W LAN a dapter now” will ap pear. Plug the Adapter into an a vailable USB port on yo ur de sk top o r notebook comput er.
For desktops: For notebooks:
Product Placement
The best location for your adapter is on to p of your compute r’s monitor. Placing the Adapter on your desktop is acceptable, howev er, avo id placing the Adapter near metal objects such as a c om puter case o r speakers . Any object that is metal has the ab ility t o b lo ck th e rad io signals from th e A da pter.
Installing and setting up the USB Network Adapter
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Step 3 Let Windows Finish the Installation
3.1 A ft er co nnecting your Adapter,
Windows will detect that new hardware has been installed. Dependi ng on your version of Windows, a window similar to the on e p ic ture d here will appear. Select the option “Install the software automati ca ll y ( Re commended)” and click “Next”.
3.2 If you are usin g Win do ws 20 00 or
Windows XP, you will see a me ss age similar to this one. This DO ES NO T mean there is a problem. Click “Continu e Anywa y” .
3.3 If you are usin g Win do ws 98 SE or
Me, you w ill b e a sk ed to restart your computer. Selec t “Re st ar t”. I f y ou are using Windows 2000 or X P, you w il l s ee a window similar to t his o ne. Click “Finish”.
3.4 When the installa ti on is comp le te , t he
Belkin Wireless Monitor icon will appear on your d esktop. To ope n the Monito r Utility, do uble-click on this icon.
+ 30 hidden pages