The Adap te r complies wi th t he IEEE 802 .1 1g standard in order
to commu ni ca te with oth er 8 02.11g and 80 2. 11b-complia nt
wireless devic es .
• 2.4GHz ISM (Industri al , Sci en ce, a nd Me di cal) ba nd op eration
• Integrat ed , eas y- to-use prof il e m an ager fo r s to ring mu ltiple
wireless network settings for work, school, home, or any
other setup
• USB 2.0 i nterface, for Plug-and- Pl ay in st allation and convenience
in virtually any desktop or notebook compute r
• WPA security (Windows XP only), 64-bit WEP or 128-bit Encryption
• Wireless access to n etworked re so urce s
• Support for both infrastruc tu re and ad-hoc (peer-to-p ee r)
networki ng mode s
• Packet transfer rate of up to 5 4M bps
• Easy installati on an d use
• LED link/activi ty in di ca tor
• Desktop stand allows you to position your Adapter for optimal
wireless performance
Applications and Advantages
• Wireless roa mi ng wi th a lapto p around the home o r o ffic e
Off ers t he freedo m of network in g— without cables.
• Compatib le with 802. 11 b
802 .11g wireless LAN solutions are backward -compatible with
exi sting Wi-Fi (80 2.11b) products and with other 802.11g product s.
• Difficult-to-w ire environments
Enables network in g i n build in gs wi th so li d o r finis he d w al ls , o r
open are as wh ere wiring is difficult to i nstall.
• Fre quently changing environments
Adapts easily in off ices or en vi ronm en ts th at frequent ly rearrang e
or change locations.