sec tio n
Thank you fo r purchasing th e Belkin Wi re le ss G Plus Desk top Card
(the Card). No w y ou can take ad vantage of th is great new tec hnology
and gain t he free dom to netw ork your home an d off ice comp ut ers
wireless ly. This Ca rd al lows you to co nn ect a deskt op compute r
to your ne tw ork. The ea sy install ation an d s etup will hav e y ou
networ king wireles sly in minute s. Pleas e b e s ure t o rea d t hrou gh this
User Manu al compl et ely, a nd pay specia l a ttent io n to the secti on
entitl ed “Placem ent of your Wi re le ss Netwo rking Hardwa re for
Optima l P erforma nce” on pag e 2 .
Benefi ts of a Home Netw ork
Your B elkin Ho me Network wi ll allow yo u t o:
• Share one hig h-speed In terne t c onnec ti on with all th e c omput er s
in your ho me
• Share resources, su ch as files, a nd hard dr ives amo ng all the
connec ted comput ers in your ho me
• Share a single p ri nter wit h t he entire famil y
• Share docume nts, music , v ideo, an d d igital pic tures
• Store, re triev e, and copy file s f ro m o ne compu te r to anothe r
• Simulta neously pl ay games on line, chec k I nternet email , a nd chat
Advant ages of a Wirele ss Ne twork
Here are some of the advantages of setting up a Belkin wireless network:
• M obili ty – y ou’ll no long er need a dedi cated “com puter room”—
now you ca n w ork on a netwo rk ed lapto p o r d esktop com puter
anywhe re wi thin your wirel ess range
• Easy inst allatio n – Belkin Eas y I nstalla tion Wiz ard mak es
setup sim ple
• Flexib ility – set up an d a ccess pr in ters, co mputers , a nd other
networ king devic es from anywhere in you r h ome
• Easy expa nsion – the wi de range of Be lk in netwo rking produc ts
lets you e xp and your ne twork to in cl ude devi ces such as prin ters
and gamin g c onsol es
• No cablin g req uire d – you can spa re the e xp ense and ha ssle of
ret ro fitting Et her net cablin g t hroughout th e h ome or office
• Widesp re ad industr y a cceptan ce – c hoose from a wid e r ange
of interope rable netw orking produ cts